Author Topic: 9 tons of urban supremacy - the Bunyip  (Read 4361 times)


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9 tons of urban supremacy - the Bunyip
« on: 25 May 2013, 09:06:17 »

Level:Custom Level 2 / 3090
Tonnage:9 Tons

BattleTech ProtoMech Technical Readout

Type/Model:    Bunyip
Tech:    Clan / 3090
Config:    ProtoMech
Rules:    Rules Level 2, Custom design
Mass:    9 tons   (9,000 kg)
Chassis:    Advanced Composite
Power Plant:    45 Size Fusion
Cruise Speed:    32.4 km/h
Maximum Speed:    54.0 km/h
Jump Jets:    3 ProtoMech Jump Jets
   Jump Capacity:       90 meters
Armor Type:    Integral Advanced Alloy
    1 Heavy Medium Laser
    1 SRM 4
Manufacturer:    Unknown
   Location:    Unknown
Communications System:    Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown

    The Wars of Reaving took a terrible toll on Clan Coyote; decimating their ranks of Mechwarriors, their scientific caste, and their war machinery to the degree that the Clan seemed to be at breaking point. With limited resources and few options available to them, the Coyotes needed to make best use of what Battlemech forces still remained. One resource that they still had access to, however, was Protomech technology; a much-maligned experiment in developing alternative armoured war machines that (while markedly inferior to their Battlemech counterparts) were cheaper and easier to build than traditional 'Mechs. With this in mind, a plan was devised to develop a Protomech that could take over garrison and urban protection duties; allowing 'Mechs assigned to those duties to transition to the front line where they were sorely needed. The resulting design - the Bunyip - is a capable urban fighter, and possesses the ability to at least occupy encroaching enemy forces long enough for assistance from its larger brethren to arrive.

    As it was designed to hold out for as long as possible against conventional 'Mech forces in urban or industrial confines, the Bunyip favours protection, firepower, and manoeuvrability over raw groundspeed. At 9 tons and carrying a near full load of armour, it is certainly as well-equipped to absorb punishment as a Protomech can be. While its speed on the ground is relatively slow, jumpjets allow it to leap from alley to alley; using buildings for cover and making up for its shortcomings when facing larger units by remaining elusive and only striking when a good opportunity presents itself. As for its armaments, the Bunyip carries the most damaging weapon that a Protomech can wield; namely a Heavy Medium Laser. This allows the Bunyip to deal extremely concentrated damage to enemy 'Mech units; potentially breaching the rear armour of an enemy 'Mech (or the frontal armour of certain Light 'Mechs) in a single hit. It is at this point that its backup weapon comes into play; an SRM-4 unit in the torso capitalises on damage dealt by the laser; potentially crippling the enemy 'Mech through devastating their internal systems. Packs of Bunyips can potentially surround an enemy 'Mech and overwhelm it in seconds; leaving behind nonfunctional (and yet potentially relatively intact) machines that can then be salvaged in order to meet the Coyotes' desperate need for Battlemechs. Against conventional infantry and other 'soft' targets several members of a Bunyip Point may carry Inferno rounds rather than standard SRMs, although given their defensive nature the price that they pay for this flexibility is constant caution in order to avoid setting light to friendly resources.

