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MotW: Gyrfalcon
« on: 12 April 2017, 11:53:59 »

“Toss THIS in buffalo sau- aw man, I made fun of myself again, didn’t I?”

Following the horrors of the Jihad, there were very few militaries that could look at their losses and say ‘no big deal’. Some militaries were smashed literally beyond repair, and even the most sunny outlooks involved years of reconstruction. This was doubly-trying for the Clans that remained in the Inner Sphere- not only were they left with heavy losses from the fighting against the Blakists, but varied degrees of internal conflict against the Society had wounded them as well- and all were cut off from the Homeworlds, a problem ranging from a ‘meh’ from the Cats and Bears to an ‘oh god everything is doom’ from the Wolves. The Falcons were an intermediate case- heavy losses and an inordinately large Society problem left them reeling, but the loss of production from worlds like Ironhold was made somewhat less crippling by the Clan’s holdings in their occupation zone such as Sudeten.

Where it would have been enough for the Falcons to simply ramp up production of their longtime favorites like the Kit Fox and Summoner to cover for their losses, we’ve long seen a flair for the dramatic from Kerensky’s children. This includes the ‘totem Mech’ concept, which has appeared with mixed success in a number of forms across the Clans such as the Fire Scorpion, Mandrill, and Kodiak. In retrospect, it is actually surprising that it took the always-proud Falcons this long to come to the conclusion that they needed their own version… and in typical Falcon fashion, if it’s worth doing, it’s worth overdoing. Not one but FOUR bird-of-prey themed designs began filling out the Falcon touman in the years following the end of the Jihad and Reaving, and while the other three deserve articles of their own we’ll be focusing today on what the author believes is not only the best of the lot, but possibly the best Battlemech to debut in the Dark Age era: the Gyrfalcon.

For those not familiar with standard Jade Falcon tactics, the Clan adores mobile warfare. Not quite in the Ice Hellion sense, but they do love quick-moving designs, preferably with jump jets as well. The classic Summoner ia a great example of Falcon thinking, and with that in mind the Clan stayed close to what they know when it came to rebuilding. The Gyrfalcon then feels familiar to Falcon players in that regard. But there’s another Mech that the Gyrfalcon feels familiar to, and it makes the Gyrfalcon the ultimate extension of an old friend- the RFL-3N Rifleman. We’ll be referencing that design a few times here.

The show starts on the Gyrfalcon with the same mobility as the venerable Summoners it serves to support- 5/8, thanks to a 275-rated XL engine. This gives the 55-ton Mech fairly average speed for its size, but a MASC system allows for brief boosts up to ten MP a turn. That’s nothing to sneeze at, particularly with the Mech’s other abilities in mind. Jump jets backed by a partial wing give the Mech a surprisingly good leap, allowing it to quickly reach good firing positions or escape danger. It’s not going to put the Spider out of business for quick movement, but for its size and role the Gyrfalcon can get around. A battery of laser heat sinks (debuted years earlier on the Night Gyr) reduce the threat from ammo explosions a slight bit more than usual.

Many things can be said about the Clans being rigid and incapable of learning new tricks. Let that never be said about their engineers. In addition to the partial wing, the Falcons introduce another new innovation to the Gyrfalcon- reflective armor. Nine tons of this plating covers the Gyrfalcon in what we’ll admit here isn’t a particularly thick hide. Only the center torso could survive an AC-20 hit, though all non-rear locations can hold out a Gauss hit at least (once). With the Mech intended to serve in a long-range sniper role, the amount of return fire is going to likely be limited, however- and the reflective armor means that some of the more potent inbound shots such as ER large lasers and PPCs are far less effective than usual. The vulnerability to artillery is nullified by the mobility of the design, while one can’t feel too worried about physical combat problems in a Mech intended to engage from across the battlefield.

