Author Topic: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star  (Read 70478 times)


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #60 on: 25 January 2023, 19:33:13 »
Yes, I took what he said to mean the "Improved" LRM-20 would be five tons but still have a minimum range of six.


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #61 on: 02 February 2023, 10:42:51 »
Part V


"Who are we if not our morals, principles and beliefs rendered corporeal by our own endeavours? We might live under the dim light of a Red Dwarf but we have it within ourselves to ensure our values will shine out from Niops like a Blue Hypergiant. A beacon to the galaxy, a shining city on a hill, the champion of liberty and scientific progress not oppression and ignorance. All we have to do is make a choice, are we content to hide ourselves away, cowering in fear while civilisation collapses elsewhere, or do we step up to the task and embrace a destiny that providence has enabled for us? I say let us be the best versions of ourselves and together we can turn the Niops Association into the best version of itself too, not merely a beacon showing the way forward but more than that, a hero among the Star-Nations!"

Re-election Campaign Speech by High Associator Giles Olson - 2830 CE


(FLASHBACK) Columbus Base – Epsilon Pegasus System – 2825

'The Terran Hegemony planted a flag here nearly three hundred years ago and maintained a presence here until just after the Amaris Civil War, it's not exactly surprising they seeded the planet with an assortment of edible plants in the quarter-millennium the Cameron Star flew over the place now is it, Query Affirmative?" saKhan Trish Ebon asked sardonically after the chief scout reported they had discovered a number of orchards only a few kilometres from the old SLDF facility.

"Aff" the scout replied, feeling suitably silly for having expressed surprise at his discovery. "Native plants have overgrown what we think used to be grainfields, wheat and oats most likely given the climate, and it looks like the local fauna did a number on the root crops once the fences came down, but there are plenty of apples and pears, and a few cherry trees" he continued his report. "Blackberry bushes too, the thorns probably kept off the wildlife."

"That is good, we will organise some manpower to pick fruit, give everyone a chance to eat something other than ration packs" Trish responded, looking around. The scout had met her at the main entrance to the facility across from the dropship landing pad and from there you could see all the way to the still intact base perimeter fence, built stronger than those around the farms presumably, and to the trees beyond.

Columbus base had been built into a very large crater, something very large and heavy must have come crashing down a hundred thousand years prior to produce such a dent, and the crater walls visible in the distance made for an interesting view as well. The micro-climate within the crater made it more hospitable than it would have been otherwise, though warm it certainly was not.

"We also found a warehouse full of ration packs, saKhan Ebon" the scout told her, almost apologetically. "I suppose that's not surprising either, it's not like they're something they would have bothered to bring back with them to the Inner Sphere when the system was abandoned" he reasoned.

Trish nodded. "Did you find any munitions?"

"A few hundred tons worth, mostly small-arms, nothing compared to what you found at the shipyard up there" the scout replied, pointing up to where Amor, the planet's relatively tiny moon, could have been seen if it wasn't broad daylight. Roughly a century before the Star League fell the SLDF had constructed an orbital facility within the moon where jumpships could be serviced, presumably planning ahead for a new wave of colonial expansion corewards of the Inner Sphere. It had proven a treasure trove of spare parts and supplies, with Trish herself having taken charge of making an inventory of the orbital while others reconnoitred the surface.

Trish looked around, her own dropship had landed less than an hour ago, a day later than the scout party who had set down first to investigate the spaceport and its adjoined facility and it seemed that the scouts had carried out their mission quickly and efficiently.

Although much of the complex was underground, the landing pads for dropships and the runways for aerospace fighters were hardly difficult to spot from above.

"The dropship repair yard at the edge of the landing pad might need some coaxing to get it operational again, though most of the machinery seems intact" the scout informed her. "If nothing else it has a large storeroom full of spares, though quite a lot of them are for dropships we do not use any more, Dictators, Manatees and Black Eagles."

"When the rest of the dropships arrive, we'll prioritise what spares there are for the ships that need them most" Trish replied. "You signalled that the Base Computer down here is still functioning, query affirmative?"

"Aff. It has been very helpful with providing inventory lists and maps of the facility" the scout told her. "It also seems to hold some very detailed charts of all the stars within two or three jumps of Epsilon Pegasus, as well as the standard route used between here and the Terran Hegemony."

Trish laughed. "That being the one we definitely will not be using in case the clans figure out where we went" she replied.

"That was my thinking as well, saKhan" the scout agreed. "Much of the Draconis Drift between here and the Inner Sphere seems to be uncharted, although there are a number of habitable, or barely habitable worlds off the beaten track which were recorded as being suitable for colonisation that we could use as way-points."

"Barely habitable?" Trish queried.

"Red Dwarfs mostly" the scout explained.

"Urgh" Trish responded with a grimace, there was a reason why humanity had colonised G Type stars like Terra itself first while expanding out into the galaxy, even though K Type Red Dwarfs were far more common.

You only had to look around on Columbus to see why. Epsilon Pegasus was a G2V star, just like Sol in the Terran system, and thanks to billions of years of evolution under a yellow sun it just looked inexplicably right somehow.

Columbus was the fourth planet out from the star and cooler than Terra as a result, the base itself was situated on the equator or growing crops would not have been feasible even in the sheltered crater, but the gravity was only slightly less than Terra and after nearly a year stuck aboard ship it would likely seem like paradise for the people shortly to start landing in their droves.

In some ways the Epsilon Pegasus system mocked the notion of the 'Goldilocks Zone' in that although it had two life-bearing planets, Epsilon Pegasus III and IV, Columbus itself was just a bit too cold for comfort, even at the equator, whereas Kew, the third planet, was just a bit too hot. With an average surface temperature at the equator nearing 45 degrees Celsius Kew was a world where you could only comfortable live near the poles, and even there it was far from temperate.

The terraforming technology available to the Hegemony could have readily fixed both worlds of course, warming Mars and then making a hell-hole like Venus habitable taught them a lot. Massive amounts of carbon-dioxide dumped into the atmosphere to heat up Columbus, and aerosols in the upper atmosphere to cool Kew would have been easy enough projects to undertake, but the Star League Corps of Engineers had only been instructed to build military and research facilities, plus any required support infrastructure, not to prepare the system for mass colonisation so they hadn't.

Trish Ebon and a squadron of ships equipped with lithium-fusion batteries had been sent ahead of the bulk of the Wolverine fleet by Khan Hallis, not only to make sure the Epsilon Pegasus System was safe but to determine the state of the repair facilities there. She had very good news to report to him on that score as the jumpship yard in orbit was still operational, so vessels in dire need of a service could get a proper one, and the SLDF had also left behind a massive quantity of supplies.

To be honest in some ways it was probably a good thing that Columbus was a little cooler than humans generally preferred because it should help motivate everyone to pack up and leave again when the time came to do so. It could be a while before Nicky K caught up with them but it would be foolish to assume he would stop looking anytime soon.

"You mentioned the wildlife? Seen much of it?" Trish asked.

"Something that looked a lot like a bear tried to turn Corporal Jansen into lunch earlier" the scout replied, grinning. "Its teeth and claws weren't a match for his Mauser though, we are planning to carve a few steaks off of it and cook them for dinner tonight" he told her. "Base computer says the local mammalian life is safe for human consumption."

"What about native fruits and vegetables?" Trish asked.

"Some are pretty hazardous, most will just give you a severe stomach upset. Best stick to the imported species of plants" the scout advised. "There is one native fruit that is safe to eat, looks like a melon but tastes more like a peach apparently according to the computer records relating to indigenous life. We found some but I have not tried one yet."

"What did the garrison call it?" Trish asked out of interest.

The scout grinned. "Melonpeach" he replied.

"I do not know why I bothered to ask" Trish said, rolling her eyes. "I suppose it is too much to hope that the hydroponic farms underground are still running, query negative?" she asked. Certain crops that simply couldn't be grown outside in a climate this cold, but were welcome additions to the diet of the personnel assigned here nonetheless, would have been grown there. On the cooler worlds of the clans you could often find chilli peppers and the like being farmed the same way.

"Neg. They were shut down when the garrison left" the scout told her apologetically. "There are still stocks of seeds in cold storage, and fertilizer we can transport up to the Invaders to bolster their own stocks so it is not a total loss" he continued. "If we need any replacement water pumps we could strip those too."

"Make a detailed inventory for me, I will study it then give a copy to Khan Hallis when he arrives so he can determine what his salvage priorities are" Trish ordered.

"One more thing, we found a couple of transport VTOL's in a hanger that the Technician Caste can likely get running if we want to hunt the local herds of game animals and bring back the meat" the scout suggested. "They seem to be pretty numerous, there is one common species in particular that resembles a woolly rhino that supposedly makes for tasty burgers and a pretty good chilli."

Trish Ebon blinked. "I will advise the Khan to make that a priority" she replied, practically salivating at the thought. "We are the North American Division once again, after all" she joked.

"We will need cheese for the cheeseburgers but if you want someone to try milking a three-ton mammal with a metre-long horn at the front it will likely result in a Trial of Refusal from anyone given the job, saKhan Ebon" the scout replied, chuckling.

"I will just ask the marines if any of them want to volunteer" Trish suggested, tongue-in-cheek.

The scout considered her plan. "That could work" he agreed.

It had taken them well over a dozen jumps, near five-hundred light-years off their originally intended route, to get them from the Exodus Road to Epsilon Pegasus. Even on half-rations it had been touch-and-go if they were going to make it, and without the improvised J-U Water Purifier the former science and technician castes had rigged up in the hold of a Mule they certainly wouldn't have. That Mule, along with the Aqueduct liquid-cargo-carrier it had been topping up whenever they located a planet or moon with an ocean or a polar ice cap, would be among the first dropships to land once Hallis arrived with the rest of the fleet.

If Trish Ebon never had to eat a survival ration washed down with distilled water again it would be too soon. Frankly the thought of eating some of that native 'bear' later was making her salivate as she set the scout back to his task and headed into the facility to see for herself.

Franklin Hallis had worried at one point he might face a 'Prinz Eugen Mutiny' of his own as not only the civilians began to complain vociferously about being hungry and couped-up so long but even some of the warrior caste started to question the plan. The only saving grace to the Khan's benefit was it was hard to argue against the proposition that they had to keep going because if they turned back and the Clans caught them the ilKhan would have them all killed.

It wasn't so much that the Wolverines were well aware that it was not them who had triggered a nuclear device in Great Hope, under the circumstances even the conspiracy theorists found it hard to argue convincingly that McEvedy had nuked herself, it was the destruction of Dehra Dun which meant Kerensky had to kill them all.

Thanks to the Black Box recordings on Bismark, and other sensor logs in their position, the Wolverines could prove it was not their nuclear device which had incinerated much of the capital city of the Snow Ravens, destroying their priceless genetic repository into the bargain. As to whether any clan would be willing to hear the Wolverines out, or actually study the physical evidence, was uncertain of course but could the ilKhan really take such a risk?

Only the Snow Ravens knew for certain that the Wolverines were framed for Dehra Dun, and presumably putting two-and-two together had a reasonable assumption that they might have been framed for the destruction of Great Hope too. However, if it became more widely known that Nicholas had covered up the actual events, and pinned the blame on an innocent party, then surely other clans would be reasonably concerned that the next time he wanted to make an example of someone it could be them that got set up.

Khan McEvedy was not the only leader that had expressed extreme disquiet at some of the ilKhan's actions during the crushing of any dissent in the Pentagon Worlds after Klondike. She had even surreptitiously recorded a few conversations she had with the Khans of other Clans on the subject, recordings that Franklin Hallis had since listened to. The one she had with Khan Mitchell Loris of Clan Mongoose in particular could easily be interpreted as him strongly supporting her viewpoint as regards Nicholas Kerensky's moral character, not to mention his sanity. The ilKhan was not nearly as venerated as he might wish, and he was likely not stupid enough to think he was either, meaning he had to stop the truth being told.

The most effective means of ensuring that the facts never emerged was to destroy all the physical evidence, and any copies that might have made of that evidence, and ensure there were no eye-witnesses left either. In short, every warship and jumpship belonging to Clan Wolverine had to be destroyed and their passengers and crew with them.

If any of Franklin Hallis's people had thought Nicholas Kerensky incapable of such an action they had largely vanished amidst the mushroom clouds rising above Circe.

You might be hungry, feeling tetchy and claustrophobic trapped aboard a ship for an excessive period of time but you had to be alive to be hungry and tetchy and that was better than the alternative.

Still, it was a very, very good thing that Columbus Base and the orbital facility on the planet's moon were intact and well-stocked because if they hadn't been general opinion might have veered to going back and making a suicidal fight of it.

Khan Hallis was adamant that when they eventually did go back it wasn't going to be a suicide mission. It would be to put a righteous and well-deserved serious whupping on the bastards, rebuild Great Hope and and then raise the banner of Clan Wolverine over it again.

Survival was not enough in itself. People needed a reason to keep going and graphically imagined thoughts of wreaking bloody vengeance could be a great motivator.

As Trish Ebon wandered the corridors of the old SLDF base, occasionally poking her head through a door to see what was in there and frequently finding something worth salvaging, she became increasingly annoyed that they only had a fraction of the free cargo space needed to cart off all this valuable loot. The automated production plant for turning out replacement electronic components was itself a technological marvel, one likely necessitated because it was a long way back to Terra from here, over a thousand light-years in fact. If you needed some components to fix a navigation console, or even just a personal noteputer, the machine could churn out whatever you needed, but it was truly massive and probably weighed as much as a mid-sized dropship.

That was the problem with raw-materials-in, complicated-final-product-out, Terran Hegemony manufacturing. There were a lot of intermediate stages involved in the process, even if the technological wizardry in the sealed unit did all the actual work, so simple and easily portable it was not.

The base computer was as helpful as the scout had made it sound when Trish reached the Control Room. It was already printing off hundreds of maps for the convenience of the people it had been advised were on the way, and although not a true AI it had been programmed in such a way that it was difficult to tell.

Trish decided that it would be advisable not to run a Turing Test on the thing just in case they decided to slag it instead of just wiping its memories of Clan Wolverine interlopers. It would be harder to destroy it if it turned out the thing had developed sentience in the decades it had been stuck here alone with little to do but monitor other less advanced systems. It wasn't likely by any means, but the Star League had dabbled in copying human neural pathways to help develop smarter, more intuitive computers, so you couldn't entirely dismiss the possibility.

Those damn Caspar drones had definitely been more tactically astute than most people had expected them to be during the Amaris Civil War. They didn't just charge straight at the enemy, all guns blazing, they tried to outflank and outfox opponents, setting traps including feigned retreats designed to pull you into range of heavily-armed SDS Battlestations.

The M-3 drones built into modified Pentagon assault dropships weren't nearly as smart, and the Voidseeker and particularly the older Blackwasp drone fighters were dumb as rocks, but Trish recalled her father telling stories about how when you were facing swarms of the damn things they weren't nearly stupid enough for comfort.

Riffling through desk drawers for useful information yielded little of that, although she did find an unopened bottle of Scotch imported all the way from Terra, along with a couple of whisky glasses. Something to share with Franklin she decided, stuffing it into a faux-leather hold-all she found nearby along with some pens that might still work and pencils that definitely would, you always steal the office stationary as a point of principle.

Before too long the entire complex would be stuffed to the gills with people, either looking for useful materials or just there out of curiosity. There were tens of thousands of civilians and military personnel likely desperate to stretch their legs planet-side, and it was nice to have the place mostly to herself before it was inundated with sightseers and salvagers.

Hauling most of the machinery away wasn't an option, Trish knew, but taking the control circuitry for much of it might be possible, along with the users manuals and any diagrams and tech drawings. How the hell they would be able to replicate the big, heavy machinery to plug the circuits back into once they reached their final destination was going to be someone else's problem.

