Author Topic: BattleTech Long Island IV  (Read 20350 times)


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #240 on: 08 January 2025, 21:41:08 »
“Sho-sho, can Tai-sa Imai and I have some of your time tomorrow?” Westfield asks
“How about dinner?” Meiyo offers. “As you two will need to travel from Hilo.”
“Arigatō Sho-sho. Does 1900 hours work?”
“That will be fine.” Meiyo makes a note in her pad. “Informal please as I do not want to have a very large security team around.”
“That is fine. Do you have a place in mind?”
“A local place that Jack and I like, and they are able to deal with my normal team. I will send you the address.”
“We will see you then.”
“I will also have a place for you two and your security teams to stay.”

“May I help you?” The young woman at the entrance asks the couple.
“The Sagamani party?”
“Yes, this way.” She will take them to a table in the rear of the restaurant.
Meyio and Jack are talking as Westfield and Imai are shown to the table. Jack will stand and offer them the open chairs. “Irasshaimase.”
“Arigatō.” They both say.
“Waiter please bring some Oenotropae Plum Wine and Howaitoōku single malt.” Jack hands both menus. “Please pick what you like.”
“They have some of the best burgers on planet.” Meiyo offers. “It is good to just kick back with something so simple as a burger and fries.”
“Well, we will go with you on this.” Westfield looks at Meiyo and puts down his menu.
“Sounds good to me.” Imai puts down her menu as well.
“Waiter four specials.” Jack looks to the waiter as he brings the drinks. “OH, and four beers.” Looking at the other two. “The beer is much better with the burgers.”
“So, what can I do for you two?” Meiyo asks.
“Well, we can use your help as both a DCA flag officer and the head of the Saganami Ichizoku.”
“How is this and why would I want to mix the two?”
“Well as a DCA flag officer we would like you to recommend some unit transfers. As the head of the Saganami Ichizoku and Phoenix Mercantile the moving of some cargo and personnel for the DCA.”
“OK I’ll bite.” Meiyo looks at both of them.
“I am sure you know that the DCA will be having the Tengoku going to a new posting, and she will be taking her task group as well.”
“Yes, I have gone over the orders.”
“Well, the original orders have the 729th going to help form a new MEU. The first problem is that it would force the Tengoku and her task group to move to a location that would force them to take an extra month to get to her new post.”
“OK so what? Do you want me to have Phoenix move the 729th?”
“No, what we would like it for Phoenix to lend some of their cargo ships to the Tengoku TG so they can help transfer cargo and then return with other cargo to Nejiro. You would need to send a JumpShip to collect the DropShips as well.”
“How does this help?”
“Well, that brings us to the second part. The 729th would like to stay here. They have come to like this world and its people.”
“Now I get some of this. As a flag officer I would need to ask command to keep them here.”
“Hai. This also works for Nejiro as well as she gets to keep a mechanized Marine battalion. Sho-sa Kalakua has expressed that this unit along with the other units that are to stay would be of help in keeping the Dragons interests safe.” Imai looks at Westfield and continues. “I would ask that you would recommend that the two now open slots in the Tengoku’s TG be filled with by a Nekohono’o or a Nagumo and an Avenger to up the attack ability of the group.” She takes a sip of wine. “I understand that the troop ships would be a big ask but as others have pointed out either of these would be of great help to the Tengoku’s TG and her new mission.”
“Sho-sa Kalakaua said the 729th would be of help? Now that is a good reason for me to want to keep them here. OK if command were to go for this what happens with the ships that transported the 729th?”
“They would stay to keep providing the transport they need to fulfil their mission here.” Westfield states as he sips his whisky.
“You do understand that they are not the outdated models, and command just may want them back.” Meyio offers.
“With the supplies the Tengoku’s TG needs and that Phoenix cargo ships are being used to transporting these supplies Tengoku’s TG would then have the open space for these ships. I think if the request is worded well, they will say the 729th can stay and with its transport section.” Westfield hands Meiyo a pad. “Also, the fact that Phoenix will be covering the return of the cargo transports costs will help.” He looks at his pad. “If you also look at the request, we have put together we have asked that the families of the 729th and transport section, be sent out here as well. With Phoenix providing the jump and DropShip transports for them as well it makes it that much harder for command to say no. The topper is what Nejiro has done in the past and will do in the future for the Dragon with the proper security forces.” He takes one more sip. “With the raids of late, Jaguar, Bandit, Kokuryu-kai and WoB they will see the wisdom of this.”
“I will send this to command with my recommendation for it to happen and we will see what happens.” Meiyo looks at them both. “Now if I only could keep all of you, but that would be more then we could handle here.”
All will enjoy dinner and work out the finer points of this.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #241 on: 08 January 2025, 21:44:24 »
Nejiro News 1
News reports that in June Dan Allard has been reported as KIA on Graceland.

News that in July Word of Blake and Kokuryu-kai forces battle in the wreckage of the LAW City ruins.

News reports that in June Duke Kai Allard-Liao returned to Confederation with Death Commandos as his escort.

HBC News
These reports are not good. The armies of the Lyran Alliance cannot afford to lose good commanders at times like this.

Why are Word of Blake peacekeepers attacking Kokuryu-kai forces in LAW? Why are they still on Luthian?

What happened that Duke Allard-Liao need a Death Commando escort?

The Moro Sun-Times
Our thoughts and prayers go to the Allard family at this time of loss.

Word of Blake should not have units on Luthian, what is happening is an internal matter of the Draconis Combine.

We hope that all is well with Duke Allard-Liao.

The Tarawa Times
More lies to keep you from seeing what your leaders in Yousai are doing here.

The Dakuu-orianyusu
If this is true, they will pay.

Shin no wadopuresu
More false news from a corrupt government.

“Well, that may explain the ops WoB ran on the Kokuryu-kai.”
“Our local WoB’s knows more than we do and acted first. This just may give us the opening we need.”

“Sho-sa have you been keeping track of the news?”
“Yes, I have Precentor.”
“So do you think that someone just may listen to people with a common problem?”
“We can only try.”

“Chiji may I make a request of you and the GSF?” Precentor Wilkes will start the conversation.
“What can the GSF and I do for you Precentor?” Meiyo will respond.
“I am setting up a new security unit and was hoping that the GSF could help with a training exercise.”
“I am sure that can be arranged with little problem.”
“I also have a second unit that can use some training as well and would like to have both of them work together.”
“I do not see any problems. Would you like to use one of the MAWS training grounds?”
“If that would be of no trouble. I was looking at the urban site.”
“You are looking for close combat training?”
“Yes, both units will be working around the compound so this would be best.”
“Very well I will see to it that all is set”

“Elisio, I want you and Gulia to setup a wargame between the GSF and ComGuard at the MAWS urban field.” Meiyo will inform them.
“Ha Chiji we will get on this right away.” Elisio will answer.
“Gulia inform the GSF of what the Chiji wants. I will talk with Tai-sa Zinni and Dr. Yamamoto to get things set on that end.”
“Hai, Tekeda-san.”

“I am calling to inform all of you that the Chiji is setting up a wargame exercise for your commands and the ComGuard at MAWS’s urban training field. All commands will prep units for this using normal field deployments.”

“Tai-sa Zinni, Dr, Yamamoto I am calling because the Chiji would like to use the urban training field for a wargame exercise.”
“We will be more than happy to host such an event.” Dr. Yamamoto will reply.
“I will ask that we can have our drones record this so we can use it as a training item for future classes.” Tai-sa Zinni will ask.
“I do not see a problem with this.”

OK so this is the next mission.
You will get your normal setup. all units are in play.

I will be going to see what the next day is over the weekend.


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Re: Post Mission 95
« Reply #242 on: 08 January 2025, 23:10:04 »
Message to Hauptmann Kiah Lorrian Rosen Franks from Commander Jasmine Or'lient, in Hauptmann Kiah's preferred language (German IIRC?)

Greeting, I loved your forces performance at the training exercise and also have been told that your force in the recent mountain hike was again dynamic and flexible. I'm concerned nothing was found in this recent hike, but sometimes the campers move on before you can catch them making a mess.

