Author Topic: Golden Lion AU Armors  (Read 1512 times)


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Golden Lion AU Armors
« on: 26 November 2023, 09:29:12 »
'Echo' Clan Force Recon Armor
Total Mass - 750Kg
Chassis - 150Kg
3 Jump Jets - 75Kg
6 Armor - 150Kg
1 Battle Claw - 15Kg
Anti-Personnel Weapon (Pulse Laser Rifle/Vibrosword/Combat Shotgun) 5Kg
Modular Heavy Weapon - 10Kg (130Kg unallocated)
Active Probe 150Kg
Power Pack 25Kg
Remote Sensor Dispenser/Mission Cargo 40Kg

Approved Weapons
Heavy Grenade Launcher w/ many reloads
Machine Gun w/ many reloads
Adv SRM-2 w/ 2 Reloads
LRM-3 w/ 1 Reload

Background - Although their regular Elemental suits are more capable combatants within the Clans there were significant gaps in lights scouts or units more capable of situational awareness in complex environments. Clan Star Adder prefers to fight with as close to perfect information, not deploy light mechs, and use lots of VTOLs. Thus the 'Echo' was created as a lighter airmobile scout suit. With more sensors than weapons by mass the 'Echo' operates in close protection details around heavy battlemech forces or on detached Long Range Patrol deploying remote sensors and communication devices while possessing enough firepower to handle infantry they might encounter. In preparation for REVIVAL Star Adder increased their manufacture of these suits and they are used to provide sensor and anti-personnel support to heavier Armored or Mechanized Infantry forces in complex terrain, such as Inner Sphere cities, against irregular forces.


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Re: "Echo" Clan Force Recon Armor (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #1 on: 26 November 2023, 13:03:21 »
Feels weird to not put stealth armor on a recon suit...? Of course it would make it hard to fit a (practical) MWM.


  • Major
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Re: "Echo" Clan Force Recon Armor (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #2 on: 26 November 2023, 13:30:33 »
Feels weird to not put stealth armor on a recon suit...? Of course it would make it hard to fit a (practical) MWM.

Stealth on a Clan Suit. There is no honor in that freeborn.


  • Major
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COMGuards Armadillo Battle Armor
« Reply #3 on: 29 November 2023, 11:00:54 »
Aggressor II 'Armadillo' Suit
Mass 1500Kg
Chassis - 300Kg
Movement 2MP - 80
10 Standard Armor - 500Kg
2 Heavy Magnetized Battle Claws - 80Kg
2 Forearm Anti-Personnel Weapon Mounts - 10Kg
2 Detachable Shoulder Mounted SRM-3s - 360Kg w/ 1 Reload 120
Extra Power Pack - 25Kg
Searchlight - 5Kg

Background - Minoru Kurita's research into power armor development alongside Doctor Riva Allard did not go unnoticed by COMSTAR's Omega R&D Group. The University of Victoria received a multi-million c-bill grant from NETC to further research into 'mine-clearance' operations (and perhaps regain some lost trust with the Combine and Confederation) which allowed them to closely monitor the situation. All the while they were optimizing their own technologies, notably the first 'new' offensive powered armor, known internally as the Aggressor. As new armor composites, myomer chemistries, missile sub-assemblies and control software was approved for use they were able to increase the armoring and speed of the design allowing it some manner of ground mobility.

These newly manufactured (not just adapted PEX) suits would undergo testing in the Outback and Greenland Training Grounds on Terra and elsewhere to verify and streamline the design. Additionally research was put into alternate warhead types with newly designed Mine-Clearance Munition and Tandem-Charge Warhead being first deployed on Armadillo suits. These were more effective than the lower tech Anti-Personnel or High Explosive ones used on the Rhino. Unlike the Rhino both of the Armadillo's Triplex Short Range Missile Boxes are detachable allowing for rapid rearming of the design in the field if necessary.

The first use of these suits against an enemy would be with the COMSTAR's 222nd Division against Clan Star Adder on Antares. Unfortunately these were the only ones available to be sent into the field at the time.