And let’s talk about that, because as with any Mech the weaponry defines its role. Here we have a dedicated mobile sniper, and the weapon loadout reflects this better than almost any other design since the Hollander. Each arm has a familiar sight to Rifleman fans, an over/under large laser and autocannon. Of course, the Falcons aren’t using the old Star League standbys. The large lasers are both extended range models (in absurdly large mountings), while the cannons are LB-2X guns (each with its own 45-round drum magazine). A light active probe in the head adds a little extra sensor advantage to round it out. Now, that doesn’t sound particularly powerful- and really it isn’t, at least in terms of raw damage output. But there’s a few things to consider here. First, the LBX guns are excellent at causing aircraft problems, making it much more difficult to deal with a marauding Falcon force via air attack. We also find that while the Mech will build a bit of heat from firing its weapons while on the move, it isn’t an unmanageable mess (thank you, partial wing!), so leaving out a laser every few turns will keep you running just fine. And of course, perhaps most importantly, all four weapons range out beyond the max ranges of most return fire- the lasers can reach 25 hexes, while the cannons can reach a staggering 30. A Gyrfalcon can strip a targets armor clean before it can take even a wild return shot.

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To elaborate just a bit further there, we have a Mech that can put out four shots at range many Mechs can’t even reply at. But it’s worse than that for the enemy. What return fire you do have is going to be made even more difficult by the Gyr’s movement curve. What shots do hit are mitigated by the reflective armor soaking up much of the damage. And because it moves as quick as it does, it can continually move backwards as fast as larger Mechs can approach it, allowing the beast to keep its range advantage for a long time. It’s everything a Rifleman pilot could have dreamed of- and used intelligently, is nothing short of a winged nightmare to bring down. The best bet are fast strike units that can chase it down and bring it to justice- even then, it will likely take work to finally end the threat.

A somewhat lower-tech version, the Gyrfalcon 2 drops the reflective armor for ferro-fibrous plate. That armor provides the same protection, but frees up a little weight- which, along with the removal of the probe (a system not likely to be useful on a Mech engaging from 20-odd hexes away from most targets), allowed for the addition of two more heat sinks, allowing for cool alpha strikes while running. That’s not a small thing- and makes the Gyrfalcon 2, in the author’s opinion, the superior to its reflective cousin in many situations. It’s worth trying both and seeing if your style results in taking more hits than not- if you play a high-risk style, the reflective may be the better bet, but if you focus more on sustained fire this is your machine.

Gyrfalcon 3 keeps the Ferro plating from the 2, as well as a switch to standard double heat sinks. The superb AA-abilities of the LBX guns are traded (foolishly) for Ultra AC-2s, a baffling ‘upgrade’ that removes the AA flexibility and even a few hexes of range for dubious gains in fire rate. However, a targeting computer does make all four guns more accurate, so… there’s that at least? Falcon pilots will no doubt keep ranting or cheering to a minimum while crammed into a small cockpit. While the computer is nice- and in the hands of a good gunner could allow for some wicked aimed shots- this is probably the least useful of the Gyrfalcon family.

And then there’s the Gyrfalcon 4, the oddball of the group. We’re back to the heat sinks of the 2 combined with its armor, but where we had the LBX guns we now have a pair of TSEMP cannons. This is a polarizing weapon, and not everyone’s a fan of the big risks in using them. But, here they are- so if you’re a fan, your ship has come in. Two of them on a fast-moving frame mean that you’ll get two chances to smack your target and shut them up. If you’re not a big TSEMP fan, obviously this won’t give you any big thrills. With the somewhat lacking armor, the author doesn’t suggest this version for frontline work.

It then remains to note one last Gyrfalcon version, that of Galaxy Commander Aleks Hazen, deceased brother to current Khan Malviina Hazen. Aleks is noted as having the two large lasers as usual, but using Ultra AC-5s in place of the usual autocannons. Where the weight came from for that is unknown. What is known is that Aleks used a Mech known for its long-range prowess and tried to get in a fistfight with a Hatchetman, and got exactly what he deserved for doing so. Whether he had reflective armor or not is unknown, but if so he had double the folly on his head for this asinine operation and deserves nothing but scorn from Falcon fans and haters alike for this foolish act.

Where would you find one of these? Well, it’s hard to swing a dead nova cat in the Falcon touman these days without hitting a Gyrfalcon- it’s a common sight in the Clan’s formations, providing both long-range support and morale boosts to Falcon forces watching an avatar of Turkina herself stride into battle alongside them. The design was used heavily in the invasion of the Republic and the desant leading up to it, and has also seen combat against other Clans- the TRO entry notes a star of these machines facing off with a star of Hells Horses’ Balius, defeating their enemy. The Balius’ were then destroyed rather than taken as the prize of the fight, specifically to taunt the Horses, because the Falcons are out of their minds these days if you haven’t heard.

