Old thread I know, but I looked through my old folder of designs and found one you might be interested in. I think I made this around 2012-2014 with the release of Wars of Reaving as apart of some other thread, I can't recall at all.
Basilisk 3 Society Biped Heavy Protomech
Mass: 7 Tons
Chassis: Bipedal Standard
Power Plant: 35 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 3 kph
Maximum Speed: 5 kph
Jump Jets: Standard Jump Jets
Jump Jet Capacity: 90 meters
Armor: Standard Proto armor
Manufacturer: Complex H-6 CCC Contraband
Primary Factory: Homer, Clan Cloud Cobra Complex H-6
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown
Type: Basilisk 3 Society Biped Standard Jump Jets
Technology Base: Clan (Tech Manual)
Tonnage: 7
Battle Value: 289
Equipment: Mass
Internal Structure: 700 KG
Engine: 35 875 KG
Walking MP: 3
Running MP: 5
Jumping MP: 3
Heat Sinks: 0 0 KG
Cockpit: 500 KG
Armor Factor: 30 1500 KG
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head 2 2
Torso 7 10
R/L Arm 2/2 4/4
Legs 4 7
Main Gun 1 3
All Weapons and Ammo Location Mass(KG)
LRM 11 MG 2200
Protomech Magnetic Clamps T 500
10 Rounds LRM 11 Ammo (110 missiles) T 917
8KG left over for beer and snacks.
Defensive BV:
armor factor: 30 x 2.5= 75
Internals: 18 x 1.5= 27
Gyro: 0
MagClamp: 1
103 x (0.1 + 1.2) = DBR of 133.9
Offensive BV:
LRM 11: 139
Ammo: 917/1000= 0.917 x 18= 16.5
Speed factor of 1
155.5 x 1= OBR of 155.5
Total BV of 289
"Let's continue the idea with an *actual* Society protomech- or sorta Society protomech- the Basilisk biped. Remember that spiel about Mag clamps and weight, and 7 tons and all? If we do a 7 ton proto a 40 ton omni can carry one no problem- and oh look the Society uses Vipers and Ice Ferrets above a roll of 11, where everything is an omni! How about that!
The Society has bipedal Basilisks for their use, but let's crank up the cheese since we're using mag clamps and don't worry about speed except for tactical situations. The weight tables for proto engines basically *end* below the 40 point fusion mark, requiring you to multiply the rate of the engine by 25 KG. By using a 7 tonner at 3/5 movement, we use a 35-point engine but because of that rule, save 125KG out of the gate instead of having to pay 1 full ton for it. We also resist the urge to go down further to 2/3/2- saving 450KG just isn't worth it in my opinion but your mileage may vary.
We keep jump jets- 300kg is nothing for the benefit- and start slapping armor on this bastard to meet the base targets. With it able to tank a stray gauss hit to the chest and an AC/20 unable to core one with an arm hit, it'll stick around for quite some time to provide some real cheese.
Gaming the cluster table, we equip an LRM 11 and a whole 10 rounds of fire. Forget any other gun, save the leftover 8KG for snacks and after-combat treats. I haven't done the calculations yet, but I know for a fact that this proto now has a BV to LRM ratio similar to the Bane 3- you know, the one that can throw over 100 LRMs a turn?- but far cheaper in bulk and more accessible and mobile. If your RAT gives you a Viper (which is dead average for a roll) you carry one at 8/12; go drop him in a corner somewhere and let him go wild. With 3/5/3 he can still move to better spots, and with his armor he's able to take some hits. This isn't the greatest proto i've made, but for what he is I don't see much of a way to improve him- except NOT using it on it's factory world of Homer, where the gravity is 1.4g and it goes 2/3/2."