Onto a bit of business, I would like to have one of my MechTechs have a chat with Everett Huge Franks. We are looking to procure a DC C3 but that will take resources we don't quite have yet, but my MechTech Dahlia Or'lient says that with your help we should be able to get our C3 to at least work with your C3, which is a nice step in the right direction. She's newly enrolled at Nejiro PolyTech but has been messing with our electronics for ages.

With that all buttoned up for now, I think we had a quick meet & greet in the past but was wondering if you were up for a dinner or lunch once my XO is back from MAWS. If it needs to be sooner, we can as long as you can deal with my Japanese or Swedish. I'd love if you picked a place you enjoy, I'm still new around here and will pay for our meal in trade.

Please expect the small gifts that will be sending, either on its own or for the MechTech meetup. It will be some Amaretto and Baileys so you can make a Speedy Gonzalas, which is not nearly as fast as that Locust (Sorry, bad joke, but asking 'What's a Fast Drink' kept getting me blank stares)

Thank you for your time and consideration
Commander Jasmine Or'lient
(Translated by Daisy Or'lient, Diplomatic Officer)
Jelly of the Locust that moves faster than... Anything.
Let's get our C3s working together.
Dinner can be RP or handwaved or whatever. Topics will be places to go (since I think you've been around the longest) and other not work things.
To Commander Jasmine Or'Lient;
       Your kind message was forwarded to me and I have permission to meet with you to try and coordinate our C3's. I would suggest if you want to aquire a master DC C3 and slave C3's inquiries can be made to see if any are available for purchase as some of the GSF were gifted with DC C3's and switched some our equipment over to it I do understand the need for.  We still have Lyran C3's as well that can be joined with yours.
       As for a lunch meeting I am extending an invite to our camp for you and any techs you want to bring. I can then go back to your camp and assist in the needed  adjustments to your systems. I have enclosed a few bottles of the mead and whiskey that our artisans produce for your enjoyment.
        That Locust is a maintenance nightmare but it has its uses. Please let me know how many will be in your party so we can prepare quarters for you. I am thinking that two weeks here to see our tech setup for maintenence of the C3 systems and then two weeks at your camp to get things set up.
Everett Franks
Message to Bully from Everett Franks
Commander Jasmine Or'lient  has contacted me regarding coordination of our C3's with theirs. I think it would not be too hard and am setting up a tech exchange to get this done. Quick question is there a place on planet where we can  connect the newer commands with DC C.'3 mater and slaves?


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Re: Post Mission 95
« Reply #243 on: 09 January 2025, 01:20:08 »
Hrm yeah quote doesn't work well once you are replying to these, my bad.

To Commander Jasmine Or'Lient;
       Your kind message was forwarded to me and I have permission to meet with you to try and coordinate our C3's. I would suggest if you want to aquire a master DC C3 and slave C3's inquiries can be made to see if any are available for purchase as some of the GSF were gifted with DC C3's and switched some our equipment over to it I do understand the need for.  We still have Lyran C3's as well that can be joined with yours.
       As for a lunch meeting I am extending an invite to our camp for you and any techs you want to bring. I can then go back to your camp and assist in the needed  adjustments to your systems. I have enclosed a few bottles of the mead and whiskey that our artisans produce for your enjoyment.
        That Locust is a maintenance nightmare but it has its uses. Please let me know how many will be in your party so we can prepare quarters for you. I am thinking that two weeks here to see our tech setup for maintenance of the C3 systems and then two weeks at your camp to get things set up.
Everett Franks

To Everett Franks
Thank you. After chatting with my head tech, it looks like around 4, but most of my people are limited to Swedish and Japanese (with Swedanese for some but I've not hear a bit of it outside my unit so I doubt that one). I hear that your unit has been pretty intensively studying Japanese, so that should get us by. If we need a bit more or if we should get a translator on site, then it would be 5. I'll come with them at the start with my Diplomatic Officer, just so we can start off on the right foot.

I am already in the process of procuring some DC C3s, but we are newly on rock, and it's been a long journey, so we don't quite have the funds yet to acquire them easily. This plan is a stopgap until I can get the 2 slaves and 1 master I need to get situated.

Thank you for your time and consideration
Commander Jasmine Or'lient
(Translated by Daisy Or'lient, Diplomatic Officer)

- Jasmine, Daisy, Ulam, Dahlia + 2 more MechTechs will make the trip. Jasmine/Daisy staying a day or so and for a meal. If we need a translator, we will get someone to be on sight. But if your guys are learning Japanese only might be a nice push. Well Ulam only knows Swedish, but the other 3 are there for him.
- I'm just guessing at what will be needed here. Also, where is your camp on the map? I've tried looking, but so many words and I don't know which one I am looking for lol.

To Joy Yorokobi
Greetings, the active units in the GSF have officially/unofficially decided on Draconis Combine C3 units are the standard of what we will use. These things are expensive, and I will need 2 slaves and 1 master, for my currently fielded units.

With that in mind, I don't need new ones necessarily. Who can I contact that would possibly deal in salvaged or damaged but repairable DC C3 units?

Thank you for your consideration
Commander Jasmine Or'lient

- C3s are 250k base for a slave and 1.5m for a master. I don't have that amount for new ones, and I don't think on world they will be looking to trade FRR for DC. So, used we go!
- Yes, I am trying to get mine to work with Devondra's unit and also getting DC units. But who knows how long, and I'd rather get that started, then have the DC ones land the day after just to spite me, as opposed to trying for the DC ones and missing out because it instead takes way longer.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #244 on: 09 January 2025, 01:39:48 »
OK so this is the next mission.
You will get your normal setup. all units are in play.

I will be going to see what the next day is over the weekend.

For this one, since it's a wargame, I'm expecting it to be similar to the previous training mission. Is our role where we want to focus more on mobility, or is it a case of heavier units will be more in play and likely to actually matter more than force projection?

I've not done an urban setting except in the HBS game with RogueTech, so in that VTOL's rule cities, but that's because they didn't fully implement moving up and down levels. I feel that VTOL might not be nearly as good as it was there.

Will it be the case that any VTOL assets will be mostly not of use IN the city (skidding a lot, narrow passages without a lot of straight lines, etc)? Or will it be more Manhattan like where there are clear long paths and mostly a grid and VTOLs can work if careful?

Honestly, I'm not planning on a VTOL, but my tanks are very slow, while the VTOLs are not so knowing the first question helps there lol.

Tentative List so far:
- OW-1C w/BA LXO
- Maxim w/4 platoons IXO
- PAT-005b ACO


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #245 on: 09 January 2025, 21:18:34 »
The Highlander slowly stomped its way to the target range.  Euron had finally given in to Alannah's urging and took the former Eridani Light Horse assault 'Mech on to the course.  The 'Mech had been repainted in Ironborn colors and painstakingly repaired by Harald and the Pyke twins.  In fact, Euron could see Dalton and Dagon coming off the range in their own machines.

"Hey Uncle Euron.  Come to watch?"  Dalton spoke up first.

"Here to put this old war horse through its paces."  Euron responded.

"Dalton and I have already thought up names for our 'Mechs."  Said Dagon.  "Dalton's named his Grim Reaper "Longpyke".  And I've named my Starslayer "Bloodpyke".

"Ahh." Euron nodded.  "Well, you perform your duties well for my brother and you two may not have to go by the name Pyke anymore.  Alannah's already suggested that I legitimize you both.  So, who knows, you may be sporting the name Greyjoy soon."

"That's awesome."  Exclaimed Dalton.  "We won't let you or Uncle Victarion down, sir."

"We'll see."  Said Euron before changing the subject.  "So, how have you two been doing on the practice field?"

"Decent."  Dagon replied.  "But that guy Tanaka's been putting in extra hours with "Ugly".  I guess he really wants to prove himself."

"I'll bet."  Said Euron.  Probably to show up Fuka.  He thought as he marched past the twins to the practice range.  "I'll see you two back at base."

"See you, Uncle Euron."  Said Dagon.

Euron looked over his weapons.  It was very different than either of his Marauders.  The Gauss Rifle and the LRM 20 were new to him.  He was more familiar with the SRM 6 and medium lasers.  He was also slower, barely making 54 kph.  He felt like he was riding some kind of massive kaiju when he was more used to the bouncing, digitigrade gait of Crow's Eye or Silence.  There was a legend of a giant tentacled sea monster from some obscure author from Old Earth.  Cath, Kith, something like that.  Dismissing the thought, he turned to the targets and toggled his weapons.  He blasted target after target at all ranges with the well-rounded balance of weapons he had.  Seeing one particular target, an idea entered his head as he remembered what the most famous meme associated with the Highlander.  Getting a running start, he keyed the jump jets and brought the 'Mech down feet first into the target, smashing it into the ground in a "Highlander burial".

