Author Topic: another idiotic challenge...  (Read 1766 times)


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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another idiotic challenge...
« on: 03 November 2023, 13:00:36 »
Okay, you have between 5 and 7 thousand tons of wet-naval vessel to play with.

What it needs to fit into that:

Minimum of:

2 Thumper artillery pieces
4 LRM-20
1 VTOL/Helicopter pad
1 Platoon of dive-qualified infantry

What would be nice to have;

icebreaker hull mod
Well deck for amphibious vehicles
Enough armor to actually take a few hits
Some kind of reasonable point-defense/ADA capability.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Major General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: another idiotic challenge...
« Reply #1 on: 03 November 2023, 16:27:37 »
What era?  Are AMS (or Laser AMS) available?  I'd also add some LRT-5s to the minimum load out... :)


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: another idiotic challenge...
« Reply #2 on: 03 November 2023, 18:12:24 »
What era?  Are AMS (or Laser AMS) available?  I'd also add some LRT-5s to the minimum load out... :)

Era's between 2789 and 3025 for tech.  AMS would be on the "currently unavailable" listing.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Major General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: another idiotic challenge...
« Reply #3 on: 03 November 2023, 18:41:13 »
Hmmm... that makes point defense kind of hard...


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: another idiotic challenge...
« Reply #4 on: 06 November 2023, 06:39:41 »
A few questions before I take a run at it
 - Does the ship have a specific role/context - I would guess this is a pretty standard patrol frigate on cold/wet world capable of SAR/anti-piracy/smugglers and other small capital missions etc.
 - I assume point defense means capability against approaching hostiles e.g. submersibles & ASF as anti missile is implausible at 3025 tech
 - Which book is Icebreaker hull mod in?  It certainly isn't in Tac Ops and google isn't helping me.


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Posts: 11595
Re: another idiotic challenge...
« Reply #5 on: 06 November 2023, 14:10:55 »
A few questions before I take a run at it
 - Does the ship have a specific role/context - I would guess this is a pretty standard patrol frigate on cold/wet world capable of SAR/anti-piracy/smugglers and other small capital missions etc.
 - I assume point defense means capability against approaching hostiles e.g. submersibles & ASF as anti missile is implausible at 3025 tech
 - Which book is Icebreaker hull mod in?  It certainly isn't in Tac Ops and google isn't helping me.

huh...I thought it was.

yikes, shows how long it's been since I dug in and did my own research...

The role is something akin to a multimission type-a standardized hull designed to fill a LOT of local roles ranging from SAR to oceanic study to local commerce enforcement, to providing fire support in coastal/wetland areas for ground troops.

LOTS of roles.

Hence the somewhat unfocused requirements-these boats are meant to be constantly doing something when there isn't an active enemy to fight.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Major General
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  • Posts: 41136
  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: another idiotic challenge...
« Reply #6 on: 06 November 2023, 19:06:20 »
Well, "icebreaker" could be covered by a LOT of armor, after all... ;)


  • Warrant Officer
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  • Posts: 420
Re: another idiotic challenge...
« Reply #7 on: 07 November 2023, 05:03:30 »
The Osman class submersible frigate is a “mothership” style capital ship.  With a top speed just over 80kph there are faster vessels but it’s ability to submerge can ensure its survival even against vastly superior surface and aerial threats.  The fore turret hold the vessels weapon systems, a pair of Long Tom guns allows the Osman class to engage over the horizon threats while a quartet of LRM20 launchers engage closer threats and fulfil the minimum requirements; Carrion industries would recommend a retrofit to replace half those launchers with torpedo variants as the Osman is more likely to have to fire upon submersibles or on surface vessels while submerged at those ranges. The rear deck is dominated by the helipad to launch and retrieve the ships compliment of VTOL aircraft. 

Should the enemy threaten to broach the minimum range of the LRM systems the primary defence mechanism is to submerge and escape with the associated combat vehicles being the primary force to engage the enemy.  The Osman mounts the maximum armour for a submersible of its size but it is not sufficient to be relied on for a protracted engagement and the smaller vehicles are much more cost effective for closer range engagements.

The popularity of the Osman class frigate would pave the way to the creation of the 8500T Imagineer Class Light Submersible Cruiser and shares many of the features of the larger vessel but technology would have to catch up first.

With 18 bays for vehicles and generous cargo capacity the Osman can be easily outfitted for numerous mission profiles by altering the payload.  Commonly even the aircraft on the Osman would be amphibious allowing them to put down on the surface and be recovered should the helipad be damaged.  A common “Warship” configuration might include

Air Wing
2 x Gunship VTOLS
1 x Support VTOL (Lift Hoist & Cargo Bays)

Blue Water Superiority Lance
4 x Blue Water Superiority Submersibles

Support Lance
2 x Arrow IV Submersible
2 x Interceptor Hydrofoils
Surface Lance
2 x “sea plane” amphibious conventional fixed wing aircraft
2 x Amphibious Assault Hovers
1 x Support Industrial Mech such as the Guppy Navy Industrial Mech
Heavy Vehicle
Most commonly this is a protected space for a Heavy support vehicle which is generally some form of cargo carrier but it can be used to deploy any vehicle up to 100T such as a deep exploration submersible, artillery platform, ice breaker, tug or assault lander. 

With space for over 50 infantry a full compliment on the Osman pushes 200 but most of these are Bay Personnel and marines, the ship itself can be run with a compliment of a couple of dozen sailors, gunners, cooks and medics.

Code: [Select]
Name Osman
Displacement 5000T
Cruising Speed 58kph
Engine Type Fusion
Tech Level D throughout
Armour 339 points of BAR7
Chassis Mod Submersible

Fore Turret
2x Long Tom 20T of Ammo
4x LRM20 12T of Ammo

Field Kitchen
489T Cargo/additional space

4 light vehicle "surface" bay
4 light vehicle "surface" bay
4 light vehicle "submersible" bay
1 heavy vehicle "surface" bay
1 Mech Bay
4 light vehicle air deck