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Ground Combat / Re: Victor VTR-9B (Kataga) Classic Sheet?
« Last post by Hellraiser on 24 January 2025, 23:23:43 »
If I might ask, what continuity issues?
Ground Combat / Re: Smoke & Tripods/SuperHeavy
« Last post by Hellraiser on 24 January 2025, 23:19:46 »
I know that if you are on level 1 terrain with a mech, or level 0 with a superheavy thats level 3, you see over 10+ level 0 heavy woods no problem. 

Adjacent woods to a level 2 target would apply, as would the woods for leg mounted weapons.  Since smoke is just heavy woods for LOS, it should be no different, unless there is a specific (and odd) superheavy mech errata.

Your talking about seeing over as the higher person.  That isn't what I'm asking.
Adjacent applies when looking "down" on something as the only hex that effects you from above.

Looking "up" from below anything in the way is in the way.

That said, Your example of Heavy Woods that is at L0 & mech on L1 is essentially the same as a Tripod.  Not exactly, but the top 2 levels are anyway.

Hmm, using that example, I don't think there is any modifier then since if the mech is up at L3 even an adjacent L2 Woods has no effect.
Which is kind of odd since clearly it IS obscuring the lower half of the mech.

Seems like some sort of compromise modifier would be called for but IDK.
BattleMechs / Re: Phoenix Hawk III-C-X: Absolute degerneracy.
« Last post by worktroll on 24 January 2025, 23:11:46 »
Just to confuse all you USAians ... time for bed!

BattleMechs / Re: Tripods and Mechanical Jump boosters
« Last post by CloaknDagger on 24 January 2025, 23:11:03 »
Handheld weapons include:

I vaguely remember trying this same combo many years ago and the response was that you can't jump with handheld weapons.
BattleTech Miniatures / Re: Anyone make a Trebuchet-k ppc/ac5 mini?
« Last post by worktroll on 24 January 2025, 23:09:20 »
For the record, found a pic of my attempt.

General BattleTech Discussion / Re: Ilclan paint schemes.
« Last post by Gladius-XC on 24 January 2025, 22:49:38 »
Well, the ‘Mechs in the dioramas are painted by the Camo Specs crew and most, if not all, of them get posted on Camo Specs. So I’d say they’re pretty official.
The Periphery / Re: Fall of the Aurigan Coalition
« Last post by ANS Kamas P81 on 24 January 2025, 22:26:23 »
There was one during the Big West lawsuit a few years ago, but he never covered the settlement afterward.
Well, I could put a Salvo Rocket (Medium) system on it with a 40km range, compared to the Tube Artillery (Light) 20km range.  That matches the early models of M270 MLRS rockets, so I'll say it's using the same system, just with two four-shot pods instead.  The tube artillery piece had a self-protection minigun mounted on it with the same 200 burst ammo supply as the IFV, so I kept it for the rocket artillery vehicle. 

I also made the Type 89 tank hunter variant of the vehicle, with heavy ATGMs in a triple launcher in the turret and twenty-one missiles stored in the hull.  Since this is built to take on enemy tanks, I added some protection to the front and the turret in the form of ERA; it won't completely stop an incoming missile but it will mitigate the damage if using the Overkill Rules for critical hits.  The Inabans are likely importing advanced missiles from Sapporo, and putting them to use here.  The vehicle's not intended as a line combatant of its own but a supplement - there's three companies per brigade, and typically attach one company of Type 89s to each battalion of mechanized infantry for a fire support role.  The ATGM carrier didn't initially have a self-protection minigun, so I added one to it to keep common themes across the AFV fleet; the Inabans love their miniguns.  Posting the revised record sheet here and deleting the old one.

Tracked APC family
  Type 87 IFV (25.93 tons)
  Type 88 Artillery Carrier (24.51 tons)
  Type 88 Engineer Vehicle (
  Type 89 ATGMV (24.85 tons)
  Type 90 Command Post Vehicle (
  Type 90 FDCC Vehicle (
  Type 91 Rocket Artillery Vehicle (25.21 tons)
  Type 92 Heavy Mortar Vehicle (
  Type 93 Antiaircraft Vehicle (
I'm likely going to whip up some Design Quirks for things like that, just for simplicity; though I might elect for some kind of meddling with the control mass for lower minimum crew. Need to figure out why there's a ~3500 ton discrepancy between the calculator sheet and my manual tabulation, first.
If you want to know how effective Inner Sphere pulse lasers are, I suggest you start playing on more built-up maps, with fast jumpers, or both. Even with improved gunnery skill, the difference a -2 to hit makes at range 1-2 is worth it, and if the terrain blocks LOS, it doesn't matter how much range you are potentially losing - at 2 hexes the IS Large Pulse Laser outperforms PPCs.
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