Author Topic: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium  (Read 383615 times)


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #480 on: 13 October 2014, 03:54:41 »
Wow. I wonder how many Social Generals she had to make an example of before she could get away with that!

Or perhaps she just handpicked the worst 20% of the LCAF, regrouped them into a single unit and sent them on a 'milk run' mission that happened to run smash bang into a couple Sword of Light regiments. I mean the material loss would be regrettable, even more when the DCMS salvage most of it, but...

Some units would remain as 'sinks' for traditionalists - 'promoted' into the Skye Rangers, Lyran Regulars, etc while the Guards (Royal, Arcturan, Donegal and Lyran) receive new officers and the best people moved out of the rest of the LCAF. The way I was thinking to structure this, about half the Brigades* would be commanded by Leutenant-Generals who are tankers or infantry rather than Mechwarriors.

This may require some sleight of hand, suggesting to the nobility that it's the Rangers and Regulars getting the Archon's favour while the Guards are being 'diluted' with non-mechwarrior peasents.

* Going with something like the Demi-Brigades from Davion and Davion (Deceased) where a Brigade is made up of two halves, each a regiment reinforced with two battalions from other services. This would also allow many mercenary units made up of a regiment and support elements (see the 3028 Kell Hounds with 3 Mech Battalions, a Jump Infantry battalion and aerospace wing) to be brigaded with a LCAF Demi-Brigade and fit in as a Brigade.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018

Chris OFarrell

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #481 on: 13 October 2014, 19:37:46 »
Some units would remain as 'sinks' for traditionalists - 'promoted' into the Skye Rangers, Lyran Regulars, etc while the Guards (Royal, Arcturan, Donegal and Lyran) receive new officers and the best people moved out of the rest of the LCAF. The way I was thinking to structure this, about half the Brigades* would be commanded by Leutenant-Generals who are tankers or infantry rather than Mechwarriors.

This may require some sleight of hand, suggesting to the nobility that it's the Rangers and Regulars getting the Archon's favour while the Guards are being 'diluted' with non-mechwarrior peasents.

* Going with something like the Demi-Brigades from Davion and Davion (Deceased) where a Brigade is made up of two halves, each a regiment reinforced with two battalions from other services. This would also allow many mercenary units made up of a regiment and support elements (see the 3028 Kell Hounds with 3 Mech Battalions, a Jump Infantry battalion and aerospace wing) to be brigaded with a LCAF Demi-Brigade and fit in as a Brigade.

Huh. So the Guard units essentially would become the offensive force of the LCAF, perhaps even with the bulk of the military mobile assets (like jumpships), while the units like the Rangers and Regulars would in turn become something more akin to garrison and defensive units? Loosing the tactical skills of the better units, but partially making up for it with superior knowledge of their AO and being able to prepare for their battles well in advance? Plus mostly not having to go into combat at all more than the offensive units means much more time for meeting all those very important social commitments...
"I, the Baron of Strang, care not for your new names. Clans? Jade Falcons? I call you by your true name: Scum of the Star League, traitors of free will, persecutors of the Periphery come back to lord it over freedom-loving people. Come ahead, you steel-eyed robots! Come ahead and taste what a million like-minded people think of you and your damn Clans!"

-Baron Stepan Von Strang


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #482 on: 14 October 2014, 02:32:34 »
The Rangers and Regulars would provide cover for their home reasons and be the units of choice to be tapped to provide companies for limited raids, letting them amass glory.

Meanwhile the Guards units are the ones deployed when there's a serious effort to take or defend a world since their focus and training tends to involve operations with a regiment or more working together.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #483 on: 20 October 2014, 04:51:13 »

In 3035, a small, rag tag flotilla of JumpShips arrives in the Commonwealth, clustered around a battered, battle-scarred and barely functional WarShip. The fleet is made up of descendants of veterans of the Pentagon Civil Wars and Dark Caste renegades, under the command of the scion of a Davion cadet branch who's ancestor was a SLDF officer who originally joined the Exodus.

At first disbelieved, they share a tale of survival and escape, with the crew of the cruiser fleeing the maddened forces of Nicky's cult into uncharted space. A missjump stranded the WarShip in a distant system, which fortunately had a habitable world. It took decades of work, half-cannibalising the ship and a lot of luck to build up an industrial base to repair it, work that was sped up by the arrival of a group of renegades similarly fleeing the Clans.

