Author Topic: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)  (Read 22820 times)


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Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« on: 26 February 2019, 22:42:48 »
I am gonna have to recalculate everything because I forgot to account for the errata that changed Tech B ICE engines' multiplier.

I bumped this up to 6 tons from 5.4 because of the Support Vee construction rules. That, combined with the ridiculous level of gas-guzzling common to 1930s engines, is why this has such a huge amount of wasted tonnage at the end, even after using Fractional Accounting.

but seriously why did i do this

(Edit: The Flammpanzer I and PzI-C have been edited into this post as well.)
(Edit2: Panzer I-C BV has been recalculated, on the basis that I did a dumb.)
(Edit3: Panzer I-F has been added.)

Code: [Select]
Panzerkampfwagen I (Ausf B)
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 6 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1936
Cost: 22,591 C-Bills
Battle Value: 31

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 74kW Maybach NL38TR
Cruise Speed: 21.6 kph
Flanking Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: 7-13mm armor
    2 MG13 7.92mm machine guns
Manufacturer: Henschel, MAN, Krupp, Daimler
    Primary Factory: Germany, Terra (discontinued 1937)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: n/a

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)         5 points                2.106
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     1.248
    Cruise MP:  2
    Flank MP:   3
Crew:               2
Fuel:               200km    0.025
Turret:                                                                    0.500
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   16 pts                          1.008

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front      4        1
                                          Left/Right     3/3      1/1
                                              Turret      4        1
                                                Rear      2        1

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
2x 7.92mm MGs                                TU        0         2         0.040
@7.92mm (2250)                               BD        -         0         0.090
600kg wasted                                 BD        -         0         0.600
383kg cargo                                  BD        -         0         0.383

Panzer I:
Obsolete even when it was first produced, the Germans' first foray into armored vehicles since the humiliating Peace of Versailles was a small, six-ton tank simply referred to as the Panzerkampfwagen I . It was lightly armored, slow, and utterly unsuitable for combat against other tanks due to its light armament.

The main reason the Germans bothered putting the Panzer I into production at all was that treaty stipulations had banned them from having tanks at all. They lacked the experienced officer corps that they knew a successful armored campaign would need, and the Panzer I was built as a simple, functional training tank for that purpose, which could also take on infantry in a pinch.

Despite its limited utility, the underpowered little tank served in the Spanish Civil War, which helped the Germans gain badly-needed information and experience that helped them develop their newer vehicles and tactics. Panzer Is served as late as Operation Barbarossa before being either converted to some other use (ammo carrier, for instance), sent to rearguard duty, or scrapped outright.

As usual for nonsense like this, here's my math if you want to check it. I'm aware it should have more crew as per the rules, but IRL it only had the driver and the gunner.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 5
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
Tractor (x1.2)
6,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5 * 1.2
Base engine value: 0.013
yes turret
Engine weight: 6 x 0.013 x 8 x 2(ICE tech B) = 1,248kg
Fuel (200km): 0.02 x 1,248 = 25kg fuel
Crew: 2
Max armor: 16
16 pts BAR 5 armor (B): 16x63 = 1,008kg

I couldn't find any BV or cost numbers for the Vintage Minigun from ATOWC (what the 7.92mm counts as), so I ballparked it based on it being basically an inferior Support MG. Someone's bound to remedy my failed spot check at some point, but I'll leave these provisional numbers in place until then.

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    20.0
 16 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals     7.5
 5 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.1
Def BV2    27.225

Weapon              BV
Vntg Minigun        1.5
Vntg Minigun        1.5
@vµG (0.09x)        0.045
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2     3.0
Speed factor   x 0.77
Off BV2     4.185

Total BV2    31.410 -> (31)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 2.106T * 2 (Arm) * 1.1 (Tra)] 11,583.00
Engine - ICE [5k * 13.52T * 1 (ICE)] 6,240.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 16 pts] 3,200.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         15,767.25

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (5k * 0.5T) 2,500.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         18,267.25

Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
@vµG (0.09x)                                        45.00

Cost with weapons                               21,312.25

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.060
Dry Cost                                        22,590.99
Total Cost                                      22,591.00

(Space reserved for FlakPanzer I)


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Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #1 on: 26 February 2019, 22:49:20 »
I threw together the Panzerjäger I as well, for giggles.

Code: [Select]
Panzerjäger I
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 6 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1939
Cost: 24,546 C-Bills
Battle Value: 38

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 74 kW Maybach NL 38 TR
Cruise Speed: 21.6 kph
Flanking Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: 6-14.5mm armor
    4.7 cm Pak(t)
Manufacturer: Henschel, MAN, Krupp, Daimler
    Primary Factory: Germany, Terra (discontinued 1941)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: n/a

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)         4 points                2.106
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     1.248
    Cruise MP:  2
    Flank MP:   3
Crew:               2
Fuel:               200km    0.025
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   14 pts                          0.882

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front      5        1
                                          Left/Right     4/4      1/1
                                                Rear      1        1

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
47mm cannon                                  FR        0         1         1.000
@47mm (84)                                   BD        -         0         0.126
0.613T cargo                                 BD        -         0         0.613

Panzerjäger I:
Even after selling hundreds of Panzer Is to other countries, Germany still had over a thousand of those obsolete chassis in service at the end of the '30s. While they made up about 20 percent of German tanks in the invasion of France, they were not effective in the mobile warfare that was being pioneered, except against infantry.

Several modifications were proposed to keep the outdated Panzer I chassis relevant. This included a flamethrower variant, a howitzer that overstressed the chassis, and the most common variant, mounting a captured Czech anti-tank gun in an open-topped fighting compartment. This was known as the Panzerjäger I.

These converted assault guns were effective enough against the French and in North Africa, but were hopelessly outclassed by the Soviets' heavier tanks and longer-ranged guns. Few survived the bloody attrition warfare on the Eastern Front.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 5
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
Tractor (x1.2)
6,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5 * 1.2
Base engine value: 0.013
no turret
Engine weight: 6 x 0.013 x 8 x 2(ICE tech B) = 1,248kg
Fuel (200km): 0.02 x 1,248 = 25kg fuel in BT
but this is a WW2 tank that guzzles gas like crazy
figure a lot of the remaining cargo space is set aside for extra petrol
this will have no effect on gameplay, obviously
Crew: 2
Max armor: 16
14 pts BAR 5 armor (B): 14x63 = 882kg

Calculations for this one were a bit easier, since I could just use values from the Mech-mounted Medium Recoilless Rifle from my Non-Canon Cannons thread.

I still deserve to be slapped across the face with a trout for this, tho. :P

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    17.5
 14 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals     6.0
 4 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.1
Def BV2    23.265

Weapon              BV
47mm (MedRR)       19.0
@47mm (0.126T)      0.63
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2     3.0
Speed factor   x 0.77
Off BV2    14.402

Total BV2    37.667 -> (38)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 2.106T * 2 (Arm) * 1.1 (Tra)] 11,583.00
Engine - ICE [5k * 13.52T * 1 (ICE)] 6,240.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 14 pts] 2,800.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         15,467.25

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (n/a)      0.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         15,467.25

47mm Cannon (MedRecRf)                           7,500.00
@47mm (0.126T)                                     189.00

Cost with weapons                               23,156.25

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.060
Dry Cost                                        24,545.63
Total Cost                                      24,546.00

(Spaces reserved for Bison and KlPzBefWagen)


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Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #2 on: 27 February 2019, 00:10:25 »
While I appreciate the effort, I do have to wonder why these are posted under non-combat vehicles.


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Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #3 on: 27 February 2019, 00:33:46 »
Same reason as a few of the other things in this subforum. While not "non-combat", they are built using Support Vee rules.

If it would be more appropriate to move this thread to Combat Vees (despite not using the Combat Vee rules, strictly speaking) I'm perfectly okay with that.


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Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #4 on: 28 February 2019, 23:19:43 »
I may as well add the Czech '35 tank in here. It's considerably tougher than either of the previous tanks I posted in this thread, hence the higher BV. As historians well know, though, these things really didn't fare well on the Eastern Front, for both mechanical and tactical reasons.

(TACAM R-2 added)

Code: [Select]
Panzerkampfwagen 35(t)
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 11 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1935
Cost: 46,122 C-Bills
Battle Value: 65

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 89 kW Škoda T11/0
Cruise Speed: 21.6 kph
Flanking Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: 8-25mm armor
    3.7 cm KwK 34(t) gun
    2x 7.92 mm MG 37(t)
Manufacturer: Skoda, CKD
    Primary Factory: Bohemia, Terra (discontinued 1940)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: n/a

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)        10 points                3.861
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     2.288
    Cruise MP:  2
    Flank MP:   3
Crew:               4
Fuel:               190km    0.044
Turret:                                                                    0.500
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   26 pts                          1.638

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front      6        2
                                          Left/Right     5/5      2/2
                                              Turret      6        2
                                                Rear      4        2

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
37mm cannon                                  TU        0         1         0.550
@37mm (72)                                   BD        -         0         0.072
7.92mm MG                                    TU        0         1         0.020
7.92mm MG                                    FR        0         1         0.020
@7.92mm (1800)                               BD        -         0         0.072
1.435T cargo                                 BD        -         0         1.435
0.5T wasted space                            BD        -         0         0.500

Panzer 35(t):
Czechoslovakia was a major early target for the Nazi regime, in large part because of the Skoda industrial works and their considerable production capability. When Czechoslovakia surrendered, their existing stocks of tanks were turned over to German control.

The main light tank of the Czechoslovak army was the LT-35, which became known as the Panzer 35t in German service, and the R-2 in Romanian service. It was a fairly average tank for the 11-ton weight class, mounting a 37mm cannon and a pair of machine guns and possessing light armor and middling speed for the era. This put it roughly on par with the Panzer II and other contemporaries, and wound up becoming obsolete within two years of the war's start.

What the '35 tank did not have going for it, though, was reliability. Particularly in the frigid, muddy conditions of the Eastern Front, the Panzer 35t suffered from mechanical breakdowns and severe problems keeping the crew warm. By the end of autumn in 1941, none were still functional in German service; the remaining usable chassis, lacking any replacement parts, were converted into artillery tractors and run into the ground. The Romanian ones served until 1945, dwindling in number, utility, and reliability all the while. A few were converted into assault guns using captured Soviet cannons. (TACAM R-2: No turret, remove one MG. 76mm cannon/@(40), 24 pts armor. BV 62; cost 75,694 C-Bills.)

Code: [Select]
Slots: 6
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
Tractor (x1.2)
11,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5 * 1.2
Base engine value: 0.013
no turret
Engine weight: 11 x 0.013 x 8 x 2(ICE tech B) = 2,288kg
Fuel (190km): 0.019 x 2,288 = 44kg fuel in BT
but this is a WW2 tank that guzzles gas like crazy
figure a lot of the remaining cargo space is set aside for extra petrol
this will have no effect on gameplay, obviously
Crew: 4
Max armor: 26
26 pts BAR 5 armor (B): 26x63 = 1638kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    32.5
 26 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals    15.0
 10 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.1
Def BV2    47.025

Weapon              BV
37mm (MedRR)       19.0
@37mm (0.072T)      0.36
Vntg Minigun        1.5
Vntg Minigun        1.5
@vµG (0.072)        0.036
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2     5.5
Speed factor   x 0.77
Off BV2    18.031

Total BV2    65.056 -> (65)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 3.861T * 2 (Arm) * 1.1 (Tra)] 21,235.50
Engine - ICE [5k * 2.288T * 1 (ICE)] 11,440.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 26 pts] 5,200.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         28,406.63

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (5k * 0.5T) 2,500.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         30,906.63

37mm Cannon (MedRecRf)                           7,500.00
@37mm (0.072T)                                     108.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
@vµG (0.072T)                                       36.00

Cost with weapons                               41,550.63

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.110
Dry Cost                                        46,121.20
Total Cost                                      46,122.00


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #5 on: 03 March 2019, 23:15:26 »
Here's something a bit more useful.

Code: [Select]
Sturmgeschütz III (Ausf.G)
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 24 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1940
Cost: 125,998 C-Bills
Battle Value: 108

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 221kW Maybach HL120 TRM
Cruise Speed: 21.6 kph
Flanking Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: 16-80mm armor
    75mm StuK 40 L/48
    7.92 mm MG34
Manufacturer: Alkett, MIAG
    Primary Factory: Germany, Terra (discontinued 1945)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: n/a

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)        12 points                8.424
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B) 296hp                               4.992
    Cruise MP:  2
    Flank MP:   3
Crew:               4
Fuel:               155km    0.078
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   52 pts                          3.276

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front     15        3
                                          Left/Right   13/13      3/3
                                                Rear     11        3

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
75mm Cannon                                  FR        0         1         3.000
@75mm (54)                                   BD        -         0         1.350
7.92mm MG                                    FR        0         1         0.020
@7.92mm (600)                                BD        -         0         0.024
2.836T cargo space                           BD        -         0         2.836

Sturmgeschütz III: Like many of Nazi Germany's armored vehicles, the Sturmgeschütz III (or StuG III, for short) was born from the fascist regime's interminable resource and production problems, and the resulting need to reuse as many older chassis as possible. The Panzer III chassis which the StuG III was based on was a perfectly serviceable design for the prewar era, and was quite mechanically reliable, but its armament and armor were increasingly outmatched by newer and bigger Soviet tanks. Eschewing a turret, the StuG III instead mounted a 75 millimeter cannon -- the same one as on the upgraded Panzer IV -- in a hull-down, forward-mounted orientation, and usually operated as a tank destroyer. StuG IIIs became one of the most numerous combat vehicles in the German arsenal, second only to the SdKfz 251 half-track.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 6
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
Tractor (x1.2)
24,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5 * 1.2
Base engine value: 0.013
no turret
Engine weight: 24 x 0.013 x 8 x 2(ICE tech B) = 4,992kg
Fuel (155km): 0.0155 x 4,992 = 78kg fuel in BT
once again, though, assume gas guzzling
Crew: 4
Max armor: 52
52 pts BAR 5 armor (B): 52x63 = 3276kg
actually pretty tough by WW2 standards
for its size anyway

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    65.0
 52 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals    18.0
 12 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.1
Def BV2    82.17

Weapon              BV
75mm (LtRifle)     21.0
@75mm (1.35T)       4.05
Vntg Minigun        1.5
@vµG (0.024)        0.012
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2    12.0
Speed factor   x 0.77
Off BV2    25.602

Total BV2   107.772 -> (108)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 8.424T * 2 (Arm) * 1.1 (Tra)] 46,332.00
Engine - ICE [5k * 4.992T * 1 (ICE)] 24,960.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 52 pts] 10,400.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         61,269.00

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (n/a)              0.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         61,269.00

75mm Cannon (LtRifle)                           37,750.00
@75mm (1.35T)                                    1,080.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
@vµG (0.024T)                                       12.00

Cost with weapons                              101,611.00

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.240
Dry Cost                                       125,997.64
Total Cost                                     125,998.00

I'll start doing some British and Soviet stuff next i think.

Edit: Added the StuH 42 to this post as an attachment.
Edit 2: Added the early StuG with the short gun, for early-war nonsense.

(Space reserved for Sturminfanteriegeschütz 33B and SU-76i.)


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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #6 on: 06 March 2019, 23:49:52 »
Code: [Select]
A27M Cromwell IV
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 28 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1944
Cost: 153,385 C-Bills
Battle Value: 142

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 450kW Rolls-Royce Meteor V12
Cruise Speed: 32.4 kph
Flanking Speed: 54.0 kph
Armor: 15-100mm armor
    1 Ordnance QF 75mm cannon
    2 Besa 7.92mm machine guns
Manufacturer: Birmingham Railway Carriage & Wagon Company, others
    Primary Factory: Great Britain, Terra (production ended 1945)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: n/a

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)        15 points                8.190
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     9.464
    Cruise MP:  3
    Flank MP:   5
Crew:               4
Fuel:               200km    0.190
Turret:                                                                    0.500
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   60 pts                          3.780

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front     15        3
                                          Left/Right    11/11     3/3
                                              Turret     14        3
                                                Rear      9        3

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
75mm Cannon                                  TU        0         1         3.000
@75mm (64)                                   BD        -         0         1.600
7.92mm MG                                    TU        0         1         0.020
7.92mm MG                                    FR        0         1         0.020
@7.92mm (4950)                               BD        -         0         0.198
Additional 282kg fuel for stated range       BD        -         0         0.282
(856kg cargo)                                BD        -         0         0.856

A27M Cromwell:
   Though many British units during the 1944-45 invasion of the European mainland made use of American-made M4 Sherman tanks, the home-grown Cromwell -- named for the English Civil War leader Oliver Cromwell -- was rolled out in time to outfit several brigades.
   The Cromwell made use of the Rolls-Royce Meteor V12 engine, based heavily on engines used on aircraft. The impressive horsepower of these engines gave the Cromwell unparalleled speed for a tank of its size at the time, and could even match the speed of today's tanks of that weight in short bursts -- an impressive achievement for 2144, much less 1944.
   In other regards, the Cromwell was about average for tanks of the late war years. It mounted armor roughly equivalent to its American counterpart, though its greater speed often offered it more survivability. On the other hand, even after its armament was improved from a 57mm gun to the new 75, it was unable to penetrate the armor of many heavier German tanks except by flanking. This and a few other factors led to many Cromwells being either scrapped or upgraded to Charioteer status and sold off once the war was over; Great Britain's armored production swiftly moved on to the A34 Comet and the wildly successful Centurion tank.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 7
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
28,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5
Base engine value: 0.013
yes turret
Engine weight: 28 x 0.013 x 13 x 2(ICE tech B) = 9,464kg
Fuel (200km): 0.02 x 9,464 = 190kg fuel
it really had more, we'll add another 282kg later
Crew: 4
Max armor: 60
60 pts BAR 5 armor (B): 60x63 = 3,780kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    75.0
 60 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals    22.5
 15 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.2
Def BV2   105.3

Weapon              BV
75mm (LtRifle)     21.0
@75mm (1.6T)        4.8
Vntg Minigun        1.5
Vntg Minigun        1.5
@vµG (0.198x)       0.099
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2    14.0
Speed factor   x 1.00
Off BV2    37.1192

Total BV2   142.4192 -> (142)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 8.190T * 2 (Arm)]         40,950.00
Engine - ICE [5k * 9.464T * 1 (ICE)] 47,320.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 60 pts] 12,000.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         75,202.50

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (5k * 0.5T) 2,500.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         77,702.50

75mm Cannon (LtRifle)                           37,750.00
@75mm (1.6T)                                     1,280.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
@vµG (0.198x)                                       99.00

Cost with weapons                              119,831.50

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.280
Dry Cost                                       153,384.32
Total Cost                                     153,384.32

(Space reserved for Cromwell VI and Centaur IV, both of which used a short-barrel 95mm howitzer. None of the other variants saw combat that I'm aware, or at least none that are different enough to warrant me doing more stats.)


