Author Topic: A question of interstellar law?  (Read 557 times)


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A question of interstellar law?
« on: 14 April 2024, 07:49:55 »
Year 3034
Mercenary unit is working under the table for a rather powerful Successor State leader. Theodore Kurita to be exact. Contract is totally off the books. Contract is not reported to any Merc governing organization. Including Comstar.
What would the ramifications be for the unit and TK if say Comstar discovered this?
What if the Coordinator found out?
Comstar is getting close to coming militarily engaged with this unit. The unit origin is totally hidden to the public. Operates with zero identification at this time. Once Comstar has contact with them. This seems likely Comstar will likely try and discover their true origin. Especially since the Mercs have some SL era tech. Combat would expose this.
Situation early Ronin War on Engadin. Merc unit has liberated Engadin and the HPG facility from the Ronin. Pre DC official entry into the conflict. Some surviving Comstar personnel were rescued from the HPG. The have been sent to another system for their own "SAFETY". Mercs will have had unrestricted access to this Facility for several weeks. ROM is currently system bound with Intel agents and a military security force.
The unit will never willing divulge their true origin.

Likely a military action before the Merc unit is pulled out. Comstar is likely going to have lots of unanswered questions.

Any thoughts on how Comstar would react? Ramifications?
Keep in mind this is 3034 Comstar.


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Re: A question of interstellar law?
« Reply #1 on: 14 April 2024, 07:54:40 »
Not going through the MRB isn't against interstellar law, it's a guild for the benefit the Mercs mostly. Star League tech, depends how much as some was in production at that time. Going against COMSTAR will get ROMs attention but interstellar investigation is really difficult if you don't use HPGs or C-bills which are things COMSTAR controls.

As long as nothing is wrong when ROM arrives at the HPG there will likely be a report, and perhaps covert wiretaps to see if anyone talks about or begins diverging secrets


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Re: A question of interstellar law?
« Reply #2 on: 14 April 2024, 10:03:22 »
Especially in the 3030s I don't think there would be too many people in the Inner Sphere willing to mess with Comstar's neutrality.
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Re: A question of interstellar law?
« Reply #3 on: 14 April 2024, 13:40:35 »
What would the ramifications be for the unit and TK if say Comstar discovered this?

Could be anything C* feels like doing since they control the MRB. But non-MRB contracts are likely common and you simply deal with the lack of 'protection' you get for not using MRB/C* resources. Odds of actual sanction seem extremely low.

What if the Coordinator found out?

Found out what? That he signed a contract outside the MRB? Presumably he knows already?
If you mean, would C* sanction TK in some way: no. At worst they'd express their disappointment for going around the MRB, but it's not illegal, and C* doesn't administer interstellar law: no one does.
Might include higher 'fees' for the DC to access MRB, but at this point, C* is worried about the FedCom uniting the Inner Sphere by force, and is actively helping the DC is some pretty extensive ways leading up to the war of 39.

Comstar is getting close to coming militarily engaged with this unit. The unit origin is totally hidden to the public. Operates with zero identification at this time. Once Comstar has contact with them. This seems likely Comstar will likely try and discover their true origin. Especially since the Mercs have some SL era tech. Combat would expose this.

Lostech happens, it's not in itself a problem for C*. They might try to buy it if they think it's meaningful, possibly using an intermediary. If they really want it, they'll likely take a harsher stanch after the initial offer it refused. Oh geez, I see you're stranded in this system because every JumpShip refuses to take you on, how unfortunate. Hey, I'm an independent trader and have some contacts I'd be willing to use for people I trade with. Let's make a deal. No, I can't offer as much as the first guy you worked with, but since you are now strapped for cash because of all these weird amazon orders you made through HPG, I think you'll see we'll both benefit if you take my cash.

The unit having unknown origins is not a concern for Comstar. They'll reckon they'll figure it out sooner or later. But this is easier to evaluate if you provide some context. If they're from some Deep Periphery nation or pirates, well, whatever. If they're Clan deserters or Watch Agents, they'll get some attention, and the lack of ties to any known 'acceptable' source for the unit will soon result in some paranoid questions.
Which they can ask through the MRB if the unit is a member after all.

The unit should not want 'military engagement' with C* voluntarily. In the 3034s, the ComGuards are a known entity, but even then C* is likely to solve it indirectly using a mercenary unit at a grossly unfair power balance like battalion on player company, if that's all the players have. Upscale as necessary.

Situation early Ronin War on Engadin. Merc unit has liberated Engadin and the HPG facility from the Ronin. Pre DC official entry into the conflict. Some surviving Comstar personnel were rescued from the HPG. The have been sent to another system for their own "SAFETY". Mercs will have had unrestricted access to this Facility for several weeks. ROM is currently system bound with Intel agents and a military security force.
The unit will never willing divulge their true origin.