So there you have it, folks. It’s a little frail, but won’t get hit much to begin with. It slashes at ranges that most targets can’t even reply at, murders aircraft with cruel indifference, and makes Rifleman pilots green (jade?) with envy. It’s a joy to use, so if you haven’t had a chance to do so, be sure to give it a shot sometime. And of course, dive in to discuss this impressive war machine below- or go hit the design forum to come up with your own configuration.

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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #1 on: 12 April 2017, 12:01:51 »
laser heatsinks and reflective armor? it's a disco ball of doom  ;D


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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #2 on: 12 April 2017, 12:22:59 »
The cheese is strong with this one.
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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #3 on: 12 April 2017, 13:22:42 »
I love this weird little bastard. It whispers in the ear of my inner troll, saying "Do it. Do it for the lulz." It should come as no surprise that my inner troll and my inner Falcon are on good terms. Reminds me, I need to finish kitbashing my second mini(I like to shorten the lasers by about 1/2").

Also, the Gyrfalcon 4 deserves notice, as being the most BV-expensive medium mech in all of Battletech. :)
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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #4 on: 12 April 2017, 13:26:09 »

Also, the Gyrfalcon 4 deserves notice, as being the most BV-expensive medium mech in all of Battletech. :)

Is it? I use BV so little that I didn't even think to look (figured it would be high), but THE highest, even over Society cheese? I'm impressed.
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    • Christina Dickinson Writes
Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #5 on: 12 April 2017, 13:42:05 »
Even better. The Gyrfalcon 4 totals up to a staggering 3,716 BV. The Society only beat that with ONE unit in their entire mech arsenal...and with the Turkina Z's 3935 BV, they still needed a Falcon chassis to do it.

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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #6 on: 12 April 2017, 13:54:08 »
Is it? I use BV so little that I didn't even think to look (figured it would be high), but THE highest, even over Society cheese? I'm impressed.
Yeah, TSEMP can do that to you, double TSEMP even more so.

Interesting bit, the Eyrie debuted in 3087, the Gyrfalcons in 3112, the Shrikes in 3113/3115/3116 and the Jade Hawks in 3136. I'm not sure the significance, but I find it interesting there was a 25 year gap after the Eyrie, then a 20 or so year gap after the Gyrfalcon & Shrike.

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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #7 on: 12 April 2017, 13:57:20 »
When I first read about it, I thought it was foolish, as most mechs that mount two LB2s are.  Yes, its a contender for most accurate weapon in the game, but since you're probably using cluster rounds if sniping and hoping for golden BBs (or crits on tanks or fighters) its only a single damage point for each five ton weapon, even if you can do it from 30 hexes away. 

Reading this, I think I have a new found appreciation for it.  While most of the Falcons in the books don't really use the mech appropriately, a clever player who did so would find themself in possession of a nearly peerless sniper.  I actually like the cut of the 3's jib, since I like the Targeting Computer, and I fight mechs more than armor, and I almost never see fighters.  Yes, it makes compromises I wish I didn't, or didn't have to, but the UACs with the TC basically match the LBs for accuracy, and a few extra hits from the LLs may well make up for its deficiencies.  Of course, I've never used one, and I haven't seen the 1 used for years and years, so perhaps I'm letting my inordinate love of TCs show.

As for the BV on the 4, I'm I reading that right?  That's more than any Dire Wolf!  Its hard to imagine it ever being good value in a BV game, since you could have a lance of lesser IS mediums, or a high quality pilot in a high quality Clan assault or heavy (that sort that could shred even such a nimble mech before it could unleash its canons).
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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #8 on: 12 April 2017, 14:06:50 »
Interesting bit, the Eyrie debuted in 3087, the Gyrfalcons in 3112, the Shrikes in 3113/3115/3116 and the Jade Hawks in 3136. I'm not sure the significance, but I find it interesting there was a 25 year gap after the Eyrie, then a 20 or so year gap after the Gyrfalcon & Shrike.

When you gut your scientist caste to the core (and justifiably so, in the Falcon's case), there's only so many people you have left to design new Battlemechs. One team at a time, of course, because you don't let more than that get together and start the Society all over again. ;) (Nah, do remember that while the winged beasties have large gaps, you also have other designs from the Falcons in that time period like the Thor II, Loki II, etc. to take up some time as well.)
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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #9 on: 12 April 2017, 14:20:44 »
Its not just sniping at 30 hexes for the Gyrfalcon's LB2-Xs. Medium range goes to 20 hexes. For some targets you're going to be hitting at +2 when they can barely respond.

