Author Topic: MechCorps UN-Invites You... Feb 18th - 20th - VWE Battletech Pods  (Read 3079 times)


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"best laid plans of mice..."
Due to circumstances beyond our control, the World Invitational planned for February 17-20, 2011 has to be postponed.
With this UN-savory retraction of our prior announcement, and since we can't UN-send our announcement postcard, we want to go on record to say that we UN-derstand your disappointment.
We know that this event was highly anticipated by many pilots. Therefore we will still hold an event this same weekend, but it will have more of a social focus, with BattleTech events.
We therefore are now announcing that we will be holding the 2011 UN-Invitational on February 18-20, 2011.
Consider yourself UN-invited.
See you in February.
Friday, Feb 18th: Meet and Greet
This will be a completely social event and will NOT be held at our headquarters, but at a special location we will announce later.
Saturday, Feb 19th:
9:00a Open Pod Time
1:00p Fixed Mech Free For All
5:00p Catered Dinner
7:00p MechCorps BattleTech Football
Sunday, Feb 20th:
10:00a Grand Melee
3:00p Tandem Pro-Am (Team Attrition, No Return)

Full details and pricing have now been released.
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