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The Inner Sphere / Re: Should MechWarrior be an officer rank?
« Last post by BrianDavion on Today at 02:47:24 »
Many sucessor states seem to effectively award their mechwarriors the rank of sergant in the military. the DCMS distinctly does, and the AFFS awards anyone who has graduated the academy the rank of sergent. I suspect this is the case for the Lyrans too, and wouldn't be suprised it it was near universal
General BattleTech Discussion / Re: CCAF Tank is stronk?
« Last post by Cannonshop on Today at 01:54:37 »
Honestly,  I rarely have issues w/ tanks being too weak.

I was in a campaign going monthly for about 2 years where I think I lost a tank & a vtol the entire time.

I find as long as you use them as "SUPPORT" for your mechs instead of trying to run entire forces of vees, they do quite well.

Sticking a nice screen of Medium/Heavy mechs in front of your Fire Support Tanks tends to be plenty of distraction.   (I do love my Grasshoppers/Wolverines)

You're still best served picking designs that are GOOD at support roles.  Fast zippy Scout VTOLs with TAG and LRM carriers loading Semiguided, or VTOLs with Narc launchers and compatible munitions, or TAG and Artillery, or one of your precious C3 slaves with the network being coordinated through a vehicle in the back...and 'mechs to deliver the actual pain.

Those're the GOOD choices, right with parking your Alacorn in the saddle on a hill in hull-down to fire over the heads of your 'mech lances to hammer the approaching enemy.

but again, we're talking general uses.  Too many players get the "I hate vehicles" because they tried to use them like Battlemechs and doing that just doesn't work very well.  Someone spends the BV on an Alacorn when they should've bought a 3025 griffin, or something that maybe doesn't have the massive three headcappers, but can actually survive to close with the enemy and do damage...

Because, short of Artillery, the only damage that matters, is the damage that hits.  Slow tanks end up missing a lot and dying early if you try to play them on offense, but they're hellish defensive turrets if you park them on defense.
BattleMechs / The Squire, A.K.A the bully's little pal
« Last post by Breetai on Today at 01:44:58 »
Code: [Select]
Squire SQ-1RE

Mass: 40 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Introductory
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Tech Rating/Era Availability: D/C-E-D
Production Year: 3025
Cost: 2,747,127 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,023

Chassis: Unknown Standard
Power Plant: Unknown 200 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Unknown Standard Armor
    1  Large Laser
    1  SRM-6
    2  Medium Lasers
    1  Flamer
Manufacturer: Unknown
    Primary Factory: Unknown
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                      67 points                4.00
Engine:             Fusion Engine                200                       8.50
    Walking MP: 5
    Running MP: 8
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Single Heat Sink             12                        2.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 3 LT, 1 RT
Gyro:               Standard                                               2.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV - 136                  8.50

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            8         
                                        Center Torso     12           19       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  5         
                                           L/R Torso     10           15       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  5         
                                             L/R Arm     6            12       
                                             L/R Leg     10           20       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
Medium Laser                                 RA        3         1         1.00
Flamer                                       RA        3         1         1.00
Medium Laser                                 LA        3         1         1.00
SRM-6                                        LT        4         2         3.00
Large Laser                                  CT        8         2         5.00
@SRM-6 (15)                                  LT        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 35

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 10
5          2       2       0       0      2     0   Structure:  3
Special Abilities: SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

Concept I've had kicking around for a while. Basically if you have a direct fire support lance that is mainly PPCs, ACs and other direct fire weapons, you attach one of these as an adjunct to take care of everything that your heavier elements are either not capable of dealing with, or would rather be focussing on other jobs than doing.

It's got pretty good protection albeit with very mediocre speed for a 'Mech of its size; that said, it's intended to keep up with much slower and larger 'Mechs and not stray too far from them. While it's got enough of a weapons spread that if you squint it almost looks like a mini trooper 'Mech, it's best deployed alongside heavier ranged-support-focussed designs in order to supplement them.

Someone drops off a bunch of infantry to try and swarm your fire-support units? BBQ time.

It can't chase down and hunt Light 'mechs across the map like a Phoenix Hawk can... but it's fast and hard-hitting enough to stop them from backstabbing your heavier units with impunity.

It can't take on a Griffin, Wolverine or other such Medium skirmishers one-on-one... but if they've eaten a few solid PPC hits while closing in and trying to flank your fire-support units, then that's a different matter.

It can't tangle with a Heavy 'Mech directly... but if your support lance has one on the ropes and one or two more rounds of fire will annihilate it or a vulnerable ammo location has been stripped of armour, then send in the Squire to deliver the coup de grace while its buddies focus on other big fish.

At very close to 1,000 BV it's cheap and cheerful enough to include in a lot of unit mixes.

