Author Topic: Opalescent Reflections  (Read 64977 times)


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #810 on: 04 May 2024, 06:50:07 »
And the post-war (counter attack) political landscape is beginning to take form, it seems. Good to know that Omi has an eye on Kathrine and is making her influence felt on Victor. It could backfire, though. Quite possible that if it comes to a confrontation between the siblings, Kathrine might try to frame Victor as being under the Combine's influence to gain support from the Draconis March, among others.

I'm not sure if Katherine's behavior will be factor.  Her father and mother (i think) are still alive. 
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #811 on: 05 May 2024, 23:35:08 »
Opalescent Reflections

Full House
Chapter 12

Over Jaguar Prime, Huntress
Kerensky Cluster, Clan Homeworlds
6 May 3058

Naval battles were a special hell, Sarah Weaver thought as she sat in the cockpit of her Iron Cheetah. The ‘mech was strapped into a cocoon in readiness to be launched from the dropship Righteous Indignation at the proper moment, and this left both omnimech and khan effectively prisoners. Even if she had been on the flight deck of the dropship - or that of the much larger Osis’ Pride - there was little she could have done.

With her ‘mech active and on the battlefield, Sarah was a giant - able to crush whatever foe presented itself. But she had only a theoretical knowledge of voidcraft and how they were employed in battle. She would have been hard-pressed to identify a threat, much less act intelligently to counter it.

The hull of the Overlord-class ship creaked, the sound enough to penetrate the massive insulation around her. A good sign? A bad one? Sarah had no idea.

The only thing she could be sure of was that delivering her - and Omega Galaxy - to the surface as rapidly as possible was critical. The units left behind had lost their command and half their strength in the first clash with the invaders. What remained had been avoided direct conflict - veterans disgraced over the years by Inner Sphere resistance were turning the tactics used against them on the spheroid forces - ambushes, distractions and sabotage to slow progress.

The reports made when Osis’ Pryde erupted into the star system at the proximity point of Huntress and its one moon - Sentinel - made it clear that despite all of this, the invaders were within days of reaching Lootera. And above the capital, within the fortress of Mount Szabo, lay the prime genetic repository. The material and records that were used in every generation of trueborn warriors.

The thought of that in the hands of Spheroids was horrifying. The least nauseating idea was of the site’s destruction - it would be a dreadful blow but recoverable using the similar facilities on Strana Mechty and lesser sites elsewhere. Sarah had nightmares about the Successor Lords using the material to breed subservient warriors for their own ambitions - the Clans’ children in blood but corrupted and enslaved to the dynasties that had broken the Star League.

She had slept poorly since the idea crossed her mind, something she could share with no one. Only the strength of their Khan was holding Omega Galaxy together. They had expected victories, not a desperate race home to face a threat no one had even imagined.

The dropship shook again, and Sarah’s resolve to leave this part of the battle to officers trained for it shattered. Her finger stabbed at the comms panel. “Status!” she demanded.

“Two of their destroyers have been destroyed, my Khan. The Osis’ Pryde is heavily engaged.”

Perhaps she had misjudged the Star Commodore. Canto had warned her that the ancient Potemkin-class troop cruiser was not intended for stand-up battles. There was no choice but to commit her against the enemy warships… but expectations must be realistic.

Still… “I mean the landings!”

“We are entering the upper atmosphere, you should be feeling it,” the commander grated. “We are within minutes of the drop.” Sarah heard a ‘so let me deal with it’ but ignored the disrespectful tone. “The enemy knows it and their fighters are attempting interceptions.”

“We have fighters of our own.” That was true. “And once you have dropped us, you will no longer be targeted.” That was just her hope. The plan was for the dropships to make for Abysmal - the smaller continent had not been touched in the fighting so the facilities there could repair damage to the dropships. More importantly, the factories there could provide munitions, spare parts - even replacement omnimechs - and everything else needed to supply Sarah’s campaign to liberate Huntress. Once Lootera was secure, the dropships could make sub-orbital hops in relative safety, trusting in the surface to orbit batteries to protect them.

The old pilot commanding Righteous Indignation grunted… and then she heard him gasp. “No, what are they doing?”

“What are who doing?”

“I… damn them! Boarding shuttles!”

“Here?” Who in their right mind would attempt to board a dropship that was making re-entry. There was courage, but that would be utter insanity!

“The Osis’ Pride!” Sarah’s recollection that she had drafted the elementals of the cruiser’s security detachment to reinforce Omega Galaxy was cut short a moment later by another curse from the pilot. “Canto, you surat!”

“Tell me what is going on!” Sarah roared.

But the Khan got no answer, only frantic reports and orders from the bridge that she realized she was overhearing only because the commander had forgotten to cut her off. She heard something about the fighters. A recall that was too late to be useful. More curses about Canto - what had that fool done with the Osis’ Pride?

The howl of “Weapons free!” was not a good sign: the dropship formation was going in tight - firing their guns risked friendly fire - the Smoke Jaguar aerospace fighters were supposed to keep the enemy out of range for the transport dropships’ guns to be useful, much less needed.

And more than the words, the tones… Sarah knew that she was hearing a loss of control over the battle… and that was something that spoke of defeat.

Damn you, Showers! Did you take every competent dropship crew with you?!

Something slapped the side of the Righteous Indignation, slamming Sarah against her restraints. Had they taken a hit.

“Engine… out…” she heard someone warn.

And then: “All ‘mechs,” the commander ordered. “Prepare to drop!” Red-lights in her cockpit went amber, then green. She felt the mechanisms of the ‘mech bay come to life, lifting her cocooned ‘mech and preparing it for the next stop. The massive hatch began to grind open, the scream of air entering the dropship audible and rocking the Righteous Indignation further.

They were going too fast, she thought. This wasn’t even the planned drop - the count-down on her console was still three minutes short of the scheduled time.

There was a grinding noise - then sharp, explosive cracks that Sarah recognised as shaped charges. Something being forced open?

And then the sudden jolt of her cocoon being flung clear of the Righteous Indignation. The comms channel to the command deck cut out - the wires linking her to the dropship’s internal comms would have been cut when she was dropped. The sudden loss of human voices made her cockpit feel grave-like even as Sarah heard the fluc-fluc-fluc noise of the cocoon ablating.

It won’t last long, she thought. I’m moving too fast - hopefully it lasts enough. She seized the controls and settled her feet against the pedals that would let her control the jet-pack strapped onto her ‘mech, as if the one hundred ton war machine was little more than a soldier in the jump infantry.

Something exploded high in the sky above Sarah. She couldn’t tell what… one of the dropships perhaps? Maybe an enemy fighter?

A dreadful, shameful, crawling fear rose up inside her and the mechwarrior could feel sweat running down her face that she could not blame on heat.

Finally, after an eternity that had lasted less than two minutes, the cocoon finally broke away and Sarah’s sensors were able to paint her a picture of Huntress’ skies.

She was hundreds of kilometers away from Lootera, that much was evident. The water to the south must be the Liberation Sea, which meant she was on entirely the wrong side of the Jaguar Fang mountain range. Icons of other ‘mechs were visible in the sky, but scattered wildly - there would be no compact landing zone where Omega Galaxy could marshal quickly before launching the counter-attack.

Fiery streaks crossed the sky, the marks of dropships through the atmosphere. Some ended in abrupt fireballs or veered sharply into vertical descents. A few arced off to the north or south, breaking off from the pack in hope of avoiding pursuit.

And aerospace fighters were slashing through the chaos like the arrows of the gods, cutting through everything they came across.

Some wore the snarling jaguar of her Clan, others the dragon of Rasalhague, a fiery bird or a sword emerging from water. Every fighter on both sides displayed the Cameron Star.

One, two, three fighters died in the sky around Sarah in as many seconds, and that was just in the easy reach of her own sensors. Two had been Smoke Jaguars, which said poor things about the readiness of her pilots. The third had been one of the enemy - but only one of them.

The best estimate was that the invaders had around sixty aerospace fighters. Sarah had only commanded about that many herself - Omega Galaxy’s aerospace binaries had been battered covering the withdrawal from Vinton, replenished from the garrison there and the Osis’ Pryde’s own squadron. The loss ratio suggested that the parity was being lost.

Alarms blared, warning that Sarah herself was being targeted. A dart-like aerospace fighter - one of the Cor-Stars used by ComStar - was lighting her up. The khan twisted her ‘mech, aware that abandoning the stable drop position was a risk but subordinating that to the much more immediate hazard of being shredded by the fighter’s lasers.

Every bit of reaction mass in the jump-pack was precious, but little more than a breath was enough to turn the Iron Cheetah enough for the resulting tumble to bring her PPCs to bear.

Two particle bolts lashed out and smashed one of the wings on the fighter… bare seconds after the Cor-Star’s own lasers slashed a line across armor… and across the auxiliary jump-pack.

Sarah Weaver had the satisfaction of seeing the CorStar tumbling wildly as it lost control under her shots… but then she saw the fuel gauge of the jump pack drop precipitously. The lasers had penetrated the tanks of liquid hydrogen and more than a ton of the precious reactor mass was spraying out into the sky.

The altimeter told the saKhan of Clan Smoke Jaguar that she was still several kilometers above the ground, a distance shrinking faster and faster as gravity dragged her ‘mech down. Without the jump pack, there was no way to slow her fall… and the twist to bring her guns to bear and her tumbling wildly, unable to safely eject.

It took just under a minute for Sarah Weaver to complete her return to Huntress… and she was screaming in rage the whole way down.

