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I had good success with a Mad Dog S last year.

I am trying to show off new units to a 3067 focused group. Maps we have seen in the past are canyons and Steiner Stadium type setups. They try and block lines of sight to encourage small vicious brawls. Long shot do happen though.

Mech selection is basically unlimited. Pilots OTOH are limited by weight. So 100 tons = 5/6, 95 tons = 5/5, etc. You really want something under 80 tons that can apply a lot of damage then get out of trouble. I have considered a Mad Dog III, but I don't think it will be mobile enough. I don't want to take a Karhu. I have used that before too.

I will note a Bear Cub survived to the final rounds one year so there is something to be said for hiding.

Griffin IIC 2 and Shadow Hawk IIC 2 and 3 both will give you your money's worth.

BattleTech Miniatures / Re: Dawn Guard units
« Last post by Luciora on Today at 14:08:24 »
I didn't have a particularly difficult time assembling them.  Just didn't like the posture as it doesn't leave much leeway for the arms.

Nice stuff!  Shout out the Mad 5R:  RAC's are so fun.  That 3PL is a killer as well.

Curious:  how did you like the Inferno minis.  Were they a pleasure or pain to work with?
Fan Designs and Rules / Re: Designs for 'From a Ristar to a Lady'
« Last post by lowrolling on Today at 13:58:37 »
Thanks and sorry for not catching this for so long.  Spencer has a very tough looking ride.
Challenges and Gatherings / Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Last post by Kem on Today at 13:58:01 »
Oh, there are random numbers on that map lol. On my phone I was like 'What is she talking about, key, it has all the words'. I will get the pins set up for those and I figured that about the top map, I don't have an easy way to make the map work better for a NSEW style map so it's more about placing the maps in relation to each other for the bottom ones, then the top one is just there to show the whole northern hemisphere. The Hilo map I can add easily.

Do we think that having it be a separate map might be good? I'll see about doing that before placing any pins so that the pins don't change location too much.

Nejiro itself seems to be either in the "Western" or "Eastern" Hemisphere. It it's the western, I don't know what is in the South-East Hemisphere. So, I will still have a gap and some weirdness. But I'm not worried about that.
No problem BH!

To be fair, most of the old FASA Reinforcements Volume 5: Vehicles has most of the RS for the various Support/Civilian jobs. Only thing wrong is many are "off", old construction rules.

And only base stats...

And IIRC, Enryes was stated in Jihad Hot Spots (?).
BattleTech Miniatures / Retro refit Kuritan lance
« Last post by Luciora on Today at 13:38:47 »
These kitbashes were meant as periphery style refits of older chassis to newer standards, or in the case of the Firestarter, a newer one to an older variant. 

Firestarter 9-A
Wolverine 3R
Orion 1-H
Awesome 8T
BattleTech Miniatures / Re: Dawn Guard units
« Last post by MarauderD on Today at 13:34:58 »
Nice stuff!  Shout out the Mad 5R:  RAC's are so fun.  That 3PL is a killer as well.

Curious:  how did you like the Inferno minis.  Were they a pleasure or pain to work with?
The final score does not reflect how brutal this game was for the chiefs

Up to their first TD drive early in the fourth Mahomes had thirty yards passing. They only picked up three first downs and were 0-8 on third down, committed three turnovers, and were losing the time of possession game two to one. It might be the most impressive defensive effort in the Super Bowl since Bill's first win against the greatest show on turf.
I said something similar to my family last night about the score. Well done by the Eagles, delivering a drubbing despite the Chiefs holding Saquon Barkley to just less than 100 yards total. Other than the one interception, Jalen Hurts was excellent.

I had little interest in watching the two teams, but my oldest was interested so we watched. We were all surprised at the way the game went.
Something to that but one of the other important issues is simple . . . despite how much you might want artillery it is going to have multiple calls on it and if the front is mobile, it might also be doing it's own movement.

Add in that once it fires it becomes a 'known' target higher does not release batteries to fire willy-nilly when fighting a peer.

Yeah, that was brought up too but it wasn't necessarily peer conflict and they wanted a solution that was universal. At any rate, like MoneyLovinOgre brought up, every game has to engage with the issue that what is fun for a game isn't necessarily going to be technically, tactically, operationally or strategically realistic.

That applies to narrative as well, which accounts for why the FedCom strategy seemed to be not do much except trade combat power in a failed bid to slow down the pace of invasions until they could build a credible coalition that was able to counter-attack. I don't think that's a failure of strategy though; strategically, that is bog-standard. Among other reasons, when facing a much stronger opponent, you defend until you have the resources necessary to go over to the offensive. You certainly look for opportunities to attack in a localized sense -- either on a small-scale or temporarily -- to disrupt the enemy's own of plans, force higher costs of doing business upon them. And strategically, they made the passably decent chess moves.

Their operations weren't really too bad on paper either. The only misstep (IMO) being after learning the Clans operated under a rather strict bidding system and their own allocations were laughably under-par, the FedCom could've slashed garrisons on a lot of the planets that were hit (they were going lose anyway) in favor of placing overwhelming force on a few key planets. "I bid my full cluster" vs. "I am defending with three RCTs on this planet, are you sure about that?" Those forces could have a stronger and more-lasting delaying effect by presenting a credible threat which the Clans would have to honor by committing more forces to garrison any worlds within a jump (or two) of the hold-out worlds. But it was the execution that made things look really awful and the novels don't really get into what the combat looked on those worlds where the Clans were winning incredibly lopsided victories that would be impossible on the table or in any of the games.

Talking about stuff like Lincoln Osis taking an entire world with himself and seventy-four other Elementals, or whatever the feat was.
General BattleTech Discussion / Re: Front Page Thread
« Last post by MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on Today at 13:21:07 »
Except it’s way more hot running due to an XXL engine.
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