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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #7 on: 15 March 2019, 10:27:03 »
Code: [Select]
Klement Voroshilov Tank (model 1941)
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 45 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1938
Cost: 205,871 C-Bills
Battle Value: 191

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 450kW Model V-2 V12 Diesel
Cruise Speed: 21.6 kph
Flanking Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: 70-90mm
    1 76.2mm M1941 ZiS-5
    3 7.62mm DT Machine Guns
Manufacturer: Kirov Factory, Chelyabinsk Tank Plant
    Primary Factory: Soviet Union, Terra (discontinued 1943)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: None

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)        25 points               13.163
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     9.360
    Cruise MP:  2
    Flank MP:   3
Crew:               5
Fuel:               220km    0.206
Turret:                                                                    0.500
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   94 pts                          5.922

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front     21        5
                                          Left/Right   18/18      5/5
                                              Turret     20        5
                                                Rear     17        5

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
76.2mm Cannon                                TU        4         1         2.000
@76.2mm (111)                                BD        -         0         2.775
7.62mm MG                                    TU        0         1         0.020
7.62mm MG                                   TU(R)      0         1         0.020
7.62mm MG                                    FR        0         1         0.020
@7.62mm MG (3,024)                           BD        -         0         0.121

   When Nazi Germany and several of their vassals-in-all-but-name suddenly invaded the Soviet Union during Operation Barbarossa in June of 1941, the shocked Soviets were nonetheless able to give the invaders a few surprises of their own. One of these was the Kliment Voroshilov tank, or KV tank, which piled on enough armor that no German shells (besides the redoubtable 88) could reliably penetrate. In one memorable instance during the Battle of Raseiniai, a single KV tank held the line against the entire 6th Panzer division on its own for hours before being finally overwhelmed.
   The KV tanks had their problems, of course. They weren't significantly any more powerful than the T-34, and were more expensive and far less mechanically reliable. Furthermore, being essentially prewar designs, the KVs were slow and relied on their weight and armor to solve most problems; when the Germans came up with bigger, more powerful designs, the dwindling number of KV tanks had to be upgraded or converted to be effective. KVs did serve in some form through the end of the war, and their artillery variants served until the mid-1950s.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 9
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
45,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5
Base engine value: 0.013
yes turret
Engine weight: 45 x 0.013 x 8 x 2(ICE tech B) = 9,360kg
Crew: 5
Max armor: 94
94 pts BAR 5 armor: 94x63 = 5,922kg

Ballparked the Vintage MG on the assumption that it would follow
the stats of the infantry-wielded LMG, but inferior.

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)   117.5
 94 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals    37.5
 25 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.1
Def BV2   153.45

Weapon            BV
76.2mm (LtRifle)   21.0
@76.2 (2.775T)      8.325
Vintage MG          1.0
Vintage MG          1.0
Vintage MG          1.0
@vMG (0.121x)       0.0605
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2    22.5
Speed factor   x 0.77
Off BV2   ~37.2745

Total BV2   190.7245 -> (191)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 13.163T * 2 (Armored)] 65,815.00
Engine - ICE [5k * 9.360T * 1 (ICE)] 46,800.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 94 pts] 18,800.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         98,561.25

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (5k * 0.5T) 2,500.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost        101,061.25

76.2mm Cannon (Light Rifle)                     37,750.00
@76.2mm (2.775T)                                 2,220.00
Vintage MG                                         300.00
Vintage MG                                         300.00
Vintage MG                                         300.00
@vMG (0.121)                                        48.40

Cost with weapons                              141,979.65

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.450
Dry Cost                                       205,870.49
Total Cost                                     205,871.00

(Spaces reserved for KV-2 and SU-152. Bias cannons ahoy.)


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #8 on: 16 March 2019, 20:49:10 »
More Soviet nonsense.

edit: The Matilda II was given a 2/3 movement profile in the TRO despite being ploddingly slow, presumably for game balance reasons or something of the sort. Along those lines, I recalculated the T-26 for that speed, since there was plenty of spare weight to do so, and it doesn't make all that much of a difference anyway.

Edit 2: T-26 models 1931 and '32 added, using side-by-side turret rules I finagled.

Code: [Select]
T-26 (Type 1933)
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 10 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1933
Cost: 36,290 C-Bills
Battle Value: 51

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 67kW 4-cyl Armstrong Siddeley type
Cruise Speed: 21.6 kph
Flanking Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: 6-15mm armor
    45mm 20-K Tank Gun
    7.62mm DT Machine Gun
Manufacturer: OKMO Bolshevik Plant
    Primary Factory: Russia, Terra (discontinued 1941)
Communications System: Basic radio (some models)
Targeting and Tracking System: n/a

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)        10 points                2.925
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     2.080
    Cruise MP:  2
    Flank MP:   3
Crew:               3
Fuel:               200km    0.026
Turret:                                                                    0.500
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   24 pts                          1.512

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front      5        1
                                          Left/Right     5/5      1/1
                                              Turret      5        1
                                                Rear      4        1

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
45mm cannon                                  TU        0         1         0.750
@45mm (122)                                  BD        -         0         0.183
7.62mm MG                                    TU        0         1         0.020
@7.62mm (2961)                               BD        -         0         0.119
Additional fuel (174kg)                      BD        -         0         0.174
0.4T wasted space                            BD        -         0         0.400
1.311T cargo                                 BD        -         0         1.311

   A Soviet modification of the British inter-war Vickers 6-ton, the T-26's earliest models were in fact built in Britain, by Vickers. An average light tank for the 1920s and '30s, once the Soviets began producing their own T-26s, they were promptly exported to socialist-aligned parties and saw combat everywhere from the Spanish Civil War to the bloody countryside fighting in China. While slow, even for the time period, the T-26 was quite mechanically reliable, and perfectly usable against infantry forces and the light tanks of the day, including the Germans' Panzer I.
   What really did the T-26 in was the increasing ubiquity of heavier anti-tank weaponry. By the time it served in the Winter War, the tank was already obsolete, despite ongoing modernization and refits over the years. Its use against the German invasion in 1941 led to tremendous losses, particularly to artillery bombardment and air attacks from the Luftwaffe. Most of the rest were close to being run into the ground by that point anyway, and were being kept alive by cannibalizing spare parts from broken machines -- a situation eerily reminiscent of the much later Succession Wars.
   Most of the remaining usable T-26s were converted to flamethrower variants, or were used as tractors, bridgelayers, or other such equipment. There were, however, some that remained combat-ready and active in their primary configuration all the way up until Japan's surrender and the end of World War II. A few captured T-26s in Finnish service even remained in use until the early 1960s as training vehicles.

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    30.0
 24 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals     7.5
 5 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.0
Def BV2    33.75

Weapon              BV
45mm (MedRR)       19.0
@45mm (0.183T)      0.915
Vintage MG          1.0
@vMG (0.119x)       0.0595
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2     5.0
Speed factor   x 0.77
Off BV2    17.10016

Total BV2    50.85016 -> (51)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 2.925T * 2 (Arm)]         14,625.00
Engine - ICE [5k * 2.08T * 1 (ICE)] 10,400.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 24 pts] 4,800.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         22,368.75

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (5k * 0.5T) 2,500.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         24,868.75

45mm Cannon (MedRecRf)                           7,500.00
@45mm (0.183T)                                     274.50
Vintage MG                                         300.00
@vMG (0.119T)                                       47.60

Cost with weapons                               32,990.85

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.100
Dry Cost                                        36,289.935
Total Cost                                      36,290.00

(Space reserved for the OT-133.)


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #9 on: 18 March 2019, 22:31:51 »
Hon hon hon.

edit: recalculated the Char Canon variant for the short-barrel 37mm instead of the standard one.
Edit 2: Recalculated everything.

Code: [Select]

Representing a transitional period between early-industrial machinery and artillery,
and the weapons of war that start to resemble those of the modern era, the
'B-Minus' Tech Level roughly corresponds to World War I tech levels, or more
broadly, the 1895 to 1928 time period. Many of these vehicles and weapons
carried over into World War II.

Units made with this tech level are essentially "primitive" compared to Tech Level B,
but follow all the rules for Tech Level B units with the following exceptions:

1) Armor is roughly 20 percent heavier per-point with B-minus tech. BAR 2 is 30kg
per point, BAR 3 is 45kg per point, BAR 4 is 60kg per point, and BAR 5 is 75kg per
point. Higher Barrier Armor Ratings were not available in this time period.
2) Vehicle structure multiplier is 1.45 rather than 1.3.
3) Engine weight multiplier is 3.75 for steam engines and 3 for ICE, rather than 3.5
and 2, respectively.
4) Cost multiplier is 0.65 rather than 0.75.

Code: [Select]

Short-Barrel 37mm (Short 37)
Support Vees only. Tech Level B.
350kg, 1kg/shot. 3 damage vs. BAR 5, plus 1d6/2 against BAR 4 and below. Range 1/14/28/42(56).
Above BAR 5, treat as a Mech-Mounted Light Recoilless, with the appropriate BV and cost.
May fire indirectly as Artillery vs BAR 5 and below, max range 4 mapsheets.

Short-Barrel 75mm (Short 75)
Support Vees only. Tech Level B.
600kg, 10kg/shot. 5 damage vs. BAR 5, plus 1d6 against BAR 4 and below. Range 2/8/16/24(125).
Above BAR 5, treat as a Mech-Mounted Medium Recoilless, with the appropriate BV and cost.
May fire indirectly as Artillery vs BAR 5 and below, max range 9 mapsheets.

Code: [Select]
Renault FT (Char mitrailleuse)
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 7 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B-
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1917
Cost: 22,118 C-Bills
Battle Value: 30

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 29kW Renault 4-cyl
Cruise Speed: 10.8 kph
Flanking Speed: 21.6 kph
Armor: 8-22mm armor
    8mm Hotchkiss MG
Manufacturer: Société des Automobiles Renault, Berliet, SOMUA
    Primary Factory: France, Terra (discontinued 1933)
Communications System: Basic radio (some models)
Targeting and Tracking System: n/a

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B-)         5 points               2.741
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B-)                                    1.365
    Cruise MP:  1
    Flank MP:   2
Crew:               2
Fuel:               60km    0.009
Turret:                                                                    0.500
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B-)   18 pts                         1.350

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front      5        1
                                          Left/Right     3/3      1/1
                                              Turret      4        1
                                                Rear      3        1

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
8mm MG                                       TU        0         1         0.020
@8mm (4800)                                  BD        -         0         0.192
Additional fuel (61kg)                       BD        -         0         0.061
0.5T wasted space                            BD        -         0         0.500
0.262T cargo                                 BD        -         0         0.262

Renault FT:
   Military historians over the past millennium have written and pored over volumes written about the early years of armored warfare. While World War I's "land battleships" such as the British Mark IV Tank are perhaps a more iconic representation of the armored vehicle's humble beginnings, the Renault FT, a light tank mass-produced by the French Republic, is where the modern tank truly began to take shape.
   With a fully-rotating turret, and a compact, easily mass-produced hull, swarms of these light tanks were used to overwhelm enemy lines and finally overcome the problem of trench warfare. The majority used a machine gun for anti-infantry work (the so-called 'char mitrailleuse'). Most of the rest were of the 'char canon' variant, and mounted a short-barreled 37mm cannon, or sometimes a short-barreled 75mm howitzer for bunker-busting work.
   The FT served with distinction in the first World War, and thousands were built, both for France's army and for export. Licensed versions such as the United States' M1917, and derivatives like Italy's FIAT 3000 and the Soviet T-18 also saw wide use.
   By the time the Second World War rolled around, the FT and its derivatives were quite obsolete, but it had been produced in such numbers that it was still in wide use, even by the French themselves. Over 1,700 old FTs were captured by the Germans or continued in use with the puppet Vichy regime, but for the most part even the desperately chassis-starved Germans found them too old to bother modifying for front-line use, preferring to use them for internal patrols and as airfield guards.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 5
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B- (x1.45)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
Tractor (x1.2)
7,000kg * 0.15 * 1.45 * 1.5 * 1.2
Base engine value: 0.013
yes turret
Engine weight: 7 x 0.013 x 5 x 3(ICE tech B-) = 1,365kg
Fuel (60km): 0.006 x 1,365 = 9kg fuel
but it carried 95L of petrol, so total fuel should be 70kg
Crew: 2
Max armor: 18
18 pts BAR 5 armor (B-): 18x75 = 1,350kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    22.5
 18 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals     7.5
 5 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.0
Def BV2    27.0

Weapon              BV
Vntg Minigun        1.5
@vµG (0.192T)       0.096
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2     3.5
Speed factor   x 0.65
Off BV2     3.10492

Total BV2    30.10492 -> (30)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 2.741T * 2 (Arm) * 1.1 (Tra)]  15,075.50
Engine - ICE [5k * 1.365T * 1 (ICE)] 6,825.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 18 pts] 3,600.00
Tech Rating B-minus x    0.65

Base Structure Cost         16,575.00

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (5k * 0.5T) 2,500.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         19,075.00

Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
@vµG (0.192x)                                       96.00

Cost with weapons                               20,671.00

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.070
Dry Cost                                        22,117.97
Total Cost                                      22,118.00


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #10 on: 28 March 2019, 00:10:27 »

Code: [Select]
Lorraine 37L
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 6 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1937
Cost: 21,861 C-Bills
Battle Value: 26

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 53 kW Delahaye Type 135
Cruise Speed: 21.6 kph
Flanking Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: 7-13mm armor
Manufacturer: Lorraine, Fouga
    Primary Factory: France, Terra (discontinued 1942)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: n/a

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)         4 points                2.106
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     1.248
    Cruise MP:  2
    Flank MP:   3
Crew:               2
Fuel:               130km    0.017
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   14 pts                          0.882

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front      5        1
                                          Left/Right     3/3      1/1
                                                Rear      3        1

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
67kg additional fuel                         BD        -         0         0.067
760kg wasted                                 BD        -         0         0.760
920kg cargo                                  BD        -         0         0.920

Lorraine 37L:
   The French needed an all-terrain logistical vehicle that could tow artillery and move supplies, and the Lorraine company delivered. Though small and not built for combat, the chassis and suspension were quite robust and the Lorraine 37L gained a reputation for reliability. When France fell, the Germans captured these military tractors and happily made use of them, in many cases fitting a snub-nosed artillery piece to them, or creating the most common Marder I tank destroyer configuration by shoving a 75mm or captured 76.2mm gun on top of the Lorraine chassis.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 5
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored (x1.5)
Tractor (x1.2)
6,000kg * 0.15 * 1.5 * 1.3 * 1.2
    i calculated it with Armored so it would be robust
    enough for Marder purposes in the next post
Base engine value: 0.013
Engine weight: 6 x 0.013 x 8 x 2(ICE tech B) = 1,248kg
Fuel (130km): 0.013 x 1,248 = 17kg fuel
carried 114L fuel IRL = 84kg fuel total; 67kg addl
Crew: 2
Max armor: 16
14 pts BAR 5 armor (B): 14x63 = 882kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    17.5
 14 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals     6.0
 4 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.1
Def BV2    23.265

Weapon              BV
no weaponry at all  0.0
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2     3.0
Speed factor   x 0.77
Off BV2     2.31

Total BV2    25.575 -> (26)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 2.106T * 2 (Arm) * 1.1 (Tra)]  11,583.00
Engine - ICE [5k * 1.248T * 1 (ICE)] 6,240.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 14 pts] 2,800.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         20,623.00

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (n/a)      0.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         20,623.00

No armament                                          0.00

Cost with weapons                               20,623.00

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.060
Dry Cost                                        21,860.38
Total Cost                                      21,861.00

as you can imagine, the Marder I will be next, then maybe the 7TP or the SU-85

i'd have thrown the SdKfz 251, Bren carrier, and M3 halftrack into the mix already, btw, but i'm rubbish with support weapons and could use a bit of help on the matter

(Space reserved for 15cm SFH13 auf 37L and 105mm auf 37L)


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #11 on: 28 March 2019, 13:14:13 »
Code: [Select]
Marder I (37L)
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 9 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1942
Cost: 55,273 C-Bills
Battle Value: 38

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 53 kW Delahaye Type 135
Cruise Speed: 10.8 kph
Flanking Speed: 21.6 kph
Armor: 5-12mm armor
    7.5cm PaK 40 OR 76.2mm M1936 F-22 (captured)
    7.92 mm MG34
Manufacturer: Baukommando Becker, Alkett
    Primary Factory: Germany, Terra (refit only)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: n/a

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)         4 points                2.106
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     1.170
    Cruise MP:  1
    Flank MP:   2
Crew:               4
Fuel:               200km    0.017
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   13 pts                          0.819

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front      5        1
                                          Left/Right     3/3      1/1
                                                Rear      2        1

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
75mm Cannon                                  FR        0         1         3.000
@75mm (38)                                   BD        -         0         0.950
7.92mm MG                                    FR        0         1         0.020
@7.92mm (900)                                BD        -         0         0.036
60kg additional fuel                         BD        -         0         0.060
800kg wasted                                 BD        -         0         0.800
22kg cargo                                   BD        -         0         0.022

Marder I:
   The Marder series ("Marten" in German) was a hasty development created by the German Army when the realization set in that the Soviets' new tanks were too tough for the prewar tank guns the Wehrmacht relied upon. With a large number of captured, damaged, and rapidly obsolete chassis to work with, the Germans set about converting them to carry artillery pieces and anti-tank guns, so as to hold the line while proper Panzers were still being constructed.

   Marder IIIs were Czech '38 chassis fitted with an anti-tank gun, the Marder II was the same thing on a Panzer II chassis, and the Marder I was a catch-all name for any other vehicle pressed into service with an anti-tank gun welded to the top. The most common setup was a Lorraine 37L tractor with a 75mm gun or a captured Soviet 76mm gun added, but all sorts of captured prewar British and French chassis were converted along these lines. These conversions kept Germany in the fight far longer than its own shaky industry and limited resources would have allowed.