Jaguar’s Fangs Mountain Range, Huntress
Kerensky Cluster, Clan Homeworlds
6 May 3058

Tyra was getting better about being shot down.

First time she’d woken in an enemy medical bay. The next she’d ridden the fighter into the ground and had to be picked up by a particularly useless group of ComGuards.

This time, at least, she’d managed to eject and make it to the ground without injury. The mechwarrior in that Iron Cheetah had devilishly good aim - hopefully she had done enough damage to the ‘mech that the Task Force wouldn’t have to face them on the ground.

Even if ‘getting good’ at losing fighters wasn’t something to boast of, at least Tyra was at large to make her way back to the rest of the task force. Their current base was at Baghera, in the mountains, and she was fairly sure she knew the rough direction.

In theory she could have just followed the roadsigns - Baghera sat on the main highway through the mountains. But Task Force Topaz had marched through this region to get that far so the roadsigns weren’t likely to be reliable. Civilians had removed or altered the signs to confuse them - and of course, the things were obvious targets for bored mech-jocks to punch at as they went past them.

Still, find the highway and follow it east. How hard could it be?

Three hours later, she was remembering route marches from the academy and regretting her earlier hubris. It would be much easier to do this if she had transport. At this rate, by the time she got to Baghera, the task force would have been gone for weeks - debate among the command staff had already been leaning towards giving up on Lootera and leaving for the Inner Sphere, rather than risk further losses. The arrival of Smoke Jaguar reinforcements, however haphazardly, would probably have settled the matter.

Fortunately those three hours had taken her as far as a road and, even better, something resembling civilization. The small farming village didn’t seem heavily populated but there were enough barns, workshops and other outbuildings that she should be able to get into the center without being noticed much.

Looking down at herself, Tyra concluded that - covered in dust as it was - her flightsuit looked fairly similar to the jumpsuits worn by most Smoke Jaguar warriors for day-to-day use. The Kungsarme patch and the Flying Drakons badges would have to go, but that only took a few moments with the blade from her survival kit to handle.

Ideally, she thought, nobody stops me. I just need a car or truck that’s unsupervised and has a tank of gas. The Clans were a high trust society - they rarely secured doors and vehicles.

If someone did try to talk to her, she’d be best masquerading as a Smoke Jaguar warrior. Chances were that none of the civilians would dare stand up to her unless they suspected her. As baffling as it might seem, very few of the civilian castes seemed to have rebellious thoughts against their Clan. Or, if they did, they kept them quiet… for good reason.

Still, Tyra might run into an exception, someone wanting payback and willing to take it out on a lone warrior who might be missed; so she checked her sidearm was loose in its holster before she tried to enter the village.

Her luck held though - while she saw no suitable vehicles unsupervised as she walked through the dirt roads between the buildings, no one tried to approach her - in fact, the outskirts seemed mostly empty. If she hadn’t seen workers out in the fields, Tyra would have suspected the place was deserted.

And as she reached the center of the village, she saw exactly what she needed - a light utility truck, suited for off-road use and of the same type she’d used often. And best of all, the engine under the hood was a small fusion reactor - barely large enough to register on the scale needed for combat vehicles but for something this size, it gave the truck a range that might as well have been infinite.

The truck was parked in front of the village store, which probably explained where the owner was. Trying not to look furtive, she walked down the street towards it and caught hold of the door handle as she went past. If it hadn’t opened, she would have gone past and considered her options. However, the door unlatched and so she swung herself inside.

The seat was a little too far back for her and she reached down to adjust it.


Of all the timing! Looking up, Tyra saw a young man - more a boy than a man - standing at the entrance of the store. He had a carbine suspended from his shoulder by a tactical sling and in the time it took Tyra to get her hand onto her gun, the muzzle was up and she could see down the barrel.

“Do not point that at me unless you plan to use it,” she snapped, barely remembering to use the ‘proper’ clipped English of the Clans.

“I will,” he spat, voice high with excitement. “Get out of our truck.”

Tyra looked at him. Looked at the gun. Then she started the engine. “I am commandeering this vehicle.”

“You cannot commandeer from a warrior!”

More of them were coming out of the store now, five… no six. All wearing the same coveralls. All of them armed and none looking past their teens. “You are a warrior?” Tyra asked contemptuously. “You do not look old enough to have passed your trials. How old are you? Seventeen?”

There was a sharp laugh from one of the other warriors. But they were spreading out slowly, all of them gripping carbines.

The boy flushed. “Eighteen. But our Clan needs us and we answer the call.”

Tyra snorted and reached for the door to pull it close.

He licked his lips nervously but the gun never ceased to bear upon Tyra. “I do not want to have to clean the cab but I will shoot you if you do not get out. Now!”

“That will not be necessary, Sam,” a quiet voice corrected him from the doorway. The man who emerged from the store was older than any of them and moved with confidence. As he stepped out into the sun, Tyra could see flesh and metal in familiar features. “Tyra. I did not expect to see you back here.”

She swallowed. “It is a small galaxy, Trent.”

For a moment, they could have been five years back - warrior and technician. Outcast and bondswoman.

And then they were on a dusty street again, youths claiming the title of warrior eyeing each of them uncertainly. “You know her, sir?”

Trent sighed heavily. “Aff. She is a warrior.” Then he glanced around at them. “My command,” he told Tyra. “Warriors all.”

So he’d been made a trainer. Tyra knew that the post was not considered an honor for the Clans, more… getting one last piece of use out of a warrior too old to fight. “If you say it, then it must be so,” she allowed.

“We will fight with Khan Weaver,” Sam exclaimed proudly. “We will retake our world!”

Tyra imagined the little squad trying to take on a tank or ‘mech and the result seemed obvious. Still, they could easily be dangerous against an infantry squad… or a lone pilot trying to get back to her lines. “That assumes that she makes it to the surface alive,” she said instead, indicating the sky. “The Khan is formidable but we all have limits.”

“Something you should remember,” Trent warned her.

“I am taking this truck, Trent.” She could have backed down, found something else, but Tyra had a suspicion that doing so would be showing weakness to this pack of half-trained and aggressive young Jaguars. And that would not end well.

The scarred mechwarrior grunted deep in his chest. “So, cubs. It seems that my old friend is challenging us to a trial of possession for our transportation. Do you need me to remind you how to respond?”

The group moved back to circle him, looking at each other and no longer paying any mind to Tyra. Even Sam backed up, lowering his carbine.

“I will defeat her,” the one girl among them boasted. She drew a survival knife. “Knives!”

“Hah!” The tallest of the boys clapped his hands together sharply. “Who needs weapons? I will best her with my bare hands!”

Trent chuckled, the sound turned into a harsh cough. “Will you?”

“Neg,” Sam warned. “I will beat her.” He unstrapped his carbine.

“What do you bid that is less than no weapon,” demanded the tall boy.

“I will beat her with one hand tied behind my back!”

Trent glanced over at Tyra, who shook her head slightly. He snorted. “Very well, that is the lowest bid. Does anyone think they can fight with less?”

The other four all shook their heads and stepped back.

“Very well.” Trent accepted the carbine he was offered. “Sam, you are elected to defend our rights to the truck. If you win, Tyra must find other transportation. If not… I think she will let us remove our gear from the back.”

“Bargained well and done,” Tyra agreed, watching in amusement as Sam loosened his belt and thrust his hand through the back of it. He needed another boy’s help to tighten the belt again and winced slightly as it was secured.

“Are you both ready?” Trent asked. “Then begin,” he ordered once Tyra and Sam had both agreed.

Sam took two steps towards the truck and then froze as he found the muzzle of Tyra’s side-arm pointed right between his eyes. Eyes that went wide sharply at the sight.

“What is your plan now?” Tyra asked him quietly.

“I…” He gulped. “Star Captain?”

Trent coughed again. “Breaking your bid is dishonorable, warrior. And your dishonor reflects upon me, as your trainer and your commander. Why should I incur dishonor because you bid poorly?”

There was a snicker from one of the other youngsters and Sam’s head snapped up. He looked desperate, ready to do something stupid.

“I offer you hegira,” Tyra told him before some poorly calculated risk could be taken. “The Smoke Jaguars need warriors and if Trent tells me that you are worthy then it must be so.”

Sam licked his lips and then lowered his head. “I accept.”

Tyra raised the gun slightly but didn’t put it away until the boy had backed up.

“Get your gear from the back,” Trent ordered the other four. “And Sam’s as well.”

The four bustled forwards, giving Sam sidelong looks that made it clear that he was now the low man on the totem pole.

“Knives?” Tyra asked, giving the girl a pointed look. Then she turned to the taller boy. “Bare hands?” She shook her head, slipping her sidearm away. The two looked abashed.

Trent gave her a nod. “I cannot spare a map for you, but the highway is thirty kilometers south of us. The Spheroids watch it so we use side roads to get around them.”

Understanding his unspoken message, Tyra nodded wordlessly. Then she pulled the door shut. “The Spheroids will leave soon. This was a raid. But other Clans will arrive soon.”

“Aff,” he grunted. “We will be ready.”

She wanted to wish him luck, but knew it would be uncharacteristic of a Smoke Jaguar warrior. “Skill, Trent.”

“And you, Tyra.” He lowered his voice. “Did you get shot down again? It is a bad habit, even if you keep surviving.”

The last of the kids jumped down, having removed six rucksacks from the truckbed. Tyra looked for something more to say and found nothing. He would not join her and she would not join him. From his expression, he felt the same way.

Putting the truck into gear, Tyra stepped on the accelerator and it roared away. Dust was kicked up over the six of them and indignant curses from the child-warriors of Clan Smoke Jaguar chased her out of the village.

