Fluff will have to come later, but the short form is that the Bastion started with the Nighthawk suit and didn't have anything bigger than that until the 3070s. And even then, they mostly focused on a slightly bigger Nighthawk. Of these suits, the Mark XXXI, XXXII, XXXVI, and XXXVII are the only variants to see true mass production. The rest are either prototypes or small production runs reserved for special operations.
These suits are organized into six man squads to match the Bastion's standard organization for jump infantry. This is also part of the reason that the Bastion has been slow to formally adopt larger battle armor, because they can still fit a squad of the smaller suits (using the optional rule in Tactical operations) in the infantry compartments of their standard troop carriers.
Type: Nighthawk Series Powered Armor Mark XXXI - Mark XXXV
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Chassis Type: Biped
Weight Class: Ultra Light/PA(L)/Exoskeleton
Maximum Weight: 400 kg
Equipment Slots Mass
Chassis: 80 kg
Motive System:
Ground MP: 1 0 kg
Jump MP: 3 75 kg
Motive System: (XXX(B))
Ground MP: 3 50 kg
Jump MP: 3 75 kg
Motive System: (XXXIV)
Ground MP: 1 0 kg
Left Arm: Armored Gloves 0 kg
Right Arm: Armored Gloves 0 kg
Armor: Stealth (Standard) 4 120 kg
Armor Value: 2
Armor (Mark XXXII): Standard (Basic) 0 100 kg
Armor Value: 2
(Mark XXIX)
Battle Value: 95
Weapons and Equipment Location (Capacity) Mass
Single-Hex ECM Body 1 100 kg
Power Pack Body 1 25 kg
(Mark XXX(B))
Battle Value: 81
Weapons and Equipment Location (Capacity) Mass
Power Pack Body 1 25 kg
Mission Equipment (50 kg) Body 1 50 kg
(Mark XXXI)
Battle Value: 88
Weapons and Equipment Location (Capacity) Mass
Grenade Launcher Body 1 75 kg
Power Pack Body 1 25 kg
(Mark XXXII)
Battle Value: 70
Weapons and Equipment Location (Capacity) Mass
Space Operations Adaptation Body 1 100 kg
Extended Life Support Body 1 25 kg
Cutting Torch Right Arm 1 5 kg
Anti Personnel Weapon Mount Left Arm 1 5 kg
Battle Value: 130
Weapons and Equipment Location (Capacity) Mass
Power Pack Body 1 25 kg
David Gauss Rifle Body 1 100 kg
(Mark XXXIV)
Battle Value: 81
Weapons and Equipment Location (Capacity) Mass
Camo System Body 2 200 kg
(Mark XXXV)
Battle Value: 95
Weapons and Equipment Location (Capacity) Mass
Improved Sensors Body 1 65 kg
Mission Equipment (60 kg) Body 1 60 kg
Nighthawk Mark XXXVI - Mark XXXX
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Chassis Type: Biped
Weight Class: Light
Maximum Weight: 750 kg
Equipment Slots Mass
Chassis: 100 kg
Motive System:
Ground MP: 1 0 kg
Jump MP: 3 75 kg
Motive System (XXXVIII, XXXIX, XXXX)
Ground MP: 3 50 kg
Left Arm: Armored Gloves 0 kg
Right Arm: Armored Gloves 0 kg
Armor: Stealth (Improved) 5 360 kg
Armor Value: 6
Armor: Standard (Basic) 0 300 kg
Armor Value: 6
Armor: Stealth (Improved) 5 300 kg
Armor Value: 5
(Mark XXXVI)
Battle Value: 397
Weapons and Equipment Location (Capacity) Mass
BA Recoilless Rifle Right Arm 2 175 kg
TAG Body 1 35 kg
Battle Value: 270
Weapons and Equipment Location (Capacity) Mass
Space Operations Adaptation Body 1 100 kg
Cutting Torch Left Arm 1 5 kg
Machine Gun Right Arm 1 150 kg
Heat Sensor Body 1 20 kg
Battle Value: 341
Weapons and Equipment Location (Capacity) Mass
Small Laser Right Arm 1 200 kg
Power Pack Body 1 25 kg
Anti Personnel Weapon Mount Left Arm 1 5 kg
(Mark XXXIX)
Battle Value: 312
Weapons and Equipment Location (Capacity) Mass
Plasma Rifle Right Arm 2 300 kg
TAG Left Arm 1 35 kg
Searchlight Body 1 5 kg
(Mark XXXX)
Battle Value: 128
Weapons and Equipment Location (Capacity) Mass
Camo System Body 2 200 kg
Improved Sensors Body 1 65 kg