Multiple questions:
- Ronin wouldn't mess with ComStar, or take over the HPG
- What's this about moving Comstar personnel? ComStar would never agree to this, under any circumstance. Be it the people actually at the HPG, or the actual leadership on Terra.
- What's this "safety" excuse? If they were threatened by the player unit, C* now has every reason to make an example out of them to discourage others from making the same mistake. Heads on pike kind of example, not interdiction.
- Mercs having unrestricted access to the HPG and *acting on it* will be a guaranteed death sentence. Elaborately unacceptable to C*.
- Why is this true origin such a big deal? C* eventually wants to know everything, sure, but just not knowing stuff isn't a red flag to them unless there's clues that there's a problem they need to get in front of. Lostech by itself isn't that kind of flag.

The solution is just ignore Paul.


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Re: A question of interstellar law?
« Reply #4 on: 14 April 2024, 15:01:40 »
Found out what? That he signed a contract outside the MRB? Presumably he knows already?

No, this is Theodore doing something during the Ronin Wars, when his old man was still Coordinator.  Meaning that Theodore was doing it behind his back.
Warning: this post may contain sarcasm.

"I think I've just had another near-Rincewind experience," Death, The Color of Magic

"When in doubt, C4." Jamie Hyneman


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Re: A question of interstellar law?
« Reply #5 on: 14 April 2024, 15:37:34 »
No, this is Theodore doing something during the Ronin Wars, when his old man was still Coordinator.  Meaning that Theodore was doing it behind his back.

Ah, he referred to Theodore as the successor state leader.
Anyway, the ramifications depend entirely on what happens, what the contract is about. OP is being very vague, which may be legit if he's worried about his players reading this. Still, the consequences are almost always context dependent, both in fiction and real life. The bigger problem is that this is in the middle of 'Death to mercenaries', so Theodore probably wants to keep it secret. Does bring up the question: why even bring up that risk, he has resources.
The solution is just ignore Paul.


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Re: A question of interstellar law?
« Reply #6 on: 14 April 2024, 15:58:33 »
More context. The Merc unit was sent into FRR before the DC officially enter the conflict. In a attempt to slow the Ronin down. Creative license, Ronin established a regional Supply Depot on Engadin.
Per Brush Wars, Ronin committed atrocities on Engadin against Civilians and Comstar. Torturing and killing Comstar personnel at the HPG.

The Merc unit is from my Campaign. Merc unit engaged the Ronin on several fronts. One being retaking of the HPG. There they discovered maybe 20 Comstar personnel. Ronin destroyed the HPG during the battle. Planet operations were still in doubt. Only low level Comstar personnel survived the Ronin atrocities. The Comstar people where in no position to complain. Especially since hostilities were at a high level. More Ronin forces where headed to Engadin.

The unit is there with no affiliation to a higher authority. The people of Engadin are just grateful these guys showed up and stomped the Ronin. Comstar has not had a chance to assess the situation yet.

 The unit is there to disrupt Ronin operations while Theodore prepares to enter the conflict. For diplomatic reasons unit is not identified as a official DC unit. TK is waiting for the FRR to ask for help. The unit is off the books for other internal DC reasons.


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Re: A question of interstellar law?
« Reply #7 on: 14 April 2024, 16:23:17 »
Only low level Comstar personnel survived the Ronin atrocities. The Comstar people where in no position to complain.

Sure, but that's not the same as letting the mercs have free run of the facility.

Comstar has not had a chance to assess the situation yet.

When they do, it'll depend on what the unit's done.
Just rescued the personnel and left the facility alone? Here's some gratitude and a check.
Entered the place, rummaged around? Here's some hefty sanctions.
Took HPG stuff, even wreckage? We need to un-exist you and everyone you know until we get it back.

The unit is there to disrupt Ronin operations while Theodore prepares to enter the conflict. For diplomatic reasons unit is not identified as a official DC unit. TK is waiting for the FRR to ask for help. The unit is off the books for other internal DC reasons.

Sure, ComStar will want to know who hired the players, but the list of potential employers is not super long, and no one on it would be annoying to C*.
FedCom? Unlikely, they want the ronin wars.
FRR? Maybe. Good for them.
DC? Makes sense, they dont want to be seen killing their own MechWarriors, but since ComStar helped engineer them losing all that territory, they hope everything sucks for everyone over there forever. Or until we reconquer it.

The solution is just ignore Paul.


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Re: A question of interstellar law?
« Reply #8 on: 14 April 2024, 17:01:31 »
Was not sure about the non MRB contract. So the above answers helped to clear up this situation.

I do expect Comstar will be digging into their origin. Likely they will have angered Comstar behind the scenes. Considering how Primus Waterly operates.

There are huge stakes on this system (in the Campaign).  Beyond the situation around the HPG. It is likely CS is aware of these stakes. At least partially aware.

Their actions will likely create a unbreakable bond with TK and will eventually lead to CS investigating them, watching them, and striking at them at a future date.

I don't think any of my players are on this board. But you never know.


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Re: A question of interstellar law?
« Reply #9 on: 14 April 2024, 18:33:06 »
So... no one really cares at the end of the day, that said if the contract is secret to this degree the merc unit are deniable assists. and should things go wrong, they'll proably be let lose and declared pirates.
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Re: A question of interstellar law?
« Reply #10 on: 14 April 2024, 21:30:00 »
 Comstar ROM would likely assess the unit as a special asset of the Combine and let it be.