   For its part, the Marder I was very thinly armored, with little protecting the crew from shrapnel or the elements besides an oilcloth. It was also quite slow off-road. However, it did have the firepower it needed to engage Soviet tanks, particularly in ambush tactics. As a stopgap, that was all that was really required of it.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 5
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Tractor (x1.2)
9,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.2
    no longer Armored, but at BAR 5 with thin armor anyway
    it doesn't really matter, and it's the same chassis as
Base engine value: 0.013
Engine weight: 9 x 0.013 x 5 x 2(ICE tech B) = 1,170kg
Fuel (200km): 0.02 x 1,170 = 24kg fuel
carried 114L fuel IRL = 84kg fuel total; 60kg addl
Crew: 2
Max armor: 16
13 pts BAR 5 armor (B): 13x63 = 819kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    16.25
 13 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals     6.0
 4 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.1
Def BV2    22.0275

Weapon              BV
75mm (LtRifle)     21.0
@75mm (0.95T)       2.85
Vntg Minigun        1.5
@vµG (0.036)        0.018
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2     4.5
Speed factor   x 0.65
Off BV2    16.11636

Total BV2    38.14386 -> (38)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 2.106T * 1.1 (Tra)]             5,791.50
Engine - ICE [5k * 1.17T * 1 (ICE)] 5,850.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 13 pts] 2,600.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         10,681.125

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (n/a)      0.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         10,681.125

75mm Cannon (LtRifle)                           37,750.00
@75mm (0.95T)                                      760.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
@vµG (0.036T)                                       18.00

Cost with weapons                               50,709.125

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.090
Dry Cost                                        55,272.946
Total Cost                                      55,273.00

(Space reserved for "Marder I/76 Auf 37L")


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #12 on: 05 April 2019, 17:23:04 »
Code: [Select]
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 10 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1935
Cost: 41,337 C-Bills
Battle Value: 54

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 80kW PZInz.235 6-cyl
Cruise Speed: 21.6 kph
Flanking Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: 8-17mm armor
    3.7 cm Bofors wz.37 gun
    1x 7.92 mm Ckm wz.30 machine gun
Manufacturer: Panstwowe Zaklady Inzynierii (National Engineering Works)
    Primary Factory: Poland, Terra (discontinued 1939)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: n/a

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)        10 points                3.510
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     2.080
    Cruise MP:  2
    Flank MP:   3
Crew:               3
Fuel:               140km    0.029
Turret:                                                                    0.500
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   24 pts                          1.512

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front      6        1
                                          Left/Right     5/5      1/1
                                              Turret      5        1
                                                Rear      3        1

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
37mm cannon                                  TU        0         1         0.550
@37mm (80)                                   BD        -         0         0.080
7.92mm MG                                    TU        0         1         0.020
@7.92mm (4000)                               BD        -         0         0.160
Fuel Tank (0.115T)                           BD        -         0         0.115
0.6T wasted space                            BD        -         0         0.600
Cargo (0.844T)                               BD        -         0         0.844

   Comparable to later models of the T-26 or Panzer II, the Polish 7TP (7-Ton Polish) wound up growing in size and weight over its development cycle to over nine tons. It was fairly typical for a tank designed in the 1930s, with a maximum speed under 40kph and a cannon designed for engaging other tanks of its size. One-on-one, it was a fair match for most of the machines the Germans (and soon after, Soviets) sent against them in the first year of the war.
   Of course, Poland wasn't able to produce anywhere near enough machines to match the Germans or Soviets, much less both. Despite heroic resistance, they were overwhelmed from two sides at once, long before Britain or France could mobilize any units to help them. The 7TP tanks fared about as well as they could in that situation, but out of the over 100 produced (including a dual-turreted version that mounted only machine guns) fewer than half survived until the Polish surrender. Romania and Germany took possession of all but one of the remaining chassis. They were seen in the invasion of France, but the lack of spare parts relegated them to second-line garrison usage thereafter; the 7TPs were retired and scrapped before the war was over.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 6
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
Tractor (x1.2)
10,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5 * 1.2
Base engine value: 0.013
yes turret
Engine weight: 10 x 0.013 x 8 x 2(ICE tech B) = 2,080kg
Fuel (140km): 0.014 x 2,080 = 29kg fuel in BT
but this is a WW2 tank that guzzles gas like crazy
figure about 144kg fuel total
Crew: 3
Max armor: 24
24 pts BAR 5 armor (B): 24x63 = 1512kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    30.0
 24 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals     7.5
 5 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.1
Def BV2    37.125

Weapon              BV
37mm (MedRR)       19.0
@37mm (0.08T)       0.4
Vntg Minigun        1.5
@vµG (0.16T)        0.08
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2     5.0
Speed factor   x 0.77
Off BV2    16.774

Total BV2    53.899 -> (54)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 3.510T * 2 (Arm) * 1.1 (Tra)] 19,305.00
Engine - ICE [5k * 2.080T * 1 (ICE)] 10,400.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 24 pts] 4,800.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         25,878.75

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (5k * 0.5T) 2,500.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         28,378.75

37mm Cannon (MedRecRf)                           7,500.00
@37mm (0.08T)                                      120.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
@vµG (0.16T)                                        80.00

Cost with weapons                               37,578.75

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.100
Dry Cost                                        41,336.63
Total Cost                                      41,337.00

(Space reserved for C7P tractor and 9TP prototype. I'll throw in the 7TPdw, the dual-turret version, if and when rules for side-by-side turrets become a thing.)


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #13 on: 05 April 2019, 22:09:14 »
Code: [Select]
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 11 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1942
Cost: 68,373 C-Bills
Battle Value: 65

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 2x 103kW GAZ-203 4-cyl
Cruise Speed: 32.4 kph
Flanking Speed: 54.0 kph
Armor: 3-35mm armor
    76.2mm ZIS-3Sh Gun
    7.62mm DT Machine Gun
Manufacturer: Gorkovsky Avtomobilny Zavod (GAZ)
    Primary Factory: Russia, Terra (discontinued 1945)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: n/a

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)         8 points                2.145
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     3.718
    Cruise MP:  3
    Flank MP:   5
Crew:               4
Fuel:               300km    0.112
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   18 pts                          1.134

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front      7        2
                                          Left/Right     5/5      2/2
                                                Rear      1        2

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
76.2mm Cannon                                FR        0         1         2.000
@76mm (62)                                   BD        -         0         1.550
7.62mm MG                                    FR        0         1         0.020
@7.62mm (2000)                               BD        -         0         0.080
224kg additional fuel                        BD        -         0         0.224
17kg cargo                                   BD        -         0         0.017

   The Soviets had their own troubles dealing with unexpectedly heavy German armored assets during Operation Barbarossa. While attrition and improvised units such as the ZIS-30 allowed them to hold back the tide somewhat, the need for a mobile anti-tank gun -- preferably on an existing chassis -- led to the rapid development of the SU-76M.

   The SU-76M was based on an elongated version of the proven T-70 chassis, putting a minimally-armored 76-millimeter cannon on top. Though transmission problems with the dual-engine setup necessitated a minor redesign, the little chassis was fairly speedy for the period, even over muddy terrain. Over 14,000 of these tanks were built, and they saw wide use among the Soviets' Communist Bloc allies, with a handful remaining in use up until the foundation of the Western Alliance in 2014.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 5
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
11,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3
    no longer Armored, but at BAR 5 with thin armor anyway
    it doesn't really matter
Base engine value: 0.013
Engine weight: 11 x 0.013 x 13 x 2(ICE tech B) = 3,718kg
Fuel (300km): 0.03 x 3,718 = 112kg fuel
    given the fuel efficiency of those engines let's
    assume roughly 11:10 ratio of kg fuel to km range and
    triple the fuel amount
Crew: 4
Max armor: 26
18 pts BAR 5 armor (B): 18x63 = 1134kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    22.5
 18 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals    12.0
 8 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.2
Def BV2    37.26

Weapon              BV
76mm (LtRifle)     21.0
@76mm (1.55T)       4.65
Vntg Minigun        1.5
@vµG (0.080)        0.04
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2     5.5
Speed factor   x 1.00
Off BV2    27.252

Total BV2    64.512 -> (65)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 2.145T * 1.1 (Tra)]             5,898.75
Engine - ICE [5k * 3.718T * 1 (ICE)] 18,590.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 18 pts] 3,600.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         21,066.5625

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (n/a)      0.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         21,066.5625

76mm Cannon (LtRifle)                           37,750.00
@76mm (1.55T)                                    1,240.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
@vµG (0.08T)                                        40.00

Cost with weapons                               61,596.5625

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.110
Dry Cost                                        68,372.185
Total Cost                                      68,373.00


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #14 on: 07 April 2019, 00:29:30 »
Time for some equipment the TRO itself didn't cover.

Code: [Select]

85mm cannon
Support Vees only. Tech Level B.
4.5T, 25kg/shot. 8 damage vs. BAR 5 and below. -1 to hit, range 4/26/52/78(140).
Above BAR 5, treat as a standard Medium Rifle, with the appropriate BV and cost.

Code: [Select]
Kliment Voroshilov Tank (85mm Gun)
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 45 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1943
Cost: 265,895 C-Bills
Battle Value: 213

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 450kW Model V-2 V12 Diesel
Cruise Speed: 21.6 kph
Flanking Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: 30-110mm
    1 85mm D-5T gun
    3 7.62mm DT machine guns
Manufacturer: Kirov Factory, Chelyabinsk Tank Plant
    Primary Factory: Soviet Union, Terra (discontinued 1943)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: None

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)        25 points               13.455
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     9.568
    Cruise MP:  2
    Flank MP:   3
Crew:               4
Fuel:               160km    0.153
Turret:                                                                    0.500
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   96 pts                          6.048

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front     21        5
                                          Left/Right   18/18      5/5
                                              Turret     22        5
                                                Rear     17        5

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
85mm Cannon                                  TU        5         2         4.500
@85mm (70)                                   BD        -         0         1.750
7.62mm MG                                    TU        0         1         0.020
7.62mm MG                                   TU(R)      0         1         0.020
7.62mm MG                                    FR        0         1         0.020
@7.62mm MG (3,024)                           BD        -         0         0.121
55kg additional fuel                         BD        -         0         0.055

   A stopgap variant, the KV-85 mated the existing Kliment Voroshilov tank chassis with the turret and gun from the delayed Iosef Stalin-1 (IS-1) tank. The chassis was already showing its age by 1942; larger German anti-tank guns and wider deployment of them made the previously-impressive armor coverage of the KV tank far less viable than it had been during the initial year of the invasion. The larger gun helped the KV-85 compensate, but only to an extent.

   KV-85s were built in too small a number to truly influence the war, but their brutal experience helped Soviet engineers put the finishing touches on the IS-1 tank, which quickly evolved into the more heavily armed and much more numerous IS-2 that influenced Soviet tank design for decades.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 9
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
46,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5
Base engine value: 0.013
yes turret
Engine weight: 46 x 0.013 x 8 x 2(ICE tech B) = 9,568kg
Fuel (160km): 0.016 x 9,568 = 153kg fuel
    sounds about right, let's increase it a bit just to be safe
    let's say 208kg total
Crew: 4
Max armor: 96
96 pts BAR 5 armor: 96x63 = 6,048kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)   118.75
 96 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals    37.5
 25 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.1
Def BV2   154.6875

Weapon            BV
85mm (MedRifle)    51.0
@85mm (1.75T)      10.5
Vintage MG          1.0
Vintage MG          1.0
Vintage MG          1.0
@vMG (0.121x)       0.0605
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2    23.0
Speed factor   x 0.77
Off BV2    57.479268

Total BV2   212.166768 -> (212)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 13.455T * 2 (Armored)] 67,275.00
Engine - ICE [5k * 9.568T * 1 (ICE)] 47,840.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 96 pts] 19,200.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost        100,736.25

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (5k * 0.5T) 2,500.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost        103,236.25

85mm Cannon (Medium Rifle)                      75,500.00
@85mm (1.75T)                                    1,750.00
Vintage MG                                         300.00
Vintage MG                                         300.00
Vintage MG                                         300.00
@vMG (0.121)                                        48.40

Cost with weapons                              181,434.65

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.460
Dry Cost                                       264,894.589
Total Cost                                     265,895.00

edit 1: Aargh, I did it again! I copied over the ammo BV calculation error from the original KV. I'll fix that once I've gotten some sleep. It'll only reduce the overall BV by one, if that, but still.

edit 2: Ok, that's done. I fixed the errors in the T-26 and KV-1 as well.


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #15 on: 07 April 2019, 05:00:29 »
Code: [Select]

85mm cannon
Support Vees only. Tech Level B.
4.5T, 25kg/shot. 8 damage vs. BAR 5 and below. -1 to hit, range 4/26/52/78(140).
Above BAR 5, treat as a standard Medium Rifle, with the appropriate BV and cost.

Code: [Select]
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 30 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1943
Cost: 208,221 C-Bills
Battle Value: 163

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 370kW Model V-2 V12 Diesel
Cruise Speed: 32.4 kph
Flanking Speed: 54.0 kph
Armor: 30-80mm
    1 85mm ZiS-S-53 gun
    2 7.62mm DT machine guns
Manufacturer: Kirov Factory, Chelyabinsk Tank Plant
    Primary Factory: Soviet Union, Terra (discontinued 1943)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: None

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)        15 points                8.775
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                    10.140
    Cruise MP:  3
    Flank MP:   5
Crew:               4
Fuel:               336km    0.341
Turret:                                                                    0.500
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   62 pts                          3.906

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front     13        3
                                          Left/Right   11/11      3/3
                                              Turret     16        3
                                                Rear     11        3

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
85mm Cannon                                  TU        5         2         4.500
@85mm (55)                                   BD        -         0         1.375
7.62mm MG                                    TU        0         1         0.020
7.62mm MG                                    FR        0         1         0.020
@7.62mm MG (2,400)                           BD        -         0         0.096
266kg extra fuel                             BD        -         0         0.266
61kg left over                               BD        -         0         0.061

   The most common upgrade of the T-34 took advantage of the chassis' ruggedness to build a more robust turret for the machine that could carry the bigger 85 millimeter anti-tank gun. This allowed the tank even greater range and viability against the larger German vehicles, such as the Tiger, without sacrificing mobility. These later-model T-34-85s, mass-produced in the tens of thousands during and after the war, served in a host of Soviet Bloc countries for decades. The last was retired during the Korean peninsula's reunification ceremonies, just before the Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere's foundation in 2022.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 9
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
30,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5
Base engine value: 0.013
yes turret
Engine weight: 30 x 0.013 x 13 x 2(ICE tech B) = 10,140kg
Fuel (336km): 0.0336 x 10,140kg = 341kg fuel
    carried 810L IRL, equal to 607kg total
    so another 266kg
Crew: 4
Max armor: 64
62 pts BAR 5 armor: 62x63 = 3,906kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    77.5
 62 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals    22.5
 15 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.1
Def BV2    99.0

Weapon            BV
85mm (MedRifle)    51.0
@85mm (1.375T)      8.25
Vintage MG          1.0
Vintage MG          1.0
@vMG (0.096x)       0.048
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2    15.0
Speed factor   x 1.00
Off BV2    64.0384

Total BV2   163.0384 -> (163)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 8.755T * 2 (Armored)] 43,775.00
Engine - ICE [5k * 10.14T * 1 (ICE)] 50,700.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 62 pts] 12,400.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         80,156.25

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (5k * 0.5T) 2,500.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         82,656.25

85mm Cannon (Medium Rifle)                      75,500.00
@85mm (1.375T)                                   1,375.00
Vintage MG                                         300.00
Vintage MG                                         300.00
@vMG (0.096)                                        38.40

Cost with weapons                              160,169.45

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.300
Dry Cost                                       208,220.545
Total Cost                                     208,221.00


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #16 on: 14 April 2019, 22:47:26 »
ok here's the last of the 85mm guns, on to other tanks when i can concentrate on writing descriptions

Code: [Select]

85mm cannon
Support Vees only. Tech Level B.
4.5T, 25kg/shot. 8 damage vs. BAR 5 and below. -1 to hit, range 4/26/52/78(140).
Above BAR 5, treat as a standard Medium Rifle, with the appropriate BV and cost.

122mm cannon
Support Vees only. Tech Level B.
3.2T, 30kg/shot. 8 damage vs. BAR 5 and below, with 2d6 splash damage to the hex.
Direct fire range 3/11/22/33(140), but +1 targeting penalty if aiming at anything
    that isn't immobile.
May fire indirectly as Artillery vs. BAR 5 and below, max range 23 mapsheets.
Above BAR 5, treat as a standard Mech Mortar/2, with the appropriate BV and cost.

Code: [Select]
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 30 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1943
Cost: 204,304 C-Bills
Battle Value: 163

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 370kW Model V-2 V12 Diesel
Cruise Speed: 32.4 kph
Flanking Speed: 54.0 kph
Armor: 20-45mm
    1 85mm ZiS-S-53 gun
Manufacturer: Uralmash
    Primary Factory: Soviet Union, Terra (discontinued 1944)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: None

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)        12 points                8.775
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                    10.140
    Cruise MP:  3
    Flank MP:   5
Crew:               4
Fuel:               336km    0.341
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   62 pts                          3.906

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front     20        3
                                          Left/Right   14/14      3/3
                                                Rear     14        3

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
85mm Cannon                                  FR        5         2         4.500
@85mm (60)                                   BD        -         0         1.500
266kg extra fuel                             BD        -         0         0.266
61kg left over                               BD        -         0         0.061

   While the T-34-85 was still being worked on, the Soviet Army still needed more powerful guns on the front lines in order to face the new Tiger tank -- or at least, to do so without having to close to painfully close range. The T-34 chassis was versatile and speedy enough for the purpose, but the hull redesign needed for the larger turret was proving to be an issue.

   A turretless casemate tank with a 122mm howitzer was already being produced on the same chassis. (SU-122: 123 BV; cost 142,554 C-bills.) As a stopgap, the Soviets switched the main gun out for an 85mm anti-tank cannon. The new vehicle became known as the SU-85, after the Russian phrase for "self-propelled installation, 85-millimeter".

   These tank destroyers reached the front lines just after the massive tank battle of Kursk in 1943. Their main guns were quite effective against the Germans' Panther and Tiger tanks, and their use of the T-34 chassis and engine granted them considerable speed, but the SU-85s were prone to breakdowns and needed quite a bit of maintenance. Once the up-gunned T-34-85 went into production, the SU-85s were rapidly replaced in Soviet service by the SU-100, and most of the remaining SU-85s were fobbed off on the Soviets' communist-bloc allies once World War II was over.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 9
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
30,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5
Base engine value: 0.013
yes turret
Engine weight: 30 x 0.013 x 13 x 2(ICE tech B) = 10,140kg
Fuel (336km): 0.0336 x 10,140kg = 341kg fuel
    carried 810L IRL, equal to 607kg total
    so another 266kg
Crew: 4
Max armor: 64
62 pts BAR 5 armor: 62x63 = 3,906kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    77.5
 62 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals    22.5
 15 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.1
Def BV2    99.0

Weapon            BV
85mm (MedRifle)    51.0
@85mm (1.500T)      9.0
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2    15.0
Speed factor   x 1.00
Off BV2    64.0384

Total BV2   163.0384 -> (163)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 8.755T * 2 (Armored)] 43,775.00
Engine - ICE [5k * 10.14T * 1 (ICE)] 50,700.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 62 pts] 12,400.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         80,156.25

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (n/a)              0.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         80,156.25

85mm Cannon (Medium Rifle)                      75,500.00
@85mm (1.500T)                                   1,500.00

Cost with weapons                              157,156.25

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.300
Dry Cost                                       204,303.125
Total Cost                                     204,304.00

(Space reserved for SU-100, the good old Su-Sto.)


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #17 on: 15 April 2019, 13:47:59 »
Code: [Select]
A11 Matilda I (Infantry Tank, Mk.1)
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 11 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1935
Cost: 36,388 C-Bills
Battle Value: 52

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 52kW Ford V8
Cruise Speed: 21.6 kph
Flanking Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: 10-60mm
    1 12.7mm Vickers MG
Manufacturer: Vickers-Armstrongs
    Primary Factory: Britain, Terra (discontinued 1940)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: None

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)        10 points                3.861
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     2.288
    Cruise MP:  2
    Flank MP:   3
Crew:               2
Fuel:               150km    0.022
Turret:                                                                    0.500
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   26 pts                          1.638

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front      7        2
                                          Left/Right     4/4      2/2
                                              Turret      7        2
                                                Rear      4        2

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
12.7mm MG (European)                         TU        0         1         0.030
@12.7mm (1500)                               BD        -         0         0.750
144kg additional fuel                        BD        -         0         0.144
1.767T wasted                                BD        -         0         1.767

A-11 Matilda I:
   Armored warfare was still a very new branch of military science in the 1930s, having only really been created in earnest at the tail end of the First World War. On top of this, many British and French veterans of the trenches -- the very men who wound up responsible for determining their nations' mobile doctrines in the interwar years -- were deeply convinced that a Second World War would largely play out like the first, a static conflict of attrition largely based around infantry action.

   The A11 Infantry Tank, Mk.1 (later nicknamed "Matilda" along with its later sibling the A12) was designed with this paradigm firmly in mind. Far too slow for truly mobile warfare, the A11 was built simply to be as cheap and as impervious to enemy weaponry as possible, while engaging and mowing down enemy infantry. Facing other tanks in combat was more or less an afterthought.

