Author Topic: Okay Making a better Tengu isn't HARD, but...  (Read 721 times)


  • Corporal
  • *
  • Posts: 81
Okay Making a better Tengu isn't HARD, but...
« on: 19 December 2024, 12:18:33 »
Okay making a better Tengu isn't hard, bite me. But it's a different thing to make a new, alternate version that plays with the canon designs, which is what I wanted to do with this concept of a different variant.
First, I kept the jump because while it isn't efficient here, it is a little more interesting than just ditching it for overland speed (alternate Tengus would have moymer boosters for 3MP and incredible violence in melee) and still lets the Tengu get into some good spots. 10 points of armor is bare minimum here. Weapons are obvious, a stock medium laser (which is shockingly uncommon in Inner sphere forces??) and a firedrake needler for anti-infantry/anti-civilian and firestarting capacity. Simple and difficult; alternate forms I could see would drop the needler for mag clamps and standard anti-personnel mounts, if these Tengus would be needed for "normal" word forces that still make use of Choir formations.

Code: [Select]
Tengu III BattleArmor
Type: Tengu III
Manufacturer: Unknown
    Primary Factory: Unknown

Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Chassis Type:  Biped
Weight Class: Heavy
Maximum Weight: 1,500 kg
Battle Value: 324
Swarm/Leg Attack/Mechanized/AP: No/No/Yes/No

Equipment                                     Slots      Mass
Chassis:                                               300 kg
Motive System:                                               
     Ground MP:          1                               0 kg
     Jump MP:            2                             250 kg
    Left Arm:            Manipulator (Basic)             0 kg
    Right Arm:           Manipulator (Basic)             0 kg
Armor:                   Advanced               5      400 kg
    Armor Value:         10 + 1 (Trooper)                         

Weapons and Equipment         Location (Capacity)   Mass 
Medium Laser                  Right Arm     3       500 kg
Needler                       Left Arm     1       50 kg 


  • Corporal
  • *
  • Posts: 81
Re: Okay Making a better Tengu isn't HARD, but...
« Reply #1 on: 19 December 2024, 12:38:35 »
I made a Tengu IV, but to get a jump booster and get 3 jumping MP I had to ditch the firedrake and 2 points of armor. Hard for me to stomach 8 points of armor on a heavy just to make it jump 3 with a medium laser and a modular anti-personnel weapon mount.

The V here in my view, is the actual "modular" suit that Vapula wanted; where the stock design is just so well engineered that somehow, they can just yeet more moymer on until it's just this roided out monster suit. Here my thinking is that the booster also increases physical damage in melee for your Manei Domini troops, but also has the weapons so that it's partially a replacement for the earlier III but with more slapdash fire; now with 3 anti-personnel mounts (and 20KG to either mount whatever weapon you want, or for an additional heat sensor you can toss into the remaining space), a heavy recoilless rifle and a single david for an additional point of damage, it can really toss out some spread of damage.

Code: [Select]
Tengu V Melee BattleArmor
Type: Tengu V
Manufacturer: Unknown
    Primary Factory: Unknown

Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Experimental)
Chassis Type:  Biped
Weight Class: Heavy
Maximum Weight: 1,500 kg
Battle Value: 278
Swarm/Leg Attack/Mechanized/AP: No/No/Yes/No

Equipment                                     Slots      Mass
Chassis:                                               300 kg
Motive System:                                               
     Ground MP:          3                              80 kg
     Jump MP:            1                               0 kg
    Left Arm:            Battle Claw                    15 kg
    Right Arm:           Armored Gloves                  0 kg
Armor:                   Advanced               5      400 kg
    Armor Value:         10 + 1 (Trooper)                         

Weapons and Equipment         Location (Capacity)   Mass 
Mechanical Jump Booster         Body       0       250 kg
Recoilless Rifle Heavy          Body       3       325 kg
David Light Gauss Rifle      Right Arm     1      100 kg
Anti Personnel Weapon Mount   Left Arm     1        5 kg 
Anti Personnel Weapon Mount     Body       1        5 kg 
Heat Sensor                   Left Arm     1       20 kg