Introduced to a distant relative with an incredible story, Hanse and Melissa take the refugees in and are horrified by what is lurking in the Deep Periphery. The War of '39 is called off, because the Commonwealth suddenly has bigger problems. The WarShip and all remaining Star League tech, as well as the crews, are escorted to Tharkad where a crash program of reverse engineering is launched.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #484 on: 20 October 2014, 07:35:47 »
You do know that there is a Steiner in the Clans.

Chris OFarrell

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #485 on: 20 October 2014, 09:12:29 »

In 3035, a small, rag tag flotilla of JumpShips arrives in the Commonwealth, clustered around a battered, battle-scarred and barely functional WarShip. The fleet is made up of descendants of veterans of the Pentagon Civil Wars and Dark Caste renegades, under the command of the scion of a Davion cadet branch who's ancestor was a SLDF officer who originally joined the Exodus.

At first disbelieved, they share a tale of survival and escape, with the crew of the cruiser fleeing the maddened forces of Nicky's cult into uncharted space. A missjump stranded the WarShip in a distant system, which fortunately had a habitable world. It took decades of work, half-cannibalising the ship and a lot of luck to build up an industrial base to repair it, work that was sped up by the arrival of a group of renegades similarly fleeing the Clans.

Introduced to a distant relative with an incredible story, Hanse and Melissa take the refugees in and are horrified by what is lurking in the Deep Periphery. The War of '39 is called off, because the Commonwealth suddenly has bigger problems. The WarShip and all remaining Star League tech, as well as the crews, are escorted to Tharkad where a crash program of reverse engineering is launched.

Melissa picks up phone and calls LIC.

MS: "Simon? HPG Justin and co-ordinate with him - one time pads only please. I want Jamie Wolf here. Within a fortnight".

*pauses as there is talk on the other end of the line*

MS: No, I don't care what shipping you have to reroute, just get the man shoved onto a Dropship with Natasha Kerensky and get them here. At once".

*another pause as a voice loudly complains down the line*

MS: "If he doesn't? Then tell your people to tell himexactly this; 'We have a pressing need to discuss the weather reports from Strana Mechty".

In all serious though, its an interesting tribble.

No 3039 war could actually be a bad thing for the Inner Sphere.

Its bad for the FedCom, because without getting drubbed (actually Hoodwinked but they don't find out for ages) by the DCMS in the 3039 war, all those problems with the AFFS and LCAF working together may well go undetected, as well as all the major kinks in the chains of command and so on, that led to the early adoption and integration into the combined AFFC. They won't be humbled and come down from the cocky high of the 4th Succession War, ESPECIALLY in the Stenier side of the Commonwealth, which really will not do them any favors when the Clans come calling. The Sandovols will probably scream loudly at not being able to have their crack at the Combine, firmly thinking that the FedCom will do to them what they did to the Cappies back in '28, might even start their own push hoping to drag Hanse and Melissa in anyway. Which could be bad.

Its not sunshine for the DCMS either. Theodore made his name in the 3039 war, its the basis of the power and authority had in the 3050s to fight the Clan invasion and do what had to be done, being the 'savoir of the Combine' and all that. Without that victory to his name, its not impossible his reforms will get bogged down and eventually reversed, ensuring the DCMS is a much softer target when the Clans come running in. ComStar will probably push them to take the offensive if the FedCom refuses to attack, and Myndo isn't exactly subtle. She may well stage attacks / trick units into attacking to get a war going if no-one else will.

As for reverse engineering the technology, at this point (by fluff, although the Novels of course disagree dramatically) NAIS and the FedCom are starting to get most core Star League technology into either prototype testing or even serial production. I don't think you can speed it up that much more, I mean I'm sure R&D are already throwing everything but the kitchen sink at the wall to get forward progress. But I suppose you could potentially shave off a few years by having working examples to look at as well as the engineering data.
« Last Edit: 20 October 2014, 09:31:24 by Chris OFarrell »
"I, the Baron of Strang, care not for your new names. Clans? Jade Falcons? I call you by your true name: Scum of the Star League, traitors of free will, persecutors of the Periphery come back to lord it over freedom-loving people. Come ahead, you steel-eyed robots! Come ahead and taste what a million like-minded people think of you and your damn Clans!"