   As one might expect, such a strategic doctrine was an abject failure when faced with significant numbers of enemy tanks and artillery. The British Expeditionary Forces' A11s were unable to significantly damage German Panzers during the Battle of France due to their anemic machine gun-only armament. To make matters worse, the Matildas were far too slow to counter mobile tactics effectively. The last-ditch counterattack at Arras nearly succeeded anyway, due to the Matildas' sheer toughness, but German artillery won the day, and the surviving A11s were all abandoned on French soil, where the Germans reluctantly put a few of them to use as patrol vehicles.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 6
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
Tractor (x1.2)
11,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5 * 1.2
Base engine value: 0.013
yes turret
Engine weight: 11 x 0.013 x 8 x 2(ICE tech B) = 2,288kg
   it really only went 1/2, but as per the Matilda II's
   entry in TRO:1945 i'm bumping it up to 2/3 so it's not
   *completely* useless.
Crew: 2
Max armor: 26
26 pts BAR 5 armor: 26x63 = 1,638kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    32.5
 26 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals    15.0
 10 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.1
Def BV2    47.025

Weapon            BV
Vntg Minigun        1.5
@vµG (0.750T)       0.375
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2     5.5
Speed factor   x 0.77
Off BV2     5.39

Total BV2    52.415 -> (52)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 3.861T * 2 (Arm) * 1.1 (Trc)]  21,235.50
Engine - ICE [5k * 2.288T * 1 (ICE)] 11,440.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 26 pts] 5,200.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         28,406.625

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (5k * 0.5T) 2,500.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         30,906.625

Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
@vµG (0.75x)                                       375.00

Cost with weapons                               32,781.625

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.110
Dry Cost                                        36,387.60375
Total Cost                                      36,388.00


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #18 on: 25 April 2019, 14:19:47 »
Code: [Select]
Universal Carrier
(IS Small Support Vehicle)

Mass: 3,750kg
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1939
Cost: 5,948 C-Bills
Battle Value: 24

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 63 kW Ford Flathead V8
Cruise Speed: 32.4 kph
Flanking Speed: 54.0 kph
Armor: 7-10mm armor
    - 1 Bren Gun (7.7mm)
Manufacturer: Various
    Primary Factory: Terra (discontinued 1960)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: n/a

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)         4 points                0.761
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     0.585
    Cruise MP:  3
    Flank MP:   5
Crew:               4
    4 seats    0.300
Fuel:               250km    0.015
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   11 pts                          0.693

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front      3        1
                                          Left/Right     3/3      1/1
                                                Rear      2        1

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
54kg reserved for additional fuel            BD        -         0         0.054
1,274kg cargo (1 door RR)                    BD        -         0         1.274
7.7mm MG                                     FR        0         1         0.020
@7.7mm (1200)                                BD        -         0         0.048

Universal Carrier:
   1930s military doctrines in a number of countries put emphasis on producing a number of smaller "tankettes", in part because they were considerably cheaper to manufacture than full-sized tanks and could be used to ramp up an industrial base. Britain was certainly no exception to this trend, producing various iterations of the Carden-Loyd Tankette for export and their own use, with the Mk.VI being the most prolific. These tankettes were often too lightly armed and armored to be effective in combat, but their frames and suspensions were quite sound.

   Vickers-Armstrong produced a set of minimally-armed versions of the Mk.VI that could be used for towing artillery, moving infantry, or other duties. It was realized within a couple years that it made more sense to simply produce an all-purpose version that could, with minimal modification, perform all of those duties and more, rather than a host of specialized variants. The result was the Universal Carrier, which even a thousand years later ranks among the top 50 most-produced armored fighting vehicles in history.

   The Universal Carrier was often modified for a host of duties: light mortar support, flamethrower support (nicknamed the "Wasp"), and even anti-tank support in some extreme cases. Being such a small machine, the caliber of weapon available was rarely very effective, but it didn't need to be -- the vehicle itself was meant to be cheap, speedy for the time, and adaptable. In those regards, it succeeded brilliantly, and was produced as late as the 1960s, with some versions remaining in use until the mid-1980s.

   Universal Carriers were transferred to the Soviet Union via the Lend-Lease program, and to the other Allies, including the various governments-in-exile aligned with Britain and the United States. Being such a prolific vehicle, it was inevitable that Axis forces would seize some UCs for their own use; the Italians were impressed enough that they briefly attempted to produce a knockoff, while the Germans often fitted theirs with a lighter anti-tank gun or a 20mm anti-air cannon. A few were also used as suicide-bomb demolition vehicles.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 5
Base chassis value: 0.13
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Tractor (x1.2)
3,750kg * 0.13 * 1.3 * 1.2
Base engine value: 0.013
no turret
Engine weight: 3,750 x 0.006 x 13 x 2(ICE tech B) = 585kg
Fuel (250km): 0.025 x 585 = 15kg fuel
   but again this is a WW2 thing
   math indicates its real fuel capacity is 69kg
Crew: 4
Max armor: 12
11 pts BAR 5 armor (B): 11x63 = 693kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    13.75
 11 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals     6.0
 4 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.2
Def BV2    21.33

Weapon              BV
Vintage MG          1.0
@vMG (0.048x)       0.024
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2     1.875
Speed factor   x 1.00
Off BV2     2.6942

Total BV2    24.0242 -> (24)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 0.761T * 1.1 (Tra)]          2,092.75
Engine - ICE [5k * 0.585T * 1 (ICE)] 2,925.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 11 pts] 2,200.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost          5,413.3125

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (n/a)              0.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost          5,413.3125

Vintage MG                                         300.00
@vMG (0.048T)                                       19.20

Cost with weapons                                5,732.5125

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.0375
Dry Cost                                         5,947.4817
Total Cost                                       5,948.00

(Space reserved for 81mm mortar version, Wasp, UC 2pdr, 'Flak38 auf Bren', and 'PaK36 auf Bren'.)


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #19 on: 28 April 2019, 08:57:08 »
Time for planes. I was thinking of shoving this into Aerospace, but it still uses the Support Vee rules, so I'll keep it all in this thread.

Code: [Select]
Junkers Ju-88 A-4
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 14 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Fixed-Wing (Pre-Mach)
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1938
Cost: 65,578 C-Bills
Battle Value: 71

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 2x 1050kW Jumo 211 J-1 or J-2
Safe Speed: 304kph
Max Speed: 510kph unloaded, 433kph w/ full bomb load
    4x 7.92mm MG81 turrets (one dual)
    Up to 1,400kg bombs internally, or up to 3,000kg if using external
Manufacturer: Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke
    Primary Factory: Germany, Terra (obsolete 1951)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: Some later variants equipped with primitive radar

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)        8 points                 2.814
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     3.640
    Safe Thrust:    3
    Max Thrust:     5
    Struct. Integ:  3
Crew:               4
Fuel:               117 pts    3.335
Armor:              BAR 4 (Tech Level B)   18 pts                          0.900

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front      6        2
                                          Left/Right     4/4      2/2
                                                Rear      4        2

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
2 7.92mm MGs                                 FR        0         2         0.040
Dual-Mount 7.92mm MG                       RR(Dorsal)  0         1         0.040
7.92mm MG                                    RR        0         1         0.020
@7.92mm (5000)                               BD        -         0         0.200
2x Dual Bomb Hardpoints                      LW        -         1         0.800
2x Dual Bomb Hardpoints                      RW        -         1         0.800
Internal Bomb Bay (900kg)                    BD        -         0         0.900
Internal Bomb Bay (500kg)                    BD        -         0         0.500
11kg remainder                               BD        -         0         0.011

Junkers-88 A-4:
   Designed in the 1930s and introduced right around the beginning of the invasion of Poland, the Junkers Ju-88 quickly gained a reputation as a supremely versatile and rugged aircraft. The German Luftwaffe appreciated the (for the time) solid abilities of the plane, and mass-produced it more than any of their other twin-engine craft.

   Variants of the Ju-88 were used for reconnaissance, bombing, night fighting, and as heavy assault fighters. They were particularly feared during the Battle of France, and saw wide use during the Battle of Britain. However they were not maneuverable enough to defend themselves against the smaller, faster Allied fighters, and their use as close-support craft on the Eastern Front led to horrendous losses against Soviet ground units.

   Ju-88s were still effective in a bombing role fairly late into the war, hitting Soviet and American fleets and causing mass casualties. However, the Allies' air superiority began to tell as time went on, and it became difficult to deploy the Ju-88 effectively. The bomber served until Germany's surrender, and postwar a few of these vehicles served Finland as training craft for a few years thereafter.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 6
Base chassis value: 0.1
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Turboprop: (x1.2)
14,000kg * 0.1 * 1.3 * 1.2
Base engine value: 0.01
Engine weight: 14 x 0.01 x 13 x 2(ICE tech B) = 3,640kg
Fuel (117pts): 28.5kg/pt x 117pts = 3334.5kg
that should be about how many points it should have
using the P51 as a baseline
Crew: 4
Max armor: 18
18 pts BAR 4 armor (B): 18x50 = 900kg

The "3 Cluster Bombs" number is calculated based on the total tonnage;
WW2 bombs are smaller and not as extensive in their damage patterns,
but it's in the right ballpark as far as BV should be concerned.

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 4)    18.0
 18 pts * 2.5 * 0.4
Struct Integ (3)    6.0
Ammo types
   @vµG           -15.0
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (FxWg)   x 1.0
Def Factor   x 1.2
Def BV2    28.8

Weapon              BV
3 Cluster Bombs    39.0
Vntg Minigun        1.5
Vntg Minigun        1.5
Vntg Minigun (R)    0.75
Dual vµG (R)        1.5
@vµG (0.2)          0.1
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2     7.0
Speed factor   x 1.00
Off BV2    42.48

Total BV2    71.28 -> (71)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 2.814T * 0.75 (Prop)]          5,276.25
Engine - ICE [5k * 3.640T * 1 (ICE)] 18,200.00
Armor - BAR 4 [150 * 18 pts] 2,700.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         19,632.1875

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (n/a)              0.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base plane cost         19,632.1875

Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
Dual Vintage Minigun                             3,000.00
@vµG (0.2T)                                        100.00
3 Cluster Bombs                                 24,000.00

Cost with weapons                               51,232.1875

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.280
Dry Cost                                        65,577.20
Total Cost                                      65,578.00

(Space reserved for C-6, G-6, H-2, and P-3 variants)


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #20 on: 29 April 2019, 20:55:12 »
Of all things, I added this piece of junk to the thread.

Code: [Select]
Carro Armato M11/39
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 12 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1939
Cost: 49,412 C-Bills
Battle Value: 68

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 78kW Fiat SPA 8T V-8 diesel
Cruise Speed: 21.6 kph
Flanking Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: 10-60mm
    1 37mm Vickers-Terni L/40
    2 8mm Breda 38 MGs
Manufacturer: Fiat-Ansaldo
    Primary Factory: Italy, Terra (discontinued 1939)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: None

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)        10 points                4.212
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     2.496
    Cruise MP:  2
    Flank MP:   3
Crew:               3
Fuel:               200km    0.050
Turret:                                                                    0.500
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   28 pts                          1.764

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front      7        2
                                          Left/Right     5/5      2/2
                                              Turret      7        2
                                                Rear      4        2

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
37mm Cannon                                  FR        2         1         0.550
@37mm (84)                                   BD        -         0         0.084
2x 8mm MG                                    TU        0         1         0.040
@8mm (2825)                                  BD        -         0         0.113
171kg additional fuel                        BD        -         0         0.171
825kg wasted                                 BD        -         0         0.825
1.195T cargo                                 BD        -         0         1.195

Carro Armato M11/39:
   Though Italy's military was able to procure tanks, both foreign and domestic, the majority of their armored units in the 1930s were either a locally-built upgrade of the Renault FT which was already obsolete (the FIAT 3000), or one of a series of "tankettes" that turned out to be too small to be effective. The Italians needed modern tanks soon, and they knew it.

   Unfortunately for them, their existing industry was patchy at best. While they smoothed out various technical problems, the Regio Esercito put an order in for an interim tank design that could be shipped to Italy's restive colonies. The stopgap design that resulted was the Carro Armato M11/39, named for "Armored Vehicle, Medium, 11 tons, introduced in 1939" as per a standard naming scheme.

   The M11/39 was painfully inferior to most tanks of the time period. The main gun was only a 37-millimeter, and lacked the range and penetration for use against even early-war tanks. Even this underpowered gun was too big for the M11's anemic turret, forcing the main weapon to be forward-mounted. The tank was also plagued with sheer inadequacies of design, being slow, lightly armored, and suffering from mechanical failures at the worst of times.

   Despite this myriad of problems, 100 of these tanks were produced, and all but the original four prototypes were sent to North Africa and Ethiopia. There they were at least usable against some of the lighter and older units the British and French still used, and against infantry. When heavier units like the Matilda II, Valentine, and M3 Lee entered the fray, though, the M11/39 proved to be hopelessly inferior to Allied units. All were destroyed by the end of 1941, save for a handful captured by an Australian unit and briefly kept in use. The basic design was heavily reworked into the M13/40, M14/41, and M15/42.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 6
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
Tractor (x1.2)
12,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5 * 1.2
Base engine value: 0.013
yes turret
Engine weight: 12 x 0.013 x 8 x 2(ICE tech B) = 2,496kg
Crew: 3
Max armor: 28
28 pts BAR 5 armor: 28x63 = 1,764kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    35.0
 28 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals    15.0
 10 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.1
Def BV2    49.5

Weapon            BV
37mm (MedRR)       19.0
@37mm (0.084T)      0.42
Vntg Minigun        1.5
Vntg Minigun        1.5
@vµG (0.113T)       0.0565
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2     6.0
Speed factor   x 0.77
Off BV2    18.465~

Total BV2    67.965~ -> (68)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 4.212T * 2 (Arm) * 1.1 (Trc)]  23,166.00
Engine - ICE [5k * 2.496T * 1 (ICE)] 12,480.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 28 pts] 5,600.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         30,934.50

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (5k * 0.5T) 2,500.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         33,434.50

37mm Cannon (MedRecRf)                           7,500.00
@37mm (0.084T)                                     126.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
@vµG (0.113x)                                       56.50

Cost with weapons                               44,117.00

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.120
Dry Cost                                        49,411.04
Total Cost                                      49,412.00


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #21 on: 03 May 2019, 11:39:22 »
Time for an artillery tank, hue hue hue.

I still am not sure about the balance levels of these things, but oh well.

Code: [Select]

Support Vees only. Tech Level B.
1.7T, 25kg/shot. 6 damage vs. BAR 5 and below, with 2d6 splash damage to the hex
    (below BAR 5 only).
Direct fire range 3/15/30/45(135), but +1 targeting penalty if aiming at anything
    that isn't immobile.
May fire indirectly as Artillery vs. BAR 5 and below, max range 21 mapsheets.
Above BAR 5, treat as a standard Mech Mortar/1, with the appropriate BV and cost.

Code: [Select]
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 25 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1943
Cost: 122,089 C-Bills
Battle Value: 103

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 298kW Continental R-975 Radial
Cruise Speed: 21.6 kph
Flanking Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: 15-32mm armor
    1 Ordnance QF 25-pdr
    2 Bren LMGs
Manufacturer: Montreal Locomotive Works
    Primary Factory: Canada, Terra (discontinued 1945)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: n/a

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)        15 points                8.775
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     5.200
    Cruise MP:  2
    Flank MP:   3
Crew:               6
Fuel:               200km    0.104
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   54 pts                          3.402

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front     13        3
                                          Left/Right    10/10     3/3
                                                Rear      7        3

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
25-pdr                                       FR        5         1         1.700
@25pdr (105)                                 BD        -         0         2.625
7.7mm MG                                     FR        0         1         0.020
7.7mm MG                                     FR        0         1         0.020
@7.7mm (1500)                                BD        -         0         0.060
146kg additional fuel                        BD        -         0         0.146
2.5T cargo                                   BD        -         0         2.500
458kg wasted                                 BD        -         0         0.458

   Canada's contribution to the Allied war effort in the Second World War was sometimes overlooked, in part because their armored vehicle production was close to nil prior to the outbreak of hostilities. It became clear that they would need to build their own tanks in order to field any armored formations, as the British and Americans were simply too busy equipping themselves.

   After finding the Valentine too slow for their purposes (and shipping much of the surplus off to the Soviet Army via Lend-Lease), the Canadians decided to adapt the American M3 Lee chassis and improve it, leading to an indigenous design known as the Ram. Like the Lee, the Ram was very much an interim design, and wasn't up to the increasingly fierce combat that Allied units were likely to see. As the Allies standardized their armored units around the more common M4 Sherman, the Ram was relegated to training duty and became little more than a footnote.

   The chassis was sound, though. Rather than try to use the Ram in tank combat, the turret was removed and a British 25-pounder howitzer was mounted on a modified version of the chassis, producing a surprisingly able self-propelled gun that rapidly gained the name Sexton, after the religious custodian. (British Commonwealth self-propelled artillery used ecclesiastical names until the introduction of the AS-116 in the aftermath of the Second Soviet Civil War.) Sextons served in Commonwealth units until about a decade after the war's end, and with the army of Portugal until they were replaced in the 1980s.

Surplus Ram chassis were also converted into impromptu infantry transports, known informally as "Kangaroos". Such conversions became common as the need for infantry mobility became more and more apparent, while purpose-built IFVs were still short on the ground.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 7
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
Tractor (x1.2)
25,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5 * 1.2
Base engine value: 0.013
Engine weight: 25 x 0.013 x 8 x 2(ICE tech B) = 5,200kg
Fuel (200km): 0.02 x 5,200 = 104kg fuel
it really had more, we'll add more later
        let's estimate 250kg total
Crew: 6
Max armor: 54
54 pts BAR 5 armor (B): 54x63 = 3,402kg
2.5T cargo and 458kg wasted tonnage are pure conjecture on
        my part

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    67.5
 54 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals    18.0
 12 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.1
Def BV2    84.645

Weapon              BV
25pdr (Mortar/1)   10.0
@Mortar/1 (2.625T)  2.625
Vintage MG          1.0
Vintage MG          1.0
@vMG (0.06x)        0.03
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2    12.5
Speed factor   x 0.77
Off BV2    18.65248

Total BV2   103.29748 -> (103)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 8.775T * 2 (Arm) * 1.1 (Trc)]  48,262.50
Engine - ICE [5k * 5.2T * 1 (ICE)] 26,000.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 54 pts] 10,800.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         63,796.875

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (n/a)              0.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         63,796.875

25-Pounder (Mech Mortar/1)                       7,000.00
@25pdr (2.625T)                                 26,250.00
Vintage MG                                         300.00
Vintage MG                                         300.00
@vMG (0.06x)                                        24.00

Cost with weapons                               97,670.875

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.250
Dry Cost                                       122,088.59375
Total Cost                                     122,089.00

I've got a stack of stat blocks sitting here in sticky note form, waiting to be converted into .txt form and have fluff added, and I have no idea which one I want to do next.
(List removed due to being outdated.)


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #22 on: 05 May 2019, 18:36:20 »
I'm going with this one for now. The J variant is the most common and most representative of them, tho I did stat out the E for early-war battles, too, if anyone wants it. (Edit: I also added the late-war Ausf.N.)

Code: [Select]

50mm cannon
Support Vees only. Tech Level B.
1.1T, 2.5kg/shot. 5 damage vs. BAR 5 and below. Range 3/30/60/90(120).
Above BAR 5, treat as a Mech-Mounted Heavy Recoilless, with the appropriate BV and cost.

Code: [Select]
Panzerkampfwagen III (Ausf.J)
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 22 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1939
Cost: 87,794 C-Bills
Battle Value: 109

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 221kW Maybach HL120 TRM
Cruise Speed: 21.6 kph
Flanking Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: 16-80mm armor
    50mm KwK-38
    2x 7.92 mm MG34
Manufacturer: Daimler-Benz
    Primary Factory: Germany, Terra (discontinued 1943)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: n/a

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)        15 points                7.722
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B) 296hp                               4.576
    Cruise MP:  2
    Flank MP:   3
Crew:               5
Fuel:               155km    0.071
Turret:                                                                    0.500
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   48 pts                          3.024

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front     12        3
                                          Left/Right    9/9       3/3
                                              Turret     11        3
                                                Rear     7         3

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
50mm Cannon                                  TU        3         1         1.100
@50mm (84)                                   BD        -         0         0.210
7.92mm MG                                    TU        0         1         0.020
7.92mm MG                                    FR        0         1         0.020
@7.92mm (2700)                               BD        -         0         0.108
165kg additional fuel                        BD        -         0         0.165
4T wasted                                    BD        -         0         4.000
484kg cargo                                  BD        -         0         0.484

Panzer III:
   The third Panzerkampfwagen design was the centerpiece of German tank formations for the early part of World War II. Tough and reliable, it was able to overpower most of the tanks it encountered in Poland, Norway, and France, as well as many of the early Soviet machines.