A thought occurred to Trish as she turned back towards the computer. You know it's not really that big, she realised, and can't weigh more than a couple of tons surely?

If the Columbus Base computer had been smarter it would have been somewhat disturbed by the avaricious expression on Trish Ebon's face, as seen via the security camera in the control room. Though not as much as it would have been a couple of weeks later when one of the crew of technicians sent to take it apart for transport asked it to sing 'Daisy Daisy' while they started pulling circuit boards.

By the time Clan Wolverine eventually left the Epsilon Pegasus system they had stripped Columbus Base and the Amor orbital dockyard above it of anything useful that was small enough to carry away with them.

Not knowing if the clans were hot on their heels, or perhaps lying in ambush on the edge of the Inner Sphere, Khan Hallis sent three squadrons of ships to scout the route on ahead through the Draconis Drift.

When the squadron led by the old battleship Thunderer jumped into the Buffalo Meadows system, half-way between Epsilon Pegasus and the periphery border of the Draconis Combine, they almost opened fire on the warships and jumpships they found at the Zenith Point there. Fortunately they realised before pushing any fire buttons that the ships were all powered-down and seemingly mothballed and had been for quite some time

When a lithium-fusion battery equipped ship from the Thunderer squadron reported back to Khan Hallis that they had tripped over the 295th Battlemech Division, and he should probably go introduce himself to a certain Lieutenant-General Jenna Romanov that very much wanted to meet him, Hallis remained unconvinced he was not the subject of a huge practical joke at his expense. This continued right up until he found himself shaking hands with the woman and even after that he kept waking up thinking he must have dreamt the whole thing.

Honestly it just seemed so implausible that he began to seriously question his agnosticism because someone, or something out there, appeared to either really love the Wolverines or really hated someone else he wanted them to deal with.


Note from the Author:

In canon the Terran Hegemony/SLDF facilities in the
Epsilon Pegasus System that were abandoned in the early 2880's were not rediscovered until 3023 by which time they were rather worn down by age and lack of maintenance (although the base computer still worked and there was still plenty of other valuable lostech to salvage). Since in this timeline it has only been forty years since Columbus Base was shut down, rather than two-hundred and forty, everything is in rather better condition.

Given that Epsilon Pegasus IV (the planet Columbus) was founded as a Deep Periphery base as early as 2549 I can only assume that the garrison and base personnel had established farms to provide fresh food over the centuries, although four decades without having been tended allowed the native plants to take over again. Some of the local fauna is mammalian and given the climate (it's pretty chilly even at the equator) I can only imagine there to be some very large and furry herbivores running around the place.

The jumpship repair yard built into Amor (the small moon of Columbus) is not likely to be built large enough to cope with massive warships because Columbus was built to facilitate exploration and it's situated in the back of beyond. Even an actual naval base near to potential threats like
Camelot Command could only take ships up to the size of A Black Lion battlecruiser so I can't see the Amor yards being any larger than that.

Epsilon Pegasus having some automated factory facilities to produce replacement parts and circuitry seems logical given that Terra is a thousand light-years away (eight months by jumpship).

Draconian Drift where the 295th ended up lies between Epsilon Pegasus and the Inner Sphere. It does not seem to have been much travelled because nobody found Buffalo Meadows until the Comstar Explorer Corps did in 3021 (not long before they also found Epsilon Pegasus too they were clearly searching that part of the Deep Periphery).

As for the Thunderer running across Buffalo Meadows, well it's certainly fortuitous but I've often pondered the fact that one of the least realistic part of fiction is that it can strive to avoid weird and unlucky events a little too much. Fiction has to 'make sense' or you risk losing the reader's suspension of disbelief, but inexplicably unlikely crap happens all the time in real life and can drastically alter how events end up turning out. A minor example I've always liked is that if you had a gunfight in a supposedly serious western movie where the sheriff's bullet went down the barrel of the bad guys gun, stopping the other bullet coming out and blowing the gun out of his hand, it would be treated as a joke that nobody in the audience would take seriously... but that really happened once in reality! 
« Last Edit: 19 July 2023, 03:24:46 by Hotpoint »
"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #62 on: 02 February 2023, 18:58:02 »
Excellent interlude!  :thumbsup:


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #63 on: 02 February 2023, 19:43:31 »
sing 'Daisy Daisy'.... nice 2001 reference. 


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #64 on: 15 February 2023, 09:21:54 »
So, just wondering- did they take the huge dropship ground-movers with them, or were they too big?


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #65 on: 11 July 2023, 16:30:28 »
Part VI


"All I'm saying is we need to come up with a catchier name than 'Improved Enhanced Extended-Range Particle Projector Cannon' for the prototype when they get it to work. It's clunkier than a rusty agromech."

Colonel Trish Ebon - 2836 CE

Municipal Planetarium – Niops Association (Niops VII) – 2828

You could find numerous cities across the breadth of colonised space that featured a large domed building in their city-center. On many of them it was a governmental structure, a parliament or senate house, others meanwhile had theatres, opera houses or sports stadiums depending upon their cultural leanings.

Niops VII had a planetarium with seating for upwards of ten thousand people.

When Lieutenant-General Romanov had asked if there was a venue available for a presentation by herself and Franklin Hallis, one that had capacity for perhaps a few hundred attendees and most importantly a holo-projector, she had expected to be offered a meeting chamber in a government facility, or perhaps just a school hall. The location that was arranged for her instead was rather more epic in scale that she had ever envisioned, although she had to admit being able to project multiple holograms of battlemechs at 1:1 scale added a certain grandeur to proceedings.

As to whether having a piece of classical music playing incessantly in the background, this being 'Mars the Bringer of War' from Holst's Planet Suite, would add more gravitas was a matter for debate. The retired astronomer who ran the place as director of the planetarium certainly thought so, his side of the argument being strengthened by both stubbornness and him being the only person present that knew how to work the projector, so after Brigadier-General Nellis told Romanov that the Niops Association Militia used it as their unofficial anthem anyway she eventually conceded with a reluctant 'I'll allow it', a glare at the director and an audible growl.

It was things like that which resulted in people saying she was getting crotchety in old age, which annoyed her greatly. Not only had she always been crotchety she wasn't even in her nineties yet, let alone ****** 'old'. It might be best to try and get a couple of children from an Iron Womb soon though, she admitted to herself, chasing around after young kids after turning a hundred would doubtless be a pain-in-the-ass. Fortunately if they proved too much to cope with she could always foist them on the Wolverine's 'Sibling Company' system, part-creche, part kindergarten, part cadet school, that seemed to work well enough.

Even at her age barring an accident or enemy action she could readily expect to live long enough to see them grow up and perhaps have kids of their own. It was a oddity of fate that despite being decades older than most of the 331st she herself and a lot of her own people would still likely outlive a fair percentage of them, thanks simply to the youngsters not having received the anti-agathics people born in the Terran Hegemony had been given in their youth. Franklin Hallis himself had received them, being fortunate enough to having been born on Terra in the years between the liberation and Kerensky's Exodus, but most of his people were mayflies that might not even reach what was considered middle-age back in the Hegemony as-was.

Re-developing those gene-therapy treatments for use on Niops, in particular aiming to ensure that expensive military assets like genetically-engineered Ironborn mechwarriors lived long enough to warrant what was spent on them, was high on the list of priorities. Naturally the treatments would eventually be offered to everyone, it would certainly help the demographics, but Romanov suspected the criteria for which civilian children got them first was going to be IQ in a society structured like this one. In other places it might have been how much money your parents had, or if you were the cousin of some duke, but the Niops Association purported that it was a pure meritocracy based on intellect not nepotism.

If they were really as meritocratic as they liked to think they were you would see a lot more people of Capellan descent among the higher echelons of society however, Romanov considered. The distinct lack of second-generation immigrants amongst the politicians, civil-servants, scientists and engineers attending that day was noticeable, and not for the first time she heard Franklin Hallis quietly grumbling to himself about restrictive caste systems and the ****** who upheld them.

Romanov had little doubt that if the civilian government ever moved to formally stratify their society by law then Hallis and his Wolverines would military-coup the shit out of them and impose an egalitarian liberal constitution with universal suffrage and a bill-of-rights at gunpoint. Throughout history such coups typically came from the politically far-right, or occasionally far left, so having one sprung by the far-centre instead for a change would at least be novel, she thought with amusement. Romanov recalled reading something more than half a century ago in which the political philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau suggested that some people might to be forced to be free if necessary, and readily imagined Hallis subscribing to that notion.

As the last of the invited guests finally arrived, civilians were not the most punctual of people, Jenna Romanov considered that in some ways 'forced to be free' as a philosophy overlapped the unofficial policy of the SLDF towards the star nations of the Inner Sphere and Periphery during much of the Golden Age, 'Play nice, or else!'.

After a brief introduction presented by Nellis as the ranking NAM officer, Romanov and Hallis began by telling the audience abridged histories of their own respective peoples to set the scene. Since the tale of what had befallen Franklin Hallis's people since the fall of the Star League was rather more eventful than that of her own he went first, with the complicated story of the Star-League-in-Exile, the Clans, Operation Klondike and the Wolverine Secession taking a while to tell. When he eventually finished Romanov told an almost comedically abridged story about her own 295th Division which basically went like 'Got left behind by Kerensky Senior because we were running late, tried to catch up, starship broke down, decided to take up farming and raising kids, bad at both, ran into these sorry bastards from the 331st, eventually wound up here'.

Asking for questions at this juncture proved a mistake, Romanov had hoped that raising the spectre of the clans as another mortal threat to Niops, the locals were already wary of the Successor States, would make the audience think in terms of defence matters but it seemed to have lacked the desired impact. Most of the questions were directed at Hallis, querying the stellar classifications and planetary orbits of the various colonised systems of the Kerensky Cluster and Pentagon Worlds, whereas Romanov was asked by a xenobiologist about the native plants of Buffalo Meadows and how they compared with those of Niops VII, both being planets orbiting Red Dwarf stars.

"We had more trees and longer grass" Romanov flatly responded to the question before pointedly changing the subject to military matters. "Can I get a Flashman projected please, it should be on the data-cube I gave you" she requested of the Planetarium's Director who had plugged the thing into his own console.

After a few seconds the holographic image of the battlemech appeared floating in space in the centre of the planetarium. "For those that don't know, which I assume is most of you, this is an FLS-8K Flashman, a seventy-five ton machine that happens to be the most common heavy battlemech we have in service, or at least it will be once the rest of the 295th arrive with our equipment" Romanov told the audience. "It's a highly effective weapon-of-war, and fortunately for the SLDF the planet it was made on, Wasat, was one of the first Hegemony worlds to be liberated from Amaris, giving the SLDF a chance to help replace battlefield losses previously sustained in the Rim Worlds Republic" she continued. "Thanks to over a decade of round-the-clock production by the time the Star League dissolved there were some divisions with several battalion's worth of the things, including my own 295th. I know it's not the most menacing looking machine" she admitted, "Honestly it looks like a potato with arms and legs, but it's pretty fast for its weight class, well armoured, reasonably well-armed and most importantly in the current circumstances easily upgraded" she said, looking to Franklin Hallis to continue.

"For the record I don't think the Flashman looks like a potato with arms and legs, to me it has always put me in mind of an Urbie that has been pumping iron, hitting the gym really hard, but mileage will vary" Hallis began to some laughter from the SLDF and NAM personal present that knew what a Urbanmech looked like. "On a more serious note, it is the primary armament of the FLS-8K which works out so well for us here. She carries three Selitex Radonic Large Lasers that we can easily strip out and replace with our Improved Large Laser design, each of which is both more compact and a full ton lighter than the original" he said. "With the weight savings gained we add an extra ton of armour to the 'mech and two additional double-heatsinks, making what was already a good, if often underrated, machine even better."

"And it's something we can do quickly and cheaply because, do not be under any illusions the fact is we are facing a clear-and-present threat," Romanov added for herself. "Even if the other clans weren't hunting for the Wolverines, which they will be, remember that the Mariks are only one jump away which is why we're already setting up a production line for the Improved Large Laser even before we have other military industries established. We don't know how much time we have until someone unpleasant comes calling. It's really a matter of getting the best bang for our buck in the short term" she said. "For the resource cost of one brand-new Pulverizer assault battlement we can turn out enough Improved Large Lasers to re-equip nearly a battalion's worth of the Flashman, which is why the plant and tooling for 'mech production is still packed away while that for weapon production is not" she explained. "As a bonus, when the Successor States go back to war with each other, which they will, we can sell off our older surplus weaponry to the highest bidder, helping to recoup some of our investment into upgrades. And we will fleece the bastards on principle, count on it" she announced to some laughter.

"We'll finish talking about the Flashman with a sad story" Romanov told the audience. "Despite surviving Amaris, and helping us win the war, the factory on Wasat where they were made was destroyed in 2796 because once the Terran Hegemony fell the Free Worlds League and the Capellan Confederation started fighting over it" she said. "The side which was losing the fight on Wasat that year raised the factory to the ground because they're like vicious, petty-minded children and if they can't have the shiny toy then nobody can" she continued. "Worth thinking about if you're living on another world with plenty of shiny toys worth fighting over don't you think?" she asked rhetorically.

Hallis nodded sagely. "Of course, nobody in the Inner Sphere was talking about what was happening on Wasat that year because at the same time the Draconis Combine was massacring millions of civilians with ****** swords on Kentares" he reminded everyone. "Those petty-minded children can be really, really vicious and if you think being unarmed means they'll spare you think again" he advised. "The only thing they respect is military strength. The Age of War is back, ladies and gentlemen, don't fool yourself thinking otherwise."

"And once again remember that the Marik's are only one jump away and also remember what they did to the millions of people living on New Dallas and Brownsville, maybe not with swords but dead is still ****** dead" Romanov stated coldly.

Judging by the expressions on the people in the audience that argument had cut through, Romanov thought to herself with satisfaction. If the population of the Niops Association accepted that the Ivory Towers of Academia were a lot safer if they were behind strong walls then they weren't going to object to the changes in society that required.

"Moving on. Logistical considerations require a paring down of the battlemechs we are going to keep in service" Romanov told the now subdued audience. "To be specific, instead of trying to operate and maintain the multitude of different models we currently have, some in only single-digit quantity, in the interim we're going to only keep four types of each weight class" she announced. "Starting with the heavies, because we already have the Flashman up there and it was the first chosen to be spared mothballing, the other three heavies in service will be the Marauder, the Crusader and finally the Black Knight, which I'm sure will please the NAM pilots already well familiar with them. If you could project the other three 'mechs I named too please" she requested, images of the named trio of war machines soon appearing beside the FLS-8K.

"Apart from the Flashman these machines are actually a mix of those used by SLDF Regulars and the upgraded models assigned to Royal formations like the 331st, for instance. Fortunately the standards and the royals still share enough commonality of design to allow for long, cost-effective, runs of spares and replacement parts" Hallis noted. "For the record even the Royals will greatly benefit from refits with our various types of improved weaponry as our own planned series of upgrades progresses. For example, a MAD-2R Royal Marauder with its Star League ERPPC's swapped out for our own Enhanced ERPPC brings serious extra hurt to a long-range engagement. The resultant twenty-percent increase in firepower makes the difference between badly mauling the cockpit of an enemy battlemech and blowing its head off completely. Ask Colonel Callahan over there, he did it to an Orion belonging to the Snow Ravens."

"Son-of-a-bitch was just unlucky my Wolverine II needed fixing after another skirmish the day before, so I took out a Stag II that morning instead" the officer concerned spoke up from where he was sat. "He had thirty tons on me and was having fun peppering me with LRM's, all of which meant precisely squat when my first PPC bolt caught him square in the face and ended the fight before he got the chance to close to autocannon range."