New Samos, Kirchbach
Clan Wolf Occupation Zone
4 June 3058

The Zeerga had been on Kirchbach. New Samos, the capital, was still burning in places where the garrison had gone in to secure the administration center.

“Vlad did not need to do that,” Phelan Ward reported, face grim. He had taken a cluster from Beta Galaxy in to support the firefighters. “The garrison had already been beaten, he had control of the planet.”

Ulric had stayed with the bulk of the Clan forces, outside the city. “He could have acquired the data and the staff without the damage,” he agreed. “But there is a reason he did it this way.”

Jena Carns scowled. Her Fourth Wolf Guards were currently providing the perimeter. “If they wanted to fight over their exile, why are they not here? They had to know we would respond.”

The Khan combed through his short beard with the fingers of his left hand. “Two questions with one answer: Vlad - and I agree, this is his strategy, not Marialle Radick’s - does not just want to fight us, he wants to beat us. Me, in particular.” He watched the two, wondering if his old friend would understand first or if Phelan would show what he had learned.

“We know he was here for information,” Jena pointed out. “The Zeerga have been out of touch for a year, but they should have a good idea by now of the situation from Sigma’s files.”

Phelan stiffened. “He is shaping the battlefield.”

“What battlefield, he is not here!”

Ulric shook his head. Jena was a very sharp tactician, she had commanded the Fourth Wolf Guards for twice as long as most officers managed to serve as Star Colonel, but there was a reason she had never risen to Galaxy Commander. “The larger battlefield.” He nodded to Phelan. “Go on.”

“The information here is not going to add much to what the Zeerga know already,” the young man thought out loud. “They probably learned more when they hit the ComStar enclave.”

Having been on the frontlines of the first two Succession Wars, Kirchbach had taken serious damage. As one of the few places that was not at risk of WMDs, ComStar’s HPG station had become a destination for refugees. More than a century later, it was one of the major cities with a sizable area around it that wasn’t formally part of the enclave but depended on it economically. There had been a battalion of ComGuards there before the Zeerga arrived - now there was not, and the city looked worse than New Samos did.

Phelan looked up and met Ulric’s gaze. “We promised protection to these people and we failed. It makes Clan Wolf look weak.”

“Exactly,” the Khan agreed. “They wanted to draw out a response. This is the second attack since Star’s End and the pattern is the same. The uprisings since the interdiction are a problem but it is manageable. If Clan Wolf’s strength and reliability are in question, that could become much worse. We cannot ignore this, but reinforcing all the garrisons here means the Zeerga can pick units off individually.”

“They know that they are outnumbered.” Jena smacked one hand against her thigh. “Going for isolated garrisons is to weaken us so that we cannot use our numbers against them.”

“And without a fixed base of operations, we cannot pin them down. Those Leviathans may be basically barges but they can go anywhere,” Phelan realized. “Damn…”

“Not anywhere. There is a limit to both their supplies and how long the civilians aboard will put up with their quarters,” Ulric corrected him. “You have read some of our history, do you recall the Prinz Eugen mutiny?”

That got a thoughtful look. “Not in detail. The crew wanted to quit Kerensky’s Exodus fleet and marines had to storm the ship.”

“Close enough. The point is that long journeys put stress on passengers, particularly on ships that cannot be in the best of condition. While the Zeerga have not been traveling as long as the Exodus Fleet had been at that point, pressure will be building. Civilians will be less productive and the warriors…”

“They must be climbing the walls!” Jena went to the window and indicated the smoke rising from New Samos’ skyline. “And their Khans letting them off the leash is part of why there was so much collateral damage.”

Ulric nodded in agreement. “Radick and Ward must have promised them something to still be in control of their Clan Council. And we know how warriors are, particularly when they are young. They will want chances to prove themselves and gain glory. A long period of denial and now a taste…”

“So they are on a deadline,” Phelan concluded. “Assuming that they are looking to confront you,” he pointed at Ulric, “Then sooner or later they have to do that.”

“And balance that against giving them the best chance of success.”

“That assumes they do not go right for Tamar.” Jena had the look on her face that said she was playing devil’s advocate.

Ulric shook his head. “Unlikely. We would have the supplies, the fixed defenses and it would be easier for us to call in reinforcements from Delta and Gamma. No, they are trying to draw me out.” He paused and then looked over at Phelan. “Probably to draw you out as well, Phelan. Vlad has not forgotten your history with him.”

“I figured that.” The young Star Colonel shook his head. “So he does not know yet we are here.”

“Even if he did, he will want to eliminate more of Theta Galaxy before he strikes.” Ulric stroked his beard. “Two, perhaps three attacks to eliminate support and - they hope - to force us to disperse our forces.”

Jena looked over at the city. “I do not like the idea of more cities suffering this, Ulric.”

“Nor do I.” The Khan looked out. Vlad has found an excellent angle to undermine us. He would have been so valuable to the Clan if he had not fallen in with the lunatic fringe. “Unfortunately, they have the initiative for now. We will start by making my presence known. Not here though, Kirchbach is not central enough… Liezen would be better. From there we can act as a reaction force with some chance of intercepting them.”

“You are thinking of our warships,” she said.

“Yes, we have a naval star with us. Even if our ground forces cannot arrive in time, taking out their transport will either pin them in place or force them to leave some of their forces behind.” The Zeerga didn’t even need to have their ships destroyed, just damaged. “But even if that does not work, once I am there the pressure from their Clan Council to confront me will be increased. The sooner the confrontation takes place, the less of this,” he pointed out the window, “We have to deal with.”

“They have at least three galaxies,” Phelan warned. “Maybe more if they have a significant amount of captured material and Wolf warriors willing to fight for them. Alpha, Beta and Epsilon are good, but that may not be enough.”

Ulric saw Jena bristle at that and shrugged. “Even if we win, we could take losses that leave us weakened in face of other threats. That is why I need you to go back to Rasalhague, Phelan.”


“Yes, I have a mission for you. If we are going to defeat the Zeerga without shattering half our available forces, we need to take advantage of their biggest vulnerability.”

“And what would that be?” Jena enquired.

Ulric smiled wolfishly. “Their quite phenomenal ability to make enemies.”
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #812 on: 06 May 2024, 03:16:17 »
I guess Sarah was righteously indignant all the way to her high speed dirt impact.

It's good to see that Tyra and Trent got to meet again in sort of friendly way, a valuable lesson for sibkos as well, if they are willing to learn, that is.

Will Ulric try to manipulate both Jaguars and Raging Bovines into attacking Rasalhague, making it a four way fight?
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #813 on: 06 May 2024, 03:35:28 »
Ulric nailed their greatest vulnerability! ;D


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #814 on: 06 May 2024, 12:07:42 »
Tyra's and Trent's chance meeting was really touching. It's a strange relationship those two have formed, but it feels realistic and relatable.

And Righteous Indignation is the most Smoke Jaguar name ever  :grin:
Jude Melancon lives!

Dave Talley

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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #815 on: 06 May 2024, 14:30:42 »
I guess Sarah was righteously indignant all the way to her high speed dirt impact.
Ooh she learned about lithobraking.
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #816 on: 06 May 2024, 15:28:55 »
Well, at least she'll maybe get a battlemech maneuver named after herself ... the Sarah Weaver Highdiving Headbutt, patent pending and odds of survival not revealed at this time.
"Like spirited Eridani stallions chasing after fat, clumsy Luthien cows" Anonymous Rasalhague Journalist, 2749


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #817 on: 06 May 2024, 15:49:54 »
The manoeuvre even has a theme song

Do it if you dare
    Leaping from the sky
    Hurling thru the air
    Exhilarating high
    See the earth below
    Soon to make a crater
    Blue sky, black death
    I'm off to meet my maker
    Energy of the Gods, adrenalin surge
    Won't stop 'til I hit the ground
    I'm on my way for sure
    Up here in the air this will never hurt
    I'm on my way to impact
    Taste the high speed dirt
    Paralyzed with fear
    Feel velocity gain
    Entering a near
    Catatonic state
    Pressure of the sound
    Roaring thru my head
    Crash into the ground
    Damned if I'll be dead
    Energy of the gods, adrenalin surge
    Won't stop 'til I hit the ground
    I'm on my way for sure
    Up here in the air this will never hurt
    I'm on my way to impact
    A Taste of high speed dirt
    Jump or die!
    Dropping all my weight
    Going down full throttle
    The Pale Horse awaits
    Like a genie in a bottle
    Fire in my veins
    Faster as I go
    I forgot my name
    I'm a dirt torpedo
    High speed dirt
Megadeath - High Speed Dirt
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #818 on: 06 May 2024, 17:51:03 »
Tyra's and Trent's chance meeting was really touching. It's a strange relationship those two have formed, but it feels realistic and relatable.

And Righteous Indignation is the most Smoke Jaguar name ever  :grin:
+1 for Tyra and Trent... but "Scream and Leap" would seem to be EVEN MORE SJ... ;D


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #819 on: 06 May 2024, 18:00:02 »
+1 for Tyra and Trent... but "Scream and Leap" would seem to be EVEN MORE SJ... ;D

Likely isorla from the Hellions...
Jude Melancon lives!