   Over 5,700 Panzer IIIs were assembled, in over a dozen variants. The early ones used a 37 millimeter cannon, which was sufficient for early-war combat. (PzIII Ausf.E: 20T, 44pts armor, 37mm cannon/@(130), 3x 7.92MG. 92 BV; cost 79,071 C-Bills.) The majority, however, were built or refitted with a larger 50-millimeter cannon that provided better range, accuracy, and penetration -- all crucial considerations on the Eastern Front. Even after that refit, though, they were not up to the task of matching fire with Soviet T-34s.

   The chassis was heavily used until about 1943, when most of its production was changed over to the redoubtable Sturmgeschütz III. Some Panzer IIIs with the 50mm gun (or a short-barrel 75mm taken from early Panzer IV and StuG III variants) served in France, Italy, and Belgium until the end of the war, and the early models that couldn't be retrofitted with a more modern gun were either scrapped or used for driver training.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 7
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
Tractor (x1.2)
22,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5 * 1.2
Base engine value: 0.013
yes turret
Went with the value I saw for the radio-equipped
tank, that of 84 shells. Should be fine for BT
Engine weight: 22 x 0.013 x 8 x 2(ICE tech B) = 4,576kg
Fuel (155km): 0.0155 x 4,576 = 71kg fuel in BT
320L actual capacity ~ 236kg total = 165kg extra
Crew: 5
Max armor: 48
48 pts BAR 5 armor (B): 48x63 = 2772kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    60.0
 48 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals    22.5
 15 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.1
Def BV2    81.675

Weapon              BV
50mm (HvRR)        26.0
@50mm (0.21T)       1.68
Vntg Minigun        1.5
Vntg Minigun        1.5
@vµG (0.108)        0.054
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2    11.0
Speed factor   x 0.77
Off BV2    27.402144

Total BV2   109.077144 -> (109)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 7.722T * 2 (Arm) * 1.1 (Tra)] 42,471.00
Engine - ICE [5k * 4.576T * 1 (ICE)] 22,880.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 48 pts] 9,600.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         56,213.25

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (5k * 0.5T) 2,500.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         58,713.25

50mm Cannon (HvRecRf)                           10,000.00
@50mm (0.21T)                                      195.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
@vµG (0.108T)                                       54.00

Cost with weapons                               71,962.25

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.220
Dry Cost                                        87,793.945
Total Cost                                      87,794.00

Edit: Added the late-war model Ausf.N. It has the short-barrel 75.

(Space reserved for Flammpanzer III.)


  • Sergeant
  • *
  • Posts: 151
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #23 on: 14 May 2019, 06:56:33 »
Very well done, I love this work. Especially as it is filling in gaps left in XTRO 1945.
>MOC - 3rd Canopian Fusiliers         >Capellan Confederation - Holdfast Guard
>Lyrians - 5th Donegal Guard          >Free Worlds League - 1st Oriente Hussars
>Federated Suns - 2nd NAIS           >Word of Blake/Comstar - undecided unit
>Draconis Combine - 1st Genyosha  >Clan Jade Falcon - Delta Galaxy
>Escorpion Imperio - Seeker Cluster >Pirates - Harlocks Marauders
>Mercs - Roses Heavy Lancers          >Mercs - Reinhold's Raiders
>Mercs/specops - Mausers Shreckenkorps >Mercs - Idol Squadron


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #24 on: 15 May 2019, 20:50:36 »
Very well done, I love this work. Especially as it is filling in gaps left in XTRO 1945.

Thanks! Glad you like it thus far :)

My next couple of posts are going to revolve around the short-barreled weaponry used on stuff like the early Panzer IV and a lot of the French tanks. Which would, by the by, mean re-statting out the Renault R35, FT17 char canon (already done), and Semovente 75/18, since the Short-37 and Short-75 have very different stats, weight, and uses from the normal 37mm and 75mm guns seen in TRO:1945 (but I get the simplicity angle behind why it was done that way originally). There'll be a Short 150, too, mostly to represent the sIG 33 and sFH13 and other similar guns.

oh also i'll edit the PzIII post to have the 50mm gun's stats present. (Done.)

Edit: it occurs to me that a Short-57 would be needed if I do the MkI/MkIV Tank from WWI, but I'll cross that bridge if and when I come to it.


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #25 on: 19 May 2019, 23:36:47 »
French stuff here. I've also started adding the variants as attachments, some of which even have descriptions in addition to the stats.

Code: [Select]

Short-Barrel 37mm (Short 37)
Support Vees only. Tech Level B.
350kg, 1kg/shot. 3 damage vs. BAR 5, plus 1d6/2 against BAR 4 and below. Range 1/14/28/42(56).
Above BAR 5, treat as a Mech-Mounted Light Recoilless, with the appropriate BV and cost.
May fire indirectly as Artillery vs BAR 5 and below, max range 4 mapsheets.

Code: [Select]
Renault R35
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 11 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1935
Cost: 40,375 C-Bills
Battle Value: 60

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 62kW Renault V4
Cruise Speed: 21.6 kph
Flanking Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: 15-43mm
    Short-barrel 37mm Puteaux SA18
    7.5mm Machine Gun (Chatellerault or Reibel)
Manufacturer: Renault
    Primary Factory: France, Terra (discontinued 1940)
Communications System: Basic radio (some models)
Targeting and Tracking System: n/a

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)        10 points                3.861
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     2.288
    Cruise MP:  2
    Flank MP:   3
Crew:               2
Fuel:               130km    0.030
Turret:                                                                    0.500
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   26 pts                          1.638

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front      6        2
                                          Left/Right     5/5      2/2
                                              Turret      6        2
                                                Rear      4        2

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
Short 37mm Gun                               TU        2         1         0.350
@Sh37 (100)                                  BD        -         0         0.100
7.5mm MG                                     TU        0         1         0.020
@7.5mm (4200)                                BD        -         0         0.168
Additional fuel (93kg)                       BD        -         0         0.093
400kg wasted space                           BD        -         0         0.400
552kg cargo                                  BD        -         0         0.552

Renault R35:
   Like many British and French inter-war tanks, the Renault R35 was designed based around the strategies of the First World War. To this end, it was built as a relatively cheap, sturdy "infantry tank" that could be produced en masse. This led to a host of questionable compromises in design that left the R35 ill-equipped for changing warfare, such as the use of an underpowered engine that limited the tank's top speed, and the reuse of the World War I-era Puteaux gun, previously seen on the FT and in many cases directly taken from the old chassis wholesale.

   All of these design choices added up to a cheap and numerous tank that was too short-ranged to be effective, and too slow to get into the ranges it needed to fight at. The R35 was at least relatively tough for its size, but there is only so much one can do to effectively armor such a small, light tank.

   A series of overdue upgrades known as the R40 were in production by the time the Germans turned their attention to France proper. Along with a major overhaul to the suspension and an improved engine, the upgrade used a far more effective long-barrel 37-millimeter gun that actually had the range and power to engage other early-war tanks one-on-one. (Renault R40: 37mm/@(90). BV 64; cost 43,189 C-Bills.) However, only a handful of R40s and up-gunned R35s (known as the R39) were available by June of 1940, and production came to a halt when France was overrun.

   The Germans had the good sense not to try to use many of these tanks on the Eastern Front unmodified. Instead they used their hundreds of captured Renaults as internal security forces or gave them as 'gifts' to their Axis allies. A number served with Italian forces in North Africa and Sicily, while others saw notable use in the Balkans. Romania upgraded a few dozen of the R35s they had bought pre-war with a captured Soviet gun (Vanatorul de Care R35: 45mm/@(35); BV 63, cost 42,720 C-bills.). The Germans themselves took off the turret of some of these tanks to produce something much like the Panzerjäger I, but this conversion was less effective than the Panzer I-based tank destroyer due to the R35 chassis' shoddy suspension. (4.7cm Panzerjäger auf R35(f): No turret, 47mm/@(90). BV 60; cost 42,471 C-Bills.)

Code: [Select]
Slots: 6
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
Tractor (x1.2)
11,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5 * 1.2
Base engine value: 0.013
yes turret
Engine weight: 11 x 0.013 x 8 x 2(ICE tech B) = 2,288kg
once again I gave a tank 2/3 speed that had 1/2 in reality
but I wanted to make it not *quite* as bad as the old FT
Fuel (130km): 0.013 x 2288 = 30kg fuel
but it carried 166L of petrol IRL, so total fuel should be ~123kg
Crew: 2
Max armor: 26
26 pts BAR 5 armor (B): 26x63 = 1,638kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    32.5
 26 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals    15.0
 10 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.1
Def BV2    47.025

Weapon              BV
Short37 (LtRR)     12.0
@Sh37 (0.1T)        0.3
Vintage MG          1.0
@vMG (0.168x)       0.084
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2     5.5
Speed factor   x 0.77
Off BV2    12.479544

Total BV2    59.504544 -> (60)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 3.861T * 2 (Arm) * 1.1 (Trc)]  21,235.50
Engine - ICE [5k * 2.288T * 1 (ICE)] 11,440.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 26 pts] 5,200.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         28,406.625

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (5k * 0.5T) 2,500.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         30,906.625

Short 37 (LtRecRf)                               5,000.00
@Sh37 (0.1T)                                       100.00
Vintage MG                                         300.00
@vMG (0.168T)                                       67.20

Cost with weapons                               36,373.825

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.110
Dry Cost                                        40,374.94575
Total Cost                                      40,375.00

Next up is the Chi-Ha, reworked, along with the Kai (Shinhoto). Looks like I'll be adding a Short 57 after all.


  • Corporal
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  • Posts: 74
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #26 on: 23 May 2019, 19:30:35 »
Cool set of stats.

Can't wait to see the rest.

I have a request to see your take on the Char B1 when you get through your list.


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #27 on: 26 May 2019, 05:58:10 »
I'll move the Char B1 to the top of the list after this post, then. It's one of the things with a short-barrel gun anyway, but I do like that this is popular enough I'm getting requests. Thanks for the feedback! :)

Code: [Select]

Short-Barrel 57mm (Short 57)
Support Vees only. Tech Level B.
450kg, 2.5kg/shot. 4 damage vs. BAR 5, plus 1d6 against BAR 4 and below.
+1 penalty to hit. Range 1/12/24/36(108).
Above BAR 5, treat as a Mech-Mounted Light Recoilless, with the appropriate BV and cost.
May fire indirectly as Artillery vs BAR 5 and below, max range 7 mapsheets.

Code: [Select]
Kyu-nana-shiki Chu-sensha Chi-Ha
(Type 97 Medium Tank 'Chi-Ha')
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 15 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1938
Cost: 53,915 C-Bills
Battle Value: 71

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 127kW Mitsubishi SA12200VD V12
Cruise Speed: 21.6 kph
Flanking Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: 8-25mm armor
    Type 97 57mm tank gun
    2x 7.7mm Type 97 MGs
Manufacturer: Mitsubishi, Hitachi, Sagami Arsenal
    Primary Factory: Japan, Terra (discontinued 1942)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: n/a

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)        10 points                5.265
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     3.120
    Cruise MP:  2
    Flank MP:   3
Crew:               4
Fuel:               210km    0.066
Turret:                                                                    0.500
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   34 pts                          2.142

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front      7        2
                                          Left/Right     7/7      2/2
                                              Turret      8        2
                                                Rear      5        2

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
Short 57mm                                   TU        3         1         0.450
@Sh57 (80)                                   BD        -         0         0.200
7.7mm MG                                   TU(R)       0         1         0.020
7.7mm MG                                     FR        0         1         0.020
@7.7mm (4000)                                BD        -         0         0.160
190kg additional fuel                        BD        -         0         0.190
800kg cargo                                  BD        -         0         0.800
2.067T wasted                                BD        -         0         2.067

Type 97 Chi-Ha:
Developed by Japan as a replacement for the Type 89 I-Go and Chi-Ro, the Type 97 Chi-Ha incorporated many of the lessons of the fighting in China, as well as what lessons Imperial Japan could glean from Europe's armored warfare efforts. What resulted was a fairly decent, if undergunned, tank by the standards of 1938, but it quickly lost effectiveness on the battlefield as larger and tougher tanks became the norm.

Most of the Chi-Ha's statistics are well in line with European tanks of the early war, such as the SOMUA S35 and the early variants of the Panzer III. What prevented it from truly pulling its weight was its short-barreled 57-millimeter gun, which simply lacked the accuracy, range, and penetration power needed to engage other tanks on the battlefield. This was rapidly discovered during border skirmishes against the Soviets, and especially at the Battle of Khalkin Gol.

This loss prompted the Japanese to up-gun the Chi-Ha about halfway into its production run, replacing the "short 57" with a much more accurate high-velocity 47mm gun, producing the Chi-Ha Kai variant. (Chi-Ha Kai/Shinhoto: 47mm/@(114). BV 76; cost 56,855 C-Bills.) Even this was often insufficient against the much heavier armor units the Japanese had to fight, such as the Sherman. Nonetheless, the design was one of the most prolific Japanese tanks of the war, and served until the war's end. Many of these tanks were captured by the Soviets and subsequently turned over to Communist Chinese forces, proving instrumental in their victory over the Nationalist Kuomintang.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 6
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
Tractor (x1.2)
15,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5 * 1.2
Base engine value: 0.013
no turret
Engine weight: 15 x 0.013 x 8 x 2(ICE tech B) = 3,120kg
Fuel (210km): 0.021 x 3,120 = 66kg fuel in BT
actual fuel capacity not known
ballpark 5/4 ratio of kg to km for that era and tonnage
~ 256kg
Crew: 4
Max armor: 34
34 pts BAR 5 armor (B): 34x63 = 2142kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    42.5
 34 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals    15.0
 10 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.1
Def BV2    56.925

Weapon              BV
Short 57 (LtRR)    12.0
@Sh57 (0.2T)        0.6
Vintage MG          1.0
Vintage MG (R)      0.5
@vMG (0.16x)        0.08
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2     7.5
Speed factor   x 0.77
Off BV2    14.50988

Total BV2    71.43488 -> (71)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 5.265T * 2 (Arm) * 1.1 (Tra)] 28,957.50
Engine - ICE [5k * 3.120T * 1 (ICE)] 15,600.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 34 pts] 6,800.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         38,518.125

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (5k * 0.5T) 2,500.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         41,018.125

Short 57mm (Light Recoilless)                    5,000.00
@Sh57 (0.2T)                                       200.00
Vintage MG                                         300.00
Vintage MG                                         300.00
@vMG (0.16T)                                        64.00

Cost with weapons                               46,882.125

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.150
Dry Cost                                        53,914.44375
Total Cost                                      53,915.00


  • Corporal
  • *
  • Posts: 74
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #28 on: 26 May 2019, 08:48:39 »
Thanks!  Keep up the good work!


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #29 on: 04 June 2019, 19:47:48 »
Here we go. Regarding the variant, I'm still not sure about the howitzer balance, but bear in mind the resulting BV and weapon equivalency is when BARs above 5 come into play. For WW2-only balance, things work quite differently.

Code: [Select]

Short-Barrel 75mm (Short 75)
Support Vees only. Tech Level B.
600kg, 10kg/shot. 5 damage vs. BAR 5, plus 1d6 against BAR 4 and below. Range 2/8/16/24(125).
Above BAR 5, treat as a Mech-Mounted Medium Recoilless, with the appropriate BV and cost.
May fire indirectly as Artillery vs BAR 5 and below, max range 9 mapsheets.

Code: [Select]
Char B1 bis
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 31 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1937
Cost: 130,100 C-Bills
Battle Value: 150

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 229kW Renault V12
Cruise Speed: 21.6 kph
Flanking Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: 15-60mm
    Short-barrel 75mm SA35 ABS L17/1 Howitzer
    47mm SA35 L/32 AT gun
    Reibel 7.5 mm MG
Manufacturer: Renault, FAMH, Schneider, FCM
    Primary Factory: France, Terra (discontinued 1940)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: None

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)        20 points               10.881
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     6.448
    Cruise MP:  2
    Flank MP:   3
Crew:               4
Fuel:               180km    0.117
Turret:                                                                    0.500
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   66 pts                          4.158

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front     15        4
                                          Left/Right   12/12      4/4
                                              Turret     15        4
                                                Rear     12        4

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
47mm Cannon                                  TU        3         1         1.000
@47mm (72)                                   BD        -         0         0.108
Short 75mm Gun                               FR        3         1         0.600
@Sh75 (74)                                   BD        -         0         0.740
7.5mm MG                                     TU        0         1         0.020
@7.5mm MG (5,250)                            BD        -         0         0.210
178kg extra fuel                             BD        -         0         0.178

Char B1 Bis:
   Work on what would become the Char B1 began in the years after World War I, which can be seen in many of the aspects of the tank's design. The interminable delays in development and production over the course of fifteen years led to the tank being an expensive, overcomplicated, overengineered, gas-guzzling hodge-podge of an armored vehicle. Nonetheless, it remained one of the most effective tanks the Allies had access to in the early part of World War II, in part due to its highly robust construction and thick-for-its-day armor.

   Indeed, that armor was often the B1's saving grace. The improved 'bis' version, which saw the vast majority of production, had increased armor over the first run of B1s by roughly 50 percent, though there were still a few dozen early B1s running around by 1940. (Char B1: 28T, 44 pts armor, slight differences in ammo. BV 114; cost 112,858 C-Bills.) Most German tank-mounted guns had extreme trouble penetrating this armor, leading to high losses among German units in the rare instances that the French could deploy and support B1 tank units properly.

   The weaponry was quite good by early-war standards, as well, but it had some issues. A short-barreled 75-millimeter howitzer was the main gun of the B1; the near-total lack of horizontal traverse for this weapon made it difficult to use against mobile targets. When the French realized they would have to engage other tanks with some regularity, it was too late to redesign the entire chassis, so the turret-mounted gun became a 47-millimeter, which was sufficient for the time. However, the turret was a small, one-man turret, which meant the commander had to not only command, but also load and fire the weapon. This was a glaring flaw which made it difficult for the B1 to perform as well in practice as it ought to have on paper.

   The B1 bis acquitted itself surprisingly well against German armor during the invasion of France whenever the French could engage the Wehrmacht in a stand-up fight. In one infamous instance at Stonne, a single B1 took out thirteen Panzer IIIs and IVs and lived to fight another day. However, the French Army found it very difficult to deploy or support these slow tanks effectively, and the Germans were often able to flank them, hit them from afar with artillery or air attacks, or simply deprive these gas-hungry, breakdown-prone vehicles of fuel and spare parts.