"It's precisely that ability which makes us so glad that one of the Light 'mechs we have in quantity is the Talon TLN-5W, itself mounting an ERPPC we can easily swap out for our punchier version" Hallis observed, after acknowledging Callahan's unplanned, though welcome interjection with a nod of approval. "A few dozen of those little bastards running around at nearly a hundred-and-thirty kph, plinking away with a weapon that makes them a mortal threat to machines two or three times their mass, is going to play merry hell with enemy formations trying to follow a battleplan" he suggested. You might choose to ignore a Locust, or a Wasp or whatever if you're stomping around in an Atlas, following orders to take an important objective ASAP, but a Talon mounting an eERPPC could actually kill you if you didn't take it seriously, which was distracting to say the very least.

Since the TLN-5W had already been cited Romanov moved onto the subject of the light battlemechs they were going to keep in service for now, the images of the heavies being replaced by those of the Talon itself but also the Night Hawk, Hussar and finally the Mongoose. Mention of the latter being good-naturedly booed by a few of Hallis's people given it was a totem machine of Clan Mongoose. Fortunately that clan wasn't thought of particularly badly by the Wolverines compared with most, they wouldn't object too greatly to being assigned one, and there actually rumours that the Mongoose Khan, Mitchell Loris, had privately agreed with Sarah McEvedy regarding Nicholas Kerensky becoming increasing tyrannical, and decreasingly stable over the years, earning his clan a few 'well they're clearly not complete ******' points.

Not wishing to bore the civilian audience to tears talking extensively about war-toys they quickly moved onto medium battlemechs, with those being the Griffin, Phoenix Hawk, Dervish and Wolverine, the latter's mention being greeted by cheers. Hallis did spend a couple of minutes explaining how the new Improved Long Range Missile (iLRM) launchers would make the Dervish, sometimes derided as merely the poor-man's Archer, a much nastier customer.

After a waylay into materials science prompted by questions of how exactly the clans had halved the weight of LRM launchers while also making them more compact, several engineers requesting a chance to look into the new hyper-alloys and super-ceramics required to actually achieve something like that, Romanov finished the list of battlemechs that would avoid mothballing for now with the Assault Class. These were to be the Stalker, Thug, Pillager and Highlander, all of which would be greatly enhanced by the new weaponry available, though it would be quite a while before enough of that was produced to finish the upgrade program.

It might take well over a decade before they could re-fit all the aerospace fighters too, by which time even better weaponry, those only currently existing in prototype form, should hopefully be ready for production thus starting a second, perhaps even more extensive round of upgrades.

Gauging a feel for the audience when the prototypes were mentioned, Romanov surmised that they might not be all that interested in military hardware as such, but talk of hefty grants for Research and Development into fields with military applications set hearts a flutter. If there was one thing Niops enjoyed in abundance was people with degrees in physics and the other hard sciences, and while studying the stars might be their first love if you dangled a paycheque in front of them you could surely find plenty of people who were frankly overqualified in high-energy physics that would work on lasers for you instead.

Best to try to avoid forays into developing expensive and impractical wunderwaffe though, Romanov considered, thinking of the Wolverine's own egregious example of such that had recently been brought down by dropship from the Dobrev. That vessel being a carrack class transport jumpship which had been hauling the thing around in a crate ever since they left Circe behind.

Apparently Sarah McEvedy had the notion that they should create a battlemech specifically for the purposes of fighting in trials. As such it would not need to be economical to mass-produce, just mean as all hell, constructed out of bleeding-edge technologies and with a set of 'impossible' design criteria accompanied by a blank cheque.

The scientist and technician castes looked at the design specifications for quite some time until eventually one of them said 'Oh come on. This is bullshit!' which led to the entire enterprise being referred to as 'Project Bullshit'. This name stuck right up until they somehow managed to actually pull it off, renaming it Bull Shark before presenting it to Khan McEvedy just a few days too late to matter because by then they weren't fighting a Trial of Possession, or a Trial of Refusal, it was a Trial of Annihilation.

For a start, in order to fit in all the weaponry required, and within the necessary weight constraints, the Bull Shark BSK-MAZ needed a endoskeleton which was less bulky than anything the Star League ever managed, but no heavier. After realising that they didn't actually have to worry about completely bankrupting the clan by making more than one or two of the machines they chose to give up on titanium and switch to a superior beryllium alloy instead. Problem solved.

Beryllium being about seventy times as expensive as titanium, the stuff was effectively a precious-metal that cost half again as much per kilo as freaking silver, this solution did not in any way come cheap given you needed nearly two tons of it for the BSK-MAZ. That was even before you factored in you that you also needed to alloy it with a not inconsequential quantity of even pricier rhenium (and a little iridium which itself cost more than gold).

Growing all the finicky boron-arsenide crystals needed to create a new double-heat-sink which was only two-thirds the size was even more expensive, mostly because of the R&D costs involved rather than raw materials in this case. Given another decade of incremental improvements and enhanced manufacturing techniques the engineers said they might even be able to make them cheaply enough to be turned out in quantity but warned not to count on it.

By comparison miniaturizing a Thumper artillery piece to hang off the Bull Shark was cheap… by comparison.

So, taken all together Clan Wolverine owned the most advanced and deadly battlemech in the known galaxy, but for the same price you could buy a whole bunch of ordinary 'mechs that would quite easily kick the ever-loving shit out of the Bull Shark if they just ganged up on it.

It would have been hell to face in single combat or a two-on-two Trial of Refusal though.

"Primarily it's a question of logistics and resources" Romanov explained to the audience after fielding a few more questions, this time largely more relevant to the subject. "We already have a lot of the tooling and equipment we need, entire production lines ready to go in some cases, but until we can up primary resource-extraction we're going to be facing a bottleneck of supply" she explained. "On the plus side this has got to be one of the most carefully surveyed solar systems outside the core worlds of the Terran Hegemony. You seem to have mapped the orbits of every floating rock out there larger than a basketball but it'll take a few years to get asteroid mining operations up and running to the necessary capacity. Can I get a projection of the Niops System?" she requested. "I assume you have one?" she joked.

The holographic image which replaced the last set of battlemechs filled most of the planetarium, not only showing the star and planets but also the larger asteroids and their own orbits. Two of them, named Elizabeth and Helena after the daughters of First Lord Simon Cameron, resembled Ceres in the Sol System in that they were massive enough for their gravities to have formed them into spheres rather than irregular shapes. Woe betide you here if you called them Niops VIII and IX however, they were only 'Dwarf Planets' according to the official criteria for such things which apparently meant no Roman Numerals for them!

As he looked up at the projection Hallis mentally re-scaled everything. He was used to 'normal' solar systems where everything was a lot less compact. You could fit every planetary orbit here, and most of the asteroid belt, inside the orbit of Mercury which put everything mere hours away, not days or weeks. Hell, you could hop from Niops VII to Niops VI in an aerospace fighter if you felt like it, they had the thrust and carried enough fuel to make it a viable trip.

"Building up that kind of infrastructure is not something we haven't done before, and we didn't have access to Project Workshops then, so we know we can do it we just need the full cooperation of the people here today to get it done ASAP" Franklin Hallis spoke up again after bringing his thoughts back to the subject at hand. "We don't know how much time we have before the Sword of Damocles falls and the skies are full of clanners, or Marik's, or some other uninvited ****** with bad intentions" he warned.

"I can speed things up considerably on that front if you'll permit me to make a proposal on that score Mr. Hallis" a man towards the back loudly interjected. "With a small investment of capital, and by handing over a few items you already have in your gift to readily supply, I can obtain enough raw materials to meet your needs for centuries to come in record time" he boasted.

"It's Lieutenant-General Hallis not 'Mister' Hallis if you don't mind, and who are you exactly may I ask?"

"Professor Ogbert Farnstrom. I lecture in High Energy Physics at the university and also have a personal interest in meteoritics" the man introduced himself.

"Weather forecasting?" Hallis responded, confused.

"That's meteorology, meteoritics is the study of meteors" the scientist, Farnstrom, responded, visibly rolling his eyes at the military officer's ignorance. "As you already seem to know the asteroid belt beyond the orbit of Niops VII is ripe for full-scale exploitation, I have personally compiled a list of suitable Type-M metallic asteroids of considerable mass and stupendous worth that would only need cracking open to provide easy access to a cornucopia of raw materials" he said confidently. "Given the extensive spacelift capacity already at your disposal all I need to move ahead with the project immediately is a supply of thermonuclear devices, merely a couple at first for a proof-of-concept trial."

"Thermonuclear devices?" Hallis repeated slowly, raising his eyebrows.

"That small-minded luddite we elected High Associator turned me down point-blank when I approached him regarding the idea before" Farnstrom complained bitterly. "Some of his advisors even had the temerity to refer to me as the university's 'Resident Mad Scientist' for even proposing it" he continued bitterly. "I AM NOT MAD!" he suddenly and loudly exclaimed, jumping to his feet and shaking his fist at the sky, or rather the ceiling of the planetarium. "Sometimes a little angry" he admitted, "BUT NEVER MAD!" he declared unconvincingly as people nearby started edging away from him.

Hallis and Romanov looked at each other. "Um… right" Hallis eventually responded awkwardly, wondering if he might need to have the man restrained for his own good and that of others. "Our intent is to start a little more smaller-scale than that" he told the man. "Scooping up whatever rocks we find small enough to fit through dropship airlocks" he explained. Part of the asteroid belt was so close you could send out a Mule dropship to collect a few rocks and have them back to you ready to feed into an orbiting electric blast furnace within hours.

"That sounds like half measures to me" Farnstrom responded dismissively. "Timidly sweeping up a few pebbles, the mere leftover detritus of space, when you could harvest great mountains of metal shows a lack of ambition, nay a lack of vision!" he vociferously maintained. "I have personally run the numbers, checked and double-checked the results" he claimed. "Have your own scientists study my detailed proposals and I'm certain they'll agree with my calculations" he added confidently.

"We'll take it under advisement, Professor" Romanov told him carefully.

"Please do" Farnstrom replied happily, pleased that they seemed to be hearing him out at least. "While I have your attention, it would be extremely helpful in my own studies if I could borrow a Naval Laser from one of your warships, and a fusion reactor sufficient to power it of course" he now requested hopefully. "Pure science I'm afraid, no real military or other practical applications, but I could use it to prove a pet theory of mine that's been keeping me up at night for a few years."

"That's a definite no" Romanov told him flatly.

Farnstrom sighed. "I thought as much, too much to hope for but I had to give it a shot. I suppose I'll just have to get back to building my own" he said sadly, instantly setting himself up for an imminent visit by the legal authorities.

"Anybody else with any radical suggestions?" Romanov asked bemusedly.

"Stephanie Jeffs, Associate Professor of Geology" a woman introduced herself. "You might want to think about setting up mines on Niops III, the dark side facing away from the star is cool enough to make it viable, it's mineral rich with plenty of Rare Earth metals and the gravity well to haul them off isn't as steep as on Niops V where most of our existing mines are located."

"You're sure about the mineral deposits?" Romanov checked.

"I've landed enough probes and rovers there to be sure" the scientist confirmed.

"Don't listen to the rock people, geology is barely a real science" came a heckle followed by laughter from all sides.

"How would you like a geo-pick shoved up your ass sideways Hartman?" Jeffs growled, clearly recognising the heckler. "That goes for the rest of you laboratory-bound dweebs" she added, glaring in all directions.

"Fifty bucks on the geologist" Hallis whispered to Romanov.

"No bet."


Note from the Author:

Although the Wolverines left before the so-called 'Golden Century' of Clan technological progress they would have still had access not only to prototype versions of quite a few later weapons, but also all the 'Early Clan' Improved versions of Star League gear (the Improved Large Laser, Improved LRM, Improved SRM, Improved Autocannons etc. etc. These are typically more compact and a ton or two lighter than what the SLDF had and depending on the mech concerned offer a big step-up in capability. Upgrading existing gear with 'Improved' weapons is far more cost effective than turning out brand new Pulverizers, Mercury II's or Stags.

Spending scarce resources keeping a plethora of different battlemechs in service is also a bad idea. Only keeping common (but effective) mechs like the
Flashman, Stalker, Talon etc in service makes more sense (they don't have enough of any type to simplify things any further logistically if they want to be able to field more than one brigade). If they ever need the other machines they can still pull them from mothballs readily enough.

The anti-agathic treatments of the Terran Hegemony (my assumption being that it was gene-therapy because you didn't need to keep taking them) pushed lifespans out to a hundred and fifty (the sourcebook
Touring the Stars: Granada mentions a 97 year old mechwarrior that was still perfectly fit for combat because he had received the treatments on Terra as a kid). The Clans did not use them because of their culture of youth and wanting a quick turnover of generations (life expectancy for clanner warriors was particularly awful) but a combination of the treatments and Iron Womb technology will have an interesting effect on the demographics of the Niops Association. For one thing 'long-term multi-generational planning' means really long term when you might live for a century-and-a-half.

The  Bullshit
Bull Shark requires tech to work (like clan endo-steel) that the Wolverines just should not have had. Hope people like my justification for how they managed it (it's not clan-tech, it's blank-cheque-tech). Think of it as akin to how the Successor States were able to copy Clan-Tech after the invasion but just couldn't do it in a cost-effective manner until decades later.

Farnstrom is, in fact, quite mad (and also angry sometimes). 
« Last Edit: 19 July 2023, 03:22:42 by Hotpoint »
"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #66 on: 11 July 2023, 18:26:33 »
Hilarious on all counts!  :D  :thumbsup:

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #67 on: 11 July 2023, 18:38:45 »
I wanna know Farnsworth's plan for that naval laser.
"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #68 on: 11 July 2023, 18:46:12 »
Heh... clearly, he wants to render asteroids faster than anyone else!  :D


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #69 on: 12 July 2023, 01:27:21 »
Knowing the Farnsworths(especially the 'mad' scientist types) it will no doubt be 'Good News!' before sending the logistics crew into a nearly suicidal delivery (of Nukes?)  >:D

Lots of 'Good News!"
« Last Edit: 12 July 2023, 01:31:38 by Kujo »
For the FEDCOM For the Archon-Prince


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #70 on: 12 July 2023, 04:19:43 »
Good news, everyone!  ;)

I've started a thread over on Fan Designs for battlemechs featured in this story, starting with the Flashman FLS-8Kn.

I'll do the Dervish DV-6Mn next.
« Last Edit: 12 July 2023, 05:38:44 by Hotpoint »
"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #71 on: 12 July 2023, 20:54:39 »
I wanna know Farnsworth's plan for that naval laser.
would you believe a Long Range Laser Comm system?  8)
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #72 on: 12 July 2023, 21:54:39 »
LOL!  No...  ;D

And I have to say, I hate the emoji change...


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #73 on: 13 July 2023, 03:01:14 »
I wanna know Farnsworth's plan for that naval laser.

Optical Levitation experiment. He wants to build the galaxies most powerful ever set of Optical Tweezers so he can make big (well relatively big) things float.

(it's not quite as crazy as it sounds).


"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #74 on: 13 July 2023, 04:57:18 »
Indeed!  He may be working on the mythical "tractor" beam...  8)


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #75 on: 13 July 2023, 08:19:13 »
I suppose lots of things are at least translucent once you throw enough power at the problem.


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #76 on: 13 July 2023, 11:13:09 »
And my other option was he wanted to build a Laser Powered Rocket Ship

and I agree with you
And I have to say, I hate the emoji change...
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #77 on: 16 July 2023, 04:32:06 »
Optical Levitation experiment. He wants to build the galaxies most powerful ever set of Optical Tweezers so he can make big (well relatively big) things float.

(it's not quite as crazy as it sounds).


So not any of the other options?
I can see him having a list he wants to get going, potentially on how well they may work together, if done just right.
Why go for just one, when you can do a set of paralel research?
Using the same system to detect the thing your floating..., lets you aim better, keeping it centered.
Or is that on his to do list, to keep that research team going, after they cracked it?

