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SCAs are tied to the leadership in the command structure.  If you kill the leaders the force should lose their SCA.   However, the rules are written using "nearby" and not on the board so it can get muddy quickly.  Especially with classic over AS.

SCAs can also simply reflect the unit's broad training
Clantech LRM's have no minimum range, which means if you're using those, and you're at 'in your face' distances? they're at Short, period.

It's one of those things that made for posts back around 2002-2004 bitching about how broken Clantech is (boy were those people surprised...)

Clantech was old news by 2002

Didn't think so but didn't hurt to ask
General BattleTech Discussion / Re: Front Page Thread
« Last post by GRUD on Today at 01:18:45 »
Given the fact that the BattleTech Hetzer is on wheels, has no turret and is still classified as a tank, Battletech likely couldn't care less about AFV classifications.
I thought the Hetzer identified as an ATV?  :huh:
General BattleTech Discussion / Re: Front Page Thread
« Last post by Lorcan Nagle on Today at 01:00:37 »
Next month. The Star League and McCarron's Armored Cavalry Assault Lances are on their way to stores right now, with the House Davion Heavy Battle Lance in production and perhaps shipping. Keep in mind that the Mercenaries sets are going to start hitting shelves soon, too.

There's also the Davion Cavalry Lance coming early next year.
any ETA on that?
Ground Combat / Re: Protomech artillery?
« Last post by DevianID on Today at 00:23:40 »
Funny how it doesn't actually say to use the Direct Fire rules nor other Indirect Fire rules that LRMs use in that section.  When someone tells me to use Indirect rules and I'm using Artillery, I don't think LRMs, I think Artillery.  Therefore +7 modifier.
Yeah, I understand the confusion.  And I would write the rules differently, and also up the BV cost and lower the damage of thumper/sniper/longtom to the 'correct' 5/10/20 values of pre tac ops, as that is what their BV was based off (or, I would triple the corrected thumper cost cause its doing 3x the damage of the BV its paying for).  But I dont write the rules, I just go by the errata and such, so until then its +4 for any and all artillery attacks at 17 hexes or less, per the people who do make the rules and stated its +4 for 17 hexes or less, and +7 for any time in flight artillery attack.
Other pilots joked that the Jug had cockpit big enough for its pilots to run around, to dodge the incoming bullets.
Big ol' Jug. I wish they'd had the F6F, F4U, and maybe F8F for scale as well, they all used the same engine, but I don't think the others had as intense of a turbosupercharging setup. Note how tiny the -109 is even compared to the Zero or a Mark IX Spit.

Wow, I did not realize the 109 was that small.  Always figured it was bigger than the Zero.
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