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #820 on: 06 May 2024, 18:06:46 »
ALSO true! :D

Sir Chaos

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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #821 on: 07 May 2024, 02:56:21 »
And Righteous Indignation is the most Smoke Jaguar name ever  :grin:

I dunno... it sounds a bit too restrained to be really them.
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #822 on: 07 May 2024, 11:55:04 »
The 'jump is a prison for mechwarriors, naval combat hell because you are not in control' is a repeated theme in Drakenis' writing, but this is perhaps the worst it has ever been.  Seldom has a jump gone soo badly, has naval combat been so spectacularly out of your control.  And yet, as a Khan, this is all Weaver's fault.  She, presumably, chose the plans for this mission.  She chose the officers around her, to a greater or lesser extent.  And as an individual combatant, she fell victim to the 'oh no I can't eject' demons.  This is why, you see, your jetpack for landing a battlemech should be all-solid rocket motors without fuel to drain, with a backup of 'a parachute big enough to break the mech's legs, but not any other critical parts.' :P
*Insert support for fashionable faction of the week here*

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #823 on: 07 May 2024, 13:25:00 »
A solid rocket motor would be the last thing you’d want in a jump pack.

Solid rocket motors are not throttlable: you light them, they burn in the predetermined pattern you packed the solid propellant into them for the exact flight profile you intended.  Once lit, a solid rocket motor burns until empty.  You would need to know the exact release height, local gravity and precise position you’re dropping your ‘Mech at to use such a pack, because the solid rocket motor would need its solid rocket fuel arranged internally to ether exact configuration, and any deviation from that flight pattern would cause it to fail.
"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #824 on: 07 May 2024, 22:27:05 »
Omi and Victor, at least. I don't think we've seen Victor share his concerns with his family or friends. Of course, with Hanse still alive and Victor more involved with governance and bureaucracy, there certainly is less opportunity for Katherine to accelerate her journey towards a throne. She's also much more involved on the Davion side of the F-C, so there might be an opportunity for her to exploit any dissent (among the Draconis March especially) about focusing too much on the "Lyran" problem of the Clan front and not taking the golden opportunity of ending the threat of the Combine for good.

There might be less dissent, with the Combine so reduced to more or less a buffer state and rather focused on the Diamond Sharks.  And enough people in power can do the calculus that if they take out the remains of the Combine?  Then they'd be on the front with the Clans there as well.

The "Shark March" 'joke' Omi overheard, or was deliberately let slip in her hearing?  Recognizes the situation of the Combine being a buffer state, and perhaps a small amount of fear that it might fully collapse and the Clans will be facing them directly instead.

As for the New Star League offensive?  There are basically two flanks, one in Lyran space, the other in the Combine.  There is some fighting in the Outworlds, but I suspect of the two the Draconis March would rather see Combine soldiers die for their Coordinator than Davion ones.


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #825 on: 09 May 2024, 00:41:09 »
Opalescent Reflections

Full House
Chapter 13

Unity City, North America
Terra, Sol System
30 July 3058

“In conclusion, we believe that with the lack of any significant offensive action by the Clans, Task Force Emerald can reasonably be deployed to push back Clan Wolf and Clan Ghost Bear, allowing greater exploitation of Clan Smoke Jaguar’s current weak position.” Narimasa Asano closed his briefing folder and stepped back from the podium, giving the assembled officers a polite bow.

Victor’s cousin stood from where he’d been seated, to the side of the podium. Morgan Hasek-Davion towered over the former Genyosha commander but there was a similarity to their manner - both expert soldiers and the leaders of such with decades of experience between them.

It was still strange to see the Marshal of Armies in SLDF olive rather than AFFC blues or the black of the Kathil Uhlans. Morgan rested one hand on either side of the podium. “The dispatch of part of Task Force Emerald to strike at Clan Wolf has been approved in principle by the Star League Council,” he reminded the assembly of officers from all the new Star League’s member-states. “Re-establishing the Free Rasalhague Republic in some form -” The proposal of the Republic starting under protectorate status of the Draconis Combine had been something of a bombshell in diplomatic circles. “- has been a goal of the Star League from the beginning. The news that part of the Wolf forces are diverted to deal with their own exiles is too good an opportunity to ignore. Discussion of how we do this is welcome, the matter of whether or not we do is closed. I trust you all understand.”

The redhead looked around the room for a moment and nodded in satisfaction. “There has been another request for forces to be detached from Task Force Emerald, in this case from the Federated Commonwealth.” He turned to where Victor was waiting off the side of the stage. “To present the proposal, Kommandant-General Steiner Davion.”

Victor marched to the podium and in the interval, one of the staffers moved a small platform into place, to adjust to the difference in height between the two cousins. Looking out at the audience, Victor was tempted for a moment to request that they reconvene in the ‘mech hangar. It would probably be less intimidating to be facing them if they were in ‘mechs where he couldn’t see their faces.

Brushing the impulse aside, he activated the display. “The fall of Inarcs means that so far as we are aware, Clan Steel Viper has no further outposts within the Inner Sphere. Given their past history we are not prepared to assert that they will not return, but confirmed salvage and casualties suggest a minimum of half and more probably three-quarters of their total forces available have been lost.” The high estimates based on some claims were as high as nine galaxies, which was higher than most estimates of the Clan’s total available strength in the Inner Sphere, so he chose not to mention that.

The display shifted from estimated Steel Vipers strength to that of Task Force Sapphire. “Our own losses have not been negligible. A quarter of the regiments committed are shattered or in need of extended recovery.” The worst losses had been from ComStar’s Ninth Division whose forces had started behind enemy lines, but there had been other reverses like the loss of the Fourth Deneb Light Cavalry’s Third Battalion. “The remainder are currently making good their losses and we expect the last of them to be ready for action in September.”

Victor leant forwards. “Some of those regiments will remain in place to maintain our hold on the former Steel Viper Occupation Zone. Others will be trading places with fresh regiments currently facing the Jade Falcons and Nova Cats. In a little more than two months, we will be ready to resume military operations with thirty commands of at least brigade-size. I am requesting reinforcement by a third of the strategic reserve with a goal of securing a line between Biuque and Benfled.”

The display switched to outline current dispositions in the region. Biuque had been one of the more isolated Steel Viper worlds, near Tharkad. It had been a staging area for secondary attacks that had seized the Ludwigshafen-Mississauga-Blumenort pocket and was still strongly held. Benfled, on the other hand, was well behind enemy lines - currently in Jade Falcon hands and bordering the Wolf Occupation Zone.

“The potential gains are the liberation of twenty further worlds from the Clans, significantly increasing strategic depth around Tharkad.” Victor indicated the map. “It would also position us to support operations against Clan Wolf, either covering the flank of the advance or at least presenting a potential threat that the Wolves must honor.”

Asano, who had rejoined the audience, raised one hand politely for attention. “I would characterize that as a very aggressive approach, if it only involved striking at one Clan.” He paused. “That is not disapproval, Kommandant-General, DCMS doctrine approves of such strategic boldness. However, the map is clear that that seven of the targeted worlds are in the hands of Clan Nova Cat, so this would require the reinforced Task Force Sapphire to fight two Clans. That strays from aggressive towards being optimistic.”

There was never going to be a better opening, so Victor set aside his notes. “That is correct, General. A somewhat more conservative alternative would be to strike only at Clan Jade Falcon’s worlds - eliminating the sizeable pocket of worlds that are for the most part separated from the rest of their Occupation Zone by Clan Nova Cat’s current holdings.” He raised his index finger. “However, we have an opportunity to neutralize Clan Nova Cat, which would allow us to secure those worlds.”

“Neutralize an entire Clan?” a Capellan colonel asked, incredulously. “That seems easier said than done.”

“It is an opportunity, not a certainty,” Victor agreed. “Khan Sevren Leroux sent a message to my parents earlier this year, delivered by courier ship to Coventry given the interdiction. The creation of a new Star League has been of considerable interest to them.”

“Are they trying to join?” asked the Capellan sarcastically.

Victor nodded. “That would not really work, of course.”

Narimasa Asano was far too professional to swear but there was a dark look in his eyes as he saw the statement snare attention around the room. If Victor got the support he wanted, that would mean there were insufficient forces left in Task Force Emerald to back operations against both the Wolves and the Ghost Bears - and the Wolves had already been confirmed.

It was too bad for Minoru Kurita, but the AFFC had already sent forces to support him. The Ghost Bears were just going to have to wait a bit longer. Victor hoped Omi didn’t take this badly, but it was his duty to represent the Federated Commonwealth and the chance to liberate these worlds was just too good to pass up.

“Negotiations have been protracted,” he added. “The Nova Catas were asked to demonstrate good faith by assisting us indirectly, which they did by securing the Steel Viper enclave on Sargasso - something we would have found difficult to do without clashing with the Jade Falcons who hold half the world.” The price for that had been orders for LIC teams inciting revolt on several worlds to go silent. Victor felt dirty doing that - it would leave several such movements bereft of support and leadership, but it wouldn’t stop some people trying anyway - and most likely they would be butchered. The Nova Cats were more reasonable than some other Clans… but that didn’t mean they would take active rebellion lightly.

“What sort of terms are they offering?” asked Asano in a voice that barely reached Victor’s ears.

“At the moment, there are two offers on the table, one that favors the Federated Commonwealth and the other that is more to the Nova Cat’s liking,” Victor began. “Now that the truly unacceptable terms have been dismissed, agreement has been reached to settle the matter in the only way that would really be acceptable to the Clans: in battle.” Victor clasped his hands in front of him. “At the same time as our first strikes against the Jade Falcons, I will be taking a task force to Clan Nova Cat’s headquarters to fight a trial.”

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Morgan Hasek-Davion’s head whip around sharply. The decision of who would represent the Federated Commonwealth had not been easily made and thus far it had not been revealed even to the uniformed head of the AFFC.