Mmm, what is he planning to do, with those tweezers?
Allowing a Behemoth to land on a planet?
Or trying to figure out how to create Endo-steel, on a planet?
There are several ways he could go, there, including making hostile artillery shells, miss their target, by making them float along, for a bit.
Heh, can it cancel their momentum?

I will see what you are planning there, when you post it, Hotpoint.
But I do think that guy will try again, even if he has to construct a new one, from scrap.
« Last Edit: 16 July 2023, 05:20:41 by vianca »


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #78 on: 18 July 2023, 07:43:28 »
Part VII


"Star's End shipyard. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. I mean except for Ingvolstand, and Lackhove, and Oberon, and Butte Hold and... hell, let's face it that entire region of space is just pirate scum from one end to the other. Except for Von Strang's World of course, they're Amaris-Loyalists who named their planet after a ****** war criminal."

Captain Simon Mitchell - 2830 CE


(FLASHBACK) Vicinity of Star's End Shipyards – Star's End System – 2825

If the yard had ever been equipped with a holographic comms system it certainly wasn't working anymore, so after spending an hour putting together his most piratical looking outfit Captain Simon Mitchell found he didn't need it yet when contacting the orbital facility yonder from the bridge of his jumpship. At least it helped him get into character when he hailed the local authorities over the radio, these being the people working for the self-styled 'Pirate King of Star's End' whose palace was to be found down on Novo Cressidas, the only habitable planet in the system.

It was pretty unusual for any but the most highly populated and advanced systems in the Inner sphere to possess such a shipyard, let alone one like Star's End out in the periphery. This was a holdover from the days it had been a major mining colony of the Rim Worlds Republic, not to mention once hosting a fleet base and supply depot for the Star League Navy.

What was left of the old naval facilities had not survived the Amaris War when the RWR military and SLDF were at each other's throats, but the civilian shipyard itself remained intact and operational, which was useful for anyone stuck way out here that needed repairs. It had a bay large enough for most any civilian jumpship as well as smaller ones for dropship maintenance along with a manufacturing plant sufficient to keep them all supplied.

When the Rim Worlds Republic ceased to exist as a polity, a combination of a vengeful SLDF, followed up by an invasion by the Lyran Commonwealth had made damn sure of that, Novo Cressidas, had become the de-facto capital of an independent system. One that prospered thanks to its mineral wealth and the fact they were perfectly happy to fix the jumpships and dropships of anyone willing to pay.

The Lyrans had annexed around a hundred worlds of the Rim Worlds Republic between 2773 and 2775, taking advantage of Kerensky having already broken their military. Officially it was in support of the SLDF's campaign to take back the Hegemony, but in reality it was a shameless land grab. If not for the Succession War breaking out in 2786 the Commonwealth would have probably gobbled up the rest of the former RWR eventually, including Star's End, but the worlds of the Terran Hegemony were seen as the far greater prize.

With the Rim Worlds Republic gone, and the SLDF off their backs, Star's End effectively became a pirate hub. A place where buccaneers and the more intrepid of periphery traders went to get repairs. It was great for the local economy, not so much for the worlds the pirates lived off like parasites.

Admiral Bremman had assigned Mitchell to this resupply mission, giving him temporary command of the carrack class Dobrev, because of all the officers to choose from he had the most experience at dealing with such pirates, albeit decades ago from his pre-Exodus Star League Navy service. Naturally Mitchell made a joke about his being so old he vaguely recalled being a midshipman on the sailing ship that caught Blackbeard, to which Bremman responded that explained why the first few pages of his personnel file were written on parchment in what looked like ink from a quill pen. Not wishing to be outdone Mitchell then countered that it must be a copy because originally it was cuneiform on a clay tablet.

Since he became a centenarian if anyone ever asked Mitchell if he still remembered his SLDF service number he would invariably reply, 'Sure I do, it's zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-two. Shandra Noruff-Cameron got in there just ahead of me'.

Although not actually the oldest person in the fleet the youth culture of the clans, and Nicholas Kerensky's desire to get rid of those with deeply entrenched and old-fashioned SLDF sensibilities, had resulted in Mitchell being the oldest Wolverine still in uniform. If he hadn't been the captain of the Badger, an aging Vincent Class Corvette, he would have been retired long ago, but the Badger was a relic that had somehow avoided any major refits or being upgraded to the latest model at least three times. It was therefore a decidedly non-standard and quirky vessel that didn't even mount the same main armament as other Vincents, carrying Light Naval PPC's instead of Naval Autocannon. Most relevantly, many of the systems including the navigation computer pre-dated the Reunification War of the 2500's. Mitchell was the only person that could reliably re-boot it when it went haywire, or honestly even understand how the thing even worked to begin with, having been originally trained as a navigator himself under an aging instructor who insisted on her students learning about the systems used when she was a cadet.

Every time someone suggested handing a younger man or woman command of the Badger Admiral Bremman sighed and told them it was just easier to keep Mitchell than it was to replace the electronics with ones that didn't pre-date the Golden Age of the Star league.

It was however mere common sense, rather than his many decades of experience, that ensured Mitchell wasn't stupid enough to jump the carrack class Dobrev to Star's End under its real name. For the duration of this mission she was the Whydah Gally, a pirate ship that operated out in the Deep Periphery and was only visiting Star's End for supplies. By periphery standards Star's End saw an awful lot of traffic and monitored the jump-points carefully so they noticed the 'Whydah Gally' jumping in immediately, relaxing when they were told the armed jumpship didn't belong to some navy or another it was just another corsair.

This was just one of those rare systems where self-professed pirates jumping in did not result in mass panic from the local population but rather a friendly hail and an invitation to visit the local bars and brothels.

"Not seen a carrack for a few years" the manager of the jumpyard signalled after contact was established. "Should still remember how to service one though if you want to book some time in the yard" he continued. "We've already got a Merchant class in the dock, and a couple of Intruders queued up already, so it'll be at least few weeks before we can slot you in sorry" he apologised. "Of course, if you're willing to pay triple the fee I can always get you preferential treatment and see you sooner."

"Not here to use the yard" Mitchell radioed back from the bridge of his temporary command. "Only looking to stock up on basic supplies and see what spare parts for jumpships and dropships you might have for sale. They're difficult to come by out where we usually work."

"We've got plenty of spares, keep a big mixed reserve because we never know what'll turn up looking to get fixed" the manager of the shipyard replied. "Won't even overcharge ya, it's bad for repeat business and I'm not looking to make you consider a Naval Laser discount anyway" he joked. "As long as you're smart enough to steer clear of Paran you must swan about in the boonies like you're in a ****** McKenna or something carrying those guns" he suggested. That was actually the main reason Bremman had chosen the Dobrev for this job. Most transport jumpships were either entirely unarmed or carried merely enough light weaponry to make only the least intrepid of pirates steer clear. A carrack however boasted batteries of Naval Lasers and Autocannon, albeit ones falling on the lower-end of the firepower spectrum by warship standards, and was unlikely to be messed with. Mitchell did wonder about the mention of Paran though, what was special about that system, he wondered, making a mental note to low-key investigate.

Mitchell laughed. "There's a reason I don't usually visit civilisation, I'm the lord of all creation out there. I don't want to run into a real warship again. Must have been fifteen, maybe twenty years back, out in Drac territory, I ran into a Narukami class destroyer and barely escaped with my ass unviolated."

"If you think Star's End is civilisation then you're from even further out than I thought man" the shipyard manager responded, laughing himself. "As for running into a warship in the Combine or the Commonwealth I wouldn't worry about it. From what I hear they're having trouble keeping the ones running that survived the war and most didn't."

"So the war really is over now? Last time I poked my nose into the Inner Sphere the Steiners and Marik's were still kicking the shit out of each other and so were the Kuritans and the Davions. Who won in the end?" Mitchell asked, playing along with his cover story.

"Shit. You're really out of the loop aren't ya?" the shipyard manager asked rhetorically. "Nobody won, but the Hegemony worlds sure as shit lost the most" he said. "Guess you were from there originally, judging from your accent?"

"New Dallas" Michell lied, not exactly the biggest one he told that day.

"No shit? Sorry man" came the response, it even sounded genuine. "Where did you find that boat you're on anyway? Just curious."

"I didn't find it. They gave it to me, I just decided to keep it" Mitchell told him.

"SLDF deserter huh?" that would hardly be a unique case of that happening.

"I didn't desert the SLDF, the SLDF deserted me when Kerensky ****** off with most of the rest of the fleet" Michell replied, making himself sound bitter about it all.

"Let it go man. I used to be in the Rim Worlds Republic Navy myself, it's all in the past now" the shipyard manager advised, Mitchell actually starting to like the man. "If you want to come over in a dropship I'll have one of my boys direct you to a free docking port and meet you there. You can talk to him about what supplies you need and arrange payment."

"You take gold and silver I guess?" Mitchell checked.

"That's fine, prefer germanium of course. Or slaves, got any slaves? Brothel down on Novo Cressidas is always looking for a pretty girl or a young boy."

Mitchell didn't like the man much anymore. "Just the gold and silver" he replied, trying not to sound angry.

"Ah well, had to ask. Anyhow, might see you in the bar later. Shipyard out"

"Whyda Gally, out" Mitchell replied, ending transmission. "Anyone that's not sure he can resist blowing the nearest pirate's head off if he sees slaves over there had best sit this one out" he told the bridge crew. "And if I hear so much as a single 'quiaff' or 'query negative' or whatever then the man or woman responsible gets to clean the head with their tongue."

"Aff" the communications officer couldn't resist responding, trying to maintain a straight face.

"You're a pirate. Act like it" Mitchell told him sternly. "It's 'Arr' and don't you damn well forget it."

With the rest of the fleet, including Mitchell's usual command, waiting in an uninhabited system one jump to spinwards of Star's End, the Dobrev, having first been disguised with a new paintjob and fake IFF transponder code, had been dispatched to see what it could lay its hands on in terms of supplies. Several of the fleet's jumpships sorely needed replacement parts and every pirate's favourite shipyard was the only game in town way out here.

Later as he prepared to board one of the two Mule cargo dropships the Dobrev was hauling with her before heading over to the yard Mitchell idly considered that if his people hadn't run into the 295th he would not even be here right now. It had been an implausibly unlikely encounter several months prior, one only made possible because of the Wolverine diversion away from the Exodus Road to Columbus base. This detour had placed the largely unexplored, and virtually unpopulated, periphery region known as Draconian Drift between them and the Inner Sphere when the fleet resumed its journey home. The computer database the Wolverines found at Columbus had listed Buffalo Meadows within the Drift as habitable, with fresh water and edible native plants, hence the Wolverine's stopover there intending to resupply. Finding it actually inhabited, and by another SLDF remnant, understandably came as a bit of a shock to all concerned.

To her credit Jenna Romanov herself had taken it all in her stride, in fact the reaction of practically all of the 295th when the situation was explained to them by the newly-reconstituted 331st was basically 'If it's alright by you we'll tag along then'. Mitchell suspected this was as much due to not having enjoyed being farmers and labourers in a colony in a state of gradual decline facing eventual demographic collapse, as it was to patriotically signing up to be the SLDF reborn.

They had immediately faced a transport capacity problem though. The jumpdrive of Romanov's Potemkin, the Ulithi, would require a naval shipyard to fix properly. Even manufacturing parts for a kludge that might have enabled it to limp back to the Inner Sphere was far beyond what they could manage to produce under the circumstances so they were going to have to leave a couple of thousand volunteers behind, along with almost all of their war materiel.

Fortunately, unlike the Ulithi the rest of the jumpships and the two other warships belonging to the 295th still worked well enough. Getting them out of mothballs and running again went quickly, and eventually the now expanded Switchback Fleet once again set sail for the Inner Sphere, albeit now under the overall command of newcomer Jenna Romanov. She, of course, was an actual Major-General in the SLDF, not merely an acting one like Franklin Hallis, and had him beat on seniority anyway, by a long way. She did at least formally promote him to the rank of Brigadier-General (and acting Major-General of brevet rank), telling him that both his father Frederick Hallis, and the man's successor to command of the 331st James McEvedy, had been there in the room when General Mohammed Nagenda, overall commander of the 11th Army which had included both divisions, pinned on her first star.

Resupplied, reinforced and underway again a few more jumps brought them close to the borders of Draconis Combine territory. Clandestine scouting missions being dispatched into the Inner Sphere to gather intelligence and determine the lay of the land.

Running into some pirates operating out of Santander, a periphery system located just coreward of the Draconis Combine, had been fortuitous, the pirates providing much useful information given the right motivation. After an extremely one-sided fight of comically short duration, during which the pirates received an almighty shellacking, the survivors were captured and interrogated. According to what they had to say, after Kerensky's Exodus the Successor States had gone all 'Age of War Two, Thermonuclear Boogaloo', beating each other senseless for thirty-five years squabbling over who got to take over the former worlds of the Terran Hegemony.

Literally billions were dead thanks to widespread deployment of every kind of WMD, much of the Inner Sphere's industrial base and interstellar trade was a fading memory, somehow the freaking phone company now controlled Terra and the Combine had apparently decided that butchering millions of innocent civilians with swords was a perfectly reasonable response to one of their nobles being assassinated.

Presented with the dilemma 'So what the ****** do we do now?' a few of Romanov's people suggested somewhere they might be able to hole up for now while they made the final decision on that. For a while during the Amaris War they had been based at a top-secret Star League Naval Base hidden in the Dark Nebula in what used to be Rim Worlds Republic territory, but was now inside the borders of the Lyran Commonwealth. If it remained undiscovered the installation known as 'Camelot Command' would make for an ideal base of operations.

Barring any better suggestions the fleet set sail, heading anti-clockwise around the outskirts of the Inner Sphere, heading for the Dark Nebula and sticking to periphery space as long as possible to avoid 'Successor State' entanglements. A pair of ships equipped with lithium-fusion batteries that could manage more than one jump per week were sent on ahead to make sure the base was still there and intact while the rest plodded on.

The pirates from Santander had known all about Star's End, it just happened to be on the way, and it did have a shipyard, so it seemed like a decent place to stock up on supplies and collect a little more intel. The pirates being exhausted of useful HUMINT were executed by being put unceremoniously out the airlock. Traditionally pirates were hung of course, but it being surprisingly tricky to hang someone on a jumpship, even one equipped with a gravity deck (it's a centrifugal force issue), consigning them to the vacuum of space without a helmet was the generally accepted alternative.

Speaking of Human Intelligence, Mitchell was pulled from musings by his 'wife' swiping at him with a noteputer. "Terra to Captain Lomas" she said, using his cover name. "Come in Captain Lomas."

"What is it Gloria?" Mitchell replied, as she lowered the datapad.

"Just making sure you hadn't had a stroke, you were really zoned out there" she told him. "I've briefed everyone that's coming over with us again just to make sure they know how to behave and what to listen out for" she told him. "And try and call me 'Honey' or something would you" she requested.

"Gloria even if we were married I wouldn't call you 'Honey', it's cloying" Mitchell opined. "I'm not a good enough actor to be that out of character."

"So I guess 'snookums' is out of the question too then?" Gloria replied, grinning.

Mitchell shook his head, smiling gently. "I'm still going to go with 'Woman', as-in 'Make me a sandwich Woman' or 'Don't make me tell you twice, Woman'."

"Good thing we're not really married then because I'd make myself a widow twice over by the end of the week" Gloria told him, all too convincingly.

If Mitchell hadn't known that earlier in her life, decades ago, she had been in Star League Intelligence, with a résumé that included what she called 'wet work' as well as other spooky spy shit, he would have found that a lot funnier and a lot less disturbing.

Gloria was a few years younger than him and had run a diner with her husband in Great Hope as part of Clan Wolverine's Labourer Caste. Her husband had been killed when the city was nuked, though fortunately she, her daughter and grandchildren had been far enough away from the blast zone to survive.