BV-wise an AWS-8Q Awesome plus a Squire is remarkably close to the same cost as an MAD-3R Marauder and a WHM-6R Warhammer. When I was testing this out in Megamek this matchup very quickly became a 2-on-one because as soon as the Marauder's Left Torso armour was breached my Squire surged forwards and unloaded its SRMs to predictable and spectacularly explosive results.
Ground Combat / Re: Value of Speed in a Scout Helicopter
« Last post by Cannonshop on Today at 01:42:14 »
Isn't the Yellow Jacket, built by the FedSuns company Michaelson Heavy Industries, the only 6/9 VTOL?

so far.  When it was rolled out the authors didn't think that was a bad speed, until players started explaining to them what going that slow actually meant on the tabletop.

The adoption of rotor damage reduction (From Munchtek, er, "Maxtech") came in with Total Warfare and at least made it marginally viable against opponents like solo Urbanmechs in open swampy areas, and stationary, unguarded buildings. (thus, moving it from "extreme Liability" to "still a liability, but not as obviously one")  it's still a unit that, to work well, needs a team built around it, and that team built around it will work even better if you don't bring the Yellowjacket with.

It's just that it'll take a couple more rounds to kill it at long range than before, so it might get to fire as many as three shots with that gauss rifle before it's salvage, where before TW a Yellowjacket would get maybe one shot before something can bring it down. (because the only weapons that couldn't drop it immediately before, were AC/2's, machine guns, small lasers, or single hits from SRM's. Rotor damage reduction meant that anything that could play long range short of an AC/2 would instakill on sixty percent of the hit chart.)

thing is, as I said, it's only marginally better now.  The Hawk Moth genuinely benefitted from the adoption of the rotor hits rule, because it has enough movement at cruise to present some difficulty to hit for anything lacking a bonus against jumpers and flying things, and has enough range that unless you're playing on a postage stamp map, it can force a condition where it only has to worry about HAG and artillery shell flak (everything else that can reach, is only gonna do one damage point to the rotor if it hits.)

Note that neither of those, is a scout element, and the Yellowjacket at least, is an example of bad engineering that we kind of need to have, since not all military hardware adopted by any nation is going to be genuinely good or even mildly useful (See: Blackburn Roc, Boulton-Paul Defiance, Cromwell tank...)  There have to be actual dogs out there to demonstrate that just because the rules/physics allow you to design something, doesn't mean it's going to be worth anything more than as salvage to feed your recycling industry (or as a demonstration of why some concepts simply don't work in the world of the user, or as cautionary tales about accepting kickbacks from the lowest bidder...)

SCOUT elements should, ideally, be trying to AVOID getting into fights.  Their job is to find the enemy so the guys you have that are designed to GET into fights, can win them.

Ferret works,
Mantis works,
Marten works...

There are a few nippy designs from MWDA that work (and a lot of them that don't).

I think the key suggestion is that if you're spending 50% of your mass on a gun, it's not going to be a good scout.  50% of your mass (or more) on an ENGINE might be, but not if you're loading down with massive weapons packs.  (though to be fair, the Mantis works as both a scout, and as something to eliminate the other guy's heavily armed gunship.  It's hilarious taking down someone's Donar or Yellowjacket with a fifteen ton chopper that carries small lasers...)

movement wise, if you're screening behind terrain (the usual announced "trick" to make a Yellowjacket allegedly work?)  you need a high Cruise speed, because flanking can not only screw up your gunnery, it can make you one with the environment very quickly at nap-of-the-earth (parallel to the trees or hilltops) distances.  IOW if you want to canyon-carve with a VTOL, you need a lot of speed, so you can make those direction changes that keep the hillside between you and the other guy's LBX-whatever, HAG, and so on while you're closing on your target.

SLOW VTOLs need to be at ALTITUDE-so they can flank in straight lines to avoid being first on the cluster-with-bonuses buffet.

which in turn makes them not very good for scouting OR much of anything else beyond drawing fire for a turn or two as opposing units get within range and they can't get away.

which goes again; a unit that is built to keep a Yellowjacket or Yasha alive, is generally going to be more effective and useful without said Yellowjacket or Yasha in the first place, in the case of either, that unit will be better off with that spot left open or unfilled, than including either one.

OTOH, if you bother to use scouts for scouting, (say, in double blind play or on a big map)? a Ferret is damned useful, as is a Mantis, or Marten, or anything fast and zippy enough to still be challenging for an average gunner with an LBX firing cluster.

I think my favorite custom from years ago, was a five ton VTOL with a fusion engine so it could carry a TAG for my FWL unit whom were packing semiguided LRMs.

My ideal would be around ten to fifteen tons, very fast, with a narc, or Inarc, TAG, and C3 slave ahead of a unit with compatible hardware-find the enemy, mark 'em, the team delivers the pain, zip away, find more enemy.

the UGLY version would be paired with an Arrow IV Catapult or Urbie (or Chaparral artillery vehicle) for xtra-carnage.  This is using "Force Multipliers" instead of trying to brute it out duellist style and the counter is obvious, but how many people really BOTHER with LBX's when they can pack another Clan LPL?
BattleMechs / Re: 'Warcriming the Militia' - Battlemechs of the WoB
« Last post by Red Pins on Today at 01:39:21 »
It looks a little too Invid to me... ;)

Yeah, a bit.  I would have preferred to use the original art, but...

