Also, have you tried messing with the Orc at all? I want to use this because it's supposed to be a Horse staple, but it just feels so blah.
Hey, the Orc is alright as long as you accept that it's expendable.
I can't say I've fiddled with it yet, but using a Proto Myomer Booster in conjunction with an engine reduction might save enough mass for more missile reloads. Otherwise...well, drop a launcher, I guess. I don't really want to change the weapons systems, though, because of how it makes good use of infernos.
Here's the Balaur - an experiment in making good use of a ProtoMech AC. This thing has one goal and one goal only: to take on and disable vehicles. Flak and AP rounds are both viable here, with both working better vs their intended targets than the PAC/2, while Precision can be used to help down Hovercraft. Still unsure if it's useful, but hey, it's something.
Type: ProtoMech
Mass: 11 tons
Chassis Config: Quad
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Internal Structure: Standard 28 points 1100 kg
Engine: Fusion Engine 40 1000 kg
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 4 600 kg
Heat Sinks: Single Heat Sink 0
Cockpit: Standard 750 kg
Armor: Standard Armor AV - 42 2100 kg
Internal Armor
Structure Factor
Head 3 6
Torso 11 15
Legs 12 15
Main Gun 2 6
Equipment Location Heat Damage Mass
ProtoMech Autocannon/4 MG 0 4 4500 kg
PAC/4 Ammo (20) Torso - - 1000 kg
The Balaur 2 is more of a standard line trooper, albeit one that uses a LAMS because why the hell not.
Balaur 2
Type: ProtoMech
Mass: 11 tons
Chassis Config: Quad
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Internal Structure: Standard 28 points 1100 kg
Engine: Fusion Engine 40 1000 kg
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 4 600 kg
Heat Sinks: Single Heat Sink 5 1250 kg
Cockpit: Standard 750 kg
Armor: Standard Armor AV - 47 2350 kg
Internal Armor
Structure Factor
Head 3 6
Torso 11 18
Legs 12 17
Main Gun 2 6
Equipment Location Heat Damage Mass
Medium Chemical Laser MG 0 5 1000 kg
Medium Chemical Laser MG 0 5 1000 kg
MCL Ammo (30) Torso - - 1000 kg
Laser Anti-Missile System T1 5 - 1000 kg