Acting Major-General Franklin Hallis was smart enough to learn from his own mistakes and those of others. Back in Clan Space before the Secession the Wolverine's had not dealt with the spying upon them by the Widowmakers very well at first because, frankly, 'spooky spy shit' was just not their forte. He had therefore asked around the fleet if there happened to be anyone on any of the ships with actual experience in that area, this being how he learned why a doting grandmother named Gloria was so good with knives. It wasn't because she worked as a cook in case you hadn't guessed.

It had been Gloria that made the pirates from Santander talk, her methods of quickly breaking them and ensuring full cooperation being why Mitchell was not alone in being absolutely terrified of her.

She did make a damn good burger though, he had to admit. Her own cover story was that she was the captain's wife and ship's cook for the Whydah Gally and would be purchasing fresh food over there as well as surreptitiously gathering intel.

"When we get over there ask around and see if you can find out what's notable about Paran" Mitchell told the retired, or rather unretired intelligence operative.

"Never heard of it" Gloria replied.

"I had to look it up on the charts myself. It's seven jumps to corewards and anti-spinwards of here. Used to be a big food producer for the RWR. Not much if any industry, but that might have all changed in the half century or so it's been since the records were updated" Mitchell told her.

Gloria looked at him quizzically. "So why are you curious about that place in particular."

Mitchell shrugged. "Jumpyard manager made an off-handed comment about the place. Piqued my curiosity" he explained. "Seven jumps is far enough away that it's not really that local to here, and he thought we were based even further out in the periphery than that, but he said it like he expected me to know what he was talking about."

"Meaning it's something interesting enough for word to spread pretty far" Gloria surmised.

"That was my thinking on the matter" Mitchell confirmed.

"Well, if they used to export food, or maybe still do, that gives me a reason to bring the place up in conversation when I'm talking to the merchants over there" Gloria replied, thinking ahead.

"Fruits and fish, they exported fruits and fish. It was mentioned in the notes for the place in the star charts" Mitchell told her. "If you find out anything particularly interesting that can't wait until we're back aboard you'll find me in the bar over there after I've negotiated for spares."

Gloria nodded. "Always a good place to pick up random pieces of information and overhear interesting conversations" she concurred with his thinking on the matter.

"Sure, I might find some time to do that between drinks" Mitchell replied. "Hey, I'm supposed to be in-character as a pirate captain" he defended his intentions when the woman glared at him, probably thinking something about him being unprofessional and a rank amateur at this business.

"Alright but if you look like you're getting drunk and might blurt out something we don't want them to know then I'll drag you out of there in-character as the wife of a pirate captain and I won't be too gentle about it" Gloria vowed.

"I want a divorce" Mitchell joked.

"Pirates don't have divorce. One of them is either sold into slavery or gets thrown out the airlock" Gloria told him. "And I don't think anyone would buy you."

Mitchell was about to ask why she thought he would be the one getting sold, or flushed into the vacuum of space, but quickly thought better of it. Like himself she was armed, being so constantly was very much a part of pirate culture, and unless you were carrying something excessively powerful that represented a serious threat to the integrity of the hull of a ship or space station nobody would kick up a fuss.

Once they got over there to the station, yardship traffic control directing their Mule to the assigned port, Mitchell was initially surprised at how clean it looked inside, expecting a pirate shipyard to look as dirty and unkempt as much of the clientele. The metal bulkheads, corridors and doors however were polished to a gleam, the signs were freshly painted and the posters advertising the goods and services available on the station professionally made.

Then Mitchell realised that was because they had slaves doing all the work when he saw a broken man wearing a tattered jumpsuit and with an uncomfortable looking collar around his neck carrying a mop.

Piracy had existed even during the Star League era of course, along with slavery. It was just far less prevalent at a time where, if a pirate band or kingdom gained too much notoriety, a SLDF Task Force would turn up intending to send a message by stomping the crap out of them.

Not every intended stomping was successful of course. Not long after he graduated Annapolis in the mid 2740's a great source of mirth was provided gratis to the Star League Navy by the utter failure of the 44th Mechanised Infantry Division of the SLDF Army to deal with the pirates basing themselves out of Cerignola, a planet in the outskirts of the Free Worlds League. Thanks to the myriad caves and tunnels which made that world a veritable warren the pirates continually evaded capture, humiliating the 44th so such a degree that they eventually gave up and left after collapsing every cave entrance they could find with explosives.

Almost as soon as the dropships carrying the 44th left Cerignola, their commander claiming triumph, the pirates reemerged and went back about their business. Needless to say navy personnel like Mitchell found it a whole lot funnier than the army did.

After haggling down the price of a fair few pieces of equipment that the fleet would benefit from, including much-needed replacement seals for the helium tanks on an old Tramp class jumpship that had belonged to the 295th, Mitchell settled the transaction with a hefty bag of gold coins stamped with the heads of a few long-dead Steiner Archons. The coins were actually forgeries made by a machine-shop on Zughoffer Weir, but they were made from real gold so it was unlikely anyone would look too carefully at the quality of the stampings. That would not have been true of forged paper currency of course, and pirates weren't big fans of electronic transfers, hence the coins.

While waiting for the rest of his people to finish up their business, one of them was buying up all the old newspapers and magazines he could find, Mitchell found a spot at the bar, being grateful the shipyard had a gravdeck because he hated drinking booze from plastic squeezy bottles.

A lot of the chit-chat in the bar was about the Combine recruiting criminals from its prisons, including captured pirates, into so-called 'Chain-Gang Regiments' and sending them off to attack the Lyrans and Fed Suns by dribs and drabs in crappy mechs. The fact the war had supposedly ended back in 2821 did not seem to enter into the thinking of Jinjiro Kurita, which indicated to Simon Mitchell that a second full-scale succession war breaking out could only be a matter of time.

Of greater interest, and also concerning the Draconis Combine, was a story very recently arrived from there of a rogue warship of unknown origin appearing in their territory and extorting supplies from merchant jumpships and small settlements. That definitely required further investigation, Mitchell decided, wondering if it was a part of the clan fleet searching for them which had become separated from the main force and which had run out of supplies, being forced into banditry as a result. For that matter they might have even taken the opportunity to desert, given they were a long way from Strana Mechty and it wasn't just the Wolverines who weren't entirely happy with the way things were going in Nicky K's supposed utopian society.

It would be pretty funny if it was another bunch of Green Turkeys kicking up a fuss, Mitchell considered, grinning to himself as he ordered another drink. In order to demonstrate her unquestioning loyalty to Old Nick their Khan had resorted to mass executions of many of her own people because, after Klondike, the staunchest of Jade Falcon supremacists were so aggrieved by Kerensky choosing to join Clan Wolf instead they were publicly questioning his judgement.

While Mitchell drank at the bar, ending up having a conversation with a couple of pirate captains that asked if he would be interested in adding the firepower of his ship to a raid they planned into Lyran space, Gloria learned that the reason why the pirates operating in this region were so leery of Paran was that a few years earlier an honest-to-god Avatar Class Heavy Cruiser with Star League markings had jumped into the system there and never left.

Since nothing short of a battlecruiser, or ideally a battleship, could take on an Avatar just the damn thing being there kept most pirates well clear, even if nobody was sure if the weapons on the damn thing still worked.

It was certainly a story worth investigating once they were established at Camelot Command, and a mission organised to do so, although not with one of the faster lithium-fusion ships which would have shaved quite a lot of time off the journey to Paran. This was because they also learned not long afterwards that the rogue warship strutting around the Draconis Combine wasn't a Jade Falcon deserter, or from any of the other Kerensky-loyalist clans, it seemed to be the freaking Yukon somehow, and they needed to make contact before anyone else caught up to them.


Note from the Author:

Star's End in the former Rim Worlds Republic (part of which ended up conquered by the Lyran Commonwealth during the Republic-Commonwealth War of 2773-2775) enjoyed a fairly unique position of being an indepedent system possessing a shipyard which could service and repair jumpships and dropships. It became a repair hub for pirates operating in that region of the periphery with its asteroid mining operations another valuable source of income. With much of the former RWW being made up of Bandit Kingdoms Star's End does pretty well for itself.

If you're heading from the vicinity of Santander (another pirate hangout just corewards of the Draconis Combine) to Camelot Command in the Dark Nebula then Star's End is very much en-route and one of the few places you can pick up spare parts for spaceships while staying in the Periphery,

The Dobrev is a carrack class vessel, arguably a warship but in reality a heavily armed transport jumpship that happens to carry enough naval weaponry to keep your average pirate very polite. Pirates tend to employ unarmed or lightly-armed jumpships like the Merchant or Invader class, relying on their aerospace fighter complements to provide firepower in the arena of space when needed. As such the Avatar class Heavy Cruiser Pioneer that ended up in the Paran system in 2819 is something that no pirate in his right mind would risk messing with and word of it would spread fast (particularly to a place like Star's End that sees a lot of pirate traffic).

Running behind the rest of the Switchback Fleet, trying and failing to catch up with the rest of them on the Exodus Road because of their diversion to Epsilon Pegasus (Columbus Base) , thanks to its lithium-fusion battery the Yukon actually arrived in the Draconis Combine than the Minnesota Tribe would have in canon (word of this mysterious vessel spreading as far as Star's End by the end of 2825).

Incidentally, with a few drinks in him Mitchell would probably make a pass at Gloria if she wasn't still mourning her husband (and didn't frighten him so much).
« Last Edit: 19 July 2023, 03:10:07 by Hotpoint »
"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #79 on: 18 July 2023, 20:26:56 »
Interesting, and well done overall! :)


  • Major
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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #80 on: 18 July 2023, 20:31:26 »
Just a quick FYI your links, you need to loose the ' https// ' on your links so they work.

and until I looked it up I thought the story about the Avatar class Heavy Cruiser Pioneer that ended up in the Paran system, was going to be just spacer rumor. 

Also glad to see they reformed Intelligence Service from the former retired professionals
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #81 on: 19 July 2023, 03:16:03 »
Just a quick FYI your links, you need to loose the ' https// ' on your links so they work.

Thanks, fixed now. Just copy/pasted it in from elsewhere where the formatting is different.

and until I looked it up I thought the story about the Avatar class Heavy Cruiser Pioneer that ended up in the Paran system, was going to be just spacer rumor. 

It's a little surprising that Comstar didn't descend on them like a ton of bricks!

Also glad to see they reformed Intelligence Service from the former retired professionals

After their experiences with the proto-Watch I couldn't imagine the Wolverines not looking into that.
"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


  • Major
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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #82 on: 20 July 2023, 18:24:42 »
and until I looked it up I thought the story about the Avatar class Heavy Cruiser Pioneer that ended up in the Paran system, was going to be just spacer rumor.
It's a little surprising that Comstar didn't descend on them like a ton of bricks!
Makes me wonder if they didn't think it was just a spacers rumor until it was too late, or could be why it can't be found now.

Also glad to see they reformed Intelligence Service from the former retired professionals
After their experiences with the proto-Watch I couldn't imagine the Wolverines not looking into that.
Make sense to me, and where to find them.  cool
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #83 on: 22 July 2023, 15:55:27 »
Nice!  Thanks for sharing this!
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #84 on: 25 July 2023, 08:16:06 »
Part VIII (a)


"Niops VII is too damn cold for comfort, Alphard is too damn hot. I've heard that Stafford has a nice temperate climate, let's annex that system quickly while the Marik's are still distracted."

Colonel Roger Callhan - 2833CE


Association Council Building – Niops Association (Niops VII) – 2828

Trish Ebon grimaced as a particularly sharp gust of icy wind that came barrelling down the street caught her. 'How long do we have to wait out here?" she asked. "It's getting dark, by which I mean darker" she added. It never really got bright here, at least not by the standards of worlds in most inhabited systems.

It didn't help that the street lighting was expressly designed to avoid light pollution which the locals regarded about as negatively as other places thought about radioactive nuclear waste. On the plus side you could pretty clearly see the stars at night, even in town. That gave you something to look at when you lay on your back gazing up at them after being run over by a ground car, crossing the street at night wearing dark clothes being pretty hazardous here.

"Told you we should have worn the cloaks Trish" Franklin Hallis replied, his sense of vindication off-set by his failure to press the issue.

"Maybe if it was a fancy-dress party and we were going as Comstar" Trish replied dismissively. She had never liked the hooded cloaks that Khan McEvedy had adopted as clan formal wear.

"They're warm" Hallis pointed out.

"They're ridiculous" Trish opined as they continued to wait outside the seat of government for the Niops Association, a building that resembled a drab office block more than it did a grand senate house or potentate's palace.

It would be bad form to go in before Lieutenant-General Romanov arrived but she had gotten herself caught up with something urgent she couldn't delegate and was running late.

Trish sighed. "There had better be food served at this shindig" she said, "and a free bar" she added.

"It's a formal affair, so it's a 'soirée' not a 'shindig' Trish" Hallis told her.

"You know you can tell your father was a general, you were just born to be an officer and a gentleman weren't you?" she asked rhetorically. "You're just so sophisticated" Trish continued, grinning. "Or does that come with being Khan?"

Hallis smirked. "Sure as hell doesn't come with being saKhan apparently" he replied, checking his watch. The only reason Trish even got an invite was actually her semi-official title of saKhan, and a degree of confusion among the local elites as to what Clan leadership positions actually meant in terms of their status in high society. In the end someone decided that you could equate a Khan to a Count of the Terran Hegemony in terms of power and authority, which made a saKhan equivalent to a Baron (or Baroness in her case). "We're missing the chance for a glass of champagne and caviar on melba toast while the High Associator schmoozes the guests" Hallis complained.

"Yeah" Trish responded laughing for a moment before stopping when she saw his expression. "Wait. Are you being serious about the caviar?"

"Sure. They introduced a genetically modified sturgeon here years ago, you can find them in a lot of the river estuaries in the warmer parts of the planet" Hallis told her.

"How do you know that?"

"I went out on a boat fishing with Frederick and his sibling company, there was a guide who was telling the kits about the fish here, native and introduced" Hallis explained. "I nearly caught an Ironfin Tuna."


"Damn thing broke the heavy-duty line" Hallis explained. "Did you know they grow up to half-a-ton in weight?" he asked rhetorically. "I should have rustled up some ****** depth-charges" he muttered to himself. "The Ironfin look a little different than the ones imported from Brownsville supposedly, nowhere near as much in the way of heavy metals in the seas here."

Trish sighed and shook her head sadly. "I read a report on the state of the Hegemony Worlds saying that the nuclear winter there should finish soon, if it hasn't already. Still not somewhere I'd want to go for the sport fishing."

"It's doing better than Lone Star" Hallis replied gloomily, having read the same report. "Romanov is here" he suddenly announced, pointing down the road to where an old J. Edgar ground-effect vehicle came just come into sight, the reconnaissance hovercraft kicking up dust but making sure to remain under the town's speed limit. Most of the way from the Arecibo Plains Romanov likely had the driver going flat-out, but tearing through the capital at over hundred-and-eighty would result in a speeding fine that no quantity of stars on your collar could get you out of.

The J. Edgar came to a stop and Lieutenant-General Romanov got out, returning salutes from both Hallis and Ebon before telling the driver she would radio him when she needed collecting. As it drove off again she appraised the two officers from the 331st.

"What kind of dress uniform is that?" Romanov wanted to know. Whatever it was they had on it certainly wasn't proper SLDF issue even if it was, at least, regulation olive drab in colour.

"These are the only dress uniforms we have Ma'am" Hallis explained, apologetically.

"You look like you're cosplaying as cadets from a Lyran Military Academy" Romanov opined. Certainly the style and cut of their uniforms had the air of Steiner about it, the Prussian Collar in particular, although the Sam Browne belt worn over their jackets was more of a periphery militia thing.