-Baron Stepan Von Strang


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #486 on: 20 October 2014, 09:15:52 »

I was never clear: was Outreach a FedCom planet held in feif by the Dragoons, or was it an independant state in its own right?


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #487 on: 20 October 2014, 11:11:20 »

I was never clear: was Outreach a FedCom planet held in feif by the Dragoons, or was it an independant state in its own right?

Supposed to be the first, ended up being the latter, since Victor is scripted to be ineffectual in all aspects of dealing with former Capellan worlds they were never called upon to do their danged feudal duty to help stabilize things.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #488 on: 04 November 2014, 15:54:19 »
Tribble #162

When Khan Kerlin Ward made the proposal to send a contingent of Freeborn warriors from his Clan to the Inner Sphere under the guise of a mercenary company to assess the fighting capabilities of the Successor States, many of the Khans at the time agreed, except one...saKhan Gerrick N'Buta of Clan Star Adder. While he agreed that sending a group of Freeborn warriors to the Inner Sphere was a good idea, to ensure that the Wolves to not withhold information, Gerrick proposed that each Clan send a group of their own Freeborn warriors (no more than a binary of course). He argued that if the Clans do return to the Inner Sphere, then they should all be prepared for possible actions against the warriors of the Successor States; by having each Clan send a group of their own warriors, then each can report back to their respective Clans. His argument swayed many on the Grand Council, even the Khans of the Smoke Jaguars who have no Freeborns in their touman to speak of but were willing to spare a few members of their lower castes to act in their stead.

To try and compensate for this, Kerlin Ward declares that each Clan must train their new "mercenaries" as a whole cohesive unit so that they can learn to work together. Therefore, once the Clans have each selected their warriors, all of them must undergo the same training under one of the Clans. After much debate, it was decided that Clan Jade Falcon would train the new "mercenaries" under the name "Falcon's Dragoons".

With a new unit consisting of warriors from all of the Clans, how will Kerlin Ward stall the invasion now?


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #489 on: 04 November 2014, 22:03:26 »
It could look a lot like Operation Klondike I suppose if each Clan supplies a battalion (40) of their best freebirths with a chance to establish their own Bloodname as a reward. So 17 Clans x 40 equals 680 warriors to be split between 5 Mech regiments (540) and 140 other (aerospace, infantry, other). Each Clan would have its own battalion and combat trails would determine a commander (Khan) and executive officer (saKhan) hence leadership. I would get away from the ______ Dragoon's and go with something completely different. Perhaps the Dagger Stars?

I would let the reward for service (25 year tour) be known and freebirths compete for the honor of a potential bloodname to determine the very best. No trueborns at all? Could be a very interesting alternate story line.  ;)


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #490 on: 05 November 2014, 11:20:11 »
If you had read my tribble I said no more than a BINARY! That's 10 mechs, 20 aerospace fighters and vehicles, 50 elementals, and 250 standard infantry. That's the Inner Sphere equivalent of a light company. Each Clan would send their best Binary to the Inner Sphere, meaning 17 light companies and their support techs and whatnot.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #491 on: 05 November 2014, 12:21:37 »
If you had read my tribble I said no more than a BINARY! That's 10 mechs, 20 aerospace fighters and vehicles, 50 elementals, and 250 standard infantry. That's the Inner Sphere equivalent of a light company. Each Clan would send their best Binary to the Inner Sphere, meaning 17 light companies and their support techs and whatnot.

And they promptly make no waves, draw no interest, and get used up in the first major action they get thrown into because you put the frikking Falcons in charge of training and they lack the depth to absorb the losses they were willing to take to achieve victory and establish their rep even in canon when it was a Wolf show. You are literally reducing the Dragoons to a quarter of their OTL strength, less actually considering the non mech attachments the Dragoons fielded, then making it so any given subunit has blood feuds going with at least two other binaries, usually more.

The primary short term effect of this is to either force Ian Davion to refocus away from the Draconis front since he doesn't have five regiments to carry the Haseks to victory despite their best efforts, or result in a somewhat different map and probably more political tensions between the Haseks and Hanse if he takes the throne on schedule. In the midterm, comstar complacency after the regiment of mildly interesting dysfunctional lunatics dies off may result in very difficult to predict butterflies.