Type/Model:    Bunyip
Mass:    9 tons   (9,000 kg
Equipment:         Mass
Internal Structure:    20 pts Advanced Composite    900    
Engine:    45 Size Fusion    1,000    
   Walking MP:    3         
   Running MP:    5         
   Jumping MP:    3         
Cockpit, Life Support,    Sensors & Pilot:    500    
Heat Sinks:    7 Compact ProtoMech    1,750    
Armor Factor:    44 pts Integral Advanced Alloy    2,200    
          Internal    Armor
          Structure    Value
     Head:    2    5
     Torso:    9    18
     Main Gun:    1    3
     Left / Right Arms:    2 / 2    4 / 4
     Legs:    5    10
Weapons & Equipment:    Loc    Heat    Ammo    Mass
1 Heavy Medium Laser    Main Gun    7         1,000    
1 SRM 4    Torso    3    8    1,320    
3 Standard Jump Jets:         0         300    
TOTALS:         7         8.97    
Mass Left, kg:                   30    
Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:    954,884 C-Bills
Battle Value:    242
Cost per BV:    3,945.8
Weapon Value:    85 / 85 (Ratio = .35 / .35)
Damage Factors:       SRDmg = 10; MRDmg = 1; LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2:    MP: 3J,   Armor/Structure: 11 / 0
       Damage PB/M/L: 7/7/-,   Overheat: 0
       Class: P ,   Point Value: 2
Created by HeavyMetal Lite

Natasha Kerensky

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Re: 9 tons of urban supremacy - the Bunyip
« Reply #1 on: 25 May 2013, 21:25:10 »
Cute yet reasonably effective Urbanmech on a protomech chassis, which makes it positively dangerous when deployed in full points.  Makes sense fluff-wise, given that the Coyotes liked the Urbanmech IIC.   And the name is fitting given the lupine features of the mythical Bunyip's head.

I'd suggest doing up a variant that reduces/eliminates the SRM pack for an ECM suite.  If one in every five Bunyips carried ECM, then whole Bunyip points could take up hidden positions and take some pretty savage point-blank shots.  (Of course, whether the Homeworld Clans engage in such tactics amongst themselves may be in question after the Wars of Reaving.)

I don't know if it works weight-wise, but another variant could reduce/eliminate the SRM pack for protomech magclamps.  That would allow Bunyips to work on a more mobile battlefield.  Carrying a couple Bunyips into battle is a fairly decent way for an omnimech to boost its short-range armor penetration.

Finally, a couple nits.  First, technically, stuff like the ER large laser and plasma cannon are the heaviest weapons that can be carried by protomechs, not the heavy medium laser.  And second, I assume you meant for the Bunyip to carry the _improved_ heavy medium laser, not the old standard version.

Nits aside, good job.
"Ah, yes.  The belle dame sans merci.  The sweet young thing who will blast your nuts off.  The kitten with a whip.  That mystique?"
"Slavish adherence to formal ritual is a sign that one has nothing better to think about."
"Variety is the spice of battle."
"I've fought in... what... a hundred battles, a thousand battles?  It could be a million as far as I know.  I've fought for anybody who offered a decent contract and a couple who didn't.  And the universe is not much different after all that.  I could go on fighting for another hundred years and it would still look the same."
"I'm in mourning for my life."
"Those who break faith with the Unity shall go down into darkness."


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Re: 9 tons of urban supremacy - the Bunyip
« Reply #2 on: 27 May 2013, 23:35:37 »

Finally, a couple nits.  First, technically, stuff like the ER large laser and plasma cannon are the heaviest weapons that can be carried by protomechs, not the heavy medium laser.  And second, I assume you meant for the Bunyip to carry the _improved_ heavy medium laser, not the old standard version.


Code: [Select]
Noisy Cricket
Proto Quad 3/5/0
Structure: 1.5
Engine: 1.0 (Rating:45)
Control: 0.75
Armour: 2.0
CERPPC (Main Gun): 9.75


  • Sergeant
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Re: 9 tons of urban supremacy - the Bunyip
« Reply #3 on: 28 May 2013, 17:28:33 »
There are 10+ ton protomechs? That are tournament legal? When did THAT happen? :o

Heavy Metal Lite lied to me. >:(


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Re: 9 tons of urban supremacy - the Bunyip
« Reply #4 on: 28 May 2013, 17:40:04 »
There are 10+ ton protomechs? That are tournament legal? When did THAT happen? :o

Heavy Metal Lite lied to me. >:(

HMP is ancient. Wars of Reaving introduced the new protos.