As for the 25 years inbetween, the fluff of the Gyrfalcon states that Olivetti never really planned on doing a successor to Eyrie, but the Gyrfalcon came about after a Clan Council Directive.


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    • Christina Dickinson Writes
Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #10 on: 12 April 2017, 14:22:28 »
The 4's probably not worth it in a small game, but consider its use in larger ones. Against a faction that's swung all the way to the crazy end of we-don't-zell-anymore, what's the life expectancy of a unit that gets shut down? For that matter, what's going to happen to your line if a pair of GyrFours split their shots, and upwards of a lance of your guys now have a devil of a time hitting any of the fleet-footed Falcons in front of them?
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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #11 on: 12 April 2017, 14:26:51 »
I wonder if you had enough of these dancing around pestering the enemy if you could then sneak in a Flamberge 2 into their midst and let all hell break loose. "Oh look, one of these Falcons is finally jumping 210 meters at a time towards us. Two large lasers and a pair of puny autocannons is nothing to worry abou...oh Kerensky, where are all those shells coming from?!?"

I haven't played with a whole lot of Dark Age units but this looks like it requires some finesse, not just a run up and shoot 'Mech. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, Hellbie, nice write-up.
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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #12 on: 12 April 2017, 14:34:07 »
I haven't played with a whole lot of Dark Age units but this looks like it requires some finesse, not just a run up and shoot 'Mech.

That sums up most of Clan Jade Falcon. :)
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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #13 on: 12 April 2017, 14:35:50 »
The 4's probably not worth it in a small game, but consider its use in larger ones. Against a faction that's swung all the way to the crazy end of we-don't-zell-anymore, what's the life expectancy of a unit that gets shut down? For that matter, what's going to happen to your line if a pair of GyrFours split their shots, and upwards of a lance of your guys now have a devil of a time hitting any of the fleet-footed Falcons in front of them?

Even worse, if it's shut down, it's now a target for battle armor swarming. Now, the Gyrfalcon isn't an Omnimech, so it isn't able to deliver the kids itself, but a spare RL10 or something similar would be a great delivery system- rush up, get in a few swipes from the APC's guns and unload the point, swarm the target while it's shut down the following turn, and even if it does start up again it's got a major problem. (Remember that the Falcons ended up with the Ice Hellion Afreet suit... if you're not familiar, its weapons suck but it can jump four hexes at a time. O HAI!)

You definitely wouldn't want to use this in a duel (well, maybe?), but as part of a team it could get pretty ugly. I'd be curious to see if having Inner Sphere-developed weapons give it any dishonor in the eyes of warriors or not, but the benefits probably outweigh the taint.
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    • Christina Dickinson Writes
Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #14 on: 12 April 2017, 14:43:09 »
If you can afford to keep the Gyrfalcon in that area(or vector another one in), go for subsequent shots in the second turn. Not only would your suits get easy swarm numbers, but on the second turn, that target may not be able to try any shaking-off...
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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #15 on: 12 April 2017, 15:06:33 »
I wonder if you had enough of these dancing around pestering the enemy if you could then sneak in a Flamberge 2 into their midst and let all hell break loose. "Oh look, one of these Falcons is finally jumping 210 meters at a time towards us. Two large lasers and a pair of puny autocannons is nothing to worry abou...oh Kerensky, where are all those shells coming from?!?"

I haven't played with a whole lot of Dark Age units but this looks like it requires some finesse, not just a run up and shoot 'Mech. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, Hellbie, nice write-up.

