So I've been dealing with some nonsense. Some pretty surprisingly deep nonsense. But I return nonetheless.
Panzer 38(t) Ausf.G
(IS Medium Support Vehicle)
Mass: 10 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Tech Rating: B
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Production Year: 1938
Cost: 42,972 C-Bills
Battle Value: 55
Construction Options: Fractional Accounting
Power Plant: 92kW Praga Typ TNHPS/II 6-cyl
Cruise Speed: 21.6 kph
Flanking Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: 8-50mm armor
3.7cm Skoda KwK 38(t) L\48
2x 7.92mm ZB53 MGs
Manufacturer: Ceskomoravska Kolben-Danek
Primary Factory: Czechoslovakia, Terra (discontinued 1942)
Communications System: Basic radio
Targeting and Tracking System: n/a
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Internal Structure: Support (Tech Level B) 5 points 3.510
Engine: ICE (Tech Level B) 2.080
Cruise MP: 2
Flank MP: 3
Crew: 4
Fuel: 200km 0.042
Turret: 0.500
Armor: BAR 5 (Tech Level B) 24 pts 1.512
Armor Internal
Factor Structure
Front 7 1
Left/Right 4/4 1/1
Turret 6 1
Rear 3 1
Equipment Location Heat Spaces Mass
37mm cannon TU 0 1 0.550
@37mm (90) BD - 0 0.090
7.92mm MG TU 0 1 0.020
@7.92mm (2550) BD - 0 0.102
7.92mm MG FR 0 1 0.020
Fuel Tank (0.120T) BD - 0 0.120
0.2T wasted space BD - 0 0.200
Cargo (1.254T) BD - 0 1.254
Panzer 38(t):
The newly-minted independent nation of Czechoslovakia had a decent industrial base for a nation of its size, and knew that it would need to be able to defend itself from more than simply infantry attacks. Their LT-35 was built for that purpose, and the LT-38 was intended to improve on and replace it as time went on. Unfortunately for them, they were invaded and conquered by Nazi Germany before more than a handful could be built.
The Nazis, for their part, found the LT-38 chassis quite useful throughout the war. After renaming it the Panzer 38(t), with the (t) meaning 'Tschechisch' (Czech), they used it in its stock form quite effectively in Poland, France, North Africa, and Yugoslavia, and the little chassis served quite ably in adverse conditions with very easy maintenance requirements and solid performance in all sorts of different terrain.
Basic weaponry on the Pz38(t) consisted of the then-standard 37-millimeter gun, with a pair of machine guns, one coaxial in the turret, the other mounted forward. A 200-kilometer fuel tank gave the vehicle acceptable range for the time, and it was mobile enough at the time for its limited, brittle armor to only become a liability once heavier guns came into play.
As with many pre-war and early-war tanks, though, the Panzer 38(t) simply couldn't hold up against the bigger designs that became the norm of ground combat after the initial invasion of Russia. It was simply too useful and reliable a chassis to discard, and the Germans simply couldn't afford to spare the time to retool the Skoda factory to produce something bigger. (They eventually fobbed off their remaining spare chassis on their Axis cohorts, and most served in Hungarian, Slovakian, or Romanian formations.)
What the Nazis wound up doing instead was retrofitting the little chassis in a host of different ways, usually for support and sniping roles. Removing the turret and welding a 75-millimeter or captured Russian 76-millimeter gun on top yielded the two main versions of the Marder III. A conversion to mount the snub-nosed 150-millimeter bunker-busting howitzer produced the Grille, which had two widely differing appearances depending on the model. There was an anti-air flak variant, a pair of rare flamethrower and recon variants, a salvage chassis, and a training chassis.
Probably the best-known conversion, though, was the Jagdpanzer 38(t), better known (and quite incorrectly, in hindsight) as the Hetzer. That name, of course, went on to inspire that of the common garrison vehicle of today. Like its modern forbear, the ancient Hetzer mounted a forward-facing gun and no secondary weaponry; it relied on its small size and ambush tactics, along with the then-effective 75-millimeter high-velocity gun, to deal damage to unsuspecting targets. The Germans manufactured thousands of these little vehicles in an attempt to stem the tide of the advancing Soviets, but it was to no avail.
The neutral nation of Sweden had also ordered some of the standard LT-38 tanks from the Czechs before the war broke out; they were eventually produced as the Stridsvagn M/41, saw no combat, and were later converted to APCs. Peru also bought a number of these tanks, designating them Tanque 38/39, and after a phenomenal performance in a brief war against Ecuador, the Peruvians kept them in service until the end of the 1980s. The Swiss also used a locally-built version of the Jagdpanzer 38(t) called the G-13 for some years.
Slots: 6
Base chassis value: 0.15
Structure tech level: B (x1.3)
Armored Chassis (x1.5)
Tractor (x1.2)
10,000kg * 0.15 * 1.3 * 1.5 * 1.2
Base engine value: 0.013
yes turret
Engine weight: 10 x 0.013 x 8 x 2(ICE tech B) = 2,080kg
Fuel (200km): 0.02 x 2,080 = 42kg fuel in BT
additional fuel I worked out to 120kg
Crew: 4
Max armor: 24
24 pts BAR 5 armor (B): 24x63 = 1512kg
BV2 calculations
Armor (BAR 5) 30.0
24 pts * 2.5 * 0.5
Internals 7.5
5 pts * 1.5
Def equipment 0.0
Vee Type (Trk) x 0.9
Def Factor x 1.1
Def BV2 37.125
Weapon BV
37mm (MedRR) 19.0
@37mm (0.09T) 0.45
Vntg Minigun 1.5
Vntg Minigun 1.5
@vµG (0.102T) 0.051
No FCS x 0.8
Tonnage / 2 5.0
Speed factor x 0.77
Off BV2 17.710616
Total BV2 54.835616 -> (55)
Chassis [2.5k * 3.510T * 2 (Arm) * 1.1 (Tra)] 19,305.00
Engine - ICE [5k * 2.080T * 1 (ICE)] 10,400.00
Armor - BAR 5 [200 * 24 pts] 4,800.00
Tech Rating B x 0.75
Base Structure Cost 25,878.75
Heat Sinks (n/a) 0.00
Turret (5k * 0.5T) 2,500.00
Power Amps (n/a) 0.00
Base tank cost 28,378.75
37mm Cannon (MedRecRf) 7,500.00
@37mm (0.09T) 135.00
Vintage Minigun 1,500.00
Vintage Minigun 1,500.00
@vµG (0.102T) 51.00
Cost with weapons 39,064.75
Cost Multiplier x 1.000
Chassis Modifier x 1.100
Dry Cost 42,971.225
Total Cost 42,972.00
(Space reserved for the Grille and SdKfz 140/1.)