Author Topic: Elberich Repairs Inc  (Read 569 times)


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Elberich Repairs Inc
« on: 22 December 2024, 13:25:11 »
Elberich Repairs Inc
Master Chief Technician Paulus Hertling
   Commanding Officer of Elberich Repairs

   This mercenary unit which was founded around the midpoint of the Third Succession War is based around providing salvage and repair operations for employers.  Based around three Union dropships, one Condor dropship, and two Mule dropships, they consist of a company of mechs for security and salvage operations, a company of security infantry, and a number of technitions.  This venture is the result of Oscar Bresslowe, a Lyran banker, and Dieter Hertling, a retired major who lead the repair techs of the 10th Lyran Guard regiment.  The two were introduced by a mutual acquaintance which led Oscar to financially backing Dieter's repair operation idea.

   Most of the original personnel were retired technicians or ones leaving the service after the original service requirement was completed.  Dieter had enough contacts to gather the basis of their security forces while Oscar's connections netted them the dropships needed to get started.  As time went on, more and more of the technicians were family members or extended family members of the original personnel with some other hires occasionally along the way.  They also added a few more dropships along the way until they reached their current fleet of six.  The conversions to the two Unions were all done by their own personnel to their own specifications.  When Dieter Hertling finally retired for good, his son Paulus took over control of the operation with assistance by his sister Liesel.

   The command currently consists of six dropships.  The first is a combined arms Union which carries all 12 battlemechs and the infantry forces.  The other two Unions have been converted by removing the aerospace fighter bays to make room for spare parts and turning the twelve mech bays into eight mech repair bays.  They also have a Condor dropship that has been slightly modified for the housing of dependents as well as carrying the battlemech recovery vehicles that the unit uses.  Elberich Repairs also has two Mule dropships filled with spare parts and provisions.

   Their first deployment at their current strength was to Baxter towards the end of the Third Succession War to support the Lyran units who had retaken the system from the Draconis Combine.  After being used along the Kuritan border for close to twenty years, Elberich Repairs relocated itself to Galatea and began earning their keep in providing their services to various other mercenary units needing repaired or rebuilt as well as accepting the occasional support contract for deploying mercenary units.  The unit also had several jobs for the LCAF repairing and refitting mechs for the Tyr Resistance Movement.

   During the Fourth Succession War Elberich Repairs deployed with the Eighth Donegal Guards to Moritz.  The security detachment was tested with almost two light lances of the Fifth Sun Zhang Academy Cadre managed to almost reach the repair force's deployment zone.  Three Kuritan mechs were downed before the rest retreated.  These mechs were repaired and sold to the LCAF as replacements.  After Moritz is secured, Elberich Repair is moved to Kimball II to support the two battalions of the Fourth Skye Rangers deployed there.  Their assistance in repairs to the Fourth enabled them to rout the Third Deiron Regulars counterattack.  After this deployment, Elderich Repairs was able to purchase two Tramp-class jumpships which are capable of transporting all six of their dropships making them self sufficient for transportation purposes.

   After the Fourth Succession War, the unit remained primarily on Galatea earning its income from repairs to various mercenary units located there.  Elberich Repairs didn't deploy for the war of 3039 but afterwards was hired by Miller's Marauders to assist them rebuild after their losses on Harrow's Sun.  Once they returned to Galatea, they remained in system until the Clan Invasion.  Hired by the FedCom military, Elberich Repair was deployed to the Pandora System to help repair and refit various commands who had been mauled by the first few waves of the clan invasion.  They remained deployed there until 3054 when they returned to Galatea.

   Units are normally painted Lyran Blue with Red highlights.  The command's insignia is an Atlas swinging a wrench on blue and white diamond background.  Force tactics focus solely on defensive measures as their role consists of protecting the technicians and dropships.  Delaying tactics and ambushes are highly focused on as the units specialization.  The infantry portion of the force is highly skilled with mine laying, sensor placement, and other defensive tactics.  Since they rarely come under fire, while the security forces have high morale their experience level is between green and average.

