Quick and dirty: (edit: Not that quick. I decided to generate an image for it using Copilot and write some quick fluff)
(Loosely based on the Zero MMX currently used by the United States Marine Corps)

Oreamnos Scout Bike
Mass: 0.308 tons
Movement Type: Wheeled
Power Plant: CM-Force 41
Cruising Speed: 118.8 kph
Maximum Speed: 183.6 kph
Armor: N/A
Manufacturer:Ceres Motors
Primary Factory: Tikonov
Communication System: N/A
Targeting & Tracking System: N/A
Introduction Year: 2424
Tech Rating/Availability:C/B-C-B-B
Cost: 2,099 C-bills
OverviewThe Oreamnos is a rugged, reliable, off-road motorcycle in use by militaries, non-governmental organizations, and civilians since its start of production in the mid-25th century. During that time it, or license-built copies of it, became nearly ubiquitous throughout the Inner Sphere.
CapabilitiesThe Oreamnos is a rugged vehicle capable of sustained off-road operation. Its battery power makes it nearly silent on the battlefield. This also simplifies logistics as it is capable of charging from nearly any source of electricity, even from residential power grids.
It is known for its nimbleness and speed as well. It is capable of cruising at well over 100 kph on level ground. Like most off-road vehicles it carries only a single rider, though the integrated cargo container used for mission equipment can be easily removed to allow a passenger to ride on the support rack beneath it.
HistoryThe Oreamnos began life in the Capellan Confederation in the mid-25th century. It was an iteration of an older bike, the Myn, which had been in use and manufactured on Tikonov since the days of the old Tikonov Grand Union.
The Oreamnos was a simple but significant improvement on its parent design. Accordingly, the Capellan Confederation began incorporating it into its motorized scout units nearly immediately.
After this other nearby militaries adopted it as well. The Principality of Regulus, Taurian Concordat, and Outworlds Alliance all began to either import the bike or build license-built copies within a decade of its release. Mercenaries and other non-governmental entities began adopting it soon after. A civilian version was marketed as early as 2430 and it became an immediate commercial success.
A particular source of the success was the Terran Hegemony. Consumers there appreciated the durability and build quality of the design, and its manufacture in the Confederation meant that it often sold for considerably less than domestic equivalents. It popularity was high enough to give Ceres Manufacturing a significant foothold within the Hegemony, which it would eventually parlay into military contracts there.
Type: Oreamnos
Chassis Type: Wheeled (Small)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Mass: 308 kg
Battle Value: 7
Equipment Mass (kg)
Chassis/Controls 142.00000000000003
Engine/Trans. 116.0
Cruise MP:11
Flank MP:17
Heat Sinks 0 0.0
Fuel 10.0
Armor Factor (BAR 3) 0 0.0
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Front 1 0
R/L Side 1/1 0/0
Rear 1 0
and Ammo Location Tonnage
Bay 1: Cargo (0.04 tons) 1 Door
Features Bicycle, Off-Road Chassis and Controls Modifications
I designed this to have about 40 kg of on-board storage for mission equipment and personal gear. I figure that accounts for things like panniers.