“You will be doing this personally?” asked Anastasius Focht. “Placing one of the most well-informed of our officers in a position to be captured seems rash.” The old general rarely spoke to the SLDF staff since he had stood down as commanding general, wishing to give space for Morgan to establish himself.

Victor shook his head. “It’s necessary. Khan Leroux will command personally and we need to send someone who is equivalent in rank - someone from the higher echelons of the AFFC or a member of the royal family, preferably both.”

“I am surprised Hanse Davion isn’t taking the field himself. The Fox is -” The Capellan found himself staring into Victor’s glare and shut up.

“My father has never faced the Clans in battle personally. This also eliminated several other candidates.” One part truth to one part lie. Jackson Davion and Nondi Steiner had been disqualified for that reason, but it was not why Hanse Davion would not be leading the operation.

A certain light had gone out of the First Prince’s eyes since he was informed that he was no longer medically fit to pilot a battlemech. He had probably never seriously considered going to the frontlines, but learning he could not command from the cockpit if the war came home to him had hit hard.

Morgan stepped forwards slightly. “I assume that this will be going ahead regardless of today’s decision?”

“It will,” Victor confirmed. “Depending on the outcome, and on the decision regarding Task Force Emerald, the scale of operations against the Jade Falcon will be affected but taking the Nova Cats out of play is too significant.”

“What happens if you lose this trial?” inquired Asano. “What is the Nova Cat’s goal here?”

“If I fail, we will cede control of much of their occupation zone to them,” he admitted. “Some outlying and disjointed territories will be returned to the Federated Commonwealth, and a mutual defense treaty will be signed. In addition, we will be obligated not to vote against any application they make to join the Star League.”

“I cannot imagine the Coordinator making such concessions.”

“I do not intend to lose, General Asano. But the enemy gets a vote. If this goes against us then we will have a neutral covering part of our border with the Clans.” Victor paused. “Not unlike the Free Rasalhague Republic’s role in the past.”

The Combine general tilted his head in acknowledgement. “And in the event that you triumph?”

“Then they will become part of the Star League, because they will become part of the Federated Commonwealth,” Victor told him. “One of their first Khans was apparently a Rim Worlder who fought for Kerensky, and their occupation zone includes some worlds that were once part of the Rim Worlds Republic so they seem to see it as a return home… of a sort.”

The Capellan colonel raised his hand. “What about those they have taken as bondsmen? I understand that neither Clan Smoke Jaguar nor Clan Steel Viper allow captives to serve them in a military capacity, but the same is not true of other Clans.”

“If I win, Clan Nova Cat will release any bondsmen who wish to leave them. If not…” Victor grimaced. “Well, even if I survive I may find myself in their hands. Precautions are being taken.” He chose to believe that those efforts would be to rescue him, but the prospect of being indoctrinated the way Phelan Kell and Ciro Ramirez apparently had been was horrifying. He hoped the Nova Cats would return his previous gesture of offering hegira, but there was no guarantee that they would.

“It has previously been agreed that those put to labor by the Clans are treated as prisoners of war once recovered,” the colonel persisted. “But what of those who take up arms against you?”

Asano - whose realm took a rather different view of prisoners of war than the Federated Commonwealth, a point rather brushed over in the agreement - cleared his throat. “That is treason, colonel. And the reward for that is well known.”

“If I win, then Nova Cat warriors who were once members of the AFFC will technically have returned to the service of the Federated Commonwealth,” Victor observed. “Otherwise it will be the same as other Clans: they will be stripped of their citizenship and dishonorably discharged.”

“Execution would be more appropriate,” the colonel observed provocatively.

General Asano gave him a narrow look. “Some within the DCMS agree, however that is the decision of each nation.”

Morgan gestured for Victor to step aside - the younger man realized his knuckles were white from gripping the podium tightly in his anger. “That is off topic,” the commanding general declared with complete assurance. “We have two proposals for the employment of Task Force Emerald. The final decision will fall to the Star League Council but it is our job to provide them with a proper analysis of the benefits and problems of each…”

Barrett, Milligan’s World
Outworlds Alliance
4 August 3058

In theory, Milligan had been reclaimed for the Outworlds Alliance by the efforts of Task Force Opal. The fact that the Diamond Shark emissary only needed a VTOL to reach the meeting site rather than a dropship or at least a shuttle suggested that the Clan hadn’t been driven as far as certain officers wanted to believe.

“Do you have any last minute suggestions for negotiating with the Clans?” the young president of the Outworlds Alliance asked quietly as the rotorwing settled down on the improvised helipad.

Wei covered her mouth and nose with her sleeve, which had enough material to keep the worst of the dust off at this distance from the landing. “Usually I provoke them via HPG. This is going to be a bit different.”

The two of them did have guard details with them, and there were elements of three different armed forces within a few minutes’ travel… but if the VTOL was carrying a team of Elementals or even just unarmored commandos, then there was a real risk to both herself and Mitchell Avellar.

The young head of state sighed slightly and then tensed as the door of the vehicle slid open. To run, not to fight - which was probably wise.

To both of their reliefs, only a small squad of Clan warriors dismounted and most of them fanned out to provide a small perimeter around their transportation. Only one of them walked towards the table and seats that had been set up, a lean man in a blue jumpsuit, hair covered by a ballcap.

“No swords,” Mitchell noticed as he and Wei approached the table which was in the open between the landing site and their security details.

Wei shrugged her shoulders. “The movies no doubt exaggerate a lot. He’s older than I expected.” Reports suggested that the infamous O-Same was between her age and Mitchell’s, but the Diamond Shark’s face was lined and as they got closer it was clear that the hair under the cap was gray at the temples.

The Diamond Shark reached the table first and sat down without waiting for them. “You are not in the robes, so I guess you are the President,” he told Avellar. “She is easier on the eyes though.”

“True, but not exactly relevant.” Mitchell pulled a chair out for Wei before sitting down. “You are Galaxy Commander Enders?”

“Aff… though not the one you were expecting, quineg?” The Diamond Shark gave them a sly smile. “So far there are no movies about my exploits but I live in hope.”

“There are two of you?” Wei murmured.

The smile spread even further. “I am empowered to accept your unconditional surrender. Also to negotiate, but I would gain much renown if you yielded these worlds back to the… Sharks do not have limbs, so I cannot say embrace… never mind, you get the idea.”

Wei looked at the man’s eyes and saw that he was playing the fool to disarm them. “And we stand ready to accept your surrender if you wish to offer it, Obviously you would have to surrender your weapons, but feeding and housing your warriors for the rest of your lives would be well within our resources.”

“Ah, but can you offer me a seventeen movie deal?”

“How do you feel about adult entertainment?” Wei riposted.

Enders considered that. “As opposed to an animated show for children?”

Avellar folded his arms across his chest. “Are either of you taking this remotely seriously?”

“If we must,” the Clanner allowed with a smirk. “So, if you do not want to surrender, what do you want?”

“I want your Clan to leave the Alliance’s worlds,” the president demanded.

Enders clicked his tongue. “And I would like your troops to leave the Clan’s worlds, so it is likely that one of us will be disappointed.

“We control these worlds now and half your forces have been destroyed. I’m offering you the chance to leave without further bloodshed.”

“That is something of a hard sell.” The older man cupped his chin for a moment. “Our aerospace pilots are very excited, you see. They rarely encounter peer opponents - no offense, Primus but even over Camlann your forces were rather green. Our warriors do not see bloodshed as negatively as you do.” Then he leant forward sharply. “And as long as we keep fighting, you do not control these worlds.”

“Are you suggesting that you do?” asked Wei.

“Oh, it is contested.” Enders allowed, leaning back in his chair in a relaxed pose. “But that is the point, you have not beaten us yet. Why should we give up - our losses are fewer than yours and we can spin this out for years.”

“These are our worlds. You cannot maintain hiding places here for long before we find you and root them out,” Avellar threatened.

“Long is somewhat inspecific,” the old man warned cheerfully. “Another year. Two? And arguably we are no longer bound by the Primus’ truce - would you like us to start raiding worlds like Quatre Bras or Alpheratz? I think that would cause you some logistical problems, quiaff?”

“You could raid us,” the president conceded. “However, if the truce is no longer a factor then what would stop your Sharks from grasping more - slicing deeper into the Draconis Combine, for example. There has been no new offensive, so I think that your bargaining position is weaker than you claim.”

Enders tilted his head slightly but he looked at Avellar with more respect than he had before. “Believe that if you wish, but our position is not so weak as to simply leave. After all, what would stop you from then following up into more worlds than those you are currently fighting for.”

Avellar cupped his hands on the table. “My word.”

“Your word?”

“Yes.” The young man nodded seriously. “Leave the borders of the Outworlds Alliance, as they were before your Clan invaded us, and I will not allow the Outworlds to be used as a staging area for further attacks. Nor will my pilots be sent to aid on other fronts.”

“Let us not go crazy here. Your pilots are worthy adversaries.” But Enders was thinking - Wei could almost see the wheels turning behind those cynical eyes. “Where do you stand on this, Primus? You have enclaves on these worlds, which we have been careful not to invade… staging troops from them technically would not violate President Avellar’s offer, but it would mean that it had no value to us.”

“A number of members of the Star League Council object to the idea of making the concession in the first place,” she observed. “However, if you are prepared to continue to respect our enclaves in your occupation zone, then I am willing to give the same assurance.”

Enders drummed his fingers on the table. “Including for worlds outside of the Outworlds Alliance? You know that we cannot promise that other Clans will respect your enclaves, and many of them are on worlds that are currently being contested.”