"Cthulu."  Euron snapped his fingers as he finally remembered the name he'd been looking for.  "That will be your name."  He patted the controls.

"Colonel."  Came Alannah's voice.


"We've been requested to put together a force to participate in a wargame with the Com Guard."

"All right."  Euron smiled.  "Tell them I'll be coming, and I'll be driving "Cthulu" here."

"So," Alannah remarked, "sounds like you're taking to your new machine quite well."

"Well, it'll take a while before I'm comfortable driving him into actual combat.  But a wargame should provide an adequate field test, don't you think."

"I'll tell them right away."  Said Alannah.

shadhawk: So, Euron and the Pykes have named their machines:

Dalton's Grim Reaper will now be called "Longpyke".
Dagon's Starslayer will be named "Bloodpyke".
And finally, the Highlander will be "Cthulu".


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #246 on: 09 January 2025, 21:39:03 »

At the Dockside
“The Diamond Sharks are here as a trade group. They are offering equipment and technical services for resources and other service arguments. The Hammers are using goods from the artisans they have and money. Dr. Musashi is offering medical services, training and lodging as well as money. I do not think trials will be needed. They may want to run training with you as I do think is also something that is part of the deals they have made with the others.” Nicolas will finish his drink. “I am sure that you can work out something with them.”
Elizabeth will join the group. “Your room is ready.” She will take them to the room.
“That would be a good thing, the no challenge thing.” Fuka will offer as they walk to the private room.
“I’m not so sure what we can offer in trade.” Triston will say.
“If you take with Simon, I am sure something can be worked out.”
“That will be up to Euron.” Harald will say.

Fuka, Harald and Tristan split up the next day.  Tristan called the Com Guard about cooperating on the repairs to their Mercury 'Mechs.  Harald would discuss purchases from Nicholas' stocks to replace the Ferro-Fibrous armor that they were constantly burning through repairing several of their 'Mechs and tanks.  As for Fuka, she was sent to the Diamond Shark enclave.  Fuka had been prompted in Clan etiquette the day before.  As she stepped in, she saw a few blue-jacketed warriors speaking to what she assumed were merchant caste members based on the logo on the shoulder of their coveralls.    Taking a deep breath, she walked up to one of them.

"May I help you, quiaff?"  The Merchant asked.

"Uh, Aff!" Fuka answered, remembering the Clan jargon regarding rhetorical questions.  "I am Lieutenant Junior Grade Fuka Hiyami.  I represent the Ironborn of the Governor's Security Forces.  My unit has recently come into possession of a damaged Star League-era Mercury Battlemech.  Colonel Euron Greyjoy has sent me to inquire about procuring spare parts capable of repairing it.  He also is looking to acquire a 240 XL fusion engine.  This is the full list of what we are looking for."  Fuka handed the merchant a dataslate listing what was needed and waited for his response.
« Last Edit: 09 January 2025, 22:58:01 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #247 on: 09 January 2025, 22:48:49 »
shadhawk: So, Euron and the Pykes have named their machines:

Dalton's Grim Reaper will now be called "Longpyke".
Dagon's Starslayer will be named "Bloodpyke".
And finally, the Highlander will be "Cthulu".

Naming mechs, sonovabeagle I knew I was forgetting something.

Overall, how common/uncommon is that? I'm not going to suddenly name em all, but will keep an eye out for this missed thing to pop up somewhere.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #248 on: 09 January 2025, 22:54:37 »
Naming mechs, sonovabeagle I knew I was forgetting something.

Overall, how common/uncommon is that? I'm not going to suddenly name em all, but will keep an eye out for this missed thing to pop up somewhere.

It's mostly an Ironborn thing.  I'm not sure if it's caught on with the other units.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #249 on: 10 January 2025, 13:10:19 »
Loyalty Forsaken has a few with "Ibis", "Dog Pound", "Clown car", "toads". Only one of those names is for a battlemech, two are vehicles, and "toads" is for a squad of, well "toads"(elemental battle armor piloted by inner sphere battle armor troopers).

I think Jim's Alacorn is called "hangar queen", or should be.( JUST A JOKE JIM).
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #250 on: 10 January 2025, 20:25:19 »
For this one, since it's a wargame, I'm expecting it to be similar to the previous training mission. Is our role where we want to focus more on mobility, or is it a case of heavier units will be more in play and likely to actually matter more than force projection?

I've not done an urban setting except in the HBS game with RogueTech, so in that VTOL's rule cities, but that's because they didn't fully implement moving up and down levels. I feel that VTOL might not be nearly as good as it was there.

Will it be the case that any VTOL assets will be mostly not of use IN the city (skidding a lot, narrow passages without a lot of straight lines, etc)? Or will it be more Manhattan like where there are clear long paths and mostly a grid and VTOLs can work if careful?

Honestly, I'm not planning on a VTOL, but my tanks are very slow, while the VTOLs are not so knowing the first question helps there lol.

Tentative List so far:
- OW-1C w/BA LXO
- Maxim w/4 platoons IXO
- PAT-005b ACO

Tall buildings and VTOLs don't mix well. skidding one in this setup would be very bad  :evil:


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #251 on: 10 January 2025, 20:55:07 »
shadhawk: So, Euron and the Pykes have named their machines:

Dalton's Grim Reaper will now be called "Longpyke".
Dagon's Starslayer will be named "Bloodpyke".
And finally, the Highlander will be "Cthulu".

cool  :cool: :cool:
the only ones not named are the Wraith and Hollander. not sure if the Hollander will get named as that one is a "foundling"  :cheesy:.

also just a reminder that Euron will be 2 / 4 for the next few missions he pilots the Highlander due to the shift to the assault class.
also great setup having him getting use to the new ride on a wargame mission  :smilie_happy_clapping: :smilie_happy_thumbup:


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #252 on: 10 January 2025, 21:02:12 »
the next mission date is Feb 16.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #253 on: 11 January 2025, 07:45:31 »
I think Jim's Alacorn is called "hangar queen", or should be.( JUST A JOKE JIM).
I have not named any of my machines yet, but this one fits.  I name her "Hangar Goddess."  :cheesy:
"Hangar Sentinel" might work too.  :wink:
She will be the patron god of hard to fix machines.
« Last Edit: 11 January 2025, 12:52:05 by jimdigris »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #254 on: 11 January 2025, 12:54:48 »
  Can I deploy the Saracen and trike squad in the next game?  Would the trike squad count as my infantry unit? (I am naming them "the Trident".)  How fast are they and what weapons do they carry?
« Last Edit: 11 January 2025, 13:30:31 by jimdigris »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #255 on: 12 January 2025, 13:25:47 »
  Can I deploy the Saracen and trike squad in the next game?  Would the trike squad count as my infantry unit? (I am naming them "the Trident".)  How fast are they and what weapons do they carry?

You can bring what you like due keep in mind this is a city fight.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #256 on: 12 January 2025, 13:33:35 »
At the Bar:
“We work at Longship Exchange.” Bret will say. “We work on the trade side.”
“That and are part of the companies Basketball team.” Terry will kick in.
“Ya sometimes I feel that is why we got the trade jobs.” Bret will look down. “The league is non-professional so we “work” for the company.”
“Hay, we have done some great things on the trade floor.”
“True but the uppers forget we both have majors in business.”
“Not all just the head joker.” Terry will say. “Now that dude is all about money.”
“We got to stop this …. We are to have fun, and these pretty ladies don’t want to hear our problems.” Bret will say. So, what has brought you here?”

At Phillip Exeter Academy:
“Sure! Any place you two want to go?” Logan will answer as he grabs Wayne.

At the bar:
"Oh, I just brought my friend out with me for a girl's weekend."  Freyja explained.

"She tried to take me rock climbing up the mountain near here and we nearly froze our butts off."  Julia added.

"You nearly froze your butt off."  Freyja corrected.  "I grew up in the cold, so I'm more used to it.  Anyway, after we came back down, I was hoping to find Julia here a date for the lobster fest and, lo and behold, you two show up as if on cue.  I'd say it all worked out perfectly."