   When the battle for France was over, the Germans made use of the surviving B1 chassis. Sixty were modified with flamethrowers (Flammwagen B2(f): Replace Short75 with vFlamer/@(20), and replace the 7.5MG with 7.92MG/@(3200). BV 140; cost 131,501 C-bills.) and another sixteen were given larger howitzers and used as artillery support (10.5cm auf B2(f): No turret, replace all weapons with 105mm Howitzer/@(40) and 7.92MG/@(3200). BV 110; cost 128,024 C-bills.) The Germans found all of these disappointing in practice due to their mechanical unreliability and fuel consumption, but the base model was still considered tough enough to be used on the Eastern Front until the Soviets began rolling out tanks with larger cannons. Several B1s were recaptured and operated by Free French forces after Allied forces began liberating France in 1944. The last of these machines were retired roughly a year after the war's end.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 9
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
31,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5 * 1.2
Base engine value: 0.013
yes turret
Engine weight: 31 x 0.013 x 8 x 2(ICE tech B) = 6,448kg
Fuel (180km): 0.018 x 6,448kg = 117kg fuel
    carried 400L IRL, equal to 295kg total
    so another 178kg
Crew: 4
Max armor: 66
66 pts BAR 5 armor: 66x63 = 4,158kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    82.5
 66 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals    30.0
 20 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.1
Def BV2   111.375

Weapon            BV
47mm (MedRR)       19.0
@47mm (0.108T)      0.540
Sh75 (MedRR)       19.0
@Sh75 (0.74T)       3.7
Vintage MG          1.0
@vMG (0.21x)        0.105
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2    15.5
Speed factor   x 0.77
Off BV2    38.63552

Total BV2   150.01052 -> (150)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 10.881T * 2 (Arm) * 1.1 (Trc)] 59,845.50
Engine - ICE [5k * 6.448T * 1 (ICE)] 32,240.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 66 pts] 13,200.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         78,964.125

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (5k * 0.5T) 2,500.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         82,656.25

47mm Cannon (MedRecRf)                           7,500.00
@47mm (0.108T)                                     162.00
Short 75mm (MedRecRf)                            7,500.00
@Sh75 (0.74T)                                    1,110.00
Vintage MG                                         300.00
@vMG (0.21T)                                        84.00

Cost with weapons                               99,312.25

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.310
Dry Cost                                       130,099.0475
Total Cost                                     130,100.00

Next, as per a request from my coworker, I'll throw in the SdKfz 251 half-track. It has a lot of variants so it might be a while. Also I'm going on vacation in a couple weeks, so if I don't post it by the 13th, assume it won't show til around the end of the month.


  • Corporal
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  • Posts: 74
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #30 on: 05 June 2019, 02:12:47 »
Char B1 Bis

Insert 'Squeee' here.

In one infamous instance at Stonne, a single B1 took out thirteen Panzer IIIs and IVs and lived to fight another day.

I want to say this was the Elan but frankly I'm not quite an expert.

Thanks for shuffling your writing queue around.


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #31 on: 06 June 2019, 10:16:39 »
I want to say this was the Elan but frankly I'm not quite an expert.
Twas the Eure. I've been getting a lot of my info from the Tank Encyclopedia, and occasionally MilitaryFactory will have some info (the ammo count, for instance) that I can't find elsewhere.

Thanks for shuffling your writing queue around.

No problem :)


  • Corporal
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  • Posts: 74
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #32 on: 07 June 2019, 01:25:33 »
Twas the Eure. I've been getting a lot of my info from the Tank Encyclopedia, and occasionally MilitaryFactory will have some info (the ammo count, for instance) that I can't find elsewhere.

No problem :)

Sounds fine.  As I said, I'm not an expert!


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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #33 on: 28 June 2019, 23:57:12 »
I didn't put together all the variants for this, because that would take forever. I'll add the /10, /16, and /21 to this post later. I'm still not sure how I'm gonna finagle the Pakwagen (251/22, with the long 75mm) without futzing with the overall tonnage of the vehicle tho. Suggestions on that score are welcome.

Code: [Select]
SdKfz. 251 Halftrack
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)
Mass: 8.5 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1939
Cost: 31,436 C-Bills
Battle Value: 38
Construction Options: Fractional Accounting
Power Plant: 75kW Maybach HL42 6-cyl
Cruise Speed: 32.4 kph
Flanking Speed: 54.0 kph
Armor: 6-14mm
    2x 7.92mm MG34
Manufacturer: Hanomag, Adlerwerke, Skoda, Horch, Borgward
    Primary Factory: Germany, Terra (discontinued 1950)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: None
Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)        4 points                 2.984
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     2.873
    Cruise MP:  3
    Flank MP:   5
Crew:               2
Fuel:               300km                                                  0.087
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   19 pts                          1.197
                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front      5        1
                                          Left/Right     5/5      1/1
                                                Rear      4        1
Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
7.92mm MG                                    RR        0         1         0.020
7.92mm MG                                    FR        0         1         0.020
@7.92mm (2000)                               BD        -         0         0.080
31kg additional fuel                         BD        -         0         0.031
0.208T cargo                                 BD        -         0         0.208
1T infantry bay                              BD        -         0         1.000

Sonderkraftfahrzeug 251:
    The Nazi logistical and artillery corps were forced to use a wide variety of vehicles and towing methods over the course of the Second World War, including, to their chagrin, a large number of civilian vehicles and even horse-drawn wagons. Nonetheless, the most numerous and iconic motor vehicle they manufactured was the Sonderkraftfahrzeug 251, an all-purpose, all-terrain half-track, which went a long way towards properly mechanizing the German armed forces.
The design resembled that of an open-topped infantry carrier mated with a robust, armored engine and the front half of a particularly boxy truck. Enough welded armor was used to make the SdKfz 251 proof against most small arms, but it couldn't stand up to heavier projectiles, and wasn't meant to.
The base armament was fairly minimal, consisting only of a pair of machine guns and whatever equipment the ten infantrymen on board carried. There were, however, a host of variants for everything from setting up telephone lines to artillery tractor to medevac to an improvised anti-tank vehicle. The sheer versatility of the 251's chassis led to it being used on every front and nearly every formation, along with its shorter, lighter counterpart the SdKfz 250 and its predecessor the SdKfz 11. The 251 was also sold or gifted to several of Germany's allies.
Code: [Select]
Slots: 6
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Tractor (x1.2)
Armored (x1.5)
    8,500kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.2 * 1.5
    CHASSIS WEIGHT: 2,983.5kg
Base engine value: 0.013
in the rare instances where a turret appears,
its weight will depend on whats on it
Engine weight: 8.5 x 0.013 x 13 x 2(ICE tech B) = 2,873kg
fuel tank 160L = 118kg total
Crew: 2
Max armor: 21
19 pts BAR 5 armor: 19x63 = 1,197kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations
Armor (BAR 5)    23.75
 19 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals         6.0
 4 pts * 1.5
Def equipment     0.0
Vee Type (Trk)   x 0.9
Def Factor       x 1.2
Def BV2          32.13
Weapon            BV
Vntg Minigun      1.5
Vntg Minigun (R)  0.75
@vµG (0.08T)      0.04
No FCS           x 0.8
Tonnage / 2       4.25
Speed factor     x 1.00
Off BV2           6.082
Total BV2        38.212 -> (38)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 2.984T * 2 * 1.1]              16,412.00
Engine - ICE [5k * 2.873T * 1 (ICE)]            14,365.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 19 pts]                     3,800.00
Tech Rating B                                   x    0.75
Base Structure Cost                  25,932.75
Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (n/a)                                         0.00
Power Amps (n/a)                                     0.00
Base tank cost                      25,932.75
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
@vµG (0.08x)                                        40.00
Cost with weapons                               28,972.75
Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.085
Dry Cost                                        31,435.43375
Total Cost                                      31,436.00

Not sure what I'll add next. I'll throw some variants onto earlier posts, too; e.g. the LT/Pz 35 post will eventually get an attachment with the TACAM R-2. Probably going to do the StuH 42 and Toldi next. (Edit: I added the StuH 42, the early-war StuG, and the Panzer III-N to their respective posts. I'll sometimes be adding variants to old posts from time to time in this fashion, but I'll put a note at the beginning of new posts saying which posts ye should go back and have a look at.)

Stuff I have statted out on paper but not in post form yet are in the following list. Variants that I've also already done the math on [are in brackets], while the ones I haven't gotten to are {in curly braces}.

In no particular order:
- Renault UE Chenillette [PaK36 auf UE] {Malaxa} {UE mit Wurfrähmen} [Sicherungsfahrzeug UE(f)]
- Type 89 I-Go
- T-18 [T-18M]
- Panzer IV Ausf.E/F (early version)
- {I suppose on that note, I should restat the standard PzIV so it has BV and cost on paper.}
- T-60 [TACAM T-60]
- FCM 36 {Marder I/75 auf FCM36} {Marder I/76 auf FCM36} {105mm auf FCM36}
- M13/40 {M14/41} {Semovente 75/18, redone for short-barrel gun}
- wz.34A [wz.34B]
- 39M Csaba
- Hotchkiss H35 [H39] {Marder I/75 auf 39H} {Marder I/76 auf 39H} {105mm auf 39H} {Pz35H(f) mit Wurfrähmen}
- CV-33 [L3/Lf] [L3/CC] [L3/35]
- Panhard 178 {47mm version} {50mm version}
- Char D1 [Char D2]
- M3 Lee {M7 Priest} {M12 155mm Gun Motor Carriage}
- Mark I Tank {Mark IV Tank}
- Valentine {Mk.VIII} {Mk.XI} {Bishop SPH} {Archer}
- Panzer II [PzII Ausf.G] [Wespe] [Marder II/75] {Marder II/76} {Lynx} {Bison II} {Flammpanzer II}
- P-47 Thunderbolt
- Panzer 38(t) {Marder III/75} {Marder III/76} {Flakpanzer 38} {Grille}
- M3 Halftrack [T12 75mm howitzer] {T19 105mm howitzer} {M21 81mm mortar} {T48 57mm AT} [M16 Quad-50cal]
- Komsomolets T-20 [ZiS-30 Danger Tractor]
- 40M Turan [41M Turan II] {43M Zrinyi II}
- Panzer V Panther (the 3 variants are close enough in BT stats that there's little point in differentiating them)
- Soviet T-35
- FIAT 3000 L5/21 [L5/30]
- Vickers Medium Mk.II {Dragon} {RAF Habbaniya Custom, because why not}
- Marmon-Herrington MTLS-1GI4
- Daimler Dingo
- Redone M3 Stuart [M5 Stuart] [M8 Scott] [M5 Tractor]
- Redone M4 Sherman {M4/105} {M4/76 Firefly} {M4A3E2 Jumbo} {M4A3E8 Easy Eight} {M40 155mm Gun Motor Carriage} {M10 Wolverine} {M36 Hellcat} {M4A3R3 Zippo} {Sherman Kangaroo}


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #34 on: 07 July 2019, 18:38:30 »
(Added StuG III early variant and StuH 42 to the StuG III post.)
(Added Panzer III Ausf.N to the Panzer III post.)

Here's something for Hungary. Huehue.

Edit: *quietly fixes BV calculation*

Code: [Select]
38M Toldi
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 9 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1938
Cost: 36,909 C-Bills
Battle Value: 54

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 116kW Bussing-Nag V8
Cruise Speed: 32.4 kph
Flanking Speed: 54.0 kph
Armor: 10-20mm armor
    20mm QF 36M Solothurn
    8mm 38M Gebauer MG
Manufacturer: MAVAG, Ganz (Licensed from Landsverk AB)
    Primary Factory: Hungary, Terra (discontinued 1943)
Communications System: 38MR/5 radio
Targeting and Tracking System: n/a

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)         5 points                2.633
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     3.042
    Cruise MP:  3
    Flank MP:   5
Crew:               3
Fuel:               200km    0.061
Turret:                                                                    0.500
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   22 pts                          1.386

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front      5        1
                                          Left/Right     4/4      1/1
                                              Turret      5        1
                                                Rear      4        1

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
20mm cannon                                  TU        2         1         0.130
@20mm (240)                                  BD        -         0         0.240
8mm MG                                       TU        0         1         0.020
@8mm (2000)                                  BD        -         0         0.080
Fuel Tank (0.189T)                           BD        -         0         0.189
0.3T wasted space                            BD        -         0         0.300
Cargo (0.419T)                               BD        -         0         0.419

38M Toldi:
   The Kingdom of Hungary's domestic tank production got off to a start in 1938 with a licensed version of the Swedish L-60 light tank, the first in the world with the then-new torsion-bar suspension system. The Toldi, named after a medieval knight from Hungary's history, was a little heavier than the Swedish design and used domestically-made Hungarian parts, along with a few parts supplied by Germany.

   Though the Toldi was adequate for the early part of the war, and the initial push of the Axis (which the Hungarians had joined in exchange for territorial concessions) into Russia, it quickly proved to be too lightly armored and armed to deal with larger Soviet tanks like the KV-1 and T-34. Its minuscule 20-millimeter cannon fire simply bounced off heavier armor at any range beyond point-blank -- hardly news to the Mechwarriors and soldiers of today, but shocking to those who designed military vehicles in the 1930s expecting the Second World War to have similar tactics and vehicles to the First.

   An improved suspension and a larger, 40-millimeter gun were fitted to later models of the Toldi from 1942 on. (43M Toldi: +0.5T mass, +1 FR armor, 40mm/@(100) replaces the main gun. BV 61; cost 41,257 C-Bills.) Even these improvements couldn't save the design from complete obsolescence.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 6
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
9,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5
Base engine value: 0.013
yes turret
Engine weight: 9 x 0.013 x 13 x 2(ICE tech B) = 3,042kg
Fuel (200km): 0.02 x 3,042 = 61kg fuel in BT
actual fuel levels unknown, i'ma ballpark it
given its speed and tonnage, let's say 250kg total
Crew: 3
for that matter, i can't find any ammo figures for
this thing either, so I'll use the PzII as a rough
Max armor: 22
22 pts BAR 5 armor (B): 22x63 = 1386kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    27.5
 22 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals     7.5
 5 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.2
Def BV2    37.8

Weapon              BV
20mm (LtRR)        12.0
@20mm (0.24T)       0.72
Vntg Minigun        1.5
@vµG (0.08T)        0.04
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2     4.5
Speed factor   x 1.00
Off BV2    15.908

Total BV2    53.708 -> (54)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 2.633T * 2 (Armored)]   13,165.00
Engine - ICE [5k * 3.042T * 1 (ICE)] 15,210.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 22 pts] 4,400.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         24,581.25

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (5k * 0.5T) 2,500.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         27,081.25

20mm Cannon (LtRecRf)                            5,000.00
@20mm (0.24T)                                      240.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
@vµG (0.08T)                                        40.00

Cost with weapons                               33,861.25

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.090
Dry Cost                                        36,908.7625
Total Cost                                      36,909.00


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #35 on: 17 July 2019, 09:14:45 »
(Reworked the Renault FT and its variants to use the 'B-' tech level, adding the 1931 'upgrade' and the howitzer version.)
(Also added the TACAM R-2 to the Pz35t post on the first page.)

Here we go.

Code: [Select]
Carro Armato Fiat L6/40
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 7 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1940
Cost: 29,557 C-Bills
Battle Value: 41

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 52kW SPA 180 4-cyl
Cruise Speed: 21.6 kph
Flanking Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: 8-22mm armor
    20mm Breda 35
    8mm Breda 38 MG
Manufacturer: Fiat-Ansaldo
    Primary Factory: Italy, Terra (discontinued 1944)
Communications System: Basic radio (some models)
Targeting and Tracking System: n/a

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)         5 points                2.457
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     1.456
    Cruise MP:  2
    Flank MP:   3
Crew:               2
Fuel:               200km        0.029
Turret:                                                                    0.500
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   18 pts                          1.134

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front      5        1
                                          Left/Right     3/3      1/1
                                              Turret      5        1
                                                Rear      2        1

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
20mm cannon                                  TU        2         1         0.130
@20mm (296)                                  BD        -         0         0.296
8mm MG                                       TU        0         1         0.020
@8mm (1560)                                  BD        -         0         0.063
Additional fuel (119kg)                      BD        -         0         0.119
0.2T wasted space                            BD        -         0         0.200
596kg cargo                                  BD        -         0         0.596

Fiat-Ansaldo L6/40:
   Italy's industrial base was never up to par with that of the other major powers in the Second World War. The need for an effective light tank that mounted armament heavier than machine guns was quite pressing, since the tiny L3 tankettes the Italian Army relied upon were simply too small to be effective as anything but scouts. After some work perfecting a better suspension, the L6/40 light tank was rolled out in late 1940.

   The L6/40 was tall for a light tank, but otherwise was in many ways comparable to a slightly tougher, lighter Panzer II. With a 20-millimeter cannon and a coaxial machine gun, it was usable against early-war tanks and light vehicles, and it had decent off-road capabilities.

   The true problems with the design started to show themselves when the Italians were forced to deploy the L6/40 in forward combat roles, due to the Italian Army's general lack of medium and heavy tanks. Against heavier units like the T-34, Matilda, and M3 Lee, a light tank like the L6/40 simply couldn't do enough damage to be effective. The ones that survived brutal Soviet offensives and the invasion of Italy were seized by the Germans and used until the war's end.

   A variant with a flamethrower was put together as an anti-infantry vehicle, but saw little use. (L6/LF: Replace 20mm gun with vFlamer/@(14). 37 BV; cost 32,664 C-Bills.) The L6's far more prominent derivative was a tank destroyer with a 47-millimeter gun, which saw several hundred examples built. (Semovente da 47/32: No turret, armor more biased to front, armament is 47mm/@(70) with no backup MG. 43 BV; cost 27,770 C-Bills.) There was also a turretless ammo carrier, armed only with a machine gun; it was designed to support the much larger 90-millimeter self-propelled guns the Italians fielded.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 5
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
Tractor (x1.2)
7,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5 * 1.2
Base engine value: 0.013
yes turret
Engine weight: 7 x 0.013 x 8 x 2(ICE tech B) = 1,456kg
Fuel (200km): 0.02 x 1456 = 29kg fuel
but it carried 200L of petrol, so total fuel should be 148kg
Crew: 2
Max armor: 18
18 pts BAR 5 armor (B): 18x63 = 1,134kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    22.5
 18 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals     7.5
 5 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.1
Def BV2    29.7

Weapon              BV
20mm (LtRR)        12.0
@20mm (0.296T)      0.888
Vntg Minigun        1.5
@vµG (0.063T)       0.0315
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2     3.5
Speed factor   x 0.77
Off BV2    11.577412

Total BV2    41.277412 -> (41)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 2.457T * 2 (Arm) * 1.1 (Tra)]  13,513.50
Engine - ICE [5k * 1.456T * 1 (ICE)] 7,280.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 18 pts] 3,600.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         18,295.125

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (5k * 0.5T) 2,500.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         20,795.125

20mm Cannon (LtRecRf)                            5,000.00
@20mm (0.296T)                                     296.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
@vµG (0.063T)                                       31.50

Cost with weapons                               27,622.625

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.070
Dry Cost                                        29,556.20875
Total Cost                                      29,557.00


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #36 on: 31 July 2019, 23:35:35 »
Code: [Select]
A9 Cruiser Tank, Mark I
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 13 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1936
Cost: 56,414 C-Bills
Battle Value: 68

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 110kW AEC 179 6-cyl
Cruise Speed: 32.4 kph
Flanking Speed: 54.0 kph
Armor: 6-14mm
    40mm Quick-Fire 2-Pounder
    3x 7.7mm Vickers MG
Manufacturer: Vickers-Armstrong, Harland And Wolff
    Primary Factory: United Kingdom, Terra (discontinued 1941)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: None

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)        10 points                3.803
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     4.394
    Cruise MP:  3
    Flank MP:   5
Crew:               6
Fuel:               240km    0.065
Turret:                                                                    1.500
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   20 pts                          1.260

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front      5        2
                                          Left/Right     4/4      2/2
                                              Turret      5        2
                                                Rear      2        2

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
40mm Cannon                                  TU        2         1         0.690
@40mm (100)                                  BD        -         0         0.150
7.7mm MG                                   FR/LS*      0         1         0.020
7.7mm MG                                   FR/RS*      0         1         0.020
7.7mm MG                                     TU        0         1         0.020
@7.7mm (3000)                                BD        -         0         0.120
205kg additional fuel                        BD        -         0         0.205
753kg cargo                                  BD        -         0         0.753

*These machine guns are in secondary turrets with a limited traverse, but
are counted as front-mounted for the purposes of damage. One can target the
Front and Left Side arcs, while the other can target the Front and Right

A9 Cruiser Tank, Mark I:
   When Vickers-Armstrong was contracted by the Crown to design and build effective fast tanks for the British Army, they turned to their superstar tank designer John Carden. Carden lent his considerable talent and expertise to the design of the A9 Cruiser Tank Mark I, but died in a plane crash with the blueprints still unfinished.