Anyway, I had a bit of time and finished the Legacy entry, trying to fix a completely different problem; the lack of art, compounded by a more advanced set of weapons.  So, I tried a different approach, going full munchkin!

Plasma Rifles preserve the unique look, (C)ER-MLs replace the energy weapons, and Actuator Enhancement Systems increase their effectiveness, compounded by the Angel ECM suite and C3i module.  A MML-9 with Artemis IV replaces the SRM-4 (ST), with 3 tons of ammo safeguarded by a CASE II system.

Anyway, Screenshot.  Out of time for tonight; hope to finish this page tomorrow, but getting 5-6 hours of sleep without my wife coughing me awake is rare.  Thank god I sleep with earplugs sometimes.
General BattleTech Discussion / Re: CCAF Tank is stronk?
« Last post by Hellraiser on Today at 01:23:34 »
Honestly,  I rarely have issues w/ tanks being too weak.

I was in a campaign going monthly for about 2 years where I think I lost a tank & a vtol the entire time.

I find as long as you use them as "SUPPORT" for your mechs instead of trying to run entire forces of vees, they do quite well.

Sticking a nice screen of Medium/Heavy mechs in front of your Fire Support Tanks tends to be plenty of distraction.   (I do love my Grasshoppers/Wolverines)
Fan Designs and Rules / Re: some SW era homebrew weapon questions.
« Last post by RifleMech on Today at 01:11:10 »
How about an option for 'sustained' beam fire for non-Pulse laser weapons?

Basic rules:
* Triple the heat generation
* If you roll at least 2 pts higher than the to-hit number, both shots will hit.

I.e. a Phoenix Hawk with DHS wants to do a little extra damage to an enemy Mech, and decides to hold down the trigger for the Large Laser.  This will produce 24 pts of heat instead of 8, and the target number is 7.  If the player rolls a 7 or 8, only one beam hits doing 8 pts of damage.  But if the player rolls a 9+, then the character is able to keep the beam on target long enough to do both shots worth of damage, or 16 pts.

This is very nasty against immobile targets.

It sounds like you're trying to replicate the Override Delay rules from Solaris VII. Solaris VII had 2.5 second turns and weapons had to reload/cool off so many turns (The delay number) before they could fire safely again but that could be overridden. It's risky as it generates even more heat and risks destroying the weapon and possibly causing an ammo explosion. Between the 2.5 second turns and the override delay rule you get really fast games.

Newer weapons would need to have their delay number assigned but that shouldn't be too difficult. The higher the heat or bigger the gun the longer the delay. It also balances out Energy and Ballistic weapons as ballistic weapons tend to fire more often than energy weapons. The AC/5 (delay 1) can fire safely every 5 seconds vs the PPC (delay 3) which can only fire safely once every 10. The AC/2 can fire every 2.5 seconds without problem.  :evil:

Then add accurate weapon and positive targeting quirks and the games should go really fast.

Fan Art / Re: Motivational - The Return
« Last post by Ice Hellion on Today at 01:08:46 »
General BattleTech Discussion / Re: CCAF Tank is stronk?
« Last post by Cannonshop on Today at 01:04:56 »
My main downside with tanks is that if you play linked campaign games, tanks start off cheap, but are usually total losses with both crew dead and tank IS cored.  So while tanks do have some advantages, leveling up a tank crew with XP in campaign operations or base total warfare so rules is way harder then it is with mechs.  Its not that difficult to have a mechwarrior live long enough to join the rank of legends as unless your head gets capped you can walk away from most wrecks.  Tanks usually only see edge of battle enginnering type or indirect fire types survive multuple battles, as any tank that sees direct combat can be focused and ruined any time the enemy decides to shoot it.

yep.  Tanks are not 'glory' players, they're not protagonists, they're NPC's and they're Mooks and Mobs in campaign play.  (maybe that's why Caleb Davion was a tanker?)

At one point I started a discussion here on the forum about 'Dirtbag Militia' and the context of the idea, was from a GM's perspective needing to have an unexpected challenge for players who've gotten used to routine, or needed something 'new' to keep their interest.

Something they can lose to unexpectedly when they get arrogant, especially if that arrogance is also sloppy.

But conventional forces are NOT the main character.
General BattleTech Discussion / Re: CCAF Tank is stronk?
« Last post by DevianID on Today at 00:23:34 »
My main downside with tanks is that if you play linked campaign games, tanks start off cheap, but are usually total losses with both crew dead and tank IS cored.  So while tanks do have some advantages, leveling up a tank crew with XP in campaign operations or base total warfare so rules is way harder then it is with mechs.  Its not that difficult to have a mechwarrior live long enough to join the rank of legends as unless your head gets capped you can walk away from most wrecks.  Tanks usually only see edge of battle enginnering type or indirect fire types survive multuple battles, as any tank that sees direct combat can be focused and ruined any time the enemy decides to shoot it.
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