Julia turned beet red.  "Freyja!"

Freyja ignored her.  "Anyway, while we enjoy our drinks and discuss dates, tell me more about this Longship Exchange you work for.  My husband might be willing to invest in your company.  He's always looking to diversify our family stocks."

At a park near Yousai:
"Really, Audra?   A picnic?"  Ana said indignantly as Audra and Wayne laid out a blanket under some shade.  "Honestly, I don't know what you were thinking."

"Hey, it's inexpensive and it gives us a chance to spend some time with these fine gentlemen."  Audra returned.  True to form, Ana had gone into full tsundere mode as she had said before they left.  She wanted the boys to think this was Audra's idea, so it didn't seem suspicious.  Obviously, Logan and Wayne hadn't minded, the two arriving in record time to pick them up.

"By the way," said Audra, "thanks for the help the other night at the club with Sammy."

"Well, we can't take all the credit for that."  Said Logan.  "But you're welcome."

"Yeah.  Kinda crazy that soon after that, he ended up getting taken in and suspended from school."  Said Audra.

"I know."  Ana chimed in.  "Quite the pickle he must have found himself in."

"Anyway, good riddance, I say."  Audra laughed.  "So, who wants bento?"

After lunch, Audra took Wayne aside and told him that they should give Ana and Logan some "alone time".  The two told the other pair that they were going for a walk.  Before they got very far, Audra noticed someone out of the corner of her eye staring at them as they left.  The person had been near the picnic site before and had sat down within 5 or 6 meters of them.  She hadn't thought of it before until she and Wayne had gotten up to leave, but now she saw them staring intently at Ana and Logan.  Reaching into her purse, she took hold of one of her batons.

"Hey, Wayne."  She whispered to him.  "That guy has been staring at Ana for waaay too long for my taste."

Wayne shrugged.  "She's with Logan.  He can deal with him if it comes to that."

"Not if we get him first."  Still keeping her baton in her purse, she walked toward the unknown individual.


And that is where I'm going to leave this.  Anthony, the ball's in your court, your go.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #257 on: 12 January 2025, 17:15:13 »
You can bring what you like due keep in mind this is a city fight.
Understood.  It will give them experience in dealing with aggressive drivers with road rage issues.
What are the stats on the trikes?
« Last Edit: 12 January 2025, 17:19:18 by jimdigris »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #258 on: 16 January 2025, 17:31:29 »
Fuka, Harald and Tristan split up the next day.  Tristan called the Com Guard about cooperating on the repairs to their Mercury 'Mechs.  Harald would discuss purchases from Nicholas' stocks to replace the Ferro-Fibrous armor that they were constantly burning through repairing several of their 'Mechs and tanks.  As for Fuka, she was sent to the Diamond Shark enclave.  Fuka had been prompted in Clan etiquette the day before.  As she stepped in, she saw a few blue-jacketed warriors speaking to what she assumed were merchant caste members based on the logo on the shoulder of their coveralls.    Taking a deep breath, she walked up to one of them.

"May I help you, quiaff?"  The Merchant asked.

"Uh, Aff!" Fuka answered, remembering the Clan jargon regarding rhetorical questions.  "I am Lieutenant Junior Grade Fuka Hiyami.  I represent the Ironborn of the Governor's Security Forces.  My unit has recently come into possession of a damaged Star League-era Mercury Battlemech.  Colonel Euron Greyjoy has sent me to inquire about procuring spare parts capable of repairing it.  He also is looking to acquire a 240 XL fusion engine.  This is the full list of what we are looking for."  Fuka handed the merchant a dataslate listing what was needed and waited for his response.

“I think we can work out something.” Adept Adams informs Tristan. “We have a couple of that frame and the machine shop of yours should help with some of the items we both can use. We will need to modify actuators for them but with some work it can be done.” Checking with someone off screen. “We can not work on your machine here as we do not have any space, but we can send you the specs we have.”

“I do not have much Ferro-Fibrous armor on hand,” Nicolas will inform Harald. “I have not stocked up as Kōri to hi no kinzoku is set to be online at the end of the year. Transport costs and what is happening in the sphere you understand. I will see what I have and get back to you.”

“Well warrior Fuka the Mercury is not something in production. We may have some of the items on this list, but they are not with us. The engine you are looking for in not a type used much by the Clan’s. The Artic Cheetah, Pouncer, Canis and Clint IIC are the only Battlemech that use this power plant. The Artic Cheetah uses the Warrior 240, the Pouncer and Canis both use the clan standard 240 and the Clint uses the type 81. You may have better luck checking with the different merchants here. If you do find one of these units and all you want is the engine we would help you so that we could take the other items, you would not use.” Looking around to make sure that no one is around. “This engine type is used by a few inner Sphere Battlemechs. If I recall correctly four different sites manufacture it.”


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #259 on: 16 January 2025, 20:41:57 »
“I think we can work out something.” Adept Adams informs Tristan. “We have a couple of that frame and the machine shop of yours should help with some of the items we both can use. We will need to modify actuators for them but with some work it can be done.” Checking with someone off screen. “We can not work on your machine here as we do not have any space, but we can send you the specs we have.”

“I do not have much Ferro-Fibrous armor on hand,” Nicolas will inform Harald. “I have not stocked up as Kōri to hi no kinzoku is set to be online at the end of the year. Transport costs and what is happening in the sphere you understand. I will see what I have and get back to you.”

“Well warrior Fuka the Mercury is not something in production. We may have some of the items on this list, but they are not with us. The engine you are looking for in not a type used much by the Clan’s. The Artic Cheetah, Pouncer, Canis and Clint IIC are the only Battlemech that use this power plant. The Artic Cheetah uses the Warrior 240, the Pouncer and Canis both use the clan standard 240 and the Clint uses the type 81. You may have better luck checking with the different merchants here. If you do find one of these units and all you want is the engine we would help you so that we could take the other items, you would not use.” Looking around to make sure that no one is around. “This engine type is used by a few inner Sphere Battlemechs. If I recall correctly four different sites manufacture it.”

"That would be perfect."  Tristan thanks Adept Adams.  "As it so happens, one of my engineers has original blueprints for the Mercury, so the specs you send can allow us to refine what we are able to fabricate to fit the blueprints more precisely.  I'll let you know how the reconstruction goes.  We appreciate the help, Adept.  Thank you."

"Anything you can provide would be appreciated, Mr. Corrado."  Harald responded.  "We have a decent amount of plate left. However, given wear and tear and battle damage as well as how much of our equipment make use of Ferro-Fibrous armor, I have no idea how far we can stretch it before we need more."

Fuka whispered back.  "Could you give me their locations?  I can take it from there.  Arigatougozaimashita.  Thank you for your assistance."
« Last Edit: 16 January 2025, 20:44:09 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #260 on: 17 January 2025, 00:06:25 »
For the training exercise against comstar in the city Loyalty Forsaken will send
Grffin ds
Cobra w/ usual passengers
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #261 on: 17 January 2025, 03:00:19 »
At the bar:
"Oh, I just brought my friend out with me for a girl's weekend."  Freyja explained.

"She tried to take me rock climbing up the mountain near here and we nearly froze our butts off."  Julia added.

"You nearly froze your butt off."  Freyja corrected.  "I grew up in the cold, so I'm more used to it.  Anyway, after we came back down, I was hoping to find Julia here a date for the lobster fest and, lo and behold, you two show up as if on cue.  I'd say it all worked out perfectly."

Julia turned beet red.  "Freyja!"

Freyja ignored her.  "Anyway, while we enjoy our drinks and discuss dates, tell me more about this Longship Exchange you work for.  My husband might be willing to invest in your company.  He's always looking to diversify our family stocks."

“The lobster fest is more of a year-round thing here. I hope you do like them as a small one is about 1.5 kilos. Add in all of the sides and you do have a meal.” Terry will say as he rubs his stomach.
“Don’t mind him.” Bret looks at his friend. “After basketball, food is the most important thing.” Looking at Freyja. “We invest in different industries. Our job is to pick ones that will grow over the long term. A lot of our co-workers and many of the other investment companies look only for short-term gains. An in and out investment if you will.”
“Dude we are to have a good time not talk shop.”