Edit: There is also the alternative where C* absorbed/killed off the Wolverines and notices 17 subformations operating in the style dictated by the Great Father, promptly murdering the feth out of the unit, interrogating any prisoners taken unto death, and starts gearing up for war.
« Last Edit: 05 November 2014, 12:37:11 by consequences »


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #492 on: 05 November 2014, 16:16:14 »
If you had read my tribble I said no more than a BINARY! That's 10 mechs, 20 aerospace fighters and vehicles, 50 elementals, and 250 standard infantry. That's the Inner Sphere equivalent of a light company. Each Clan would send their best Binary to the Inner Sphere, meaning 17 light companies and their support techs and whatnot.

Well if I read your tribble correctly you were asking for freebirths, so no elementals. Also you should use the word or not and when you listed said units. But let us not quibble about the tribble. 17 Companies just showing up at the same time around the InnerSphere is something ComStar would notice cause the Clans do not sneak well. Just one has to slip up and if your being careful and watching a number of them each could reveal a different clue on their origin. Quality control is easier done with a single overall command IMO. I understand you are going small not to get noticed but they could get picked off easier as well.

Why not try it from another fashion, all naval. Say Snow Raven and/or Cloud Cobra pitch the operation as entirely space bound information gathering effort using Bug Eyes as well as other naval assets. AKA warships. You bring a mobile base (Yard Ship), Star of Warships, and other support craft. Once you ascertain the status of the InnerSphere's naval support your job is even easier save ComStar. Think Naughty Picture runs of the Terran Hegemony.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #493 on: 06 November 2014, 04:02:02 »
Sounds like the entire force could emerge as a plausible regiment of Mercs.

The Steel Vipers and Smoke Jaguars don't have freeborn warriors so they provide the technicans and laborers.
The Cloud Cobras and Smoke Ravens provide an aerospace binary each, which approximates to two wings of fighters.
The Hells Horses send about 250 infantry, enough to comprise a convincing infantry battalion.
The other twelve clans send 10 Mechs, each, which can reasonably re-organise into a regiment - 9 line companies and a command company.

If anything that'll look less suspicious than the Wolf Dragoons did, emerging with enough forces to be the largest mercenary force in existence. That wouldn't have as much impact on the Inner Sphere as they did originally, certainly, but the different complement would undoubtedly change things anyway.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #494 on: 06 November 2014, 15:36:55 »
Sounds like the entire force could emerge as a plausible regiment of Mercs.

The Steel Vipers and Smoke Jaguars don't have freeborn warriors so they provide the technicans and laborers.
The Cloud Cobras and Smoke Ravens provide an aerospace binary each, which approximates to two wings of fighters.
The Hells Horses send about 250 infantry, enough to comprise a convincing infantry battalion.
The other twelve clans send 10 Mechs, each, which can reasonably re-organise into a regiment - 9 line companies and a command company.

If anything that'll look less suspicious than the Wolf Dragoons did, emerging with enough forces to be the largest mercenary force in existence. That wouldn't have as much impact on the Inner Sphere as they did originally, certainly, but the different complement would undoubtedly change things anyway.
Finally, someone who understood what I was getting at.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #495 on: 07 November 2014, 00:18:42 »
Finally, someone who understood what I was getting at.
I got precisely what you were getting at, it just doesn't work if they actually want to accomplish the mission. With just one regiment, if they bring the proportion of lost designs and little tidbits like Natasha's royal marauder and the hephaestus station that  they did in OTL, the Haseks will instigate an 'incident' which results in the Syrtis Fusiliers killing them all to take their stuff to see where it came from. If they don't have any interesting tech and capabilities, they have no prospect of making partnerships with blackwell and GM to gauge IS industrial ability, or corresponding with Doctor Banzai to track their technological accomplishments. That's before you even get into the military section,  where one regiment is simply completely insufficient to get a handle on how the Houses manage large scale warfare.

The probable result is that they get a tiny landhold somewhere, get  thrown at the Capellan front as a stopgap and a sop to the Haseks, take massive casualties but do well enough that McCarron gets a bug up his butt(possibly planted by C*) and die to the last man as the battalion of effectives they have left get overrun when the MAC tears them apart.

