Author Topic: Ocēlōtl Light Clan BA  (Read 912 times)

AngryButler with a KNIFE!

  • Warrant Officer
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  • Posts: 512
Ocēlōtl Light Clan BA
« on: 09 March 2024, 17:13:39 »
Meant as a lighter version of the classic Elemental, it gives up 40% of that older design's armor plating in order to mount somewhat superior armaments. The claw is upgraded to include vibroblade coating at the tips and interior edges of the triple-digit powered manipulator. The missile pack was exchanged for a more advanced, if heavier, version with the same number of reloads. Stockpiles of micro pulse lasers for neverbuilt ProtoMechs were utilized in order to cut costs on initial production runs, although later ones would include newly produced versions of a slightly different design. Lastly, engineers installed several layers of ECM/ECCM and a thin coating of smartpaint. While nowhere near as effective as true mimetic armor, being only able to switch between pre-loaded patterns across the suit or a solid coloration overall, it does come close to the most basic of sneak suits in stealth features. Overall, the changes caused the design to greatly resemble the slimmed down Slyph with a marked difference of a rear facing extension to the boot for added traction, a far more compact backpack, and a small circular sensor just above the visor which is used as part of the missile system and is discarded along with the tubes after being used up.

An alternative model, designated simply as the Ocēlōtl 2, changes the design to a support sniper. The added power conduits and dampening systems in the claw are removed, while the laser is swapped out for a standard hyper-velocity 12.7mm machinegun. The backpack is where the largest visible changes occur, with an anti-personnel Gauss rifle that can swing over and down across the left shoulder, while a single disposable long range missile tube takes up the left shoulder. Armor coverage is not shifted outside of minor changes to the left arm that redesigned the armored elbow pad to include a slot for a protected feed line. This leads back to the spinal ammo drum that is split between the Gauss rifle's flechette blocks and the machinegun's rounds.

Used primarily by the reformed Clan Smoke Jaguar by many of it's more experienced warriors to whom see the downgraded armor protection as a fair trade for the more complex armament loadout. The only real downside is that the armaments are fixed on the Ocēlōtl, which does not include room for a modular hardpoint on the arm as on the older Elemental suits.

Code: [Select]
Ocēlōtl 1 BattleArmor
Type: Ocēlōtl
Manufacturer: Unknown
    Primary Factory: Unknown

Tech Base: Clan (Standard)
Chassis Type:  Biped
Weight Class: Light
Maximum Weight: 750 kg
Battle Value: 465
Swarm/Leg Attack/Mechanized/AP: Yes/Yes/Yes/No

Equipment                                     Slots      Mass
Chassis:                                               150 kg
Motive System:                                               
     Ground MP:          1                               0 kg
     Jump MP:            3                              75 kg
    Left Arm:            None                            0 kg
    Right Arm:           Vibro-Claw                     50 kg
Armor:                   Stealth (Basic)        3      180 kg
    Armor Value:         7 (Trooper)                         

Weapons and Equipment         Location (Capacity)   Mass 
Micro Pulse Laser             Left Arm     1       160 kg
Advanced SRM 2                  Body       2       90 kg 
Advanced SRM 2 Ammo (2)         Body       1       40 kg 
Anti Personnel Weapon Mount   Right Arm     1        5 kg 

Code: [Select]
Ocēlōtl 2 BattleArmor
Type: Ocēlōtl
Manufacturer: Unknown
    Primary Factory: Unknown

Tech Base: Clan (Standard)
Chassis Type:  Biped
Weight Class: Light
Maximum Weight: 750 kg
Battle Value: 351
Swarm/Leg Attack/Mechanized/AP: Yes/Yes/Yes/No

Equipment                                     Slots      Mass
Chassis:                                               150 kg
Motive System:                                               
     Ground MP:          1                               0 kg
     Jump MP:            3                              75 kg
    Left Arm:            None                            0 kg
    Right Arm:           Battle Claw                    15 kg
Armor:                   Stealth (Basic)        3      180 kg
    Armor Value:         7 (Trooper)                         

Weapons and Equipment         Location (Capacity)   Mass 
Anti Personnel Weapon Mount   Right Arm     1        5 kg 
Gauss Rifle                     Body       1       200 kg
Machine Gun                   Left Arm     1       100 kg
LRM 1                           Body       2       25 kg 
« Last Edit: 10 March 2024, 07:39:34 by AngryButler with a KNIFE! »
I love my Wiesel XII. Yes, yes I do.