Trish Ebon thought the yellow-tan leather gloves and knee-length boots that accompanied Romanov's own SLDF Dress Greens looked even more ridiculous and incongruous than a Clan Wolverine cloak did, but was smart enough not to say it.

"I think all the other guests have already arrived and gone in Ma'am" Hallis told Romanov. "Couple of hundred of them all-told."

"I'll expect we'll overhear a few snide remarks about military punctuality, but some things are higher priority than a social event" Romanov replied. "One of our jumpships scouting to anti-spinward ran into some pirates. They had them outgunned so as per standing orders they engaged. After losing a few aerospace fighters the rest of the pirates jumped out. Admiral Bremman wants to deploy an L-F Tramp with a Titan to Alphard to secure our grain supply."

"Sensible" Hallis concurred with the admiral's thinking. Finding out that there was a reasonably sizeable farming community on Alphard only two jumps away, one that was willing to trade for their food surplus after a good harvest that year, had been a blessing. After a few months of fish most every day, and edible seaweed every other day, even the fonio they grew on Alphard, the arid conditions making it a more suitable crop than the rice, wheat or maize common on most worlds, had been gratefully received by the civilian population. Bread and porridge made from fonio wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible either, and you could always turn it into a perfectly good beer.

The Alphard Trading Corporation (ATC) had settled the planet not long prior to the Periphery Uprising of 2765, wanting a local workforce for a planned expansion in their nascent mining operations there. The ATC had named the world in honour of the other planet Alphard, the one in the Free Worlds League where the corporation was founded, but any plans they might have had for further development were stymied by the entire Inner Sphere having gone to hell shortly thereafter. The Periphery Rising was immediately followed by the Amaris War which was itself soon followed by the fall of the Star League and then the Succession War, resulting in the new colony being abandoned and left to its own devices for decades, while the corporation itself went bankrupt and largely folded.

On the plus side, the isolated and forgotten settlers stranded there managed to get through the whole terrible age without getting blasted by orbital bombardment, so compared to many other places they didn't do too badly out of an otherwise unfortunate set of circumstances. They did have to suffer the very occasional visit by pirate raiders, something that led to them having treated the first visitors from these 'Niops Association' folks warily, but if you turned up seeking trade not making threats, and you brought news from the rest of the galaxy, they soon warmed up to you.

Alphard would never be a bread-basket of a world. It was so hot and dry that only a small proportion of the land was ever going to be arable without a number of truly epic irrigation projects, but you didn't need billions of acres under the plough to support a population that was barely into the double-digit millions by the late 2820's. They had a lot more people living there than Niops could boast, but the Inner Sphere was littered with cities that had more people living there than the combined populations of Niops V, VI and VII.

"I've told Bremman to be ready to go as soon as I get approval from the High Associator" Romanov told them. "Good thing he's right in there and hopefully in a pliable mood after a few drinks. Let's get going shall we?" she asked rhetorically, heading off towards the entrance.

If this had been an event held in much of the Inner Sphere, where the nobility reigned supreme, and for some reason the rules of etiquette were based on those of 18th Century Europe, they might have expected to be loudly and formally introduced to the other guests on arrival by a servant with excellent diction, but, as it was they practically managed to sneak in unnoticed.

Officially the 'High Associators Annual Ball' the guest list in previous years had been invariably made up of politicians, senior academics and a smattering of NAM officers, all either born within the Terran Hegemony or whose parents or grandparents had been. It seemed however that High Associator Olson had taken to heart a few pointed remarks from certain people of a Wolverine persuasion regarding caste systems and there were a few more token representatives from the Capellan immigrant community than usual. Respectable small or medium business owners for the most part, although there were a few 'community leaders' who had been pushing for more integration and, of course, Guan Yuanchun, the richest man in Niops.

The richest man in Niops being the son of a Capellan immigrant might have seemed a little odd if you didn't know the story, it had certainly surprised the SLDF people when they found out. His father had been the ship's captain and owner of the Chǎngníng, the Leviathan class jumpship that had carried eight overcrowded dropships full of refugees into the system decades before. The government of the Niops Association allowed them to stay but they didn't want the Chǎngníng leaving so it could remind outsiders the place existed.

After some negotiations the government nationalised the jumpship, agreeing to pay the owner the market value for the vessel. The problem was, even an obsolescent four-hundred-year-old jumpship, of a class that hadn't been manufactured since the Reunification War, was worth an absolute fortune, and they didn't have the sum required to hand. Fortunately Guan Yuanchun's father was open to being paid in instalments of roughly two-and-a-half million dollars a year… for the next century, thus setting up his young son and future descendants quite nicely.

The Guan family had learned that while you couldn't buy your way into the ruling class here, you could make campaign contributions to their election campaigns, which meant they certainly wouldn't ignore you for fear of you giving money to their rivals.

On most any other planet the richest family would have held even more sway, but in the Niops Association, where the money had portraits of famous scientists on it not long-dead members of the nobility, it wasn't 'All about the Newtons' despite what the rappers said. It was all about standing on the shoulders of giants.

Rapping being a big cultural thing on Niops was something else the SLDF people had found weird. The first time Trish Ebon went into a bar and found the entertainment for the evening was two nerds rhyming to each other in a lyrical battle about whether Gottfried Leibniz or Isaac Newton was the 'King of Calculus' left her nonplussed. It was also the first time she heard the phrase 'It's all about the Newtons', when the advocate for the man himself waved a handful of the hundred-dollar bills that bore his likeness in front of his rival.

It had been stacks of 'Newtons' given out as loans from the Guan family which had enabled other immigrants to set up businesses, including the popular Cantonese restaurants and take-out places dotted around town. As such it was unsurprising to see a number of the guests from that community buzzing around Guan Yuanchun, while in-turn the man in question chatted with the High Associator and other important politicians.

To some among the original population, albeit a small minority to be fair, Guan Yuanchun was considered 'uppity'. Given that he had four children already, and another on the way, all that money was eventually going to be divided up amongst an awful lot of grandchildren and great-grandchildren so in the longer term the proper order of things should be restored, they reasoned.

There had always been Capellans other than the Guans at these sorts of events of course, it just made a change that the majority of them were there as guests, they weren't just serving canapés or tending bar.

It was a small incremental change perhaps, but Franklin Hallis felt pretty sure that Sarah would have approved as he sought out a drink.

Although billed as a 'Ball' there seemed to be very little actual dancing going on, with only a handful of couples to be seen on the dance floor, going through the motions as a waltz played from loudspeakers. Less than half the female guests were clad in actual ballgowns, the majority in more conventional dresses of varying quality, though none being actually cheap or informal. Most people were simply milling about having conversations, generally with a glass in their hands. The 'Ball Room' for the evening was itself really just a large chamber usually used for charity events, townhall meetings and the like, with other smaller rooms that opened onto it used for spillover, a couple with tables and chairs and one hosting the bar.

Not being exactly familiar with champagne Trish and Hallis asked Romanov if the stuff being served was good quality, her reply that it was the best champagne she had tasted in over fifty years failing to clarify things much. She did warn them from experience that it had a higher alcohol content than they might think it had, being very easy to drink, and that it was also a very, very bad idea to get drunk on the stuff because it was hellish coming back up, refusing to elucidate further on how exactly she knew that.

Hallis quickly determined a method for telling who the Capellans among the guests were, they were the ones that addressed his commanding officer as 'General Romanova' instead of Romanov like everyone else, and they invariably asked if she was related to the Tsars. Despite the stereotype the Capellan Confederation wasn't just 'China in Space', it was partially 'Russia in Space' too, thanks to the mix of worlds that comprised the youngest of the Inner Sphere's Great Powers.

She was in fact related to the Tsar's. At least according to her grandfather who had told her as a little girl that they were descended from the fourth son of the third son of Tsar Nicholas I. That didn't put them very high up in the line of succession at the time, but it had meant they had to flee Russia in 1917 before the Bolsheviks had them shot.

Despite her lineage she herself spoke barely a word of Russian while many of the Capellan community on Niops could. That was something you had to keep in mind about them, their English wasn't necessarily always necessarily the best, but that was because most of them spoke something else at home. In many cases English was actually their third or even fourth language, after Mandarin, Cantonese and Russian, and they actually thought it was pretty funny to have their accents or fluency in English criticised by the terminally monolingual.

Franklin Hallis had intended to prop up the bar, this being situated in a side-room off the main meeting hall of the building where the Ball was taking place, but Romanov ordered him to mingle like Trish was doing so he sought out Brigadier-General Nellis of the NAM who was discussing fleet deployments with some academics interested in stellar mapping.

"I don't think most people truly grasp the distances involved, at least not judging by how many seem to expect the ships to be back any day now" Nellis opined to the group. "Thunderer and Rawhide might have set off months ago but Camelot Command is thirty jumps from here, just the round trip there and back would take more than a year, and that's not taking into account how long it will take them to strip the place of everything useful and pack it up for transport back here" he noted. "We're talking hundreds of thousands of tonnes of equipment just to fill the dropships they're hauling with them, let alone the cargo bays of the ships themselves."

"Nearly three-hundred thousand tons of cargo space aboard Thunderer, closer to four-hundred thousand for Rawhide" Hallis interjected. "We borrowed the largest available ships we could from the Clan boneyards for Switchback."

"Interesting use of the word 'borrowed' there, Franklin" Nellis responded, amused by the phrasing.

Hallis laughed. "Rumours that I told the crew that boarded Thunderer to 'drive it like you stole it' are entirely unfounded' he joked, the academics laughing along with him.

"In some ways the ships assigned to salvage Camelot Command have it easy though" Nellis suggested. "The roundtrip to Buffalo Meadows is over eighty jumps for Buccaneer and Maverick, and that's taking the short route practically straight across the middle of the Inner Sphere."

"They don't even get to visit anywhere interesting on the way. Only systems that were never colonised, had mining outposts or hosted SLDF facilities because we can't risk them running into anyone" Hallis noted. "It's a good thing we got used to long boring journeys."

"You're not worried about mechanical breakdowns? I know that jumpships prefer to travel between inhabited systems because of that concern" one of the academics queried.

"They're both in good condition that's why they were assigned the mission. Buccaneer is actually the youngest warship in the fleet with the fewest miles on her" Hallis replied. "She was only completed a year before the Periphery Uprising and was still in her shake-down cruise when fighting broke out" he continued. "The Monolith Class jumpships like Maverick weren't even put into production until the tail end of the Amaris War so she's even newer."

"The Buccaneer is a Sovetskii Soyuz class Heavy Cruiser right?" one of the academics asked. "My son makes plastic models of warships and talks about them a lot. I blame myself for buying him a copy of Janes Fighting Ships instead of a telescope when he was younger."

"He must have been thrilled when the real thing jumped into the system" Hallis surmised.

The academic nodded. "Yes. Now he wants to join the navy when he's older" he replied. "I suppose you approve?"

"Of joining the Navy? Never, my family are Army going back forever. I had an ancestor in the British Army who rode a tank during the NATO intervention into Second Soviet Civil War" Hallis told them.

Nellis smiled. "I think I had an ancestor who flew fighters for the United States Air Force in that one" he recalled. "Or it might have been in the war against the Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere, I'm not sure" he said. The two early 21st Century conflicts were often bound up together in people's minds as the origin of what eventually became the Terran Alliance.

"The Airforce? Didn't he want to join the military instead?" Hallis couldn't resist the old joke, Nellis laughing along although he doubted the aerospace fighter jocks of the NAM would find it quite so funny. "If anyone wants to lay a bet on it we're running a book on who gets back first, Buccaneer or Thunderer" he announced. "The ships heading to Buffalo Meadows have a lot further to go, and they left well after the ones going to Camelot because we had to manufacture the replacement jumpdrive parts for Ulithi first, but compared to taking apart a whole starbase fixing a ship, even something the size of a Potemkin, is a quick job as long as you have the parts."

As to whether they could get the jumpdrive on Ulithi working again with a jury-rigged repair that was by no means certain, although the parts the Project Workshops produced for the task met the required standards, at least theoretically. In the worst case scenario the fourteen dropships the Buccaneer and Maverick could haul between them could bring back all the rest of the 295th personnel wise, plus a lot of their equipment. The remainder of their gear would likely have to wait there in mothballs.

It was difficult to make up for the carrying capacity of a Potemkin. Between its cavernous cargo hold, and the twenty-five dropships it could carry, the thing was in a league of its own. In reality it was as much a prize as the six regiments of battlemechs also waiting to be collected at Buffalo Meadows were, if not more so. Even if they got a shipyard up and running in record time, the economy of the Niops Association simply wouldn't stretch to building something remotely as costly in money and resources as a Potemkin for decades, perhaps not this century.

As the night wore on, and more alcohol was consumed, people started to loosen up a little. Hallis was taken a little aback by a woman asking him if it was true the Clans practiced jus primae noctis, which he of course truthfully denied but wondered how the hell that rumour got started.

The other medieval thing, trial by combat? Oh, yeah that was true, we did that, he confirmed before being persuaded to tell a few war stories.

After pestering the man for a while Romanov received permission from the High Associator to deploy a ship to interdict any pirates heading to Alphard, contacting Admiral Bremman by radio straight away to tell him the mission was a go. They didn't need to send an actual warship, a Tramp class transport carrying a Titan carrier dropship was more than a match for most any pirate force. The Tramp itself carried a few relatively light guns, the Titan more than a few, but it was really the three squadrons of aerospace fighters the latter carried that would inspire the belief that discretion was the better part of valour and send the miscreants running. That was a lot of fast-moving, hard-hitting firepower by periphery standards.

"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #85 on: 25 July 2023, 08:18:48 »
Part VIII (b)


Later, after making the mistake of revealing she had taken lessons in ballroom dancing while a cadet, this being very much the thing to do back then apparently, Jenna Romanov found herself unwillingly on the dance floor. First performing a Minuet with an elderly nuclear chemist who was surprisingly light on his feet, happily not making a complete idiot of herself though wishing her dress uniform boots were more suitable for such things, she then found herself stuck there for a Viennese Waltz as well.

"The last time I did that it was with the youngest son of the Duke of Caph at a Ball on Zollikofen, I remember finding out years later than Amaris had him killed along with most of the rest of his family" Romanov told Trish after she eventually managed a tactical withdrawal from the dancefloor. "Felt a little bad for having slapped him so hard when he got drunk and tried to grab my ass later that evening" she recalled, frowning.

Trish laughed. "Talking of asses, Franklin has been checking out the one on that girl over there in the slinky dress for most of the last ten minutes" she said. Pointing over to where her commanding officer stood nursing a drink and an expression of uncertainty what to do.

"If there's one thing I can't stand for in the men and women under my command it's indecisiveness" Romanov declared. "Go kick him or something."

"Yes Ma'am, right away Ma'am" Trish responded gleefully, heading off in his direction.

Franklin Hallis sipped on his latest glass of champagne wishing it was a good scotch, or a passable vodka, or a strong hooch that was light enough on the methanol that it wouldn't make you go blind as he tried to look interested in a conversation about the mass of stars and how brown dwarfs were also-rans in the sport of stellar evolution. The young woman over there watching the dancing was pretty though and he racked his brain on how he could strike up a conversation without sounding like an under-educated cretin.

"Can I have a request a private word with you Sir" Trish Ebon broke his train of thought.

"Affirmative" Hallis replied, following her off to one side, the music being loud enough that they wouldn't be overheard. "What is it Trish?" he asked.

"Her Imperial Majesty, the Tsarina of All the Russias, says if you don't go talk to the girl instead of continuing with the creepy staring she'll have you shot, or sent to Siberia or something" Trish told him, embellishing her instructions a little.

Hallis blinked. "I don't know what you're talking about" he lied unconvincingly.