Thanks! Like I said, this is a favorite of mine, I fell in love as soon as I built it off one of the MWDA dossier's stats (what we would now call the Gyrfalcon 2, but with standard DHS since I didn't know about the laser sinks). That it ended up this good in the TRO was a relief, and has given me one of my favorite weapons of the Dark Age era (along with the Loki II-B)

Flamberge 2s and 3s are a good choice, but the other one to consider is Jade Hawks, preferably the standard (or if you're truly sadistic, the IS-built JHK-03). With a cover from Gyrfalcons and maybe a Shrike or two, a few Jade Hawks (with some Eyries to escort) become a claw-swinging nightmare from which there's not much coming back. Stick your head up to shoot at them before they advance too far, and you take a beating from the Gyrfalcons. Avoid that menace, and the Hawks will pull your Mechs apart limb from limb (literally!).
"There's a difference between the soldier and his fight,
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+Larry and his Flask, 'Blood Drunk'+

"You know, basically war is just, like, a bunch of people playing pranks on each other, but at the end they all die."
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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #16 on: 12 April 2017, 15:07:19 »
I haven't played with a whole lot of Dark Age units but this looks like it requires some finesse, not just a run up and shoot 'Mech. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, Hellbie, nice write-up.
You're right, it's more of a run/jump sideways or backwards and shoot 'Mech. Once it's just inside the long or medium range bracket, keep it there.

Even worse, if it's shut down, it's now a target for battle armor swarming. Now, the Gyrfalcon isn't an Omnimech, so it isn't able to deliver the kids itself, but a spare RL10 or something similar would be a great delivery system- rush up, get in a few swipes from the APC's guns and unload the point, swarm the target while it's shut down the following turn, and even if it does start up again it's got a major problem. (Remember that the Falcons ended up with the Ice Hellion Afreet suit... if you're not familiar, its weapons suck but it can jump four hexes at a time. O HAI!)
Fire Falcon, Black Lanner, Hellion, Phantom, Ice Ferret, are all 7/11 or faster Omnis, that show up on the Dark Age Era availability for the Falcons. And for BA you have the Afreet, Elementals (Std, Fire, & Space), Clan Medium BA, Salamanders, Undines, and Surats, all of which I believe can be mechanized and swarm.

You definitely wouldn't want to use this in a duel (well, maybe?), but as part of a team it could get pretty ugly. I'd be curious to see if having Inner Sphere-developed weapons give it any dishonor in the eyes of warriors or not, but the benefits probably outweigh the taint.
It's not a total waste in a duel. Even if you don't shut down the enemy it wreaks havoc with their targeting & such, kind of like spanking it with Infernos or Plasma Cannons, so I don't think it would be that dishonorable of a weapon system. Plus if you do shut down the other guy, you can take aimed shots either at the head or maybe slice off the weapons/legs of the enemy. Quick way to end a duel if you can pull it off.

It then remains to note one last Gyrfalcon version, that of Galaxy Commander Aleks Hazen, deceased brother to current Khan Malviina Hazen. Aleks is noted as having the two large lasers as usual, but using Ultra AC-5s in place of the usual autocannons. Where the weight came from for that is unknown.
If you take a 3, you can drop the UAC/2s and the targeting computer for a pair of UAC/5s, but you only get a single ton of ammo each.

I wish there was a version with CRAC/2s, but you have to find a spare ton just to give each gun its own ton of ammo. It works out to be too much of a stretch. Now you could always do just a single CRAC, but that would mess with the symmetry too much.


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    • Christina Dickinson Writes
Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #17 on: 12 April 2017, 15:25:43 »
Fire Falcon, Black Lanner, Hellion, Phantom, Ice Ferret, are all 7/11 or faster Omnis, that show up on the Dark Age Era availability for the Falcons. And for BA you have the Afreet, Elementals (Std, Fire, & Space), Clan Medium BA, Salamanders, Undines, and Surats, all of which I believe can be mechanized and swarm.

Unrelated to the Gyrfalcon, but you just gave me an idea involving a Hellion G and a Point of Salamander Anti-Infantry... >:D
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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #18 on: 12 April 2017, 15:28:28 »
I suppose in a big battle you can write a few thousand BV off more easily, so the 4 might be usable.  Of course, in a non BV setting, then who the heck cares.  Shoot, by tonnage, the Gyr 4 and BA combo (Salamanders, maybe?) would be a steal.  Main worry is that in a medium to large battle, once anyone realizes what the damn thing can do, it's going to get a lot of very unfriendly attention in a big hurry.  Now, since its a very nimble mech maybe that's a good thing, since its drawing a lot of fire away from other mechs that doubtless mount more proper firepower.

I don't mean to say its a bad mech (its not, for its role) or that I don't like it (I'm very intrigued), just that it seems like abysmal value under BV.