And having them start in a different House makes things worse, with the kindest probable result being them only losing half of their forces to Concentrated Weakness since the Mariks lack the wherewithal to hit every world they would be penny packeted to even with C* leading them by the hand, and the Kuritans wouldn't see them as being worth the effort.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #496 on: 07 November 2014, 02:46:01 »
By the late 3rd Succession War, a regiment of 'Mechs is considered large scale war. Sure, there are battles where more than one regiment was deployed but that was relatively rare. In fact, during their early years in the Inner Sphere the Dragoons virtually never deployed as a single force - they were operating with one or two regiments per planet and usually had some of their forces in reserve.

(Also, in this era the Capellan March is run by George Hasek not Michael Hasek so there would be much less likely dickery going on.)

I'm not saying things will go as canon, that would be ridiculous with these changes, but a regiment of mercs would still be a survivable force. You're right that the Davions are the best House to be their first employer - they're not hooked up with ComStar's Mercenary Review Board when they arrive and the Davions are the least likely to screw them on the contract in that regard. They won't get such good contract terms since a smaller force has less bargaining power but they're not really in this for the money.

They may even avoid the whole mess with the Marik Civil War since Candace Liao won't be trying to subvert them, thus Maximilian won't be looking for an excuse to unload the contract elsewhere while still getting his benefits and if they do wind up in Anton's employ they won't be so strategically important.

ComStar shenanigans are quite likely, I'll admit, but the most likely scenario barring some C* scheme (the canon ones are tailored to the Dragoons, something more like what was used on the GDL is more applicable here) is that the Falcon Dragoons work for Davion 3005-3010; move to Liao for another 5 year contract but since they're not as financially stable have to let their clause about not fighting their previous employer go; then get hired by Janos Marik after he's dealt with Anton, possibly getting worn down as part of an attack on Hephastus; enter Steiner employ in the early 3020s (with some resupply); and finally take employment with House Kurita, get company-stored and finally flip the board, retreating back to the Periphery to make their report to the Clan Homeworlds which would probably amount to "those ****** deserve everything we can do to them. how soon can we invade?"
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #497 on: 07 November 2014, 04:36:51 »
A 3030 invasion?     

Man that would be vicious, running into an Inner Sphere that's going to be heavily understrength as the Lyran's and Davions without the Dragoons to distract Dracs have to slam into the Dieron District.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #498 on: 08 November 2014, 12:02:02 »
By the late 3rd Succession War, a regiment of 'Mechs is considered large scale war. Sure, there are battles where more than one regiment was deployed but that was relatively rare. In fact, during their early years in the Inner Sphere the Dragoons virtually never deployed as a single force - they were operating with one or two regiments per planet and usually had some of their forces in reserve.

Except for all  those times that multiple regiments were beating the snot out of each other until one side or the other ceased escalating and backed down. One of which involved fielding the Dragoons as a single formation only constituting half of the davion forces engaged.

(Also, in this era the Capellan March is run by George Hasek not Michael Hasek so there would be much less likely dickery going on.)
Considering the lack of support the Dragoons received in OTL, and that Michael is entrenched in the intelligence apparatus without having to phone in the mismanagement of his demesne, I think you are being highly optimistic.

I'm not saying things will go as canon, that would be ridiculous with these changes, but a regiment of mercs would still be a survivable force. You're right that the Davions are the best House to be their first employer - they're not hooked up with ComStar's Mercenary Review Board when they arrive and the Davions are the least likely to screw them on the contract in that regard. They won't get such good contract terms since a smaller force has less bargaining power but they're not really in this for the money.

A regiment that acted cautiously and with proper consideration would have a one in five chance of surviving the term of the Dragoons first employment. The Dragoons  were not even remotely cautious in their operations in OTL, only two or three of the sub components having a chance of being more aware of their limitations than the Wolves, with entirely too many scream and leap types even with the  SJs presumably kept in the mech bays away from polite company. Somehow I am doubting the training by Jade Falcon is going to improve  matters.

They may even avoid the whole mess with the Marik Civil War since Candace Liao won't be trying to subvert them, thus Maximilian won't be looking for an excuse to unload the contract elsewhere while still getting his benefits and if they do wind up in Anton's employ they won't be so strategically important.
They were looking to get out of the Capellan contract anyway in order to actually accomplish their mission instead of sitting pointlessly in garrison, and with Marik next on the list the odds are that they would be involved in the civil war in some way presuming it still goes off. Of course with the way things would butterfly from their altered arrival they might end up working for Janos against the MAC operating as the centerpiece of Anton's Revolt.