"Franklin, if you think I'm above going over to her and saying 'My friend over there really thinks you're pretty and stuff and wants to ask you out' then you are very, very mistaken about just how much fun that would be for me" Trish threatened. "You're a grown man not a teenager for the love of Cameron. I've literally seen you looking less nervous leading soldiers into battles that were likely to get you killed" she said. "For that matter I have seen you leave a bar at the end of the night with a chick from the Steel Vipers who had literally threatened to knife you in the back earlier that evening."

"That turned out to be a big mistake, she was completely insane" Hallis replied, grimacing at the memory.

"All Steel Viper girls are insane, they take after their Khan, you can practically smell the crazy on that bitch but that's beside the point" Trish replied. "Stop checking out the girl and go talk to her. Romanov's orders."

Hallis groaned and set off towards the girl. "Jax Benedict would not have treated me like this if I'd made him saKhan instead" he muttered to himself regretfully.

The girl must have noticed him approaching because she turned towards him as he arrived. She had been sitting with an older man earlier, not her partner judging by their interactions, more likely her father Hallis decided. The man was off having a conversation with a few other guests on the other side of the room and had been for a while now. "Hi" Hallis greeted her. "This is the first one of these I've been to, how long do they go on for?" he asked, thinking that might be a decent way to strike up a conversation. "I need to be up early for an inspection."

The girl shrugged. "First one of these for me too" she replied in a thick Capellan accent which surprised him a little as her dress looked bespoke and really expensive. Her ethnicity was obviously East Asian but it wasn't like the people from the Terran Hegemony who settled here first were some kind of Caucasian monoculture. Given her age she must be a second-generation immigrant but the Terran accent typical of Niops had passed her by completely somehow. "What you being inspected for?" she asked, revealing her English was a little halting too.

"I'm the one supposed to be doing the inspecting" Hallis told her.

"Make sense, you must be an officer to get invited here. Not Militia, wrong uniform. SLDF soldier?" she reasoned.

"Yes" Hallis confirmed. "Mechwarrior with the 331st Division" he added proudly.

"Wolverine person then, not real SLDF like General Romanova" the girl replied airily. "I meet Wolverine people before. They don't speak proper English, use made-up words."

Hallis opened his mouth to vigorously challenge her assertions before closing it again because objectively she wasn't entirely wrong, her own fluency in English notwithstanding. "You should have heard me speak a couple of years ago, I'm still trying to relearn to use contractions consistently" he responded instead.

"We both need talk to people that speak proper English more then. I mostly talk Mandarin or Russian to friends and family" she told him. "I was better at it before I left school" she admitted. "Got rusty fast working for uncle over there" she continued, indicated the man who had been sitting with her earlier. "All his workers at clothing factory also Capellans. I boss them around all day" she continued before grinning. "Only usually use English there for extra swear-words when I run out of Chinese and Russian ones" she joked.

"I am shocked, shocked I tell you!" Hallis responded, trying to sound as if he was appalled by her confession. "I would never swear at my troops to get them to do something more quickly" he lied, blatantly and unconvincingly. "Although I can threaten to have them shot, or thrown out of an airlock, which you can't and that has got to be bad for labour relations."

"Since when I can't threaten to have them shot?" the girl asked, feigning visible confusion that lasted a few seconds before she laughed. "Uncle say much easier to do business back home in Capellan Confederation, none of this 'Workers Rights' nonsense like there is here" she joked again. "So what are you? Major? Maybe Colonel?"

"Lieutenant-General" Hallis replied. "Technically only an Acting Lieutenant-General of brevet rank, so I get all the extra work without the extra pay."

The girl looked dubious about his claim. "You're lying" she replied eventually.

"No. I really don't get the extra pay" Hallis confirmed deadpan, fully realising that wasn't what she meant.

"Franklin Hallis Lieutenant-General of Wolverine people. You not him, he like fifty, same age as my father, born before Kerensky left, it say so in the newspaper" the girl stated with conviction. "You no older than… thirty maybe?"

Hallis laughed. "I was about twenty years ago" he told her, reaching down under his collar and pulling out his dog tags with his name on them, showing them to her as proof of identity before putting his tags back in place. "Hegemony anti-aging treatments as a kid" he explained. "So now you know my name, can I get yours?" he requested.

"Barbara" she replied. "You too old for me" she told him flatly after a pause.

"I'm sorry?"

"You going to ask me on a date but you too old for me" Barbara repeated her assertion.

"What makes you think I'm going to ask you on a date?"

"Aren't you?"

"At this point I'm not even sure" Hallis told her. "I'm apparently too old for you" he said wryly. "Although you might want to consider that in fifty years people will think I look way too young for you."

"Sixty maybe, Capellan Chinese genes, we age better than you caucasians without fancy Terran drugs" Barbara replied before something suddenly occurred to her. "All the women your age on planet look too old for you now!" she realised before pursing her lips and looking thoughtful. "Alright, one date… out of pity" she offered magnanimously.

Hallis looked at her incredulously for a few moments before grinning. "If you didn't seem like this much of a challenge, and didn't look that good in that dress, I'd have too much self-respect to take you up on that offer."

"One date" Barbara repeated. "Out of pity" she reminded him. "Uncle coming over, don't tell him you don't get full pay for being Lieutenant-General" she advised seriously. "Do tell him I look good in dress. He made it for me."


Note from the Author:

Back in the 2720's the Alphard Trading Corporation (ATC) from Alphard in the Free Worlds League (FWL) decided to expand its holdings in the periphery and set up subsidaries out there looking for investment and development opportunities. One of these subsidaries staked a claim on a world a few jumps anti-spinward of the FWL and promptly named it after themselves. The other Alphard, the one in the periphery, proved to be incredibly blessed in mineral wealth and would have made ATC rich beyond the dreams of avarice if not for the Periphery Uprising (2765-2766) which was followed by the Amaris War (2766-2799) and then the First Succession War (2786-2821) all of which conspired to shatter the economy of the Inner Sphere and bankrupted the corporation.

Most of the land surface of Alphard (the periphery one) is very hot and arid, with only a small area in the two northern continents cool enough to farm with water available for irrigation. When ATC folded a few settlers were left behind but being cut-off from civilisation by decades of war never developed much beyond subsistance farming. The mining operations of the ATC were much further south in the parched inhospitable regions where nobody went (it wasn't like they could export anything they dug up and anything that looks like wealth in the periphery draws pirates).

The Capellan Refugees that turned up in the Niops system must had got there somehow, they weren't rich and and there were a lot of them, so I thought why not an old Leviathan jumpship. The Niops Association buying the thing off the owner to prevent them leaving (endangering the system's isolation) was a more civilised course of action than they might have adopted but they were still faced with the problem that even an obsolete jumpship is worth a staggering amount, hence having to pay for it by installments.

The popularity of nerdcore rapping being a unique cultural trait of the Niops Association was a notion I had that struck me as hilarious. The Niops Dollar (based on the old Star League Dollar) having famous scientists on it rather than First Lords of the Star League is the reason why it's 'All about the Newtons son'.

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz posse represents!

Oh, and Trish Ebon is very right about Ellie Kinnison, Khan of Clan Steel Viper.
"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


  • Major General
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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #86 on: 25 July 2023, 18:04:34 »
+1 for that ATC J. Edgar! :)


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #87 on: 01 August 2023, 08:49:24 »
Part IX


"It didn't occur to me until after we left Camelot Command why all the tables in the big mess-hall there were round. I mean the barracks rooms were all named after Arthur's Knights but I still never clicked the round tables. Why people think I'm smart and perceptive I'll never know."

Major Marcelo Gao - 2835CE


(FLASHBACK) Camelot Command – Dark Nebula (Lyran Commonwealth) – 2825

Fortunately the stations atmospheric recirculation system was still operational, so the scout team sent over first didn't have to fix the thing before Jenna Romanov and her entourage shuttled over from the Zughoffer Weir. The view on the way in had been worth giving up a comfortable chair in the shuttle's passenger compartment for the tiny jumpseat in the cockpit behind the pilot, the old SLDF facility completely dwarfing the McKenna now floating in space beside it.

The so-called 'Dark Nebula' had once been located within territory claimed by the Rim Worlds Republic but later found itself inside Lyran space after the Republic-Commonwealth War. Despite suspicions and rumours of there being a secret Star League naval base located somewhere in the region, one that had helped the SLDF considerably against Amaris, it had never been found thanks to the entire area being absolute hell for sensors.

It wasn't just the vast cloud of ionised dust and gas itself, dozens of light-years across, multiple pulsars also threw out levels of electromagnetic radiation that were off the scale. Forget detecting emergence waves from incoming jumpships unless you were practically on top of them and for that matter the notion of tracking someone down by looking for stray radio transmissions was an exercise in futility.

If you didn't know exactly where to look it was extremely likely you would readily locate the non-descript planetoid within an asteroid field that contained Camelot Command, even if you knew which diminutive Red Dwarf within the nebula it orbited, which you would almost certainly not. The system itself was unremarkable, with no habitable planets within the star's goldilocks zone, which was exactly why the SLDF chose it.

It wasn't exactly necessary for her to go see the station for herself but Romanov wanted to demonstrate that she was a commanding officer that did that sort of thing. The overwhelming majority of people in the fleet were Hallis's people, the so-called Wolverines, and they took the notion of 'lead from the front' very seriously, very much expecting it from the people they followed as a matter of course. If she wanted their acceptance, and it was still early days for that, then being a command-safely-from-the-rear general officer wasn't a good look.

Once a roughly cylindrical asteroid, Star League engineers had finished shaping it to the desired external dimensions before getting to work hollowing part of the thing out, stuffing an entire base in there with several floors and then setting it spinning on its long axis to create artificial gravity on the inside.

The outermost floor from the central core nearest the surface felt like just over half a gee, with the effective gravity on each level below that getting progressively lower until you reached the core. Externally the huge jumpship-scale double airlock that led to the internal shipyard was positioned right in the centre of one end of the cylinder, where the artificial gravity was entirely negligible and the rotation when you came into dock easiest to deal with.

For reasons unknown to Romanov, as the airlock opened to let her shuttle inside the pilot was whistling the Blue Danube. If she had asked him about it he would have told her he didn't know either, it was just something that was kinda traditional to do.

Robotic docking equipment reached out and took hold of the shuttle once the pilot steered it close enough to the appropriate internal bay, flashing lights having guided him to the correct spot whereupon he cut the engines and thrusters and relinquished control. There must have been a dozen bays for small craft like the shuttle, almost as many for dropships and of course the cavernous one large enough to dock a Black Lion class battlecruiser like the fleet's own Michigan.

The smaller hanger that held the station's complement of Voidseeker drone fighters was to be found at the other end of the cylinder with its own launch tubes. It was a good thing that Camelot Command's computer had accepted the recognition codes that Cape Bon had broadcast in response to its automatic radio challenge because it turned out there was an entire regiment's worth of the damn things in there. They were still fully armed and fuelled and had been patiently waiting for decades for the opportunity to pounce on unwelcome visitors.

Voidseekers gave veterans of the Amaris War who had fought against them the creeps, though not as much as the larger M-3 drones and in particular the M-5 Caspar warships did. The SDS systems subverted against the Star League by the Usurper had proved a considerably more dangerous opponent than the Rim World Republic Navy itself ever did, and without them the SLDF would have retaken the Terran Hegemony in a fraction the time with far fewer losses.

Disembarking the shuttle Romanov was greeted by Major Marcelo Gao of the 331st who had commanded a reconnaissance unit for the Wolverines during Operation Klondike. Rated as 'good at recon work, scouting and generally poking around' by Franklin Hallis, he had been placed as second-in-command of the boarding party after the captain of the Cape Bon who had been here before, albeit decades ago as the XO of a corvette. "Welcome aboard Camelot Command Ma'am" Gao greeted Romanov with a salute which she returned. "Captain Moore is stuck in the station command post trying to get more of the systems running. You requested a summary report as to the condition of the station on arrival?"

"I did. Go for it Major" Romanov replied.

"Well for a start we have power… and air" Gao noted.

"That would explain the lights being on and the lack of asphyxiation, but if you're trying to be funny Major then don't" Romanov warned him seriously.

"No Ma'am. Sorry Ma'am" Gao apologised for his attempt at levity. "The warehouses are almost empty, the Exodus Fleet must have cleared the place out. There's still some ammunition and spare parts to be had though, a bunch of replacement Ferro-Carbide and Lamellor Ferro-Carbide armour plating for warships and a few tons of ration packs" he told her. "Station defences are partially operational, a few of the laser turrets would have certainly engaged us along with the Voidseekers if we didn't have the recognition codes, and we can either get the rest running or strip them for salvage."

"Naval weaponry?"

"A mix of anti-shipping and anti-fighter defences, all automated" Gao replied. "The ammunition bunkers for the various missile launchers on the surface are empty unfortunately, part of the Exodus Fleet likely topped up their own stocks from them."


"It's FUBAR. Water corroded the pipes and they look like they've been leaking for at least five or ten years" Gao told her. "Half the contents of the stations main water tank is currently a swimming pool in the storage room below hydroponics and given enough time it'll eventually flood the level below that too."

Romanov frowned. "Repairable?"

"Engineers think so. We can patch the leaks and get rid of the water by venting it into space if we have to" Gao replied. "We're just lucky we got here before the water got into some of the equipment that requires something more than welding gear and duct tape to fix."

"What about the shipyard?" Romanov asked. 'Operational?"

"Not fully but I was told it just needs a little TLC, not a whole new set of replacement parts" Gao told her. "Three to four weeks if we throw enough labour and technical expertise at the problem" he continued. "The battlemech repair workshop will need more work, Tech said it wasn't properly mothballed when they shut it down so a lot of it will need stripping down and putting back together. No time estimate on how long that will take yet."


"Better condition than the battlemech workshop, not as good as the shipyard" Gao replied. "They got the computer that runs the automated factory working though and there is bad news on that front. It does not have the design schematics for the Potemkin so we cannot tell the thing to churn out the parts we need for Ulithi even when we get the production lines going."

"It doesn't? Why not?" Romanov asked reasonably.

"Someone decided when it was installed that because nothing larger than a Black Lion class battlecruiser can fit in the dock it would never be working on something like that" Gao explained. "It can't make parts for Zug or Bismark either. This was the base for the 12th Fleet, two navy Pursuit Squadrons and one Reconnaissance Squadron, so mostly smaller stuff like destroyers and corvettes. It wasn't a homeport for a Line squadron with battleships and a Potemkin is even longer than a McKenna."

Romanov rolled her eyes. "So what you're saying is it never occurred to some bureaucrat that just because nothing bigger than a cruiser could dock here that didn't mean they might never have to produce spare parts for one in an emergency" she theorised. "Wonderful" she added sardonically.

"I guess back when the Star League was at its height, they just assumed a Newgrange yardship would be sent out to do the job" Gao reasoned.

"You could be right there" Romanov concurred. The SLDF had operated a couple of hundred of the colossal jump-capable mobile shipyards. If you were a battleship needing repairs you couldn't handle yourself you could simply get on the HPG and call the closest one to come and patch you up.

The large majority of the Newgrange yardships which survived the Amaris War followed Kerensky on his Exodus, but unfortunately only a few of those subsequently made it through the Pentagon Civil War and later Operation Klondike as well so they were closely guarded resources as a result. The Wolverine's couldn't just 'borrow' one for their secession like had had Bismark or Thunderer. The Successor States might still have a handful of Newgranges in service, but it was unlikely they would be willing to loan one out, Romanov thought to herself wryly.

"Most of the dropship repair bays are still operational, they were properly mothballed and shouldn't need much more than few kicks and some Teflon spray before we can use them" Gao continued his report. "One piece of good luck. The maintenance facility for the Voidseekers at the other end of the station is still fully up and running and can also handle other types of aerospace fighters if we want to bring them in for maintenance. The designers knew that those would be coming here, possibly needing repair, so they didn't limit the facility to only handle the drones."

