So, having played with ProtoMechs for a couple times, I thought it would be interesting to explore how the Inner Sphere would duplicate it. So, using a handy thesaurus I discovered the word "bantam" which has several meanings, but as an adjective is simply "diminutive or tiny".
Here is the rules pass. I'll update Construction and Costs later on as soon as I finish a few typing out the details. Constructive criticism is appreciated, I'm unsure if they'll work or even be desirable, so with that out of the way, let us begin.
With the expense of manufacturing BattleMechs, and the surprising results of ProtoMechs used by the Word of Blake and forays by the Hell’s Horses, some security firms who wanted to provide something heavier than Battle Armor, but for customers who couldn’t afford BattleMechs or wanted them for other purposes, began working on their own version of the ProtoMech. There were many challenges in this project because Inner Sphere technology just wasn’t up to the task on its own and the control systems were considered extreme for volunteer pilots.
As they see deployment in the Inner Sphere, some Mercenary units have looked to deploying them as cheap security or augmenting forces. The Houses have been watching this with a combination of interest and amusement.
BantamMechs use the Record Sheets for ProtoMechs. Most of the rules for BantamMechs are consistent with ProtoMechs with the exceptions mentioned below.
Deployment: BantamMechs normally deploy in Squads of four units, but some squads may up to six or less Bantams as circumstances and organizations prefer.
BantamMechs handle weapon attacks, damage resolution, and movement declarations like a ProtoMech.
Bantam Squads move like ProtoMech Points.
Skidding: Unless the BantamMech has a Neural Interface control system, BantamMechs can skid in the same circumstances a BattleMech will skid with.
BantamMechs use the same rules for Weapon Attacks and Firing Arcs that ProtoMechs use.
Hit Location
Players determine hit location against a BantamMech by rolling on the ProtoMech Hit Location Table. However, unless a BantamMech is equipped with a Neural Interface control system, a hit on a BantamMech that rolls a 3 or 11 for location will hit the Right Arm and Left Arm, respectively.
Special Circumstances: BantamMechs are considered ProtoMechs for the purposes of being hit with area-effect weapons, building collapse, crashing units, falling, and collisions with skidding and sideslipping units.
Targeting Computers: BantamMechs are treated as ProtoMechs when targeted by units with Targeting Computers.
BantamMechs are treated as ProtoMechs for the purposes of taking damage, including Critical Hits. However, the pilot only takes damage when the Internal Structure is damaged if the unit is using the Neural Interface control system. If the unit is using any other system, hits against the torso will damage the pilot like the Head hit on a Mech.
BantamMechs may make Frenzy attacks like ProtoMechs. If the unit is using a Neural Interface control system, the attack is performed like a ProtoMech. With any other control system in place, us the BantamMech’s Piloting Skill as a base number and apply the modifiers as normal with a -1 To-Hit.
BantamMechs are targeted with Physical Attacks like a ProtoMech.
BantamMechs can only have Myomer Boosters with a Mixed technology platform, but otherwise are treated as ProtoMechs for the purposes of this system. However, on a failing roll, if the BantamMech is not using a Neural interface Control System, the player makes a Critical Hit roll against the Legs.