At a park near Yousai:
"Really, Audra?   A picnic?"  Ana said indignantly as Audra and Wayne laid out a blanket under some shade.  "Honestly, I don't know what you were thinking."

"Hey, it's inexpensive and it gives us a chance to spend some time with these fine gentlemen."  Audra returned.  True to form, Ana had gone into full tsundere mode as she had said before they left.  She wanted the boys to think this was Audra's idea, so it didn't seem suspicious.  Obviously, Logan and Wayne hadn't minded, the two arriving in record time to pick them up.

"By the way," said Audra, "thanks for the help the other night at the club with Sammy."

"Well, we can't take all the credit for that."  Said Logan.  "But you're welcome."

"Yeah.  Kinda crazy that soon after that, he ended up getting taken in and suspended from school."  Said Audra.

"I know."  Ana chimed in.  "Quite the pickle he must have found himself in."

"Anyway, good riddance, I say."  Audra laughed.  "So, who wants bento?"

After lunch, Audra took Wayne aside and told him that they should give Ana and Logan some "alone time".  The two told the other pair that they were going for a walk.  Before they got very far, Audra noticed someone out of the corner of her eye staring at them as they left.  The person had been near the picnic site before and had sat down within 5 or 6 meters of them.  She hadn't thought of it before until she and Wayne had gotten up to leave, but now she saw them staring intently at Ana and Logan.  Reaching into her purse, she took hold of one of her batons.

"Hey, Wayne."  She whispered to him.  "That guy has been staring at Ana for waaay too long for my taste."

Wayne shrugged.  "She's with Logan.  He can deal with him if it comes to that."

"Not if we get him first."  Still keeping her baton in her purse, she walked toward the unknown individual.

“Yes, dear I also think they look like a couple made for life just like us.” Is what Audra and Wayne hear as they walk up to the older gentleman watching Anna and Logan. “They sure do remind me of us when we were that age.”


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #262 on: 26 January 2025, 04:11:36 »
Almost five million people reside in the city of Hilo {helix} in the Eastern Desert province. The city covers a total of one thousand square kilometers plus its extended metropolitan area sprawls over another ten thousand square kilometers with another million or so people in residence. The official flower insignia and icon of the city is the dandelion, it also features prominently in the seifu no koshiki insho {official government seal} of the city and its courts. The city is located in the Valle della Luna {moon valley}, a broad hilly valley of blue-iron oak and chaparral woodlands, natural grassy desert wildflower meadows, and rushing rivers of more than sixteen thousand square kilometers. The valley is situated north of the Yami no yamayama {mountains of darkness} that are covered in dense shrubland that stretches for over five hundred kilometers from east to west made up of hard dark rocks such as granite and quartzite as well as slate and gneiss with heights up to thirteen hundred meters above sea level with a few dozen vast commercial olive and nut groves, citrus and fruit farms, and grape vineyards covering over a half a million hectares. There are some clay, marble, and limestone quarries near the major rivers. The valley and mountains serve as habitat to over a hundred species of birds such as hrafn, scrub jays, fish owls, grouse, and golden eagles, to over seventy species of mammals including idaina kemono, serow, iberlynx, fahad {painted cat}, obake okami {ghost wolf}, akashika {red deer}, spectral bats, tanuki, wild boar, ryukyu flying fox, muflon, horned andalusians, macaque, wildcats, xolotl, and antlered hare. There are also a wide diversity of freshwater fish, pollinating insects, salamander reptiles, and venomous snakes. The Yami no yamayama is also home to small bands of banditto {bandits, thieves, robbers, rogues}. There are a score or so of NPO Wylde Ranger Towers and Sugai Yoroi Zensho-chi {outpost, fort} spread over the mountains, hills, and valley guarding and patrolling the area. There are also a few NDT {Nejiro Defense Troop} military oases {hidden supply caches and camouflaged logistical depots} and small fortifications in the Yami no yamayama and the Valle della Luna and their surrounds.     

« Last Edit: 28 January 2025, 16:01:48 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #263 on: 26 January 2025, 05:13:12 »
Hilo has very hot, long dry summers and mild winters with moderate rainfall. The sky is clear with a good air quality index and very low pollutant levels (mostly from wildfires and dust storms). There is an average annual temperature of twenty five degrees celsius during the day and thirteen degrees celsius at night, with summer highs up to thirty six degrees celsius. Sporadic heat waves often break forty degrees celsius for several days. There are about three thousand sunshine hours in Hilo annually, with July and August being the hottest months and many city dwellers take advantage of holidays and vacation time to travel somewhere cooler, and 'nearby' Sakura Onsen, Hoshizora Shizen Hogo Kokuritsu Koen {starry sky nature preserve national park}, Hawks Bay, Stonehaven, the Blue Mountains, Mauna Kea, and Whistler are especially popular. Tourists from the cooler climes of Nejiro and the stellar depths flock to the city at this time to bask in the warm sunshine. Hilo has around fifty rainy days per year, frequently torrential, accumulating as much as six hundred millimeters of precipitation annually. Snowfall is virtually unknown but the occasional cold snap may drop temperatures to below negative five degrees celsius. Fleet Week is the second week of August and is 'celebrated' across Nejiro; traditionally the DCA Marines {Draconis Combine Admiralty} arrive to bring their troops for training at MAWS {Marine Advanced Warfare Schools, a Phoenix Industries company} and the NDT {Nejiro Defense Troop} and even the NPO Sea Patrol fleets dock their ships for refresh and replenishment, so there are generally loads of military personnel out carousing on leave through the city's attractions, amusements, and red-light wards. The Parade of Ships is a flotilla of naval vessels from the NDT Navy and the Sugai Keibi Hiko-tai {sea security squadrons}, also ships of the various Ichizoku naval fleets nearby, mayhap a few blue water or riverine vessels from the DCA, followed by a procession of civilian vessels at their spiffiest, that leads Fleet Week into Hilo making its way down the Kanawha River from the Sangosho Gulf to the military terminals in the Hilo Inland Port. The Parade is followed by a host of parties and events, both military and civilian throughout the city. There may be guided tours of ships {sometimes including aerospace ships and small craft} and military equipment, as well as military demonstrations and air shows.
The Hilo Inland Port links both the inland waterways and the canal systems of the Eastern Desert province and of Nejiro. It is the largest inland port in the world transporting millions of containers a year (more than sixty eight million in 3067) on inland waterways barges, sea-going river vessels, as well as deep sea freight and container ships. The port is a key node in Nejiro's multi-modal logistics network and enables the sustainable transport of consumer and industrial goods. More than fifty thousand ships make call at the port annually. The public harbor facilities stretch across more than eighteen square kilometers and there are forty two docks covering an area of more than four square kilometers with eighty kilometers of wharf. The logistics center site stretches across an additional three square kilometers and employs more than forty five thousand people. The deep sea container facility is another six square kilometers with six berths, it comprises a semi-automated deep sea container terminal with twenty five quay cranes, warehousing, distribution facilities, and ancillary logistics services. The cruise ship terminal facilitates the operations of several major cruise lines, it handles well over three million passengers and over seven million tonnes of cargo from more than one thousand ships docked per annum. The cruise terminal also offers a variety of tourist attractions such as dining, engineered shorelines and beaches, a boardwalk, excursions, and the Tower Explore landmark, a seven story building resembling a ships mast and sail under wind and includes a natural history museum telling the stories of the area (sunken ships and local legends) and offers education about the waterways and its habitats and the history of the port itself, it also offers fine views of the area from the observation deck at the top of the tower. The Hilo Inland Port additionally comprises over seventy independently owned terminals and port facilities directly employing over thirty thousand people. The Hilo Inland Port also handle more than fifty million tonnes of intra-port traffic marking it the busiest inland waterway on Nejiro. Rail access to the port terminals is via a connection to the Port Loop on the Southend Line on a daily basis, and on site more than thirty kilometers of double track access accommodate trains up to thirty five wagons long which are loaded/unloaded next to the port container handling areas by rail mounted gantry cranes.   