Oh yes. Wei was aware of every enclave that had been struck at by the Hells Horses, Ice Hellions and the Zeerga. “So long as it is only those Clans - and so long as it is understood that we may use the enclaves as bases against them… yes. We are willing to distinguish between individual Clans.”

“And yet you interdicted all of us over the Steel Vipers’ idiocy.”

Wei felt her stomach plunge at being called on that. “It is sometimes hard to tell which Clan is holding the one brain cell that you collectively share.”

There was a gulp from Mitchell Avellar’s direction but Enders threw his head back and laughed. “Never the Steel Vipers and never the Smoke Jaguars,” he answered after a moment. “And I think there may be as many as three brain cells - but sometimes they are in the homeworlds so I cannot blame you for being confused.”

At least he had a sense of humor. And Wei knew that most of the Clans appreciated daring. “I am not willing to lift the interdict,” she warned.

“And I am not authorized to return the HPG stations that lacked a perimeter,” the man said. “Nor would I if I could - making ourselves vulnerable like that again would be stupid.”

“So you do have one of the brain cells.”

“Yes, but I will give it back soon.” The Diamond Shark smirked. “And I understand that neither of you can keep the Draconis Combine from attacking us from their remaining worlds, so I will not ask that of you. Is there anything else?”

Mitchell leant forwards. “Prisoners of war.”

Enders scratched his cheek. “We do not take them, in the sense of that term. You mean bondsmen, quaiff?”

“Yes. I want my soldiers released. That is your custom under hegira.”

“This is not hegira, boy. This is bargaining. Learn the difference or you may not rule these worlds long.” The galaxy commander glared at Avellar.

“Not all of those bondsmen will adapt to Clan ways, Galaxy Commander,” Wei offered. “Why not give them the choice. If they wish to become Diamond Sharks - or Sea Foxes, depending on how your vote goes - then they can. The others would be a burden. And we do not take bondsmen as you do, so those of your warriors who we have captured may wish to rejoin your ranks.”

The aged warriors considered that. “There is still little advantage in it,” he said at last. “I will allow it, but I want something in return.”

“I am listening,” Mitchell said cautiously.

“We have begun infrastructure works on these worlds,” the Diamond Shark advised him. “Have them completed: we will provide expertise if you need it, you provide the funds and labor.”

The president winced. “I have some reports on what you had begun. We cannot afford it.”

“You cannot afford not to,” Enders said flatly. “We came here expecting worlds older and wealthier than ours. Sometimes we found them, but here in the Outworlds we found planets full of one-horse towns. If you leave that as it is then you will be a weak and unstable neighbor, one whose worlds will be used by bandits and pose a threat to us. And you know how we deal with threats.”

“There are things I cannot promise. We both know a leader whose people turn on them will fall and their promises will be forgotten,” Mitchell said in frustration.

The Diamond Shark shook his head. “You speak of the Omniss and their so-called pacifism. They also objected to the work we have begun.”

“And what did you do to them?” asked Wei.

“We ignored them. They are loud, but they are a minority.” Enders sneered. “Most of the people of these worlds welcomed the initiatives. You insist that we leave before our work is done? Then you will help us to complete it.”
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #826 on: 09 May 2024, 00:41:29 »
Tengoku, Irece
Diamond Shark Dominion
19 August 3058

Ace’s ‘mech burst from its cocoon over the mountain that looked down on Irece’s capital city… and on the Lexatech factories that were the world’s major claim to fame.

The terrain around the factory was rugged - long ridges both natural and man-made that could support defense of the facility. Much of the factory itself was dug into the ground, buried under layers of armor and earth. Housing for the workers was some distance away, linked by underground monorails that were also used to bring in some of the material and components that fed the production lines. (One less monorail than there had been in 3056, due to sabotage. It would be dug out again, the way they all had to be after the ISF tried to deny Lexatech to the Diamond Sharks).

Fifty ‘mechs and three times that many elementals were dropping right into battle - below them, two exhausted galaxies were battering at each other, broken into little groups that stalked each other through the gullies and over the ridgelines. What was laid out for Ace like a tactical map was a mass of confusion for those in the midst of it.

Thirty aerospace fighters were escorting Ace’s drop. Right now, their sensors were focused on intercepting the threat of Smoke Jaguar fighters to the vulnerable ground forces of the Ivory Skate, not on feeding data to the ground, but the snatches that they did provide were having a visible effect. Ace could see blue-green omnimechs pulling out of pincer movements by their gray-painted adversaries, or turning the same trick on the Jaguars.

That didn’t change the fact that when the ‘mechs met on at least roughly even terms, the Smoke Jaguars were winning more often than not. With all the valor in the world, Omega Galaxy was less well equipped than their enemies, more depleted by months of retreat and made up as much by warriors drafted from local garrisons as it was by the original members of its five Clusters. The other second-line galaxies were regrouping on Cyrenaica after fighting Tau Galaxy to a standstill in it's advance on Luthien.

There were exceptions and Ace saw a pair of Warhawks dueling between two of the ridges, the one in blue-green visibly tearing through its gray counterpart, holding the Smoke Jaguar back from following up on smaller Diamond Sharks ‘mechs that were falling back to the next defensive line.

PPCs lashed out at the Diamond Shark, but the attacker’s heat was soaring and it could only fire two of the heavy weapons. In reply, the other Warhawk opened up its rival with a battery of pulse lasers.

Epsilon Galaxy’s commander knew only one mechwarrior who equipped his Warhawk with eight pulse lasers: Michel, the long absent member of his own command trinary. He also saw what the former Steel Viper could not: a full star of Smoke Jaguar assault ‘mechs about to crest the rise overlooking Michel’s position.

It would be a solid minute before Ace and his forces could get their boots dirty. “Michel!” he shouted into the command trinary’s net, trusting that his one-time bondsman would still be monitoring it. “Jaguar Star north of you!”

And then, because the Smoke Jaguars must surely know by now, he hit the general broadcast. “Omega Galaxy, this is Galaxy Commander Ace Enders. Today’s victory belongs to the Bloodscent -” the second-line galaxy’s nickname “- but you do not stand alone!”

Below him, he saw Michel do the only thing that would give him a chance: too slow to evade the pursuit, the Warhawk charged up the slope, using its angle to screen him until they full crested the ridge and opening up on the first of them he saw.

The Kingfisher took a savaging from the pulse lasers and almost went over backwards, but the assault ‘mech was impressively armored and the Smoke Jaguar clearly knew its characteristics well, keeping it upright and hitting back with his own pulse lasers and flights of missiles.

The rest of the Jaguar Star all turned towards Michel and for a moment Ace thought that the gambit would fail. But zellbrigen held and one ‘mech gestured sharply, sending three of them forwards and after the rest of Michel’s force. Only the Kingfisher and the Dire Wolf that had given the command remained, and the latter seemed content to wait.

Another exchange of shots saw the Kingfisher lose an arm but Michel’s Warhawk was practically glowing with heat, probably meaning a reactor hit.

Ace marked the location on the tactical map. “Command star, that’s where we are landing.” Fortunately every ‘mech in the star had jump jets so they weren’t depending on clumsy jump packs with limited fuel. All five of them could adjust trajectory and the jump jets would generate new reactor mass from the air they were falling through.

There were just clicks on the comm to acknowledge the order and flares of jump jets from the other four ‘mechs as they made the necessary corrections. Ace tapped his own jump jets the bare minimum to do this efficiently.

Down on the ground, the Kingfisher fell at last… and then the Dire Wolf opened up on the Warhawk’s rear with its autocannon, its missiles and many of its own lasers.

Michel’s assault ‘mech was formidable, but rear armor was never as good as the front. The Warhawk staggered forwards and almost face-planted in the ridge that it had been climbing during the duel with the Kingfisher. Ace could practically see the dilemma: keep taking fire on the rear as Michel withdrew to cool at least briefly behind cover, or turn and fight, with frontal armor that was no better.

Both were near certain defeat, so Ace’s comrade made the only decision that made any sense at all: he wheeled and hammered the Dire Wolf with everything he had, the shots concentrating on the blunt prow that contained the assault ‘mech’s cockpit.

With luck, the shots could have killed the mechwarrior inside - or rattled him enough for another salvo. But luck was not with Michel and the Dire Wolf fired again. Not with everything that it had - the massive firepower of a Dire Wolf generated far more heat than could be dissipated. But the four extended range lasers that had been held back from the earlier salvo were more than enough to slice through exposed joints like knives through butter.

The Warhawk fell, arms and legs nearly severed. Helpless prey, Michel hadn’t even managed to eject.

Ace flared his jump jets again, just enough to stabilize himself, and his PPCs erupted as he dropped into effective range at last.

The Smoke Jaguar wasn’t caught entirely off guard - the massive omnimech side-stepped and then raised its left arm at the last minute, the mechwarrior inside having correctly determined that Ace had predicted the attempt to dodge. Both bolts hammered into the upraised limb, blasting away layer after layer of protection.

But shots that would have cored out a smaller ‘mech failed even to penetrate the armor of the Smoke JAguar Dire Wolf and as Ace prepared to land, it turned and opened fire on him with autocannon and missiles.

The timing was good, Ace needed to use his jump jets to slow his fall and dodging would compromise that. He diverted just enough to side-slip into one of the slopes of the gully and avoided the worst of the autocannon fire, leaving the LRMs to his anti-missile system. The Huntsman hit hard and it slid down the hill, Ace seeing warning lights from the legs as he let the slide absorb the force that he hadn’t been able to entirely counter with his jump jets.