Elberich Repairs Naval Squadroon
LNS Breitenbach, Tramp-class jumpship
   Captain Conrad Boehm
LNS Geiselbach, Tramp-class jumpship
   Captain Ehrhardt Fleischer
LNS Ingolstadt, combined arms Union-class dropship
   Captain Robbyn Bresslowe
LNS Mobius Wrench, converted Union-class dropship
   Captain Paulina Hertling
LNS Flux Capacitor, converted Union-class dropship
   Captain Wilhelm Nessier
LNS Freihausen, Condor-class dropship
   Captain Elliot Densche
LNS Grunwald, Mule-class dropship
   Captain Owain Fenchel
LNS Blutenburg, Mule-class dropship
   Captain Roweena Vangeers

Elberich Repairs Technition Battalion
Repair Company A (assigned to LNS Mobius Wrench)
     Chief Technician Collin Wahlemund
Repair Company B (assigned to LNS Flux Capacitor)
     Chief Technician Hansel Fenchel
Repair Company C (field repair technicians assigned to LNS Freihausen)
     Chief Technician Johannes Hertling

Elberich Repairs Defense Force
Major Giselle Eckhardt
   Commander of the Elberich Repairs Security Forces

Elberich Repairs Mech Company
Hauptmann Nicolas Reinhard
   Commander of Mech Forces
1st Lance (Heavy Battle Lance)
     Lt. Andreas Nessier
2nd Lance (Fire Lance)
     Lt. Fredrik Heusner
3rd Lance (Support Lance)
     Lt. Ursula Giebisch

Elberich Repairs Infantry Company
Hauptmann Marta Curtze
     Commander of Infantry Forces
1st Platoon (Laser Rifles)
     Lt. Gerhardt Weisbrod
2nd Platoon (SRMs)
     Lt. Isolde Densche
3rd Platoon (Engineers)
     Lt. Johann Aschauer
"Like spirited Eridani stallions chasing after fat, clumsy Luthien cows" Anonymous Rasalhague Journalist, 2749


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Re: Elberich Repairs Inc
« Reply #1 on: 22 December 2024, 15:49:43 »
With that amazing fleet, how did they avoid nationalization??


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Re: Elberich Repairs Inc
« Reply #2 on: 22 December 2024, 16:45:18 »
They avoided it by being a late 3rd Succession War onward force in Lyran space.  Easier for the LCAF to hire them rather than trying to absorb them after all especially with them based out of Galatea.  Before the Fourth Succession War they just had the dropships and I see them purchasing the two jumpships as second hand from those captured from the DCMS forces and had to invest their time, effort, and capital into repairing them back into full service.  Now if you forward the timeline and get on into Civil War time frame, that might see them absorbed by one side or the other.  I tried to imagine them as similar to the Battle Magic mercenary unit that was based on Outreach only more of a Lyran space type thing.  But similar to Battle Magic, if Elberich Repairs get into the tech upgrade list, they'll be on the WoBblies hit list and probably won't survive the Jihad.
"Like spirited Eridani stallions chasing after fat, clumsy Luthien cows" Anonymous Rasalhague Journalist, 2749


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Re: Elberich Repairs Inc
« Reply #3 on: 22 December 2024, 17:01:45 »
That makes sense, thanks! :)


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Re: Elberich Repairs Inc
« Reply #4 on: 25 December 2024, 12:02:48 »
a question
Is  Captain Paulina Hertling of LNS Mobius Wrench and Chief Technician Johannes Hertling of Repair Company C related?
Same on Captain Wilhelm Nessier of LNS Flux Capacitor, and Lt. Andreas Nessier of the1st Lance (Heavy Battle Lance)?

With that amazing fleet, how did they avoid nationalization??
Because lets be honest if they can keep the combat arms supported and repaired do you want to slow down if you claim their assets
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Elberich Repairs Inc
« Reply #5 on: 25 December 2024, 22:36:02 »
Yes there are relatives in the organization.  I sort of picture it as since they have their dependents with them, as they get older they get trained to do something to help the unit and age into a position.  So sons and daughters end up replacing retirees in addition to any new blood being hired in or brought in by marriage.  Also extended family members who have a useful skill get hired on as well with cousins, great nieces and nephews, and in-laws siblings so you get a few large families providing a decent percentage of the unit.
"Like spirited Eridani stallions chasing after fat, clumsy Luthien cows" Anonymous Rasalhague Journalist, 2749