« Last Edit: 28 January 2025, 15:46:41 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #264 on: 26 January 2025, 07:02:32 »
The city of Hilo serves as host to the headquarters of the Sugai Zaibatsu {wealthy clique, global conglomerate} {the corporate entity under which all the business of the Sugai Dai Ichizoku is conducted} and many of its business entities (heavy industry, transport, construction, athletic teams, sporting goods, defense, finance, education, real estate, property management, agriculture etc.) are located in the city. Their central offices are located in a just over one hundred meter tall curved horseshoe appearing high rise in the Civic Center ward of Hilo, the Tsukinoko {arc of the moon}. The design of the tower is based on the idea of unity and infinity and at night the ring, which is actually a complete oval that continues underground, is reflected in the pond surrounding the building (accessed by a few pedestrian bridges), and looks like a full moon glow. The facade of the building is covered in layers of white aluminum rings and fine textured glass producing the illusion and drama of the building. Its designer Ma Yangsong stated that the shape is inspired by traditional bridges represented in ancient chinese paintings and the search for a harmonious relationship with nature, an important part of Nejiroan culture and tradition. The circular building reflected in the pond creates a surreal picture, a connection between the real and the spooky. Under the sunlight and the reflection of the water the curved shape of the building is crystal clear and when night falls the whole building glows. The soft light wraps around the water and the building and the result resembles the bright moon rising over the water, a classical and modern mixture through reflection. The public lobby is richly decorated with different types of jade and citrine inlays, and the ceiling is covered with glass lamps forming waves of more than twenty thousand crystals while the floor is paved with tigers eye stones. The shape of the building gives shade to all its balconies and promotes natural ventilation and the ultra-white glass allows natural light in all rooms eliminating the need for artificial lighting during the day which saves energy and creates a pleasant atmosphere.
The people of Hilo are vibrant, diverse, ambitious,  restless, bold, pulsing with energy, cosmopolitan, driven, passionate, cultured, and talented. The city is in constant motion with a vibrant nightlife and has the most twenty eight hour dining establishments and shops on Nejiro. There is always something to see, there is always something to do. It is a city of towering skyscrapers, bustling tree lined sidewalks, and cavernous subways. Approximately six million tourists are attracted to the inspiring, imaginative, eclectic, and expressive city each year. The architecture of the city is generally ultra-modern and futuristic featuring glass and steel. Many buildings are covered in trees, shrubs, and greenery to add to the city's green footprint, to lower energy costs, and to assist clean air circulation and insulation. The city squares and plazas have hundreds of automated giant parasol lamps which unfold under the heat of the sun and protect from rain. The 25-m tall umbrella structures are made of advanced composites and highly durable fabrics decorated with oriental motifs. Most buildings in the city are net zero energy buildings (using solar, wind, geothermal, hydrocell and/or hydropower energy sources) towering in fantastical shapes (curvaceous, parametrical, geometric) of sustainable and green construction technologies. Property prices generally range from seven thousand to fifteen thousand ryu per square meter and the cost of living ranges from three thousand ryu (single) to seven thousand ryu (family of four) per month. Hilo has about 58% public green space, and shade canopies both engineered (e.g. latticework, pergolas) and natural (trees, grasses) providing shade, cooling, and community spaces to relax, exercise, and socialize. There are a sizable number of urban farms, public gardens and parks, as well as wildlife sanctuaries on the rooftops of large industrial and commercial buildings contributing to food security and the cooling and calming effect of green spaces.   

« Last Edit: 28 January 2025, 15:41:19 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #265 on: 26 January 2025, 12:12:40 »
The commerce city of Hilo was chartered and founded (est. 2790) by the Sugai Dai Ichizoku to aid in intercontinental and interstellar warehousing, distribution, and transport. The city serves as a central gathering point for the agricultural, consumer, and industrial goods of the enormous continent of Tairiku and the overall planet of Nejiro, to be collected before being trans-shipped to the Spaceport (near the capitol city of Yousai), to the Enclave and beyond. Hilo is in the business of logistics and transport and moves approximately three hundred million tonnes (close to four trillion ryu in trade) of cargo annually. Advantage Logistics (publicly traded 279.3 Ryu per share) is among Hilo's top companies and offers shipping services sending freight anywhere with a reliable fleet of experienced carriers that operate to ensure shipments travel swiftly, safely, and arrive at their destination on time. Their logistics team leverages various distribution methods including cross-docking, overland trucking, railways, air freight, intermodal transport, waterways, ocean transport, and space transport. Along with hazardous materials the company ships cargo containers, liquid and dry bulk materials, refrigerated goods, and makes freight shipments for the textile, oil and gas, retail, pharmaceutical, agricultural, and manufacturing industries from door to door, to and from waterway freight ports, ocean freight ports, spaceports, and aeroports, and through intermodal and trans-loading facilities, with twenty eight hour pick-up, just-in time delivery, and other global and interstellar options may be easily arranged. The private Dangfeng Hangyun {eastwind shipping} (owned by the Rhee Dai Ichizoku) has a significant presence in the city and provides global and interstellar freight (largely agriculture) transport by sea, air, land, and space. Also prominent in the city are the private global logistics and shipping company Matson (owned by the Kasai Koichizoku) and the private Joryoku-sen {evergreen shipping} (owned by the Drake Consortium) that handles global and stellar freight. Phoenix Industries, Horizon Tradeships, and Neptune Orient Lines of the Sankaku also have more than a minor presence in the city. Passengers are equally moved, mostly by rail - by the Rail Runner Express (public 88.8 Ryu per share) (with a road runner logo and mascot) a commuter and passenger rail line with both maglev and shinkansen services carrying thousands of passengers daily throughout the Hilo Metropolitan area, the Eastern Desert province, to the Hoshizora Chiku {starry sky district}, the Yushan {jade hills} and the Kuroi Oka {black hills} provinces; Ukabo Komo {floating clouds} (publicly traded 72.57 Ryu per share) an executive class shinkansen rail line that serves the Eastern Desert province plus the Yushan, Kuroi Oka, and Annettai Heiya {subropical plains} provinces; Kinki Sharyo {railroad vehicles} a private rail line that runs passengers and freight on a shinkansen system throughout the Sharquin Kiso Yama {eastern foundation backbone mountains}, the Southern Steppe, and the Kiso Mountains provinces with additional stops in Madina, Baja, and Hilo; Hikari no Sokudo Tetsudosen {ightspeed railways} (owned by the Zakharovich Dai Ichizoku) offers economy and executive class shinkansen passenger and freight services on the continents of Tairiku and Shinrin and railways on many stellar bodies of the system; Nekehanga {mobiliy} (owned by the Palakiko Koichizoku of the Four Corners Zaibatsu) offers continental shinkansen passenger and freight services; Zheleznyye Dorogi {spirit railways} (owned by the Drake Consortium) has intercontinental and stellar railway services; Caledonian Railways (owned by the Sinclair Koichizoku) provides regional passenger services in the Kiso Mountains province and continental freight services across Tairiku; Heritage Railways (owned by the Vasilievna Koichizoku) runs a continental passenger service across Tairiku; Red Rabbit Rail (owned by the Yakovich Koichizoku of the Four Corners Zaibatsu) runs shinkansen passenger and freight services across Tairiku; The Golden Chariot (owned by the Zakharovich Dai Ichizoku) provides executive and luxury class intercontinental shinkansen passenger services; Via Rail (a Fenix Consortium Crown Corporation, a Phoenix Industries company) is the Nejiroan public railway and provides (tourist, commuter, shinkansen, passenger, freight) intercontinental and stellar railway services; and Trinity Railways (owned by the Sugai Zaibatsu) a subsidiary of Trinity Rail it operates maglev and shinkansen rail lines across the continent of Tairiku as well as intercontinental rail tunnels and railways on stellar domed cities, stations, and ports. Water taxis ferries, and passenger barges are also very popular modes of transport through the rivers and canals in Hilo and throughout its metropolitan area, and also across the vast and massive continent of Tairiku. 
The Hilo Canal System with its headquarters at the Hilo Inland Port links with the Dako Unga {serpentine canals}, the Ddraig Unga {dragon canals} (providing navigable waterway transport throughout the mountains, forests, and grasslands of the southern reaches of the continent of Tairiku), and the Reei Omorfa {flowing beautifully} canal system of the northern reaches of the continent of Tairiku. These canals provide transport for passengers and freight across most of the city of Hilo and its metropolitan area. Bicycling is also a very common mode of transport across the city and there are a number of bicycle (manual and electric) retail shops and rental companies (especially popular with tourists for ease of sightseeing), bicycle maintenance and repair shops, and bicycle accessory and safety equipment manufacturers operating in the city.
Freight on Nejiro and in Hilo in particular is mostly shipped on barges, river junks, and inland marine freighters along a plentiful number of abundant rivers and canals, and by freight ships and container ships by sea, but cargo transport by train, small craft, air, and truck convoy is also in use. Local dropship traffic (e.g. Mule class dropship, Cargo King class dropship, Jumbo class dropship, and the rarely planetside Aqueduct class dropship and Mammoth class dropship) is generally limited to bi-weekly or monthly trips, mostly from the Spaceport, to ensure full loads of cargo and fuel efficiency, except for the occasional specialty or express shipment which use mostly small craft and smaller dropship classes (e.g. Leopard-Cargo class dropship, Danais class dropship, Buccaneer class dropship, Czar class dropship, Princess-Cargo class dropship).