I wonder if you had enough of these dancing around pestering the enemy if you could then sneak in a Flamberge 2 into their midst and let all hell break loose. "Oh look, one of these Falcons is finally jumping 210 meters at a time towards us. Two large lasers and a pair of puny autocannons is nothing to worry abou...oh Kerensky, where are all those shells coming from?!?"

Once of these days, I'd like to try playing where you really only get ten seconds for decision making.  In a normal game where you get a minute or two to think, it'd never work, but if you only had ten seconds to think about which of the star of Falcons coming for you to shoot...

As is, I do think the Falcons' consistent design philosophy does tend to make for groups that work well together.  Lots of different ways of making hard hitting mobile forces with good range (mostly).  I'd sooner leave the Claws at home and bring a lot of patience and some extra AC2 ammo, but that's just me.
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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #19 on: 12 April 2017, 15:45:12 »
Good article. The Gyrfalcon is certainly respectable medium 'Mech but i'm not sure i'd call it the best one.

I don't see much wrong with the UAC variant because a TarComp doesn't work with LB-X cluster munitions. Sure, you lose the AA ability but i don't think that's a role 'Mechs should be doing during the Dark Age in any case (not that an AA-capable 'Mech in a lance/Star is not welcome). The loss of range is disappointing admittedly, but 100% damage increase is pretty good really, as damage adds up over time. Also, with limited  cooling, one can retain a bit more damage while dropping an ERLL to cool down.

That said, i don't care for the variants in the first place. Dropping the Reflec armor removes too much flavor from the 'Mech.

As for the TSEMPs... TSEMPs are evil. Dual-shot has good chance of shutting down an enemy 'Mech. And if it is a commander or other high value target, all the better. Not sure they're worth the BV in normal "death match" games though. Ultimate TSEMPs are something of a scenario weapons, for when you need to capture a target, not kill it.

Not sure Aleksandr Hazen actually uses Ultra/5s in his Gyrfalcon. Sure, Flight of the Falcon says "50 millimeter autocannon" but AC designations do not necessarily match with their caliber but rather they tell about the damage potential. Perhaps the author intended it to be so in this case, but we don't know for sure. Interpretation is not really what a wiki like Sarna should have. (Not critique of Hellbie's article but of Sarna really.)

I love the Falcon totem 'Mech lineup. Visually they're striking, and i think CGL did good work converting them to standard BT. (Some variants aside, like the Jade Hawk's missile variants that basically throw away the core points of the 'Mech.)
So, Hellbie, are you going to write articles for the others? (The Jade Hawk is covered already though.)


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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #20 on: 12 April 2017, 15:57:40 »
The Falcons were, in this poster's humble opinion, tied for "biggest winners" of any faction in 3145 when it comes to 'Mech designs (tied with the Free Worlds League, if you squint and ignore the Violator).  The Gyrfalcon certainly contributes to that, being one of the premier sniper units in the game.  There are units that can dish out more firepower more accurately, but there is quite simply nothing that dishes it out on a platform this mobile.  If you told someone used to playing 3025 tech that one day there would be a Rifleman 3N that could jump 7 hexes, took half damage from energy weapons, that had a range 40% greater (on both weapons, even), and that did more damage per hit while still having almost exactly the same amount of armor, first they'd ask if you were high, and then they'd ask for some of what you had.

I love this design, and the article is very good. O0
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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #21 on: 12 April 2017, 17:29:32 »
Hellbie just likes it for having -2 autocannon that won't jam.  Also for lighting up the battlefield like Liberace Cullen...
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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #22 on: 12 April 2017, 18:41:22 »
What shots do hit are mitigated by the reflective armor soaking up much of the damage.
It’s worth trying both and seeing if your style results in taking more hits than not- if you play a high-risk style, the reflective may be the better bet, but if you focus more on sustained fire this is your machine.

As well as being able to dampen down the long-range return fire from ERLLs, ERPPCs, Clan LPLs, etc, I think the reflective armour greatly helps against this mech's natural counter: fast, mobile in-fighters packing a lot of pulse lasers.

Having said that, in-fighters do like to try to kick the legs off their targets too.


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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #23 on: 12 April 2017, 20:26:19 »
The reflective armor is great if you're dealing with Clanners.  Sure, long-range fire is cheesy but it's effective and the Clans' greatest advantages come from their energy weapons, not their missiles or ballistics.  Better yet, Clanners don't like to use melee weapons (and the Falcons are the biggest exception to that) or area-effect weapons when they're dealing with other Clanners.

