I liked Hazard Pay's "Dingo" so much I thought I'd do something similar.
UVZ Mk I Buzz Boar Scout Bike
Mass: 4.675 tons
Movement Type: Wheeled (Monocycle)
Power Plant: UVZ MicroCell
Cruising Speed: 108 kph
Maximum Speed: 162 kph
Armor: UVZ Composite
1 Poltava Arms M160 Support Machine Gun
Manufacturer: UVZ
Primary Factory: Horizon
Communication System: UVZ Harmonizer
Targeting & Tracking System: UVZ AWS-3b Handsfree
Introduction Year:3018
Tech Rating/Availability: D/E-D-D-C
Cost: 111,600 C-bills
The UVZ Mk I Buzz Boar is the newest vehicle fielded by the Kingdom of Horizon. As one of the most unusual recon vehicles in use anywhere, this swift and nimble monowheel bike features extensive capability.
The Buzz Boar is, at first glance, a very strange vehicle. Informally known as the Boar, it is essentially a very large militarized monocycle. A Boar weighs in at a hefty 4,675 kilograms, so it is much too heavy for its balance to be maintained by a human rider. Instead, a Boar's 2-person crew of pilot and systems operator sit next to each other inside a small cockpit. Much like a Mech's gyroscope, this cockpit can roll, pitch, and swing along the monowheel's inside track, thus maintaining balance and directional control. The cycle also has two small, articulated wheeled legs (dubbed by Boar crews as "training wheels"). These are automatically extended or retracted as needed to further improve handling, or to provide balance when stationary.
Far from being awkward or difficult to control, the highly responsive Buzz Boar is more maneuverable than almost any other wheeled vehicle. A Boar swaying into a turn at high speed is a dynamic sight.
The Buzz Boar's small frame is packed to the brim with equipment. Its primary systems include a day/night Recon Camera and a Remote Sensor Dispenser; the latter can deploy a network of up to 30 remote sensor pods. A rear-mounted Mine Dispenser can deploy up to two minefield clusters, typically either standard contact mines or vibrabombs. The bike's electronics package is fully integrated with a battlefield-grade communications array. Although this adds considerable weight, it is a necessary feature to ensure that the bike can maximize the use of its remote sensors. A flexible searchlight assists with nighttime operations.
Armament consists of one pilot-operated support MG in a gimbal mount. A miniaturized advanced targeting system aligns the weapon with the pilot's helmet movements. This weapon is effective against infantry but is only marginally useful against other targets.
Armor protection is light, but still sufficient to withstand a medium laser hit to the front. Off-road performance is surprisingly good; one of the most important features of the monowheel design is that it can navigate through wooded areas with confidence. Top speed is well over 160kph, making the Buzz Boar one of the fastest ground units in the Army. Maximum overland range is an impressive 701 kilometers.
The Buzz Boar is a brand new design, having been deployed only within the first few months of 3018. It is part of the HRA's effort to "do more with less" by replacing their hodgepodge of clapped-out Succession-War-era recon vehicles with smaller, more efficient, and more capable designs. The first few examples of the Buzz Boar have just started to reach HRA recon units. Although it has yet to see combat, it seems to be well-regarded so far. Production will probably not exceed 6-8 units per month because this highly advanced bike taxes the upper limits of Horizonian industry.
Doctrine calls for Buzz Boar units to act as mobile recon and forward observers. However, these vehicles should enter direct combat only under the most favorable circumstances. As part of their mission profile they can also mine roadways and expected lines of contact, thus controlling and disrupting enemy movements.
Type: UVZ Mk I Buzz Boar
Chassis Type: Wheeled (Small)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Mass: 4675 kg
Battle Value: 60
Equipment Mass (kg)
Chassis/Controls 366.0
Engine/Trans. 1216.0
Cruise MP: 10
Flank MP: 15
Heat Sinks 0 0.0
Fuel 128.0
Armor Factor (BAR 5) 13 416.0
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Front 1 5
R/L Side 1/1 3/3
Rear 1 2
and Ammo Location Tonnage
Machine Gun Front 44.0
Machine Gun Ammo (100 shots) Front 5.0
Features Ultra-Light, Monocycle, and Off-Road Chassis and Controls Modifications
Vehicular Mine Dispenser (500 kg)
Remote Sensors/Dispenser (500 kg)
Communications Equipment (1000 kg)
Advanced Fire Control (5 kg)
Recon Camera (500 kg)
Searchlight, Handheld (5kg)