« Last Edit: 27 January 2025, 01:00:57 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #266 on: 29 January 2025, 03:59:00 »
The commerce city of Hilo was chartered and founded (est. 2790) by the Sugai Dai Ichizoku to aid in intercontinental and interstellar warehousing, transport, and distribution. The city serves as a central gathering point for the agriculture, consumer, and industrial goods, of the enormous continent of Tairiku and the overall planet of Nejiro, to be collected before being trans-shipped to the Spaceport (near the capitol city of Yousai), to the Enclave and beyond. Hilo is in the business of logistics and transport and moves approximately three hundred million tonnes (close to four trillion ryu in trade) of cargo annually. Freight , on Nejiro, and in Hilo in particular, is mostly shipped on barges, river junks, and inland marine freighters along a plentiful number of abundant rivers and canals, and by freight ships and container ships by sea, but cargo transport by train, air, small craft, and truck convoy is also in use. Local dropship traffic (e.g. Mule class dropship, Cargo King class dropship, Jumbo class dropship, and the rarely planetside Aqueduct class dropship and Mammoth class dropship) is generally limited to bi-weekly or monthly trips mostly from the Spaceport to ensure full loads of cargo and fuel efficiency, except for the occasional specialty or express shipments which use small craft and smaller dropship classes (e.g. Leopard-Cargo class dropship, Danais class dropship, Buccaneer class dropship, Czar class dropship, Princess-Cargo class dropship). Advantage Logistics (publicly traded 279.3 Ryu per share) is among Hilo's top companies and offers shipping services for sending freight anywhere with a reliable fleet of experienced carriers that operate to ensure shipments travel swiftly, safely, and arrive at their destination on time. Their logistics team leverages various distribution methods including cross-docking, overland trucking, railways air freight, inter-modal transport, waterways, ocean transport, and space transport; along with hazardous materials the company ships cargo containers, liquid and dry bulk materials, refrigerated goods, and makes freight shipments for the textile, chemical, oil and gas, retail, pharmaceutical, agricultural, and manufacturing industries from door to door, to and from aeroports, waterway ports, ocean ports, spaceports and intermodal and transloading facilities with twenty eight hour pickup, just in time delivery and other global and interstellar options may be easily arranged. The private Dangfeng Hangyun {eastwind shipping} (owned by the Rhee Dai Ichizoku) has a significant presence in the city and provides global and interstellar freight (largely agriculture) transport by sea, air, land, and space. Also prominent in the city are the private global logistics and shipping company Matson (owned by the Kasai Koichizoku) and Joryoku-sen {evergreen shipping} (owned by the Drake Consortium) that handles global and stellar freight. Phoenix Mercantile, Horizon Tradeships, and Neptune Orient Lines of the Sankaku also have more than a minor presence in the city.
Passengers are equally moved , mostly by rail - by the Rail Runner Express (public 88.8 Ryu per share) (with a road runner logo and mascot) a commuter and passenger rail system with both maglev and shinkansen lines carrying thousands of passengers daily throughout the Hilo metropolitan area, through the Eastern Desert province, and to the Hoshizora Chiku {starry sky district}, the Yushan {jade hills} and the Kuroi Oka {black hills} provinces; Ukabo Kumo {floating clouds} (publicly traded 72.57 Ryu per share) an executive class shinkansen rail system that serves the entire Eastern Desert province plus the Yushan, Kuroi Oka, and Annettai Heiya {subtropical plains} provinces; Kinki Sharyo {railroad vehicles} runs a shinkansen passenger and freight rail system throughout the Sharquin Kiso Yama {eastern foundation backbone mountains}, the Southern Steppe, and the Kiso Mountains provinces with additional stops in Madina, Baja, and Hilo; Hikari no Sokudo Tetsudosen {lightspeed railways} (owned by the Zakharovich Dai Ichizoku) offers economy and executive class shinkansen passenger and freight services across the continents of Tairiku and Shinrin and railways on many of the stellar bodies of the system; Nekehanga {mobility} (owned by the Palakiko Koichizoku of the Four Corners Zaibatsu) offers continental shinkansen passenger and freight services across Tairiku; Zheleznyye Dorogi {spirit railways} (owned by the Drake Consortium) offers intercontinental and stellar ralway services; Caledonian Railways (owned by the Sinclair Koichizoku) provides regional passengers and freight services in the Kiso Mountains province and continental freight services on Tairiku; Heritage Railways (owned by the Vasilievna Koichizoku) runs passenger services acrosss the continent of Tairiku; Red Rabbit Rail (owned by the Yakovich Koichizoku of the Four Corners Zaibatsu) runs skinkansen passenger and freight services across Tairiku; The Golden Chariot (owned by the Zakharovich Dai Ichizoku) provides executive and luxury class intercontinental shinkansen passenger services; Via Rail (a Fenix Consortium Crown Corporation company) the Nejiro public railway system provides (tourist, commuter, maglev, shinkansen, passenger,freight) intercontinental and stellar railway services; and Trinity Railways (owned by the Sugai Zaibatsu) operates maglev and shinkansen rail lines across Tairiku as well as intercontinental rail tunnels and railways on stellar domed cities, stations, and ports. Water taxis, ferries, and passenger barges are also very popular modes of transport over the rivers and canals in Hilo and throughout its metropolitan area and also across the vast and massive Nejiroan continent of Tairiku. The Hilo Canal system with its headquarters at the Hilo Inland Port links with the Dako Unga {serpentine canals}, the Ddraig Unga {dragon canals} (providing navigable waterway transport throughout the mountains, forests, and grasslands of the southern reaches of the continent of Tairiku), and the Reei Omorfa {flowing beautifully - providing waterway transport throughout the grasslands, hills, and mountains of the northern Tairiku continent} canal systems, which provides transport for passengers and freight across most of the city of Hilo and its metropolitan area. Bicycling is also a very common mode of transport across the city and there are a number of bicycle (manual and electric) retail and rental shops (especially popular with tourists and visitors as they easily enable sightseeing). There are a number of bicycle maintenance and repair companies, and bicycle accessory and safety equipment manufacturers operating in the city.           