Romanov nodded. "Captain Moore's preliminary report stated that you found the skeletal remains of some of the station personnel?"

"Yes Ma'am, near the command post. Computer records are mostly scrubbed but we believe they stayed behind to finish destroying paper and digital records, expecting another jumpship to pick them up so they could join the Exodus" Gao responded. "No such jumpship ever arrived and at some point, maybe years later, they realised they were going to be stuck here forever with no prospect of rescue and…"

"They decided on a suicide pact" Romanov finished for him.

"Looks like it. They still had water, food and air but no hope" Gao confirmed.

"I want their remains treated with the utmost respect. They will receive a proper burial with full military honours as soon as practicable" Romanov ordered.

"Yes Ma'am, of course Ma'am" Gao replied.

"So, is there anything else noteworthy before you lead me to the command post?" Romanov checked.

Gao smiled. "The anti-mech trenches are a sight to see. They really wanted to make sure that just because the corridors are big enough to let them through, hostiles getting past a certain point during a boarding action would be a pain-in-the-ass. Personnel quarters on the top floor where the effective gravity is strongest are gigantic, we can transfer a lot of the civilians over here, and there's a canteen with a kitchen attached that looks like it was made to feed a small town. Robot ovens you could practically fit a whole Corridani Grazer in, or a small Ashio Mammoth."

"I don't suppose there's any meat left in the freezers is there?" Romanov asked hopefully.

"Sorry Ma'am, took a look myself. If there was any left in there by the Exodus Fleet the poor bastards they left behind ate it all" Gao told her. "I've got to wonder if finishing it off the last of it, facing nothing but ration packs and vegetables from hydroponics the rest of their lives, was the final blow to their morale. Also, there's nothing left in the bar."

Romanov chose to believe that he knew about the bar because it was on the way to somewhere important and let that pass without comment. "Lead on Major" she instructed as he set off towards their destination.

Caught up in micromanaging the fleet, the man clearly still mentally adjusting to the fact that in barely two years he had gone from a mere Star Colonel to saKhan then Khan and found delegation uncomfortable sometimes, it was another six hours before Franklin Hallis made his own way over to Camelot Command. By that time Romanov had already summoned a couple of hundred additional engineers and technicians, the first batches of which to arrive were already scurrying around the facility in preparation for bringing the station back into service, and she had moved onto addressing longer-term issues.

Turning down the offer of a ten-cent tour of the station on arrival, choosing instead to head straight for the command post, Hallis arrived there to find that the technicians had already gotten the holo-projector in the centre of the amphitheatre-like room working. Not merely the place where Camelot Command was run from, but also a Fleet Headquarters, there were multiple consoles and workstations that ringed the room, facing inwards so everyone could see whatever was being projected which was currently a 3-D map of the inhabited systems within a few jumps of the Dark Nebula.

Jenna Romanov was listening as Captain Cole made an impromptu presentation, indicating stars as he did so with a laser-pointer.

"On best bet for finding spare parts for our larger warships is probably salvaging them from the sites of major naval engagements during the Amaris War" Cole suggested. "Unfortunately most of these took place in the Terran Hegemony but there were a few in the territory of the Rim Worlds Republic and the Lyran Commonwealth" he noted, now pointing to a specific system. "Devin is only four jumps from here and was a major slugfest."

"I remember hearing about that one" Romanov recalled. "One of our battleships got knocked out of orbit, hit the ground like an asteroid strike."

Cole nodded. "Texas Class, one and a half million tons worth of her" he confirmed. "We're not likely to get anything useful out of the wreckage, and I'll bet the locals are already picking her clean, but other ships that were lost on both sides will be in higher orbit around the planet and likely others near the jump-points."

"I don't suppose we're lucky enough for there to be a Potemkin left drifting there?" Romanov asked hopefully.

"Not at Devin but we lost sixty or so of them fighting Amaris so the chances are fair we'll eventually find one somewhere if we look in the right places" Cole replied. "I know for a fact two Potemkins were lost in the fighting at Nusakan, I was there praying that the Caspars didn't choose my ship to attack next, but that's sixteen jumps away."

Hallis coughed to announce his presence, attracting their attention away from the hologram.

"Welcome to Camelot Command" Romanov greeted him. "Camelot's not in as good a condition as we hoped, but it's much better than we feared" she told him. "If we're done for now you can get on with what you were doing Captain' she told Cole.

"Thank you General" Cole replied. "If you need me I'll be over at the Voidseeker bays, I want to see some up close when they're not trying to kill me like they were at Nusakan" he said, smiling. "General Hallis" he acknowledged the man with a nod.

"Captain" Hallis responded with a nod of his own before the naval officer headed off.

"I'd tell you pull up a chair Franklin" Romanov addressed her second-in-command, "but they're all fixed to the deck" she said, leaning back against a console.

"I read the summary report you had sent over to me Jenna" Hallis responded, taking up a parade-rest stance. If she was going to be informal using first names then so was he, although as the ranking officer she naturally had to do so first. "It's a good thing we fixed up Bismark as best we could at Columbus Station while we were there, she can't fit in the shipyard here" he observed. That was one problem with taking ships from the Boneyard to assist with Operation Switchback, the big Texas Class battleship had taken a battering during the Amaris War and her keel was damaged enough that she had been mothballed rather than absorbed into a clan touman. She could still jump without problem, but in combat she just couldn't absorb as much punishment as she could back in her glory days. On the subject of glory days her bridge still contained a brass plaque noting that the old girl had actually won the 2708 SLDF Martial Olympiad, though for some reason her name was misspelled 'Bismarck' on it.

"Pity you couldn't bring Columbus with you" Romanov joked.

"It was even less portable than this place" Hallis replied, smiling. "We hauled off everything we could easily take apart and had the cargo space for."

"Which has turned out useful" Romanov told him. "One of the engineers I talked to thinks that we can jury-rig some of the tech you stripped from Columbus to get Camelot up and running faster. They're not always identical systems but it should be mostly compatible."

"Pity there isn't a habitable planet here like there was there" Hallis observed. "Would have made keeping everyone fed easier" he remarked. "Our scouts reported back saying that the four inhabited systems within the Erit Cluster managed to get through the wars without getting blasted so we can trade for food with them, but we might not want to make ourselves too obvious by going there too frequently" he advised. "It's a lot further away, but if the story about an Avatar Class Heavy Cruiser at Paran is true that might work out for us. Paran was a breadbasket system for the Rim Worlds Republic so they might have a food surplus…"

"And be somewhere that might be interested in trading food for Naval Autocannon ammunition, or maybe spare parts, which some 'lucky explorer' found in an old Star League cache" Romanov finished the thought for him.

"My thoughts exactly" Hallis confirmed. "They're a currency we would have trouble spending anywhere else, and Paran is six jumps away so we wouldn't necessarily risk drawing unwanted attention in our direction. We can send one of the L-F Tramps if you want to get a ship there quickly."

Romanov frowned. "I thought you wanted all the L-F ships to go find your misplaced warship once everyone's jumpdrives are re-charged?"

"Only the warships" Hallis told her. "It could be a trap laid by Kerensky, have one of their own Riga II's making waves pretending to be the Yukon to lure us in. I doubt it somehow, he'll want to avoid stirring up the Inner Sphere even more than we do, but if we run into angry clanners the pop-guns on a Tramp aren't going to be much help. The L-F Tramps are more use here, you can use them to scout out the region… and maybe trade some spare ammo for food up at Paran."

"You know if the Yukon isn't where you hope it is you'll have a hell of a job finding her" Romanov warned.

"Can't argue with that but the reports indicate that the 'Canada Tribe' is hitting Combine systems in what used to be the Principality of Rasalhague before the Dracs conquered them. That's close enough to the Theta Carinae Cluster for Yukon to be using that as a bolt-hole between raids and they know they're pretty safe in there. That's why we gave all Clan Wolverine warships sealed orders that if they got separated from the main Switchback Fleet they should head there as a rally point. We just ended up taking a route after Epsilon Pegasus that went nowhere near it, and we had no idea Yukon made it out of Clan territory and was on the Exodus Road behind us. Last we heard from her she was conducting hit-and-run ops to keep Old Nick's boys and girls off-balance and distracted."

"Good choice of ship for that" Romanov opined. A Riga II wasn't the most heavily armed warship, but they were fast, with decent thrust and an L-F battery. They were also built tough, with twice the armour tonnage of some other destroyers, and for raiding they could carry six squadron's worth of aerospace fighters in their internal flight-bays plus haul two assault dropships along. "You think they would keep that close to the start of the Exodus Road even if they're worried about the clans searching for them?"

"Finding something in Theta Carinae makes finding something in the Dark Nebula look like child's play" Hallis told her. "It's an Embedded Cluster, a star nursery, surrounded by an ionised molecular cloud that will eventually be a whole new set of baby stars. In any case the rally point is in interstellar space between a trio of protostars, so even if someone checked every nadir and zenith point in Theta Carinae they still wouldn't find Yukon."

"You know the clans could have captured her and seized the sealed orders" Romanov noted.

"Possibly but I'd expect her crew to destroy them before capture, also they were written in code with only the Captain and XO knowing the cypher" Hallis told her. "The crew would have committed suicide rather than risk the clans finding the rest of us. All of them have friends and loved ones in the fleet."

Romanov blinked. "How detailed and comprehensive was this damn escape plan of yours?" she asked rhetorically.

"We put a bit of work into it" Hallis replied, smiling at his understatement. "There's a section dealing with adequate provision of women's sanitary products for the journey."

"If I didn't know your old boss was female too that would have confirmed it" Romanov told him. "If it's not the clans then your crew on the Yukon aren't exactly being too subtle in trying to attract your attention."

"The unencrypted signals between dropships and aerospace fighters designating target locations as 'Whitehorse, Mount Logan and Kluane' you mean? Or using First Nations Tribes from the area as callsigns? I'd have to agree" Hallis responded, chuckling. "Worked though."

Romanov laughed herself. "It's so blatant the clans might think it's a trap laid for them" she suggested, not entirely in jest. "If most of them think it was you that started flinging nukes around, not their side, they might be wary of jumping in and getting a face-full of fusion devices."

"Not like Kerensky can tell them the truth" Hallis concurred. "I wouldn't use them though, that would just prove to them we are the monsters they say we are."

Romanov narrowed her eyes. "Don't you dare put keeping the moral high-ground ahead of practical considerations, or protecting your people" she told him sternly. "If it's an ambush, and the only way to escape is to you blast your way out with Alamos and Santa Anas, then nuke 'em till they glow, that's a direct order. They let the nuclear genie out of the lamp, even if most of them don't know it, the consequences are on them."

"I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that order Ma'am" Hallis told her honestly.

Romanov looked him in the eyes. "If it eases your conscience, if there's a Widowmaker ship present blow that one to hell first to try and get the others to realise you're not ****** around. That might give them pause for thought at least" she advised.

Hallis pursed his lips. "A Widowmaker ship?" he pondered the scenario. "That might be easier to stomach" he decided after a little consideration.

"Think of it as a really effective and well-deserved warning shot" Romanov told him. "The computer records here are mostly wiped with the locations of SLDF facilities and anything classified as Top Secret or above erased and I'm told we can't restore the data."

"That's a pity. It would have made gathering supplies easier" Hallis replied.

"Admiral Bremman has an idea we could go through the maps and navigation records of all the ships in the fleet to see where they don't match up" Romanov told him. "We've got boats that originally came from several different fleets, not to mention a few transport jumpships that probably travelled all over the Inner Sphere delivering cargo, so the chances that we don't already have the locations of some out-of-the-way classified depots and supply caches are probably slim" she suggested. "For that matter, if we put out a fleet-wide communique asking if anyone old enough to have served against Amaris was ever stationed at, or visited, some Secret Squirrel kind of places we might get some lucky finds out of it too. The Lyran Commonwealth and the old Rim Worlds Republic was the old stomping ground for both our divisions so we're definitely in the right place to start with. There's a couple of places not much more than half-a-dozen jumps from here that I know of personally which we never told the Steiners about."

"Anywhere you can get a battleship serviced?" Hallis joked.

Romanov shook her head. "No such luck. Our best bet for spares is salvaging old battlegrounds and bringing them home."

"Home? Is that what this place is already?" Hallis queried, smiling gently.

"Temporarily at least" Romanov replied. "At least the gravity deck is bigger here than what you've gotten used to right?" she asked rhetorically.

"We've got people that have spent so much time cooped up on dropships with only an hour or two on a grav deck every day that this place might give them agoraphobia" Hallis replied, semi-seriously. "Pity this place doesn't spin up to one gee but I guess that was to make it easier for the shipyard."

Romanov shrugged. "Beats the hell out of floating though, things stay put for a start" she said. "Just have to remember to put more weight on the bar when you're in the gym."

"I was always more of a track guy" Hallis told her. "I'm leaving Trish Ebon behind with you, she can play the saKhan card if you're having trouble with the civilians."

"Just bring back the McKenna, I'm just getting used to my new ride" Romanov responded. "I've been meaning to ask. Why did you use Michigan as your flagship when you had the Zug?

"General Custer at the battle of Gettysburg 1863" Hallis explained, Romanov looking suitably confused by his answer. "He was commanding the Michigan Cavalry Brigade and yelled out 'Ride you Wolverines!' as he led the charge."

"Ah. So is 'Ride you Wolverines!' your battlecry then?" Romanov queried.

"No. We just yell 'Wolverines'… and, at least according to what Dwight Robinson told me once, it's because of a really old movie Sarah's dad liked" Hallis told her. "Have you seen 'Red Dawn'?" he asked, grinning.


Note from the Author:

Camelot Command in the Dark Nebula was abandoned by the SLDF during Kerensky Senior's Exodus. I'm going to assume that the handful of personnel left behind were supposed to be collected but it seems they were not (it's mentioned in the Rhonda's Irregulars that they found skeletal remains there when the mercenary company located Camelot Command in 3050). The Dark Nebula is not uninhabited, the Erit Cluster contains a few populated systems, but it's nightmareish to navigate or search.

The hollowed-out asteroid that houses Camelot Command is noted to be spinning to create internal gravity in Rhonda's Irregulars (which is the souce for much of what we know of the place including its condition). Since they would have had a choice of asteroids I'm assuming they would have chosen one that was a rough cylinder to make things easier (artificial gravity highest on the highest deck nearest the surface, none at the central axis). It would be much, much easier to dock a starship in the centre of the ends of the cylinder because of rotation and a lack of 'down'. It's sort of like an O'Neill Cylinder with multiple internal floors.

It was estimated in 3050 it would take two years to make the station functional again (Snord's Irregulars eventually began construction of a Black Lion) but it's in much better condition in 2825 when found here.

About the only place better to hide than the Dark Nebula is the Theta Carinae Cluster just outside Draconis Combine territory not far from the start of the Exodus Road. It's a stellar nursery, an Embedded Stellar Cluster where dust and gas forms into new stars. As such it's a mess of ionised particles and no where you would want to go. Not a bad choice for a rally point for Operation Switchback (or a bolt-hole) but unfortunately the main fleet had no idea Yukon had gotten away from the Clan Homeworlds and was following on behind.

Operating from Camelot Command they're going to visit every old SLDF facility they know of, along with the systems they know of where naval battles took place. Volders is one of the former, Devin one of the latter.

The Battletech Universe is sometimes described as the future of the 1980's (when it began to take shape). Of course the Wolverine's reference
Red Dawn!
« Last Edit: 01 August 2023, 11:22:58 by Hotpoint »
"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #88 on: 01 August 2023, 17:01:17 »
I see what you did there with the Blue Danube reference. :laugh:
"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"


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Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Reply #89 on: 01 August 2023, 17:22:31 »
Beat me to it! :D