Against Steiner, it's a little more questionable.  In addition to being one of the factions to mass-produce the Long Tom Cannon on a regular field unit - one that, unlike the Horses, they're quite willing to employ against the Falcons - they also love big honking ballistics and have an unnatural fascination with the hatchet.  Sure, the Gyrfalcon's stock model outranges all of that but getting 30 uninterrupted hexes is something a lot of commanders can arrange not to happen with a little creativity.  Given all of that, I suspect the 2 and 3 get more heavily provided to units that see a lot of action against the Lyrans.

ANS Kamas P81

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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #24 on: 12 April 2017, 20:33:15 »
Well, with the Horses, Bears, and the Republic, there'd be plenty of use for that reflective armor on the east side of things.  Issue your ferrofibrous versions on the west against the Lyrans, perhaps.
Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen,
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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #25 on: 12 April 2017, 20:46:25 »
I personally like the Gyrfalcon, it's fast machine and is able to get someone at range.  I came to like it through the novels and dossier as well.  I think (my opinion) the laser heat sinks came on later. I honestly don't think the laser heat sinks were thing until the TRO was written since the Mech's stats were exclusively from the dossier and i doubt the marketer/designer who was said to used Heavy Metal Pro to give some stats to their designs when MWDA came out used anything but normal double heat sinks.

I actually like the UAC/5 version i wish they had made it work as design.  I take it that unique record sheet for Alexandr Hazen didn't come out?  I didn't see it in any of the normal Record sheets for 3145/50 era books.

Thanks again, JadeHellbringer, for another bang up job!
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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #26 on: 12 April 2017, 20:52:46 »
The Gyrfalcon is the world's most annoying thing. I love it.

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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #27 on: 12 April 2017, 20:53:57 »
I'd like to point out that the Bears have an entire Galaxy whose shtick is "hit things with an axe."
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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #28 on: 12 April 2017, 21:02:46 »
Small point of order: I was poking through XTRO republic 3 today, and noticed that the Ryoken 3 XP C has a BV of 4387. The A and B are also in the mid-3000's, but the C has a TSEMP, which throws it up into silly-pants land. Of course, it is a prototype, so the Gyrfalcon still deserves respect, but there are more expensive canon mediums.

That said, I have a very healthy respect for this mech. It is, in a word, effective. Now, I personally am not really a fan of AC2s in any of their forms, so it does annoy me that they show up on so many of the variants, but I won't try to claim they are useless. I just don't like them! Even with that significant tonnage investment in a weapon I'm not fond of, this thing is still a mighty pain to fight, and that says something about just how good it is.

As for the super-expensive variant, I'm not a big fan of TSEMPin general. Not because it is bad or expensive, but because I disagree with the stun mechanic. In a meta-sense, I really do not like handing out the skip-your-next-turn card. If it was just the other mechanics I wouldn't mind, but the loose-a-turn shutdown is something I am greatly against having in the game. It isn't just that it is powerful, but it takes away your ability to play with that unit. Getting knocked down, or having a heat spike from plasma weapons is annoying, but it doesn't take away all your choices and actions. Restricts them maybe, but doesn't take them away. Shutting down you mech does. You literally don't get to do anything unless you happen to fall over, in which case you get to roll a seatbelt check. While heat can shut down your mech as well, heat input from weapons is capped so that you can't usually, from being shot with heat weapons alone, shut down a mech. Ok, maybe an intro tech mech with two engine crits might let you shut it down, but generally you can avoid heat shutdowns if you want to. Sorry for the rant, but I really don't like this mechanic, and I wish it was retconned out of the game!

But yeah, Gyrfalcon: you are definitely falconing hard enough.
« Last Edit: 12 April 2017, 21:07:01 by sadlerbw »


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Re: MotW: Gyrfalcon
« Reply #29 on: 12 April 2017, 21:33:24 »
The idea of pairing up CRAC/2s on this beast appeals to me.  Unlike the LB-2X, it will sure as hell still be generating multiple hits at range.  You'd have to drop the lasers, which stings, so perhaps pair that hypothetical variant with a Standard and watch the holes open up and then be immediately filled with lead at 24 hexes.
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