   With the introduction of the then-new Christie suspension system, which allowed impressive mass and speed for the time, the A9 (which used the older coil-spring method) was obsolete before it was even built. On top of this, it inherited the needless complexity of a multi-turret setup, which was common to several designs of the 1930s. This led to high crew requirements and difficulties in manufacturing.

   Nonetheless, the A9 did have acceptable weaponry and good speed for the time period, particularly given the tank's low cost and heavy reliance on off-the-shelf components. It did skimp on armor, but even in that era, speed was seen as a level of protection all its own. The British ordered 125 of these tanks as a stopgap while better models were designed and pushed out.

   The A9 served in France, where it was adequate at best due to its limited armor, and in North Africa where it fared somewhat better. A close-support version with a howitzer was also seen in small numbers.

   Despite its limited production, the A9 was quite influential on British tank design during the war -- at least once its superfluous secondary turrets were removed. An up-armored derivative known as the A10 sacrificed some speed for better survivability. The later A13 cruiser tanks (Marks III-V) and the A15 Crusader can in many ways be seen as direct successors, while the chassis itself was also enlarged and reworked into the Valentine infantry tank.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 6
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
13,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5
Base engine value: 0.013
This has 3 turrets, but two of them are little secondary
  turrets on the front, so we'll just fold the weight into
  the main one
Engine weight: 13 x 0.013 x 13 x 2(ICE tech B) = 4,394kg
Crew: 6
Max armor: 30
20 pts BAR 5 armor: 20x63 = 1,260kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    25.0
 20 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals    15.0
 10 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.2
Def BV2    43.2

Weapon            BV
40mm (MedRR)       19.0
@40mm (0.15T)       0.75
Vintage MG          1.0
Vintage MG          1.0
Vintage MG          1.0
@vMG (0.12T)        0.06
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2     6.5
Speed factor   x 1.00
Off BV2    24.748

Total BV2    67.948 -> (68)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 3.803T * 2 (Arm)]              19,015.00
Engine - ICE [5k * 4.394T * 1 (ICE)] 21,970.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 20 pts] 4,000.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         33,738.75

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (5k * 1.5T) 7,500.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         41,238.75

40mm Cannon (MedRecRf)                           7,500.00
@40mm (0.15T)                                      225.00
Vintage MG                                         300.00
Vintage MG                                         300.00
Vintage MG                                         300.00
@vMG (0.12x)                                        60.00

Cost with weapons                               49,923.75

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.130
Dry Cost                                        56,413.8375
Total Cost                                      56,414.00


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #37 on: 06 August 2019, 10:11:35 »
(Flammpanzer I added to the very first post in this thread, the Panzer I post.)

(Original T-28 added to this post.)

Code: [Select]

Representing a transitional period between early-industrial machinery and artillery, and
the weapons of war that start to resemble those of the modern era, the 'B-Minus' Tech
Level roughly corresponds to World War I tech levels, or more broadly, the 1895 to
1928 time period. Many of these vehicles and weapons carried over into World War II.

Units made with this tech level are essentially "primitive" compared to Tech Level B,
but follow all the rules for Tech Level B units with the following exceptions:

1) Armor is roughly 20 percent heavier per-point with B-minus tech. BAR 2 is 30kg
per point, BAR 3 is 45kg per point, BAR 4 is 60kg per point, and BAR 5 is 75kg per
point. Higher Barrier Armor Ratings were not available in this time period.
2) Vehicle structure multiplier is 1.45 rather than 1.3.
3) Engine weight multiplier is 3.75 for steam engines and 3 for ICE, rather than 3.5
and 2, respectively.
4) Cost multiplier is 0.65 rather than 0.75.

Code: [Select]

Short-Barrel 76mm (Short 76)
Support Vees only. Tech Level B.
800kg, 10kg/shot. 4 damage vs. BAR 5, plus 1d6 against BAR 4 and below. Range 4/13/26/39(130).
Above BAR 5, treat as a Mech-Mounted Medium Recoilless, with the appropriate BV and cost.
May fire indirectly as Artillery vs BAR 5 and below, max range 9 mapsheets.

Code: [Select]
Sredniy Tank T-28E
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 31 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B-
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1932
Cost: 128,328 C-Bills
Battle Value: 113

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 373kW Mikulin 12-cyl M17
Cruise Speed: 21.6 kph
Flanking Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: 30-50mm
    76.2mm KT-28 howitzer
    4x 7.62mm DT machine guns
Manufacturer: Kirov "Bolshevik" Factory, Red Putilov Factory
    Primary Factory: Soviet Union, Terra (discontinued 1941)
Communications System: 71-TK-2 Radio set
Targeting and Tracking System: None

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B-)       20 points               12.137
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B-)                                    9.672
    Cruise MP:  2
    Flank MP:   3
Crew:               6
Fuel:               220km    0.213
Turret:                                                                    1.500
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B-)  44 pts                          3.300

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front     11        4
                                          Left/Right     8/8      4/4
                                              Turret     10        4
                                                Rear      7        4

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
Short 76mm                                   TU        3         1         0.800
@Sh76 (70)                                   BD        -         0         0.700
7.62mm MG                                  FR/LS*      0         1         0.020
7.62mm MG                                  FR/RS*      0         1         0.020
2 7.62mm MGs                                 TU        0         1         0.040
@7.7mm (8320)                                BD        -         0         0.333
265kg additional fuel                        BD        -         0         0.265
2T cargo                                     BD        -         0         2.000

*These machine guns are in secondary turrets with a limited traverse, but
are counted as front-mounted for the purposes of damage. One can target the
Front and Left Side arcs, while the other can target the Front and Right arcs.

   The Soviets took to the British multi-turret concept in the 1930s with great enthusiasm, producing three tanks along those lines. The T-35 was exactly the sort of oversized, impressive-looking machine that looked incredible on parade, but was otherwise useless. The T-26, a licensed derivative of the British Vickers 6-Ton, started off with side-by-side machine gun turrets before winding up with a more conventional (and effective) armament. And the T-28 was somewhere in the middle, serving as a relatively decent infantry tank for the time.

   The T-28 used much the same turret configuration as the British A9 designed a few years later, with one main turret housing the primary weapon and a pair of machine-gun turrets embedded in the frontal hull. This, of course, increased cost and crew requirements, though the latter was hardly an issue for the Soviets.

   As far as speed was concerned, the T-28 used a repurposed aircraft engine, letting it reach well above 30kph on roads, which was a fairly good speed for a tank of its size at the time. The weaponry was acceptable for the 1930s, as well, though this was mainly due to the fact that most armor of that time was quite thin, so even the low-velocity 76-millimeter gun could penetrate.

   Despite being as massive as the French B1 bis, though, the T-28 was sorely lacking in protection. After taking considerable losses to the under-gunned Finns in the Winter War, the Soviets began to up-armor the T-28, which produced the T-28E variant. This made the tank considerably tougher, but overstressed the already outmoded suspension system, leading to frequent breakdowns. By the end of 1941 there were few T-28s still serviceable. The Axis powers also captured and used a tiny handful of these tanks.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 6
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B- (x1.45)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
Tractor (x1.2)
31,000kg * 0.15 * 1.45 * 1.5 * 1.2
Base engine value: 0.013
yes turret
Engine weight: 31 x 0.013 x 8 x 3(ICE tech B-) = 9,672kg
   no info on fuel capacity, so i'll ballpark it at the end
Max armor: 66
44 pts BAR 5 armor (B-): 44x75 = 3,300kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    55.0
 44 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals    30.0
 20 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.1
Def BV2    84.15

Weapon            BV
Short76 (MedRecRf) 19.0
@Sh76 (0.7T)        3.5
Vintage MG          1.0
Vintage MG          1.0
Vintage MG          1.0
Vintage MG          1.0
@vMG (0.333T)       0.1665
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2    15.5
Speed factor   x 0.77
Off BV2    28.361564

Total BV2   112.511564 -> (113)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 12.137T * 2 (Arm) * 1.1 (Trc)] 66,753.50
Engine - ICE [5k * 9.672T * 1 (ICE)] 48,360.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 44 pts] 8,800.00
Tech Rating B-minus x    0.65

Base Structure Cost         80,543.775

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (5k * 1.5T) 7,500.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         88,043.775

Short 76mm (Mech Medium Recoilless)              7,500.00
@Short76 (0.7T)                                  1,050.00
Vintage MG                                         300.00
Vintage MG                                         300.00
Vintage MG                                         300.00
Vintage MG                                         300.00
@vMG (0.333x)                                      166.50

Cost with weapons                               97,960.275

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.310
Dry Cost                                       128,327.96025
Total Cost                                     128,328.00


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #38 on: 29 January 2020, 23:15:10 »
So I've been dealing with some nonsense. Some pretty surprisingly deep nonsense. But I return nonetheless.

Code: [Select]
Panzer 38(t) Ausf.G
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 10 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1938
Cost: 42,972 C-Bills
Battle Value: 55

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 92kW Praga Typ TNHPS/II 6-cyl
Cruise Speed: 21.6 kph
Flanking Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: 8-50mm armor
    3.7cm Skoda KwK 38(t) L\48
    2x 7.92mm ZB53 MGs
Manufacturer: Ceskomoravska Kolben-Danek
    Primary Factory: Czechoslovakia, Terra (discontinued 1942)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: n/a

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)        5 points                 3.510
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     2.080
    Cruise MP:  2
    Flank MP:   3
Crew:               4
Fuel:               200km    0.042
Turret:                                                                    0.500
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   24 pts                          1.512

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front      7        1
                                          Left/Right     4/4      1/1
                                              Turret      6        1
                                                Rear      3        1

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
37mm cannon                                  TU        0         1         0.550
@37mm (90)                                   BD        -         0         0.090
7.92mm MG                                    TU        0         1         0.020
@7.92mm (2550)                               BD        -         0         0.102
7.92mm MG                                    FR        0         1         0.020
Fuel Tank (0.120T)                           BD        -         0         0.120
0.2T wasted space                            BD        -         0         0.200
Cargo (1.254T)                               BD        -         0         1.254

Panzer 38(t):
   The newly-minted independent nation of Czechoslovakia had a decent industrial base for a nation of its size, and knew that it would need to be able to defend itself from more than simply infantry attacks. Their LT-35 was built for that purpose, and the LT-38 was intended to improve on and replace it as time went on. Unfortunately for them, they were invaded and conquered by Nazi Germany before more than a handful could be built.

   The Nazis, for their part, found the LT-38 chassis quite useful throughout the war. After renaming it the Panzer 38(t), with the (t) meaning 'Tschechisch' (Czech), they used it in its stock form quite effectively in Poland, France, North Africa, and Yugoslavia, and the little chassis served quite ably in adverse conditions with very easy maintenance requirements and solid performance in all sorts of different terrain.

   Basic weaponry on the Pz38(t) consisted of the then-standard 37-millimeter gun, with a pair of machine guns, one coaxial in the turret, the other mounted forward. A 200-kilometer fuel tank gave the vehicle acceptable range for the time, and it was mobile enough at the time for its limited, brittle armor to only become a liability once heavier guns came into play.

   As with many pre-war and early-war tanks, though, the Panzer 38(t) simply couldn't hold up against the bigger designs that became the norm of ground combat after the initial invasion of Russia. It was simply too useful and reliable a chassis to discard, and the Germans simply couldn't afford to spare the time to retool the Skoda factory to produce something bigger. (They eventually fobbed off their remaining spare chassis on their Axis cohorts, and most served in Hungarian, Slovakian, or Romanian formations.)

   What the Nazis wound up doing instead was retrofitting the little chassis in a host of different ways, usually for support and sniping roles. Removing the turret and welding a 75-millimeter or captured Russian 76-millimeter gun on top yielded the two main versions of the Marder III. A conversion to mount the snub-nosed 150-millimeter bunker-busting howitzer produced the Grille, which had two widely differing appearances depending on the model. There was an anti-air flak variant, a pair of rare flamethrower and recon variants, a salvage chassis, and a training chassis.

   Probably the best-known conversion, though, was the Jagdpanzer 38(t), better known (and quite incorrectly, in hindsight) as the Hetzer. That name, of course, went on to inspire that of the common garrison vehicle of today. Like its modern forbear, the ancient Hetzer mounted a forward-facing gun and no secondary weaponry; it relied on its small size and ambush tactics, along with the then-effective 75-millimeter high-velocity gun, to deal damage to unsuspecting targets. The Germans manufactured thousands of these little vehicles in an attempt to stem the tide of the advancing Soviets, but it was to no avail.

   The neutral nation of Sweden had also ordered some of the standard LT-38 tanks from the Czechs before the war broke out; they were eventually produced as the Stridsvagn M/41, saw no combat, and were later converted to APCs. Peru also bought a number of these tanks, designating them Tanque 38/39, and after a phenomenal performance in a brief war against Ecuador, the Peruvians kept them in service until the end of the 1980s. The Swiss also used a locally-built version of the Jagdpanzer 38(t) called the G-13 for some years.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 6
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
Tractor (x1.2)
10,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5 * 1.2
Base engine value: 0.013
yes turret
Engine weight: 10 x 0.013 x 8 x 2(ICE tech B) = 2,080kg
Fuel (200km): 0.02 x 2,080 = 42kg fuel in BT
additional fuel I worked out to 120kg
Crew: 4
Max armor: 24
24 pts BAR 5 armor (B): 24x63 = 1512kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    30.0
 24 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals     7.5
 5 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.1
Def BV2    37.125

Weapon              BV
37mm (MedRR)       19.0
@37mm (0.09T)       0.45
Vntg Minigun        1.5
Vntg Minigun        1.5
@vµG (0.102T)       0.051
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2     5.0
Speed factor   x 0.77
Off BV2    17.710616

Total BV2    54.835616 -> (55)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 3.510T * 2 (Arm) * 1.1 (Tra)] 19,305.00
Engine - ICE [5k * 2.080T * 1 (ICE)] 10,400.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 24 pts] 4,800.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         25,878.75

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (5k * 0.5T) 2,500.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         28,378.75

37mm Cannon (MedRecRf)                           7,500.00
@37mm (0.09T)                                      135.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
@vµG (0.102T)                                       51.00

Cost with weapons                               39,064.75

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.100
Dry Cost                                        42,971.225
Total Cost                                      42,972.00

(Space reserved for the Grille and SdKfz 140/1.)


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #39 on: 16 June 2020, 09:29:21 »
Time has been a weird abyss the past few months. Especially with what I've been going through. But I should start actually posting more stuff soon. I'm gonna be focusing on pre-1942 units primarily.

Code: [Select]
Jagdpanzer 38(t) (Hetzer)
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 16 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1944
Cost: 94,123 C-Bills
Battle Value: 78

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 118kW Praga Typ TNHPS/II 6-cyl
Cruise Speed: 21.6 kph
Flanking Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: 8-60mm armor
    7.5cm PaK39 L\48
    7.92mm MG34
Manufacturer: Böhmisch-Mährische Maschinenfabrik (formerly CKD), Škoda
    Primary Factory: Czechoslovakia, Terra (discontinued 1945)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: n/a

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)        8 points                 5.616
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     3.328
    Cruise MP:  2
    Flank MP:   3
Crew:               4
Fuel:               177km    0.059
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   36 pts                          2.268

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front     13        2
                                          Left/Right     9/9      2/2
                                                Rear      5        2

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
75mm cannon                                  FR        4         1         3.000
@75mm (41)                                   BD        -         0         1.025
7.92mm MG                                    FR*       0         1         0.020
@7.92mm (1200)                               BD        -         0         0.048
Fuel Tank (0.177T)                           BD        -         0         0.177
0.25T wasted space                           BD        -         0         0.250
Cargo (0.209T)                               BD        -         0         0.209

*The machine gun on the Jagdpanzer 38t is in fact top-mounted, remote-controlled,
and has a 360-degree traverse, but statting out a full turret on the machine just
for that seems unnecessary, and would be liable to make the little thing much more
fragile than it really was due to BT combat rules. Treat its firing arc as though it
was turret-mounted anyway, though.

Jagdpanzer 38(t):
   Inspired by a similar Romanian project called the Maresal, an enlarged version of the otherwise-obsolete Panzer 38(t) chassis was given a 75-millimeter forward gun from Panzer IV production. It also gained a rather surprising amount of sloped armor for the era, particularly for a tank of its tonnage. The resulting Jagdpanzer 38(t) was small, cheap, and compact, and a surprisingly effective ambush predator given all the limitations involved in its construction. Its mechanical reliability and low cost led to it being one of the most common Axis tank destroyers in the late part of the war.

   The Czechs and Swiss wound up using decent numbers of these tanks post-war, though not for terribly long. A few variants cropped up as well, including a version with the Grille's 150-millimeter short-barrel cannon, a flamethrower variant, and an unarmed salvage variant.

   It should also be noted that while the term "Hetzer" (German for "chaser" or "baiter") was coined for this casemate tank, and it was often referred to as such post-war, this name never received official status. Nonetheless it heavily inspired the modern urban tank of the same name in both design and function.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 6
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
Tractor (x1.2)
16,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5 * 1.2
Base engine value: 0.013
yes turret
Engine weight: 16 x 0.013 x 8 x 2(ICE tech B) = 3,328kg
Fuel (177km): 0.0177 x 3,328 = 59kg fuel in BT
additional fuel I worked out to 177kg
Crew: 4
Max armor: 36
36 pts BAR 5 armor (B): 36x63 = 2,268kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    45.0
 36 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals    12.0
 8 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.1
Def BV2    56.43

Weapon              BV
75mm (LtRifle)     21.0
@75mm (1.025T)      3.075
Vntg Minigun        1.5
@vµG (0.048T)       0.024
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2     8.0
Speed factor   x 0.77
Off BV2    21.928984

Total BV2    78.358984 -> (78)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 5.616T * 2 (Arm) * 1.1 (Tra)] 30,888.00
Engine - ICE [5k * 3.328T * 1 (ICE)] 16,640.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 36 pts] 7,200.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         41,046.00

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (n/a)      0.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         41,046.00

75mm Cannon (Light Rifle)                       37,750.00
@75mm (1.025T)                                     820.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
@vµG (0.048T)                                       24.00

Cost with weapons                               81,140.00

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.160
Dry Cost                                        94,122.40
Total Cost                                      94,123.00

(Space reserved for the Flammpanzer 38t, Bergepanzer 38t, and SIG33 auf 38t.)


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #40 on: 30 June 2020, 15:09:49 »
Why did I add this one? I dunno. Also I briefly goofed on the cost numbers.

Code: [Select]

Representing a transitional period between early-industrial machinery and artillery, and the weapons of war that
start to resemble those of the modern era, the B-minus Tech Level roughly corresponds to World War I tech
levels, or more broadly, the 1895 to 1928 time period. Many of these vehicles carried over into World War II.

