Author Topic: Plastic hex base with metal minis  (Read 700 times)


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Plastic hex base with metal minis
« on: 24 December 2024, 15:48:06 »
So, I'm considering buying some metal mechs from IWM, still debating with myself. One question that came to me is if it is practical to use plastic hex bases with the metal minis, or there will be balance problems. I know minis have to be assembled, which means that it will depend a lot on what posture I assemble them, but do anyone else has personal experience on using plastic bases?


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Re: Plastic hex base with metal minis
« Reply #1 on: 24 December 2024, 15:54:23 »
I think it is worth it to use the metal hex bases IWM makes. The mass does help with balancing. And once you include basing materials, it helps drastically to prevent the miniature from toppling.


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Re: Plastic hex base with metal minis
« Reply #2 on: 24 December 2024, 16:08:04 »
Hex bases provide a nice big, flat surface area for the mini, so once you add the weight of a metal mini to a plastic base they generally stand fine. I've got tons of minis done, some metal minis on metal bases (modern pewter and older lead) or on plastic bases and there's enough base there that I don't have any issues with tippy minis. Only once you get to really tall stuff like the limited jumping mechs would I worry.


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Re: Plastic hex base with metal minis
« Reply #3 on: 24 December 2024, 16:15:56 »
I'm curious how much heavier pewter minis are compared to the plastic ones. I remember old lead minis from another game that shall remain unnamed and were quite heavy. But I guess pewter is lighter. Am I correct?


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Re: Plastic hex base with metal minis
« Reply #4 on: 24 December 2024, 16:43:45 »
I almost universally use plastic bases on hundreds of metal minis. Most are fine. You have to watch out for the ones that have a center of gravity not down the middle of the mini (the stiletto comes to mind). Otherwise I have not had issues with tipping over. Even the biggest boys like the reseen bane and stone rhino are non issues

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Re: Plastic hex base with metal minis
« Reply #5 on: 24 December 2024, 16:49:07 »
Yeah, I primarily use metal bases for home-made jumping mech variants and sometimes top heavy designs.
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Re: Plastic hex base with metal minis
« Reply #6 on: 24 December 2024, 16:56:11 »
I've been using plastic bases with metal minis for a long time now.   You can offset it with weighting the base down to keep the center of gravity low, and making sure the mini is is centered properly as well. 


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Re: Plastic hex base with metal minis
« Reply #7 on: 24 December 2024, 16:59:25 »
Perfect! Thanks for all the answers. I will still ponder if I finally pick up metal minis. Quite probable, as I have wanted a Jade Phoenix since I saw it in the RecGuide, and although it is supposed to come in plastic in the future, well... it's not a sure thing.


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Re: Plastic hex base with metal minis
« Reply #8 on: 24 December 2024, 19:48:17 »
I almost universally use plastic bases on hundreds of metal minis. Most are fine. You have to watch out for the ones that have a center of gravity not down the middle of the mini (the stiletto comes to mind). Otherwise I have not had issues with tipping over. Even the biggest boys like the reseen bane and stone rhino are non issues

Same here. I've been buying plastic bases from Ral Partha Europe for decades, and probably 90% of my mechs are based on them. Why RPE? a) Much cheaper than metal hexes, and b) shipping from UK much much less than shipping from the US. As long as one is mindful of 'leaning' minis, and base them appropriately, it's all good.

The only 'problem' ones are mounting MW:DA VTOLs on their plastic flight stands, on a plastic base. It's simple to a) glue in the flight stand in the centre, b) surround with metal sprue bits, c) cover with basing material, and this keeps them pretty steady.
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Re: Plastic hex base with metal minis
« Reply #9 on: 25 December 2024, 01:52:04 »
I generally used chessex plastic bases. when I can get them.  if I get a mech on metal or plastic that is front or rear heavy, I glue a but of the spru to the bottom of the base.


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Re: Plastic hex base with metal minis
« Reply #10 on: 25 December 2024, 02:46:39 »
I'm curious how much heavier pewter minis are compared to the plastic ones. I remember old lead minis from another game that shall remain unnamed and were quite heavy. But I guess pewter is lighter. Am I correct?

Pewter is lighter than lead, yes, but for a single mini the different isn't that significant.
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Re: Plastic hex base with metal minis
« Reply #11 on: 25 December 2024, 15:07:19 »
Pewter is lighter than lead, yes, but for a single mini the different isn't that significant.

I remember lead minis being quite heavy back in my youth. In any case seems like using plastic bases is not a bad idea after all, so going to use them if I finally pick some IWM mechs.


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Re: Plastic hex base with metal minis
« Reply #12 on: 25 December 2024, 15:14:33 »
I've got a few lead minis that I've picked up over the years.  The difference is there, but it's not enough to make a difference in stability when on top of a hexbase.
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