ComStar shenanigans are quite likely, I'll admit, but the most likely scenario barring some C* scheme (the canon ones are tailored to the Dragoons, something more like what was used on the GDL is more applicable here) is that the Falcon Dragoons work for Davion 3005-3010; move to Liao for another 5 year contract but since they're not as financially stable have to let their clause about not fighting their previous employer go; then get hired by Janos Marik after he's dealt with Anton, possibly getting worn down as part of an attack on Hephastus; enter Steiner employ in the early 3020s (with some resupply); and finally take employment with House Kurita, get company-stored and finally flip the board, retreating back to the Periphery to make their report to the Clan Homeworlds which would probably amount to "those ****** deserve everything we can do to them. how soon can we invade?"

A proportional scheme to what the GDL faced would involve the Dragoons being framed for the murder of millions of civilians and then having the 12th Vegan Rangers/MAC/Defenders of Oriente/12th Star Guard/Sword of Light brigade dropped on their heads. C*'s plot against the GDL was massive overkill, and as seen at New Aragon, Halloran, Galtor, etc, the houses are entirely willing to throw multiple regiments around in pursuit of an objective. Against five regiments of hardcore maniacs achieving the needed force concentration would be much more difficult.

Frankly, I doubt the Dragoons ability to survive to make any kind of report, or wanting to make any kind of report as opposed to immediately defecting after being subjected to Jade 'freebirths make dandy live fire targets for our trueborns to murder in lopsided training exercises' Falcon so-called training. For that matter, I'm not entirely optimistic about their ability to make it to the Inner Sphere without murdering each other.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #499 on: 08 November 2014, 17:20:01 »
Tribble #162

The House Lords are leaked SLDF reports on RWR military capability in the early 2763. At an emergency Star League Council session the Council Lords vote 5-1 that the SLDF will damn well disarm Stefan Amaris before they even think about a military deployment against the Taurians. Richard Cameron is politely informed to he can shut up about the virtues of his friend there's no way the Council will tolerate a territorial state having armed forces that can curbstomp any one of them. Make it happen, Kerensky.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #500 on: 09 November 2014, 03:46:58 »
Odds are... Richard goes behind Kerensky's back and issues orders through Royal Command to refuse those orders. Essentially turning it into RWR+Royals vs Rest of SLDF+Member States.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #501 on: 09 November 2014, 05:35:53 »
but who was royals more loyal to, Richard or Kerensky??


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #502 on: 09 November 2014, 05:43:48 »
It would probably split. Some might follow Richard just because he's First Lord. Some might be more loyal to Kerensky as this would be seen as more a military/security matter, of which Richard knows nothing. This is on top of having the backing of the rest of the Star League council.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #503 on: 09 November 2014, 08:21:55 »
Tribble #162

The House Lords are leaked SLDF reports on RWR military capability in the early 2763. At an emergency Star League Council session the Council Lords vote 5-1 that the SLDF will damn well disarm Stefan Amaris before they even think about a military deployment against the Taurians. Richard Cameron is politely informed to he can shut up about the virtues of his friend there's no way the Council will tolerate a territorial state having armed forces that can curbstomp any one of them. Make it happen, Kerensky.

For this to happen SLIC needs to lift its game in the Periphery massively above their performance in canon. Remember that they had SAS and the Blackhearts running around the various Periphery states disappearing any suspected dissident they could get their hands on, Kerensky had his personal suspicions of Amaris (and while he couldn't act on them in the political arena as Commanding General of the SLDF he could sure allocate SLIC's best and brightest to checking out the RWR and the Amaris family themselves) and they were still blindsided by fifty divisions of BattleMechs when the balloon went up. Not exactly a ringing endorsement of the Star League Intelligence Command.