“Ace Enders!” a voice he had heard before - that every member of every Clan had probably heard at least once - greeted him as the Dire Wolf strode up onto the top of the ridge, looking down on the much smaller Huntsman. “Only you would be so bold!”

Ace flung his ‘mech aside, firing back with one PPC as a hail of fire chased after him. “Khan Showers. Or have you been deposed by your Clan? News travels so slowly with most of the HPGs unavailable.”

His shot smashed a divot into the armored cowl above the Dire Wolf’s cockpit. Most of the former ilKhan’s shots missed but half of his pulse lasers struck home and did about as much damage as Ace’s shot. Of course, the Huntsman had far less armor - it could absorb the hits for now but not for anything like as long.

“The Smoke Jaguars are mine. When I reclaim my throne, they will be ilClan!”

A flare of jump-jets took Ace over most of Shower’s next salvo, all but a large laser that carved heavily into the armor just below his cockpit. The khan might love the sound of his own voice, but he wasn’t incompetent in the cockpit.

Ace answered with both his PPCs this time and the Khan blocked shots aimed for armor weakened by Michel’s last volley with the Dire Wolf’s right arm. Again, the armor took the punishment.

“Sir, orders?” called Thomas, as Ace saw the rest of the star moving in.

“Take out the rest of his Star!” Ace ordered. Three fresh assault ‘mechs had a good chance of wrecking Omega’s already damaged ‘mechs but two Phoenix Hawks and two Vapor Eagles should be able to deal with them.

Leo Showers saw the star scattering and knew what it meant. He steadied himself for better aim and used just the left arm to fire on Ace.

Just one arm’s weapons on a Dire Wolf was more firepower than most medium ‘mechs. Two large lasers and two medium, carved slashes across the Huntsman’s legs and perforated the armor below the right shoulder with laser pulses. The autocannon stream splattered high explosive rounds all across the front, coming dangerously close to the scar left by the previous laser shot.

Ace’s return shot from his right arm PPC intersected with the exposed ammunition feeds for the autocannon. Rounds detonated as they were fed towards the firing chamber of the weapon, then sympathetic explosions ripped the limb back to the cylindrical bin that they had come from.

The arm was a useless wreck and Showers twisted to bring the other to bear, but the limb had no more armor than the other and Ace had reserved his left arm’s PPC for this. His shot smashed into the inside of the shoulder before the weapons could come to bear and severed it.

More than twenty-five tons of weapons and support systems parted ways from the Dire Wolf and not even Leo Shower’s skill could overcome that - the assault ‘mech tipped left, drawn by the dead weight of its remaining arm, and hit the floor a moment after the severed limb did.

With deliberate malice, Ace strode the Huntsman up and delivered a kick to the shoulder-mounted missile launcher that was the Dire Wolf’s last weapon system. The launcher crumpled and Showers’s attempt to right his mech was foiled.

Ignoring the toothless cursing, Ace opened the command channel. “Galaxy Commander Nagasawa, this is Galaxy Commander Enders.”

A face appeared on his comm screen, one well known to him. “Sir.” Kevin Nagasawa had led a cluster in Alpha Galaxy before being promoted to replace Seth Margyar in command of Omega, so they were acquainted. “I relinquish command to you.”

“Neg,” Ace disagreed. He would have had that right even without Sennet’s warrant to override the others, as the senior of the two. “Omega has held the line for months against two of the Smoke Jackals’ best. This is your victory and I will not taint it. Today my command cluster will serve under yours.”

There was relief on Nagasawa’s face. “You do me honor. And the rest of your galaxy.”

The rest of Epsilon Galaxy was maintaining the pretense that the Combine border was guarded by a pair of frontline galaxies, but this wasn’t the time to explain that the rest of the dropships Ace had brought with him were carrying garrison warriors and raw cadets, equipped with whatever he could scrape up from the factories on New Samarkand and Luthien. Worse, they had never fought together before today so their cohesion would be terrible.

“The rest of my force will land in range of the Jaguar dropships. Your last report was that the remains of their Delta Galaxy was guarding the LZ.”

“Aff. Showers drew them down to replenish Beta for this attack.”

“Replenishment for losses you and yours inflicted,” Ace expanded. “I told you, this is the Bloodscent’s victory. My warriors are clearing a perimeter around our drop zone and I await your command.”

“Hold your position,” the other galaxy commander ordered. “I will lead a counterattack: you play anvil while we provide the hammer.”

Ace nodded, hoping the gesture was visible via the camera . “Bargained well and done, Kevin.”

Then he turned his attention back to the Dire Wolf. “I confess, Showers, I do not understand your strategy. You must be aware that the Inner Sphere is pushing your warriors back towards Alshain, but you have been wasting troops here against us?”

The Khan’s reply carried less of his earlier hubris. “Vinton is gone, Huntress will also fall soon. The factories here, on Luthien and on Pesht could supply my Clan. The equation is simple.”

“I do not think much of your math,” Ace admitted.

Showers snorted. “Your khan would understand. When you take her place, you will need to as well. As your bondsman, I can teach you how to be a Khan.”

“I do not think much of that either.” Ace backed up his Huntsman and fired his ER PPCs steadily into the torso until he had penetrated the thick armor and wrecked the gyro. Then he turned in the direction he had sent his star. “I do not want you as a bondsman. When this battle is over, if you are still alive, I will send you back to your Clan. I imagine that they will find some suitable way to reward you for this debacle.”

“You cannot do this! I am Leo Showers!”

Ace nodded - only to himself. He did not care to share video communications with the fallen ilKhan. “Arrogance and stupidity. Truly you represent your Clan well.”

Once the battle was won, and clean-up was begun, it proved unnecessary to go to the trouble of delivering Leo Showers back to the Smoke Jaguars. His clan would probably have little use for one more dead warrior, having something of surplus of them at the moment.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #827 on: 09 May 2024, 03:50:33 »
Ace continues to add to his legend! :)


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #828 on: 09 May 2024, 03:53:30 »
''I am Leo Showers!''
''I'd fart in your general direction, but I guess you have already been high on your own buttfumes for at least a decade.''

Enders talk with Nagasawa reminds me of Wellingtons' remark at the battle of San Marciel

"As he has already won his victory, he should keep the honour of it for his countrymen alone."
« Last Edit: 09 May 2024, 04:25:51 by PsihoKekec »
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #829 on: 09 May 2024, 15:17:17 »
At this point, you might as well call Ace "Khanslayer" given how many he has personally taken out.


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #830 on: 09 May 2024, 15:37:53 »
One more until he is Ace of Khans.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #831 on: 09 May 2024, 17:09:49 »
He'll at least have Nagasawa's vote when it comes time... ;)


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #832 on: 09 May 2024, 21:26:44 »
It is starting to feel like the Smoke Jaguars Khans are all in a competition to see who can have the most dishonorable ignoble death.
"Like spirited Eridani stallions chasing after fat, clumsy Luthien cows" Anonymous Rasalhague Journalist, 2749


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #833 on: 09 May 2024, 22:01:44 »
It is starting to feel like the Smoke Jaguars Khans are all in a competition to see who can have the most dishonorable ignoble death.

Lincoln Osis "I lost the plot."

Edmond Hoyt "I lost the battle of Camlann."

Sarah Weaver "I lost Huntress."

Leo Showers "HOLD. MY. BEER!"
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Unofficial LD for 2 seconds - It was a glorious moment!


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #834 on: 09 May 2024, 22:31:17 »
And knowing the Smoke Jaguars, it wasn't even good beer or mediocre beer.  It'd be Hell's Horses Brian Cache stale beer from the Reunification War overstock.
"Like spirited Eridani stallions chasing after fat, clumsy Luthien cows" Anonymous Rasalhague Journalist, 2749


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #835 on: 10 May 2024, 01:33:11 »
Stale beer from a cache would likely still be an improvement compared to what Jags make/made, at least according to Tyra.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #836 on: 12 May 2024, 00:22:04 »
Opalescent Reflections

Full House
Chapter 14

Imperial City, Irurzun
Benjamin Military District, Draconis Combine
19 September 3058

“General Asano has failed us,” Li Dok To declared flatly. “And Avellar has outright betrayed us.”

“In diplomacy, as in war, victory cannot simply be commanded.” Boris Petrov’s reaction to the news was more moderate. “The prospect of neutralizing an entire clan gave Steiner-Davion a potent weapon in the discussions. How much of a hand do you think he had in the matter, Director?”

Ninyu Indrahar did not bother to consult the notes. “The prince played no direct role in negotiations with the Nova Cats, but it is believed that his conduct when fighting them on Incukalns shaped perceptions. On Terra, he appears to have been more informed than Marshal Hasek-Davion and took the lead in using the information to convince the Star League’s staff. His file is being updated to reflect greater diplomatic acuity than we had previously assessed.”

The Warlord of Benjamin nodded. “And that was not his only tool. They only asked for a third of the reserves where we were looking for half. That means a stronger strike against Clan Wolf, which got support back from those backing Rasalhague.”

“Perhaps, but leaving him in place is still tolerance for failure,” Li Dok To grumbled.

“He has mitigated the matter somewhat,” Minoru observed, careful not to sound as if he was taking a stance at that some point. “Have you seen the latest report?”

The Warlord of Galedon tilted his head. “Which one?”

Minoru sat back slightly. “Let us hear it directly from him.” He had preset the recording of the general’s report from negotiations with the other nation’s representatives, so it was the press of a button to bring up the holo display.

