Author Topic: Fraternitas Battle Armour (Brotherhood of Randis)  (Read 3165 times)

The Littlie Zaku

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Fraternitas Battle Armour (Brotherhood of Randis)
« on: 21 August 2023, 08:47:22 »

Type: Fraternitas Battle Armour

Manufacturer: Hope Industrial Metals

Year of Manufacture: 3152

Tech Base: Clan (Mixed)

Cost: 469,250 C-Bills per suit

Chassis Type: Biped

Weight Class: Light

Weight: 750kg

Swarm/Leg Attack/Mechanized/AP: Yes/Yes/Yes/Yes



     Ground MP: 2+1 = (3) 30 kg

     Jump MP: 1+1 = (2)

     Manipulators: Battle Claw

     Left Arm: Battle Claw

     Right Arm: Machine Gun + Anti Personal Mount (Vintage Assault Rifle)

     Torso: Partial Wing + Mechanical Jump Boosters

     Armor: Standard (Advanced) 200 kg

               Armor Value: 5+1 (Trooper)

Design Quirks

     Rugged (2)

Individual BV: 33.4

Star BV: 167


Born within a melting pot of chance meetings and fortunes, the Fraternitas came about following a surviving jump ship of Clan Nova Cat civilians fleeing into the Periphery following the battle of Irece, low on manpower and at the prey of pirates the warriors who accompanied the lost ship were picked off one by one until the ship picked up on a friendly clan signal. The owners however were the Brotherhood of Randis led by a descendent of Clan Smoke Jaguar expatriates who had found their way to Randis in the century prior. While the Nova Cats and Smoke Jaguars had possessed a long term rivalry the desperation for help and the depletion of all but a star of mech warriors and four points of elementals, saw the exhausted and shattered warriors and civilians accompanying the Knights to Randis where they were settled in by the Monastic and Charitable order.

With them the clan survivors bought a good deal of technical knowledge which aided the Brotherhood which following several trials almost all the depleted warriors joined. Still the greatest boon was from the surviving scientist caste members who while having severe gaps in their knowledge due to their lack of the extensive clan database got to work advancing several of the production lines in Hope Industrial Metals, the main producer of the equipment of the Monastic Order of space knights. While these upgrades were largely minor increases to efficiency, the team had enough scientists with knowledge of Elemental Armour to have a crack at designing a new battle armour to express thanks to their saviours.

The Fraternitas stands as a odd duck in a odd position. Built on a clan chassis, the suit is notably bulkier and heavier then most designs in Inner Sphere use, moreover technical shortcomings rampent in the Deep Periphery saw the scientist caste and hope Industrial Engineers only able to create a facsimile of true clan armour, with it having roughly the same protection of the advanced armour found in the Inner Sphere. In addition the sheer shortcomings of Randis made it incapable of manufacturing the micro scale jumpjets found in most battle armours, leading to a unique design choices that made the suit as unique as it is. Utilising more mechanical servos then myomer, the suit was able to supplement its jump jets for a mixture of a partial wing often seen in Draconis designs and mechanical jump boosters giving the design the ability to leap up to 60 meters at a time. Moreover fully able to run 33kph flat out, giving the group a potent running battle armour which could be armed with machine guns and a claw to aid in taking part in anti infantry work, so often found when mopping up pirate raids. What this resulted in was a suit which was more servo mechanical then myomer driven, though it did posses myomer, but with thirty-three percent less than any clan of Inner Sphere version. This resulted in a much more reliable and mechanically durable suit which required littlie maintenance which was ideal in the Deep Periphery. In addition it benefitted from advanced clan life support systems, and while it often lacked Har Jel, it still provided better survivability on hostile planets on the edge of human space.

And what was more useful it was the only real battle armour design in the region barring stolen or imported models which often had a strained logistic line.


This is in no way a optimised model, I wanted to make a space knight battle armour which took advantage of the fact that mechanical jump boosters can get bonus air time with partial wings. With the clan body its in no way well optimised but to be frank it is indicative of the suit. Also I like the idea Randis deploy 5 battle armour  in Star formations given in the lore I made they learned it from the clans. Also I like the idea that the Brotherhood would wear like littlie capes like knights and given their jumping ability is all mechnaical their is less of a way to burn up. Its just goofy just the way I like them ^^

The drawing itself is a work doodle and is in no way serious.
« Last Edit: 21 August 2023, 08:49:20 by The Littlie Zaku »

The Littlie Zaku

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Re: Fraternitas Battle Armour (Brotherhood of Randis)
« Reply #1 on: 03 December 2023, 02:08:04 »

I digitally remade the art


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Re: Fraternitas Battle Armour (Brotherhood of Randis)
« Reply #2 on: 23 December 2023, 06:04:03 »
I like it
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Fraternitas Battle Armour (Brotherhood of Randis)
« Reply #3 on: 23 December 2023, 10:02:30 »
Love the design, fluff and both sets of artwork
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Red Pins

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Re: Fraternitas Battle Armour (Brotherhood of Randis)
« Reply #4 on: 23 December 2023, 10:26:59 »
Oooh, nicely reasoned and well done.  That your own art?
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The Littlie Zaku

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Re: Fraternitas Battle Armour (Brotherhood of Randis)
« Reply #5 on: 01 January 2024, 03:41:39 »
Yep. I draw a few things battletechy

Dragon Cat

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Re: Fraternitas Battle Armour (Brotherhood of Randis)
« Reply #6 on: 01 January 2024, 14:03:08 »
Yep. I draw a few things battletechy

It's well done, I may have to borrow/steal the design for a story
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Red Pins

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Re: Fraternitas Battle Armour (Brotherhood of Randis)
« Reply #7 on: 01 January 2024, 14:40:25 »
It's well done, I may have to borrow/steal the design for a story

I wish sometimes I could draw.  Even after a two decades, I still have handwritten notes what the 19 New Clan logos look like, and still have no talent.

You know, i think I'm going to try to draw them this year.  Why not?  I learned how to do layout.
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Now with MORE GROGNARD!  ...I think I'm done.  I've played long enough to earn a pension, fer cryin' out loud!  IlClan and out in <REDACTED>!
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Re: Fraternitas Battle Armour (Brotherhood of Randis)
« Reply #8 on: 01 January 2024, 14:41:53 »
Go for it, brother! :)

Red Pins

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Re: Fraternitas Battle Armour (Brotherhood of Randis)
« Reply #9 on: 01 January 2024, 14:54:57 »
Well, I never thought I could do a book cover in 20 minutes, but surprised myself.  And it would be nice to finally make the cover I wanted for that project, since something like 60% of it is done.
...Visit the Legacy Cluster...
The New Clans:Volume One
Clan Devil Wasp * Clan Carnoraptor * Clan Frost Ape * Clan Surf Dragon * Clan Tundra Leopard
Work-in-progress; The Blake Threat File
Now with MORE GROGNARD!  ...I think I'm done.  I've played long enough to earn a pension, fer cryin' out loud!  IlClan and out in <REDACTED>!
TRO: 3176 Hegemony Refits - the 30-day wonder

Dragon Cat

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Re: Fraternitas Battle Armour (Brotherhood of Randis)
« Reply #10 on: 01 January 2024, 15:16:56 »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3