« Last Edit: 29 January 2025, 04:04:16 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #267 on: 29 January 2025, 05:48:58 »
The location of of the city of Hilo was decided upon because it is reasonably central and it is where 'the rivers meet' ensuring easy transit along the rivers and canals throughout the Eastern Desert province and around the immense continent of Tairiku. The site was also chosen because of the nearby remains of a Terran Hegemony dropship and jumpship parts and component manufacture, transport, and distribution center, which still retains many of its buildings and facilities intact (dropship pads, railway station and tracks, canal port etc.) and was heavily in use during the construction of Hilo. The location now known as Camp Haken {hegemony} is the current military base of many of the individual mercenary units of the Chiji no Keibitai {Governor's Security Force, GSF} who occupy a small part of the facility.
The Kanawha River {white rock] makes its way swiftly through the city with an average depth of thirty meters and widths of more than thirty five meters in the vicinity of the city and its path moves straight across the city in a northerly direction, with a few detouring curves. It flows through many of the most important and central wards of the city including the Hilo Inland Port and then continues its journey north through the Hilo metropolitan area and the Valle della Luna then through the Eastern Desert south of the Akichi Erg {empty quarter shifting sand dunes} and into the Sangosho Gulf {coral}. Accompanying the river's route through the city is a greenway corridor that serves as a wildlife sanctuary and nature preserve that eases animal migration through the city. The Waikato River {flowing water} carves an irregular path through Hilo with depths over ten meters from the southwest to the northeast and then journeys east through Hilo's metropolitan area past Camp Haken and Baja to the Woy Woy Peninsula {much water, big lagoon} and into the Sulu Sea {flowing water currents}. The Quoile River {narrow} makes an almost straight path from west to east with depths of at least three meters and widths over fifteen meters across the southern industrial, transport, and warehouse wards of Hilo before continuing underground south-east across the Eastern Desert and into Pearl Bay. Hilo operates several hydropower plants in the locations where the rivers cross in the city. The Hilo Inland Port is located where the Quoile and the Kanawha Rivers cross amidst the southern wards of the city and includes docks for the Dako Unga (which provides waterway transport across the Eastern Desert province into the Sharqiun Kiso Yama and the Yushan provinces), and the Reei Omorfa canals (which provides waterway transport across the Kuroi Oka province and into the Eastern Desert, Yushan, and Annettai Heiya provinces).
The go-shintai {symbolic physical objects believed to be 'the body of the kami'} of the kawa no kami {river gods} of the Kanawha, Quoile, and Waikato Rivers are enshrined in the honden {main hall} of the Kawa ga shizen hogo-ku to jinja ni deau basho {where the rivers meet nature reserve and shrine} (a 350-ha nature park and reserve of chaparral shrubland and a Shinto shrine built amidst wooded meditation gardens in the midst of the crossing of the Kanawha and Waikato Rivers between what is now the two Downtown Hilo wards). The shrine was founded by Delm Francesco Sugai almost a decade before the Ichizoku began the official chartering process for the city. It is now surrounded by a public park and wildlife sanctuary nature preserve. The shrine is the spiritual center of the city and hosts two major matsuri annually, one honoring the rivers in September Kawakami-sai, and one honoring the xolo dogs and xolotl in October Xolo Inumatsuri. The dogs were beloved of Delm Francesco Sugai and feature heavily in the stories and myths of Hilo and the Eastern Desert province. The city hosts a few other river crossings, the Kanawha and Waikato cross several times in the central wards of the city, and the Quoile and Waikato cross in several of the southern industrial, transport, and warehouse wards. The Dako Unga Inland Port is located in the most southeast ward of the city where the Waikato and Quoile Rivers cross. The Dako Unga has docks at many of the major intersections and important points of interest in Hilo. The Menrva Eki serves as the regional railway station for Hilo and the Eastern Desert province and it has Dako Unga waterway links to southern Tairiku locations such as Stonehaven, Whistler, Kamloops, Moro, Port and others. The Dako Unga canal system also has waterway links to northern Tairiku locations such as Hilo of course, and Baja, Madina, Ayuhwasi {meadow}, Mount el-Leja {refuge}, Stargazer Wilderness Park, Achizu Kokuritsu Koen {arches national park}, Mouse-hole, Sakura Onsen, Anheru Taki {angel falls}, Hikari {light}, Tentai Mizumi {celestial lake}, Camp Haken, Sugai Castle, and Fune {boat}. The Reei Omorfa canal system has waterway links to northern Tairiku locations such as Bridges, the Akai Yoake Military Academy (with FLETC {field and law enforcement training centers and MAWS {Marine Advanced Warfare Schools, a Phoenix Industries company} War College campuses), the NDT (Nejiro Defense Troop) Minpei Toride {military citadel}, Lanikai, Quezon, Yousai, Neptune, the Enclave, the Spaceport, and the ComStar terrestrial HPG station.   

« Last Edit: 01 February 2025, 15:00:16 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #268 on: 31 January 2025, 01:06:17 »
Hilo Station, a modern edifice located in the Civic Center ward, is the second busiest railway depot on Nejiro, after Leyte, with more than four hundred trains (largely electric but some hydrocell and diesel, and even some steam) arriving daily and serves most regional, continental, and intercontinental rail lines (major and minor tourist, passenger, commuter, rapid transit, military, freight, tram, light rail, monorail, maglev, and shinkansen rail lines across the immense continent of Tairiku), as well as the Hilo Subway System (which operates on a twenty eight hour schedule), and the Hilo Metropolitan Rail Network. The main station consists of sixteen island platforms serving thirty two tracks raised above street level and the main concourse is below the platforms. The three maglev subway platforms serving six tracks are several stories underground with an additional concourse and moving walkways, lifts, and escalators to serve connecting passengers. The aeroport express access lines are located to the west of the main station and the freight terminal and railyards are located to the east of the main station with a number of companies operating a variety of maintenance, repair, and logistics facilities and a military platform. (e.g. Meishan Freight {plum mountain} {Loingsigh Koichizoku}, Trinity Logistics {MacDiarmid Koichizoku}, Sorenson Logistics {Sorenson Koichizoku of the Four Corners Zaibatsu}, Stella Blu {Isobe Koichizoku of the Four Corners Zaibatsu}, Nekton Enterprises {Mahelona Koichizoku}, Sherpa air Service {Takayama Koichizoku}, Koun'na Unchin {lucky freight} {Phoenix Industries}, TransContainer Limited {Phoenix Industries}, Kvaerner Govan {finnic gaelic smiths town} {Ceallach Cooperative}, Horizon Tradeships {Drake Consortium}, Swift Transport {Drake Consortium}, Neptune Orient Lines {Zakharovich Dai Ichizoku}, Trinity Rail {Sugai Dai Ichizoku}, Phoenix Mercantile {Phoenix Industries} etc.) The whole complex is linked by an extensive underground network of pedestrian passageways, canals, and utilidors that merge with the surrounding industrial parks, commercial buildings, hospitality, and shopping centers. Be sure to greet Yontama, a sweet natured and photogenic calico feline who acts as the informal station master (complete with properly sized hat and recordings of her meow plays when the doors of the station open), and as station mascot. She is a very popular guest on talk shows and morning news shows and has enjoyed guesting on scripted television soaps and dramas, and even a movie. Many of the local kawaii rail coaches are painted and decorated in her likeness. Images of Yontama from badges and keychains to knickknacks and branded candy to hundreds of glossy photos and canvas prints fill the station's souvenir shop. The Hilo Eki Kon a free public concert series sponsored by the Hilo City Council featuring some of the hottest names in music takes place every weekend in July as part of the Founders Day celebration in Eki Plaza in front of the station.   

« Last Edit: 05 February 2025, 23:04:46 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #269 on: 31 January 2025, 01:38:31 »
There are two regional aeroports in the city. Sweet Meadow Aerofield is located between the Kouri-gyo-ku {retail and market ward} and Shiku Choson {municipal ward - the city government ward} close to the Downtown Hilo wards, that mainly serves passenger airlines and private charters, recreational and competitive league pilots, and executive jets. Nikko Chiiki Hikojo {sunlight region aerofield} is located near Nachimban Gwangjang {compass square} (a service plaza) near the western border of the city amidst several industrial parks and manufacturing wards that mainly serves cargo airlines. The intercontinental aeroport, the Hilo Centrair Aeroport is a first class facility located between the Kanawha and Waikato Rivers among several southern manufacturing, transport, and warehouse wards of the city, that also accepts small craft and some local stellar dropship traffic. HCA is a bustling intercontinental hub with flights reaching every corner of the world and even some stellar destinations. It has five runways, five terminals of state of the art and cutting edge facilities with a futuristic design, and several on site hotels. It is a perfect blend of luxury and budget friendly options. Inside you will find relaxing walking paths, an impressive rooftop garden offering serene escape for travelers, boutique shops, and a feast of food options. There are express rail lines, commuter lines, a subway station, and a canal dock located in Terminal C. The aeroport complex is a leader in sustainability with net zero emissions and a zero carbon electrical plant. The aerport handles more than ten million passengers yearly and accommodates the biggest birds in the sky. The aeroport also serves as host to a Nejiro Defense Troop Air Station {NDT Tai-i Nanette Medred, Hilo Air Company (12) conventional fighters with combat and surveillance drone support (max range 2800-km, combat range 1400-km, ceiling 15,000-m) plus cargo and transport flights as well as support equipment and personnel currently re-building towards a full Wing (36)}.     

« Last Edit: 01 February 2025, 15:03:39 by eilidhdawn »