I thought the Zenith/Nadir points in the Sol system were ~10 AU away (a little past the orbit of Saturn)? That would be ~80 light-minutes, or an hour and a half at most instead of hours.
The first thing I would do for the campaign rules is introduce a mass multiplier to the KF core costs, so the core for a 200 kton vessel costs more than twice the core of a 100 kton vessel. This alone gives smaller vessels a reason to be usable.
I'd also want to reduce the costs of KF cores in general. Take any existing canon or fanon warship, and figure out how much of its total cost is from the KF core. If you can find a Warship that has less than 80% of its final price caused by the KF core, please post it here or a link to it with cost breakdown. (Chances are it will be a vessel with mobile HPG and Large Naval Com-Scanner systems)
Space Station Costs: instead of the 5* cost they currently have, you get a discount to their cost based on where they are constructed and how much help you have. Building them over an industrial world in a Pressurized Repair Yard and nearly no security will give a heavy discount, while building them in an uninhabited system with Dropships only delivering the parts so they have to be assembled on-site will have a higher multiplier. Similarly, building a station in orbit over an industrialized planet by sending up the parts in Small craft will also be expensive. But once that first Space Station with a Repair Yard is built, the bootstrapping begins.
Internal structure is not limited by engine thrust. There are two sets of internal structure - thrust-based and armor-supporting. Thrust-based means if someone takes out structural members A, B, and C, you still have structural members D, E, F, G, H, I, and J so you can keep the 5/8 thrust going. Armor-supporting structure is what provides the primary source of Threshold values. Increasing this requires effectively taking the ship apart and putting it back together (contrast with current civilian Dropship designs able to slap on layers of armor and freely increase their Threshold).
Armor: Not limited to Internal Structure tonnage. Provides protection, but very little Threshold value. Easy to improve, but solid hits will punch through it unless the armor is very thick. (You can now build actual Battlestations). Capital Armor protects vs standard weapons on a per-weapon basis, so if you want your ASF to perform an anti-shipping strike then you need anti-shipping weapons (i.e. PPC, Gauss Rifles, AC/20, instead of just putting in more Medium Lasers)
Weapons: weapon types provide different advantages:
- Kinetic - shortest range, requires a lot of Threshold to stop (NAC, NGauss)
- Laser - long range, uses
Coude Turrets to give a wider field of fire, requires very little Threshold to stop (can fire into their installed arc or either of the arcs on either side; so a Fore-mounted NL array could fire into Fore-Left, Fore, and Fore-Right arcs)
- Particle - long range (not as much as laser), can only fire into its installed arc, needs more Threshold than Laser to be stopped by armor
Targeting Computers can be added to direct-fire capital weapons.
Higher acceleration engines take up more percentage points than lower acceleration engines on a per-point basis. For example a 1/2 engine might only need 4% of the ship's mass, a 2/3 engine might need 9%, a 3/5 would need 15%, aso. This lets you have plodding convoy vessels with lots of cargo and escorts with lots of weapons/toys/sensors, and faster raiders (but not that much faster).
Station-keeping Thrust: It is 0.01 G, not 0.1 G when used. Jumpships hanging out at the Zenith/Nadir points will burn an amount of fuel proportional to their Burn-day tonnage to reflect maneuvering inside the limit. if a Jumpship wants to go to the planet, it can only do so at 0.01 G, so it will take 10* as long to get there as a Dropship traveling at 1 G.
Recharge Station Batteries: It takes a mass of Batteries equal to 1/10 the mass of the receiving vessel to provide enough power for 1 charge. So a Recharge station with 12 ktons of Batteries can recharge one Merchant Jumpship at a time. This avoids the situation of a single 100 kton Battery being fully used up to recharge either a 50 kton Scout Jumpship or a 2.4 MTon Leviathan Warship. The Recharge station will have a Solar Sail of varying (and often quite large) size based on the local star and how fast they need to recharge the Batteries.
KF Core:
The KF core is optional, but Monitors are only used to defend critical points. They are not used in offensive operations. All Monitor designers know that building one of these vessels is effectively admitting you can never regain the offensive, even in your own star system. But do the politicians know this, or are the only looking at the amount of weapons and armor you can put on one?
Warship Design and Construction times: find something that makes sense, as a 2.5 MTon vessel should take longer to analyze than a 100 kton vessel. Not 25* as long, maybe larger vessels can have more design teams able to look at the different parts?
Warship sensors: give them more range, larger ships get longer ranges compared to smaller (but it takes a vessel 8* the mass to get double the sensor range), and allow them to install multiple Naval Comm-Scanner Systems to extend the ranges. However the benefit from Naval Comm-Scanner Suites is equal to the square root of the number of NCSS. So if you want to get 4* the sensor range compared to a single NCSS, then you need to install 16 of them.