Units made with this tech level are essentially "primitive" compared to Tech Level B, but follow all the rules for
Tech Level B units with the following exceptions:

1) Armor is roughly 20 percent heavier per-point with B-minus tech. BAR 2 is 30kg per point,
BAR 3 is 45kg per point, BAR 4 is 60kg per point, and BAR 5 is 75kg per point. Higher Barrier
Armor Ratings were not available in this time period.
2) Vehicle structure multiplier is 1.45 rather than 1.3.
3) Engine weight multiplier is 3.75 for steam engines and 3 for ICE, rather than 3.5 and 2,
4) Cost multiplier is 0.65 rather than 0.75.

Code: [Select]
Lancia 1ZM
(IS Light Support Vehicle)

Mass: 3,800 kilograms
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B-
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1918
Cost: 10,775 C-Bills
Battle Value: 25

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: Lancia 30kW V6 petrol
Cruise Speed: 43.2 kph
Flanking Speed: 64.8 kph
Armor: 9mm max armor
    2x 8mm Breda MGs
Manufacturer: Ansaldo
    Primary Factory: Italy, Terra
Communications System: Basic radio (some models)
Targeting and Tracking System: n/a

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B-)         5 points               0.992
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B-)                                    0.570
    Cruise MP:  4
    Flank MP:   6
Crew:               6 seats    0.450
Fuel:               300km    0.018
Turret:                                                                    0.500
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B-)   11 pts                         0.825

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front      3        1
                                          Left/Right     2/2      1/1
                                              Turret      2        1
                                                Rear      2        1

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
2x 8mm MG                                    TU        0         2         0.040
@8mm (3375)                                  BD        -         0         0.135
Additional fuel (120kg)                      BD        -         0         0.120
0.150T cargo                                 BD        -         0         0.150

Lancia 1ZM:
   A holdover from the First World War, the Lancia 1ZM was a light armored car still being used in Italy's army and colonial forces when the Second World War broke out in 1939. It used an older, less efficient engine, and had only enough armor to deal with small arms. It could at least serve in scouting and patrol roles, though, and was decently fast for the era. Though Lancia 1ZMs made a decent account of themselves during the conquest and occupation of Ethiopia and Libya, most of these armored cars were torn apart even against obsolete 2nd-line British and French units, or during the Allied invasion of Italy and the Yugoslav uprisings. After the armistice that saw Italy switch sides, a few 1ZMs served until the end of the war in German colors.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 5
Base chassis value: 0.12
Structure tech level: B- (x1.45)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
3,800kg * 0.12 * 1.45 * 1.5
Base engine value: 0.0025
yes turret
Engine weight: 3,800 x 0.0025 x 20 x 3(ICE tech B-) = 570kg
Fuel (300km): 0.03 x 570 = 18kg fuel
estimating total fuel to add 120kg of petrol, because 1910s
engines were horribly inefficient
Crew: 6
Max armor: 11
11 pts BAR 5 armor (B-): 11x75 = 825kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    13.75
 11 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals     7.5
 5 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Whl)    x 0.8
Def Factor   x 1.2
Def BV2    20.4

Weapon              BV
Vntg Minigun        1.5
Vntg Minigun        1.5
@vµG (0.135T)       0.0675
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2     1.9
Speed factor   x 1.12
Off BV2     4.87648

Total BV2    25.27648 -> (25)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 0.992T * 2 (Arm)]               4,960.00
Engine - ICE [5k * 0.57T * 1 (ICE)] 2,850.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 11 pts] 2,200.00
Tech Rating B-minus x    0.65

Base Structure Cost          6,506.50

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (5k * 0.5T) 2,500.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost          9,006.50

Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
@vµG (0.135x)                                       67.50

Cost with weapons                               10,574.00

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.019
Dry Cost                                        10,774.906
Total Cost                                      10,775.00


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #41 on: 11 July 2020, 17:29:12 »
Yeah, aiming for the early years first feels right.

Code: [Select]
M2A4 Light Tank
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 12 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1938
Cost: 60,823 C-Bills
Battle Value: 79

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 190kW Continental R-670-9A Radial
Cruise Speed: 32.4 kph
Flanking Speed: 54.0 kph
Armor: 6-25mm
    1 37mm gun M5
    5 30-06 Browning MGs
Manufacturer: Rock Island Arsenal
    Primary Factory: United States, Terra (discontinued 1942)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: None

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)        10 points                4.212
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     4.056
    Cruise MP:  3
    Flank MP:   5
Crew:               3
Fuel:               320km    0.130
Turret:                                                                    0.500
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   26 pts                          1.638

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front      6        2
                                          Left/Right     5/5      2/2
                                              Turret      5        2
                                                Rear      5        2

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
37mm Cannon                                  TU        2         1         0.550
@37mm (103)                                  BD        -         0         0.103
30-06 MG                                     TU        0         1         0.020
30-06 MG                                    TU(R)      0         1         0.020
30-06 MG                                     RS        0         1         0.020
30-06 MG                                     LS        0         1         0.020
30-06 MG                                     FR        0         1         0.020
@8mm (8470)                                  BD        -         0         0.334
119kg additional fuel                        BD        -         0         0.119
258kg wasted                                 BD        -         0         0.58

M2A4 Light Tank:
   Unlike the British and French, the Americans had no real laurels to rest on during the buildup to World War II. Observing the Spanish Civil War, they eventually realized that tanks would need to defeat other tanks in combat, rather than mainly being anti-infantry vehicles. To this end, the M2 Light Tank, which was already an agile scout tank for the era, was redesigned several times to be able to provide both roles, even if only as a stopgap.

   Earlier versions of the M2 mounted machine guns, and the M2A2 and M2A3 had twin turrets with a machine gun in each. Eventually the M2A4 variant, with a single turret and a 37-millimeter gun, was the only variant to see combat, with several dozen M2A4s deployed on Guadalcanal. Through circuitous means, the British got a hold of several dozen Lend-Lease M2A4s as well, and used them well against Japanese forces in Burma.

   The M2A4's chassis was the basis for the better-armored and more robust M3 Stuart scout tank, and its successors the M5 Stuart and the light-artillery M8 Scott.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 6
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
Tractor (x1.2)
12,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5 * 1.2
Base engine value: 0.013
yes turret
Engine weight: 12 x 0.013 x 13 x 2(ICE tech B) = 4,056kg
fuel weight (320km): 0.032 x 4,056 = 130kg
the Stuart wound up with 89 US Gal fuel tank, for 249kg total
so that's a good ballpark; addl fuel 119kg
Crew: 3
Max armor: 28
26 pts BAR 5 armor: 26x63 = 1,638kg

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    32.5
 26 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals    15.0
 10 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.2
Def BV2    51.3

Weapon            BV
37mm (MedRR)       19.0
@37mm (0.103T)      0.515
Vntg Minigun        1.5
Vntg Minigun        1.5
Vntg Minigun        1.5
Vntg Minigun        1.5
Vntg Minigun        1.5
@vµG (0.334T)       0.167
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2     6.0
Speed factor   x 1.00
Off BV2    27.7456

Total BV2    79.0456 -> (79)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 4.212T * 2 (Arm) * 1.1 (Trc)]  23,166.00
Engine - ICE [5k * 4.056T * 1 (ICE)] 20,280.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 26 pts] 5,200.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         36,484.50

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (5k * 0.5T) 2,500.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         38,984.50

37mm Cannon (MedRecRf)                           7,500.00
@37mm (0.103T)                                     154.50
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
@vµG (0.334x)                                      167.00

Cost with weapons                               54,306.00

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.120
Dry Cost                                        60,822.72
Total Cost                                      60,823.00


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #42 on: 12 July 2020, 21:27:23 »
This works out pretty much the same as in the TRO, but hey, completeness.

Code: [Select]
A12 Matilda II
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 25 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1937
Cost: 94,457 C-Bills
Battle Value: 112

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 2x 71kW diesel 6-cyl AEC/Leyland
Cruise Speed: 21.6 kph
Flanking Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: 20-78mm armor
    1 40mm Quick-Fire 2-Pounder
    1 7.92mm Besa MG
Manufacturer: Vulcan Foundry, others
    Primary Factory: Britain, Terra (discontinued 1943)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: n/a

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)        15 points                8.775
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B)                                     5.200
    Cruise MP:  2
    Flank MP:   3
Crew:               4
Fuel:               257km    0.134
Turret:                                                                    0.500
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   54 pts                          3.402

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front     12        3
                                          Left/Right    10/10     3/3
      Turret     12        3
                                                Rear     10        3

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
40mm Cannon                                  TU        2         1         0.690
@40mm (93)                                   BD        -         0         0.140
7.92mm MG                                    TU        0         1         0.020
@7.92mm (2925)                               BD        -         0         0.117
123kg additional fuel                        BD        -         0         0.123
5.390T cargo                                 BD        -         0         5.390
522kg wasted                                 BD        -         0         0.522

A12 Matilda II:
   Though the original A11 Matilda had already been ordered in small numbers to pad out the British Empire's armored units, it was already seen as a moribund design. Even while it was still in production, there were efforts to design a replacement for the role of infantry support. The much larger A12 took on its forbear's name, and would be one of the few designs to serve out the entirety of the war in its standard configuration.

   The A12 Matilda mounted the standard 'two-pounder' 40-millimeter cannon, which rapidly became obsolete as the war dragged on, but was available in large numbers in British stockpiles. The tank was also still rather slow and plodding, due to its reuse of a pair of civilian engines with relatively low torque; in the French mud and the North African deserts, Matildas routinely bogged down to speeds an infantryman could outrun.

   What it did have going for it was armor. At all but the best angles, no German cannons but the redoubtable 'eighty-eight' could reliably penetrate the Matilda II's thick plate during the Battle of France. This sheer survivability led the tank, thought oversized at its introduction, to weather tremendous beatings that few other machines could hope to withstand.

   The Soviets also received almost a thousand Matildas via the Lend-Lease program. They found the tank slow and unreliable in cold and icy conditions, but it was nonetheless a crucial part of the Soviets' defense against the onrushing Axis forces, helping pad out Soviet battalions along with the Valentine, Churchill, M3 Lee, and M4 Sherman. It also served among Commonwealth units in the Pacific until the end of the war.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 7
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
Tractor (x1.2)
25,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5 * 1.2
Base engine value: 0.013
Engine weight: 25 x 0.013 x 8 x 2(ICE tech B) = 5,200kg
Fuel (257km): 0.0257 x 5,200 = 134kg fuel
it really had 76 UK gallons, which works out to 257kg total
Crew: 6
Max armor: 54
54 pts BAR 5 armor (B): 54x63 = 3,402kg
the cargo number is purely for commonality with the published XTRO;
the wasted half-ton is what's left over

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    67.5
 54 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals    22.5
 15 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.1
Def BV2    89.1

Weapon              BV
40mm (MedRR)       19.0
@40mm (0.14T)       0.7
Vntg Minigun        1.5
@vµG (0.117x)       0.0585
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2    12.5
Speed factor   x 0.77
Off BV2    22.720236

Total BV2   111.820236 -> (112)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 8.775T * 2 (Arm) * 1.1 (Trc)]  48,262.50
Engine - ICE [5k * 5.2T * 1 (ICE)] 26,000.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 54 pts] 10,800.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         63,796.875

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (5k * 0.5T) 2,500.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         66,296.875

40mm Cannon (MedRecRf)                           7,500.00
@40mm (0.14T)                                      210.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
@vµG (0.117x)                                       58.50

Cost with weapons                               75,565.375

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.250
Dry Cost                                        94,456.71875
Total Cost                                      94,457.00


  • Corporal
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  • Posts: 74
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #43 on: 13 July 2020, 00:33:00 »
Thanks for keeping up with these.  Always a fun read.


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1078
Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #44 on: 08 December 2020, 15:00:56 »
Code: [Select]
Panzerkampfwagen IV (Ausf.D)
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)

Mass: 20 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1939
Cost: 78,494 C-Bills
Battle Value: 93

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant: 220kW Maybach HL120 TRM
Cruise Speed: 21.6 kph
Flanking Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: 20-60mm armor
    75mm KwK L/24
    2x 7.92 mm MG34
Manufacturer: Krupp, Vomag, Nibelungenwerk
    Primary Factory: Germany, Terra (versions D-F produced 1939-42)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: n/a

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B)        10 points                7.020
Engine:             ICE (Tech Level B) 296hp                               4.160
    Cruise MP:  2
    Flank MP:   3
Crew:               5
Fuel:               200km    0.084
Turret:                                                                    0.500
Armor:              BAR 5 (Tech Level B)   44 pts                          2.772

                                                      Armor     Internal
                                                      Factor    Structure
                                               Front     10        2
                                          Left/Right    8/8       2/2
                                              Turret     11        2
                                                Rear     5         2

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
Short 75mm Gun                               TU        3         1         0.600
@Sh75 (80)                                   BD        -         0         0.800
7.92mm MG                                    TU        0         1         0.020
7.92mm MG                                    FR        0         1         0.020
@7.92mm (2700)                               BD        -         0         0.108
263kg additional fuel                        BD        -         0         0.263
653kg cargo                                  BD        -         0         0.653
3T wasted      BD        -         0         3.000

Panzer IV Ausf.D:
   Germany undertook great efforts to subvert, and then completely repudiate, the Versailles Treaty that ended World War I, which had hamstrung its military ambitions. They knew they would need a support-fire chassis that could carry a larger gun, and designed the Panzer IV for this purpose in 1937. Little did they know that the chassis would wind up one of the most reliable and redoubtable chassis for the German war effort, produced from before the invasion of Poland until the war's end.

   The early tanks the Germans used in their invasion of Poland were found to be under-armored, as Polish ambushes were surprisingly effective against the 15- and 20-millimeter plate seen on early Panzers. The short-term solution put in place before the Battle of France was to add appliqué plating to the Panzer IV's hull and thicken the turret. This increased the tank's weight to 20 tons. The Panzer IV Ausf.D was the main variant that fought in France. Incremental improvements were made to the tank, especially to the armor, during the early invasion of the Soviet Union, before the armament was completely overhauled with later variants, replacing the short-barrel 75-millimeter howitzer with a high-velocity anti-tank gun of the same caliber.

Code: [Select]
Slots: 7
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
Tractor (x1.2)
20,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5 * 1.2
Base engine value: 0.013
yes turret
Engine weight: 20 x 0.013 x 8 x 2(ICE tech B) = 4,160kg
Fuel (200km): 0.02 x 4,160 = 84kg fuel in BT
470L actual capacity ~ 347kg total = 263kg extra
Crew: 5
Max armor: 44
44 pts BAR 5 armor (B): 44x63 = 2772kg
tho early-war tanks have less armor, the D had applique plating
it's close enough to the E that I don't feel like statting
that out separately
i might do the B/C tho

Code: [Select]
BV2 calculations

Armor (BAR 5)    55.0
 44 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals    15.0
 10 pts * 1.5
Def equipment       0.0
Vee Type (Trk)    x 0.9
Def Factor   x 1.1
Def BV2    69.3

Weapon              BV
Sh75 (MedRR)       19.0
@Sh75 (0.8T)        4.0
Vntg Minigun        1.5
Vntg Minigun        1.5
@vµG (0.108)        0.054
No FCS            x 0.8
Tonnage / 2    10.0
Speed factor   x 0.77
Off BV2    23.749264

Total BV2    93.049264-> (93)

Code: [Select]
Chassis  [2.5k * 7.02T * 2 (Arm) * 1.1 (Tra)] 38,610.00
Engine - ICE [5k * 4.16T * 1 (ICE)] 20,800.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 44 pts] 8,800.00
Tech Rating B x    0.75

Base Structure Cost         51,157.50

Heat Sinks (n/a)                                     0.00
Turret (5k * 0.5T) 2,500.00
Power Amps (n/a)      0.00

Base tank cost         53,657.50

Short 75mm (MedRecRf)                            7,500.00
@Sh75 (0.8T)                                     1,200.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
Vintage Minigun                                  1,500.00
@vµG (0.108T)                                       54.00

Cost with weapons                               65,411.50

Cost Multiplier                                 x   1.000
Chassis Modifier                                x   1.200
Dry Cost                                        78,493.80
Total Cost                                      78,494.00


  • Recruit
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Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #45 on: 04 August 2024, 15:09:00 »

Not sure what I'll add next. I'll throw some variants onto earlier posts, too; e.g. the LT/Pz 35 post will eventually get an attachment with the TACAM R-2. Probably going to do the StuH 42 and Toldi next. (Edit: I added the StuH 42, the early-war StuG, and the Panzer III-N to their respective posts. I'll sometimes be adding variants to old posts from time to time in this fashion, but I'll put a note at the beginning of new posts saying which posts ye should go back and have a look at.)

Stuff I have statted out on paper but not in post form yet are in the following list. Variants that I've also already done the math on [are in brackets], while the ones I haven't gotten to are {in curly braces}.

In no particular order:
- Renault UE Chenillette [PaK36 auf UE] {Malaxa} {UE mit Wurfrähmen} [Sicherungsfahrzeug UE(f)]
- Type 89 I-Go
- T-18 [T-18M]
- Panzer IV Ausf.E/F (early version)
- {I suppose on that note, I should restat the standard PzIV so it has BV and cost on paper.}
- T-60 [TACAM T-60]
- FCM 36 {Marder I/75 auf FCM36} {Marder I/76 auf FCM36} {105mm auf FCM36}
- M13/40 {M14/41} {Semovente 75/18, redone for short-barrel gun}
- wz.34A [wz.34B]
- 39M Csaba
- Hotchkiss H35 [H39] {Marder I/75 auf 39H} {Marder I/76 auf 39H} {105mm auf 39H} {Pz35H(f) mit Wurfrähmen}
- CV-33 [L3/Lf] [L3/CC] [L3/35]
- Panhard 178 {47mm version} {50mm version}
- Char D1 [Char D2]
- M3 Lee {M7 Priest} {M12 155mm Gun Motor Carriage}
- Mark I Tank {Mark IV Tank}
- Valentine {Mk.VIII} {Mk.XI} {Bishop SPH} {Archer}
- Panzer II [PzII Ausf.G] [Wespe] [Marder II/75] {Marder II/76} {Lynx} {Bison II} {Flammpanzer II}
- P-47 Thunderbolt
- Panzer 38(t) {Marder III/75} {Marder III/76} {Flakpanzer 38} {Grille}
- M3 Halftrack [T12 75mm howitzer] {T19 105mm howitzer} {M21 81mm mortar} {T48 57mm AT} [M16 Quad-50cal]
- Komsomolets T-20 [ZiS-30 Danger Tractor]
- 40M Turan [41M Turan II] {43M Zrinyi II}
- Panzer V Panther (the 3 variants are close enough in BT stats that there's little point in differentiating them)
- Soviet T-35
- FIAT 3000 L5/21 [L5/30]
- Vickers Medium Mk.II {Dragon} {RAF Habbaniya Custom, because why not}
- Marmon-Herrington MTLS-1GI4
- Daimler Dingo
- Redone M3 Stuart [M5 Stuart] [M8 Scott] [M5 Tractor]
- Redone M4 Sherman {M4/105} {M4/76 Firefly} {M4A3E2 Jumbo} {M4A3E8 Easy Eight} {M40 155mm Gun Motor Carriage} {M10 Wolverine} {M36 Hellcat} {M4A3R3 Zippo} {Sherman Kangaroo}

Hey there! I apologize for reviving this, but I have recently gotten into this more historical flavour of Battletech and this thread (along with the more recent one from Herbert A. Beas II.) has been very useful. I'm mainly wondering if there are any plans for finishing it with the vehicles above?


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Re: Why oh why did I stat out the Panzer I (XTRO:1945)
« Reply #46 on: 08 August 2024, 01:40:30 »
I may eventually, but I gotta go back through and recalculate all the engine and fuel properly. Apparently my copy of TechManual had an important bit in that section that got errata'd. (Namely, tech-B ICE engines on support vehicles have a 3.0 multiplier rather than a 2.0.)