On the other hand if the SLIC did manage to get enough evidence to persuade the House Lords to move against the RWR this would mean they'd have the details of the Secret Army plan, seeing how many BattleMechs the Usurper managed to divert to the Secret Army training camps and storage caches throughout the Periphery. As the Secret Army was operating with the support (or at least the complicity) of their governments and that Amaris had held meetings with at least some of the national leaders to offer them Mechs -Handbook: Major Periphery States contains a snippet of a meeting between Stefan Amaris and Nicoletta Calderon - the SLIC getting hold of enough information to implicate Amaris would mean they had enough information to nail the leaders of the Taurian Concordat, Magistracy of Canopus and the Outworlds Alliance. So basically if the Star League was to broadcast this knowledge and move against Amaris it would mean they would be forced to move against all the Periphery states in a second Reunification War.

In the face of the evidence mentioned above Kerensky would be forced to ask the Council for permission to throw the entire SLDF plus whatever House forces he could persuade or strong-arm the House Lords into loaning to him at the Periphery, just like he did in the canon timeline. Richard would most likely attempt to protect his 'good friend Stefan' and possibly assume the intelligence report was a complete fabrication made up on Kerensky's orders. If things go as far as Richard refusing to release the SLDF against the Periphery, and Richard possibly going so far as to strip Kerensky of his command of the SLDF, the House Lords would be stuck - for all his political ineptitude Aleksandr Kerensky ran the SLDF pretty well, and appointing a new Commanding General on the eve of a Second Reunification War would really demoralise the SLDF. In this case the House Lords could very well push a vote of no confidence against the First Lord. Considering Richard's past record it's unlikely he would take that with good grace, leaving the possibility of him having to be removed by force.

« Last Edit: 09 November 2014, 08:23:31 by Chaeronea »


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #504 on: 09 November 2014, 11:32:08 »
Tribble #163

Wolfnet lives up to its hype

Starting in 3005, events play out as if the feat the Dragoons made in pinpointing Halloran V was the default state of Dragoon Intelligence. When the MAC attacks their base, they find an abandoned town at the described location, only to return home to a multi regiment ambush as they get off the dropships. Seventh Kommando infiltrates Anton's palace staff and extracts Joshu and Jaime's family  from captivity. The Dragoons notice the protracted campaign to get them repeatedly ambushed in Draconis service, and adjust their deployments accordingly, including unilaterally forbidding non-dragoons access to Hephaestus. And in 3051, Jaime takes Thomas 'Marik' aside and explains how he's going to send a tithe of federal units and call for provincial volunteers to support his Kapteyn partner the Combine if he doesn't want to return home to a civil war.

Extrapolate and nitpick to your hearts' content.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #505 on: 09 November 2014, 11:42:10 »
I like both.

For 162 it is the Council versus the First Lord. The House Lords especially that Steiner dope would be terrified to see what the capabilities of the Rim Worlds are and demand they be disarmed. This could lead to a wider Periphery Rebellion without a Hegemony takeover by Amaris. Perhaps the Usurper takes on the role of hero this time around fighting the evil Star League in Reunfication War II: The rematch!

163 is interesting as you have any number of things that WolfNet could pick up on to change stuff for the better or worse. Only problem is the Dragoons become even more munchtastic and fanboys will only increase their whining to glass shattering proportions.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #506 on: 09 November 2014, 11:42:59 »
Tribble #163

Wolfnet lives up to its hype

Starting in 3005, events play out as if the feat the Dragoons made in pinpointing Halloran V was the default state of Dragoon Intelligence. When the MAC attacks their base, they find an abandoned town at the described location, only to return home to a multi regiment ambush as they get off the dropships. Seventh Kommando infiltrates Anton's palace staff and extracts Joshu and Jaime's family  from captivity. The Dragoons notice the protracted campaign to get them repeatedly ambushed in Draconis service, and adjust their deployments accordingly, including unilaterally forbidding non-dragoons access to Hephaestus. And in 3051, Jaime takes Thomas 'Marik' aside and explains how he's going to send a tithe of federal units and call for provincial volunteers to support his Kapteyn partner the Combine if he doesn't want to return home to a civil war.

Extrapolate and nitpick to your hearts' content.

You want to make the Wolf's Dragoons even munchier?!

I don't actually mind, I rather like them

If Wolf's Dragoons are so awesome then there is a question of how their motivations will be changed by not experiencing the losses in the Marik Civil War, Misery etc

Marik forces supporting the Draconis Combine would be interesting but how long would they take to get there are how would they be deployed against the Clans?

