As has been discussed elsewhere on the board, there's a small problem with power packs. Micro Power Packs have significantly higher power density than any other size, and the rules in AToW explicitly state any size pack can be used with any device unless there's a specific prohibition in the equipment description (page 307 refers). Also, this power density is completely out of line with all the other packs of the same kind. To fix this, I propose using the table below instead of the power packs listed in AToW. Below the table, I present a rule to vary the output of a Kinetic Recharger based on a character's attributes (since the Kinetic Recharger featured so heavily in the calculations that underpin the table). My thanks to Cray for helping me noodle through this.
The bottom line effects of this proposal are to Nerf Micro Power Packs and increase the capacity of just about every other size, but bring them all into alignment with consistent power density for each type.
Note: The "Battle Armor Power Packs" were an attempt to bring them into some kind of alignment with the rest. I went with "Quick Charge" for them because the BA fluff talks about integral rechargers as part of the BA power system, and "Quick Charge" packs get 2 Power Points for every 1 put into them (resulting in the longest possible life). Feel free to ignore them in the table if you don't want to cross BA scale and personal scale equipment like that.
Item Ratings Cost Mass (g) Capacity(PP) Charging Rate Notes
Standard Power Packs 7.5 g/PP
Micro Power Pack C/A-B-A/A 10 15 2 Normal
Power Pack C/A-B-A/A 5 300 40 Normal
Satchel Battery D/A-B-A/A 20 3,000 400 Normal
Military Power Pack D/A-B-A/B 40 6,000 800 Normal
Support Weapon Power Pack D/B-D-C/C 750 22,500 3,000 Normal Encumbering; Can power 1 Support Weapon or up to 6 smaller devices
High Capacity (HC) Power Packs 5 g/PP
Micro Power Pack E/B-C-C/A 30 20 4 Slow Charge
Power Pack D/A-C-B/A 15 300 60 Slow Charge
Satchel Battery D/B-C-B/A 60 3,000 600 Slow Charge
Military Power Pack D/C-C-B/B 120 6,000 1,200 Slow Charge
Support Weapon Power Pack D/C-D-C/C 2,250 25,000 5,000 Slow Charge Encumbering; Can power 1 Support Weapon or up to 6 smaller devices
Quick Charge (QC) Power Packs 10 g/PP
Micro Power Pack D/B-C-C/A 20 20 2 Quick Charge
Power Pack D/B-C-B/A 10 300 30 Quick Charge
Satchel Battery D/C-C-B/A 40 3,000 300 Quick Charge
Military Power Pack D/A-C-B/B 80 6,000 600 Quick Charge
Support Weapon Power Pack D/B-C-B/C 1,500 25,000 2,500 Quick Charge Encumbering; Can power 1 Support Weapon or up to 6 smaller devices
Battle Armor Power Pack D/B-C-B/C 1,000 25,000 2,500 Quick Charge Encumbering
Civilian Power Packs 10 g/PP
Micro Power Pack C/A-B-A/A 5 20 2 Slow Charge
Power Pack C/A-B-A/A 2 250 25 Slow Charge
Portable Power Unit C/A-C-B/A 10 2,000 200 Slow Charge
Backpack Power Pack C/A-C-B/A 20 4,000 400 Slow Charge
Heavy Power Pack C/A-C-B/A 200 25,000 2,500 Slow Charge Encumbering; Can power 1 Support Weapon or up to 6 smaller devices
Clan Power Packs 4 g/PP
Micro Power Pack F/X-E-C/A 50 20 5 Quick Charge
Power Pack F/X-D-B/A 25 280 70 Quick Charge
Satchel Battery F/X-E-C/A 100 2,500 625 Quick Charge
Military Power Pack F/X-E-C/B 200 5,000 1,250 Quick Charge
Support Weapon Power Pack F/X-E-C/C 3,750 20,000 5,000 Quick Charge Encumbering; Can power 1 Support Weapon or up to 6 smaller devices
Battle Armor Power Pack F/X-E-C/C 5,000 25,000 6,250 Quick Charge Encumbering
As an optional rule, instead of a flat 5 Power Points per hour, Kinetic Rechargers instead produce 1 Power Point per hour per point of a character's Strength. Characters operating a Kinetic Recharger suffer one point of Fatigue Damage for every Body+Will minutes they crank. Characters with the Fit trait double this time, but do not halve and round the damage as normal. Characters with the Toughness trait multiply the time by 1.5, and also don't halve the damage. Characters with both traits triple the time, and still don't halve the damage. A character can crank less vigorously and extend the time between taking Fatigue Damage proportionally. For example, a character with a 4 STR, BOD and WIL could crank at a rate of 2 PP/hour (half normal) and only suffer one point of Fatigue Damage every 16 minutes (twice the normal time). The minimum Fatigue Damage for cranking on a Kinetic Recharger for an hour is 1 point.
The current Fatigue recovery rules allow a character to recover all of their Fatigue in two 5-second turns. This is clearly incompatible with the above optional rule. While this could be attributed to a surge of adrenalin, having actually run for an hour without stopping, I recommend at least 5 minutes per Power Point generated to recover Fatigue from continuous strenuous activity like cranking on a Kinetic Recharger.