Author Topic: CO Terrain Master Nightwalker and Environmental Specialist, mutually exclusive?  (Read 1160 times)


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Corrected 3rd printing
Environmental Specialist p74
Nightwalker p81

Should be simple enough, but if you have a pilot with Environmental Specialist (Light) would the same pilot be able to also use TM Nightwalker? Combined, both SPAs would be 5 points.
Truly superior units—those with a Skill Rating of Heroic or Legendary—may receive up to three different special pilot abilities, with a combined point value of 6 or less.

If they can, would the Environmental Specialist calculate the move penalty to halve before or after the -1, when running, from Nightwalker?

ie Pitch Black penalty is +3, if this is halved before the -1 you get a +1 move penalty which is down to +0 after you account for the -1 from Nightwalker
If you do the reverse, Nightwalker brings the penalty to +2, with Env Spec reducing it (by half) to +1

« Last Edit: 10 January 2023, 07:09:38 by pheonixstorm »


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  • Posts: 5554