More interesting in some ways would be the effect of some WolfNet snipers quietly taking out key players in the opposition to the leaders that are so effective against the Clans - the Black Dragon, Catherine S-D, Ryan Steiner etc
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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #507 on: 09 November 2014, 11:51:12 »

163 is interesting as you have any number of things that WolfNet could pick up on to change stuff for the better or worse. Only problem is the Dragoons become even more munchtastic and fanboys will only increase their whining to glass shattering proportions.

I deliberately kept it to stuff that either directly impacted them or happened in their own backyard. So yes, there will be whining, but compared to them saying while unpacking 'btw, those liao raiders who've been harassing you are based here' it's really not that much of a stretch.

You want to make the Wolf's Dragoons even munchier?!

I don't actually mind, I rather like them

If Wolf's Dragoons are so awesome then there is a question of how their motivations will be changed by not experiencing the losses in the Marik Civil War, Misery etc

They'd still take losses, but somewhat lessened. Or maybe a lot lessened considering the way that one company from Alpha apparently tore through two companies of veteran Sword of Lighters in rapid succession without losing anyone.

The actual major change would be jaime not turning into a useless emo death seeking putz with the death of his wife and children(not counting the thoroughly useless mackenzie).

Marik forces supporting the Draconis Combine would be interesting but how long would they take to get there are how would they be deployed against the Clans?
The Dragoons made it to Luthien starting even later, that was the major substitution I was weighing in my head. .

More interesting in some ways would be the effect of some WolfNet snipers quietly taking out key players in the opposition to the leaders that are so effective against the Clans - the Black Dragon, Catherine S-D, Ryan Steiner etc

Beyond the scope of what I intended, but maybe.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #508 on: 10 November 2014, 03:33:52 »
For this to happen SLIC needs to lift its game in the Periphery massively above their performance in canon. Remember that they had SAS and the Blackhearts running around the various Periphery states disappearing any suspected dissident they could get their hands on, Kerensky had his personal suspicions of Amaris (and while he couldn't act on them in the political arena as Commanding General of the SLDF he could sure allocate SLIC's best and brightest to checking out the RWR and the Amaris family themselves) and they were still blindsided by fifty divisions of BattleMechs when the balloon went up. Not exactly a ringing endorsement of the Star League Intelligence Command.

On the other hand if the SLIC did manage to get enough evidence to persuade the House Lords to move against the RWR this would mean they'd have the details of the Secret Army plan, seeing how many BattleMechs the Usurper managed to divert to the Secret Army training camps and storage caches throughout the Periphery. As the Secret Army was operating with the support (or at least the complicity) of their governments and that Amaris had held meetings with at least some of the national leaders to offer them Mechs -Handbook: Major Periphery States contains a snippet of a meeting between Stefan Amaris and Nicoletta Calderon - the SLIC getting hold of enough information to implicate Amaris would mean they had enough information to nail the leaders of the Taurian Concordat, Magistracy of Canopus and the Outworlds Alliance. So basically if the Star League was to broadcast this knowledge and move against Amaris it would mean they would be forced to move against all the Periphery states in a second Reunification War.
I don't mean knowledge of the Secret Armies. FR 2765 shows the forces Amaris admitted to having with the forewords confirming that the units listed don't include the full strength Amaris actually showed in the Coup or committed to supporting the Periphery Uprising.

Just this information alone showed Amaris had amassed over 120 BattleMech regiments and almost 300 warships not counting the Secret Army.

Compared to this, the Lyran Commonwealth has 97 BattleMech regiments and only 62 warships. Even if LIC don't suspect Stefan Amaris himself of being more than the buffoon he portrays himself as, the mere possibility of a more aggressive leader replacing Amaris should have Robert Steiner screaming for a Council vote to impose a limit on this build up and have the SLDF enforce it.

Which of course means that the SLDF is going to be rushing into a RWR that's at least twice as powerful as they expect, with the First Lord pulling as many of the Royal units out as he can to defend himself (and probably screwing with the SLDF's supplies) and the rest of the Periphery concluding they're next and unleashing the Periphery Uprising just a little ahead of time.

This could destroy the Star League even faster than the Amaris Coup.
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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #509 on: 10 November 2014, 14:24:08 »'re an evil, evil man Drakensis.
*Insert support for fashionable faction of the week here*

