Author Topic: Drone Operating System for Protomechs  (Read 3271 times)


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Drone Operating System for Protomechs
« on: 01 March 2022, 00:37:54 »
An idea came to me the other night on how to get the Inner Sphere to start building Protomechs.  The biggest issue is that one is basically offering to set themselves up to burn themselves out when becoming a pilot of one of these things.  While it could work for prisoners and otherwise hopeless (like failed Clan Aerospace Pilots), getting enough average Joe's to volunteer to make it work is a constraint on investigating on how to build them.

However, the Revenant provides a possible answer for this concept.  While not a perfect technology, especially in areas where ECM tends to shine, it could work with a Drone Operating System where such things wouldn't work.

In this concept, it could work as an MHQ bodyguard unit and be set up for Infantry Support that is operated from nearby Combat Vehicles as well.  This could allow more Mechs to be out in the field.

Setting up the mass could be a problem.  500 kg plus 10% mass on something already mass tight could be an issue.  But hey, if such concepts will work for a 30 ton mech, it should work for something 5-15, right?

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Charistoph's Painted Products of Mechanical Mayhem

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Re: Drone Operating System for Protomechs
« Reply #1 on: 01 March 2022, 07:01:15 »
I'm working on an AU PROJECT with something similar, but there are a few difficulties, particularly regarding ECM.  Encountering a field shuts it down right when you need it, like dropping a mini into water, so you need at least 2 ECCM fields to prevent it.

They really can support infantry in the anti-Elemental, tanks, and mech roles, but it gets riskier on the attack.  I find unexpected roles - where the drone operator has surprise are where they are best used, but beyond scout and fire support there aren't many safe roles for them.

They're perfectly fine for service roles, like rear area servicemechs, freight and cargo, stuff like that.
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Re: Drone Operating System for Protomechs
« Reply #2 on: 01 March 2022, 14:04:28 »
I'm working on an AU PROJECT with something similar, but there are a few difficulties, particularly regarding ECM.  Encountering a field shuts it down right when you need it, like dropping a mini into water, so you need at least 2 ECCM fields to prevent it.

They really can support infantry in the anti-Elemental, tanks, and mech roles, but it gets riskier on the attack.  I find unexpected roles - where the drone operator has surprise are where they are best used, but beyond scout and fire support there aren't many safe roles for them.

They're perfectly fine for service roles, like rear area servicemechs, freight and cargo, stuff like that.

Yeah, Attack roles would be hard to justify as a regular course, as they are just too fragile, and ECM would be expected as a matter of course.

Recon as well would be hard to justify as one could just use a CF Drone or VTOL in that role.  It would be much sneakier and less noticeable, but a squad of Infantry could fulfill that role almost as well.

Defense is really the best role I can think they would fit.  Useful for an HQ or DS.  The problem there is, ECM is just as useful for preventing Probes from working so work well with recon and head-hunting groups.

They would almost require a Boosted Drone System akin to the Boosted C3 to work, OR be providing their own ECCM as a matter of course.  This is where the suggested Light ECM Suite someone suggested would come in handy, or securing Clan equipment for that matter.
« Last Edit: 01 March 2022, 20:16:37 by Charistoph »
Are you a Wolf, a Sheep, or a Hound?
Quote from: Megavolt
They called me crazy…they called me insane…THEY CALLED ME LOONEY!! and boy, were they right.

Charistoph's Painted Products of Mechanical Mayhem

Red Pins

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Re: Drone Operating System for Protomechs
« Reply #3 on: 01 March 2022, 17:52:53 »
Tagged for later, orry.
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