Asano’s head and shoulders appeared above the desk. “In light of the reduced risk of attack on the Outworlds Alliance, I have taken the liberty of enquiring if the full strength of Task Force Opal is required to maintain their security. Marshal Hasek-Davion was amenable to detaching the First Federated Commonwealth RCT as long as the Fifth Sword of Light was also withdrawn, ensuring a balance of influence over the Alliance. I have reason to believe that Warrior House Ijori can also be detached to aid in the security of Galedon District. Senior Maurice Avellar has also indicated that one of the Alliance Air Wings might be available even for offensive operations. I have yet to receive confirmation from the Free Worlds League representatives regarding the Second Free Worlds Legion and there is little chance at this time of support from the other periphery realms or ComStar.”

Minoru cut the recording off and looked over at Li Dok To. “Your thoughts?”

The warlord frowned in thought. “A FedCom RCT and a Warrior House would let us free up more forces for the push on Galedon,” he conceded. “The other Ghost Regiment could be assigned to the mission if we replace it with the Feddies. And I cannot overstate the value of Outworlder fighters given the DCA’s ongoing problems.”

“Is it your recommendation that I instruct our ambassador to pursue that as a commitment?” he asked. The ISF’s report on Avellar’s commitment to continue Diamond Shark infrastructure work had also made it clear that it would be a financial strain for the weak government of the Alliance. Contributing some of what was needed would not have any direct military impact and as long as the high command supported it, there wasn’t much political risk to the offer.

“Yes, tono.” Li Dok To dipped his head. “May I assume that Operation Tanto is approved?”

“There is only a limited window of opportunity before the Diamond Sharks rebuild their losses,” Daniel Sorenson warned, drawing a glare from Li Dok To. “The risks are calculated on facing one of the two frontline galaxies that are reported along the border,” he continued. “The addition of the forces withdrawn from the Outworlds is offset by the reinforcements we have just discussed, but if the Diamond Sharks rebuild it will be challenging. I recommend the attack be carried out as soon as possible.”

Minoru pursed his lips and looked at Petrov, who nodded in agreement. “I assume you are ready, Li Dok To?”

“We could begin as soon as an HPG message arrives,” the old soldier declared. “However, it will take a few weeks for the Fifth Sword of Light to arrive. I recommend acting at that point, even if the other forces are not in position yet.”

“Including sending in the Twelfth Ghost Regiment before the First FedCom arrived?” the Coordinator asked.

“The risk is not extreme,” Li Dok To agreed.

“Very well.” Minoru drew out a pre-prepared document and his personal seal. A moment later he handed the stamped orders to the Warlord of Galedon. “Take back your district capital. And avenge our past defeats.”

“We shall not fail you.” All three warlords saluted him formally as the Li Dok To spoke.

“I am sure that you will not.” The young ruler considered the tales he had heard from his father and grandfather of the ambitions and conflicts of previous warlords. Takashi had been forced to balance many interests in the cause of rebuilding the prestige of the Coordinator following two generations of misrule. Even after he replaced the warlords inherited from his father one by one, the replacements had by necessity been selected for the ability to scheme against their predecessors or unthinking loyalty, allowing them to be pitted against each other. He had been very fortunate to be dealing with a new generation selected after the traumas of the Fourth Succession War and the victory in 3039.

“As to General Asano, I do not think we have a better replacement at this time. As he recognises his failure and has worked to mitigate it, no action is needed. This is not the case of officers who were defeated by the Clans and refused to learn the lessons needed to counter them.”

“The dragon is wise,” the last man in the chamber murmured.

“If you say that too often, uncle, I may fall into the error of assuming that,” Minoru chided mildly.

That got a chortle from the rotund Chandrasekhar Kurita. “I shall strive to be more critical, tono.”

Daniel Sorenson also chuckled, while the older warlords simply shook their head at the eccentric business magnate. “Our next matter concerns you, sir Kurita,” Sorenson noted. “Production numbers for military equipment.”

Tucking his hands back into his sleeves, the bald man smiled with something of an edge. “The numbers are good, in some areas too good.”

“I am not sure how improved production can be too good, given our losses over the last few years,” the Coordinator said. “However, I assume you are about to explain this.”

“Given permission,” Chandrasekhar agreed amiably and then paused until Minoru pointedly beckoned for him to speak. “In general, yes, it is good that manufacturing is up. Allowing for continued imports at the current level, we have now met all the thresholds necessary to bring the DCMS’ line regiments up to strength with a sufficient reserve to replace projected losses from current operations.”

“At what level of losses?” asked Petrov. “There are several projections.”

Minoru’s functional Minister of Trade (there was no such ministry, but his uncle was much more helpful than the Treasury) positively twinkled. “The second worst.”

“Near catastrophic losses of the forces committed?”

“As opposed to actually catastrophic,” Chandrasekhar agreed. “It would take a while to distribute them, and additional production over that time is factored in. But my understanding is that we are now building battlemechs faster than mechwarriors are being trained. Alas, we cannot solve that problem with more factories.”

“Academy classes are being expanded,” Li Dok To told him. “But how is production considered too high.”

“Because it is high enough now that we have no real justification not to start meeting certain long-term commitments, such as replacing ‘mechs lost by the mechwarriors drafted into the Dragon’s Teeth.”

“Ah,” Minoru observed in sudden understanding. Many of the actual mechwarriors involved had died, but their families mostly still existed and having lost their ‘mechs in the cause of the Dragon, they were entitled to replacements of similar value.

Some of the mechwarriors had received replacements and lost those as well, given the attrition faced by the Dragon’s Teeth regiments. Having been recruited very nearly at gunpoint largely on the basis that they were a threat to the stability to the realm, the prospect of re-arming the retainers of the more vocal of the allegedly loyal opposition did not appeal to Minoru, but failing to do so would be immensely damaging.

“I suppose that we have no choice,” he allowed. “I take it that we can be at least somewhat selective in what they receive?”

“Fortunately the cost of advanced battlemechs means that most of them will be faced with the choice of either paying towards the difference in value or of accepting smaller - or less capable - machines,” Chandrasekhar agreed. “I recommend a systematic phasing out of certain less common designs from the DCMS’ roster to ease logistics - salvaged ‘mechs obtained from the Federated Commonwealth, for example. We have reasonable access to replacement parts under the current circumstances, so a through refit would allow them to be offered as comparable to our own designs.”

“That won’t be that popular,” warned Petrov. “These families are generally conservative and greatly prefer designs associated with the Combine.”

“There are relatively few such designs in the price brackets that they are used to. Lightweight engines alone greatly affect the costs.” The portly Kurita spread his hands. “The Daimyo is one exception, but that is in considerable demand - to the point we are working to develop new production lines. And Cosby Engineering is promising a much more affordable version of the Tora, with a smaller but less vulnerable reactor.”

“I doubt that will be in demand either, given it’s combat record,” snorted Li Dok To.

“It is closely associated with the Dragon’s Teeth.” Minoru considered the matter. “As an improved model over the original, that may be politically acceptable. The problems have been fixed?”

His uncle nodded firmly. “Procurement tested several prototypes to destruction. The ‘mech is slower than the previous version but we are sure the ammunition detonations will be properly contained… and the armor around the bins has been improved as well.”

Minoru smiled thinly. “Given its reputation with the DCMS, earmark the first production run of Toras for fulfilling our debts to families who lost their ‘mechs in our service. If it proves to be a more capable design now, then it will rebuild its reputation without any need for intervention on our part. Families who want to pay more for something more impressive can do so, but only after the immediate needs of the DCMS are satisfied.” He thought of his father-in-law’s Battlemaster, lost on Luthien. “If their mech was originally more valuable than a new Tora then we can look at older ‘mechs, with upgrades if need be. Refit kits being installed as part of a reconditioning shouldn’t be too much of a strain on our maintenance and upgrade programme, I believe?”

Camora, Twycross
Clan Jade Falcon Occupation Zone
27 September 3058

The council chamber on Twycross had been constructed on Crichell’s orders but it had rarely been used. Assembling the entire Clan Council in person would have been inconvenient, and even by HPG it would have been both expensive and a security issue. Aidan had a suspicion that Crichell exaggerated that issue simply because it freed him to govern the Clan without having to account to the Clan Council too often.

Today, a meeting was absolutely required and - of course - the loss of ComStar HPGs made it crushingly difficult. Assembling a quorum had required hastily sending jumpships to bring as many warriors as possible into reach of one of the relatively few HPG links between Twycross and the forces along the border. As it was, they had only barely reached the quorum and quite a number of the bloodnamed warriors would probably complain that they had not had the chance to participate or to even appoint a proxy.

“We are gathered here to elect a new Khan, following the death of Elias Crichell,” Aidan intoned formally.

He was somewhat pleased to have managed to get that far before the inevitable interruption. “How did the Khan die?” Evak Mattlov called out. “The summons said nothing about it.”

“Khan Crichell suffered a fatal injury during his annual requalification,” he answered, straight facedly. It was true, after all. “His cockpit took a direct hit and he expired before he could reach medical facilities.”

“How could our Khan die so easily!”

He died because he did not expect anyone to actually shoot at him, Aidan thought to himself. He had had the chance to observe Crichell’s trial of position the previous year and it had been a travesty: the mechwarriors facing him had ejected to give him the win. “It must be remembered that Khan Crichell was approaching seventy years of age,” he said instead, stretching the truth slightly - the man had been sixty-six. “He had also recently adopted a new omnimech and been less familiar with its idiosyncrasies than warriors who have the opportunity to train regularly.”

Angelina Mattlov stood. “The BattleROMs of the trial are available quiaff?” she demanded.

“Aff,” Aidan assured the galaxy commander, “I refrained from details in the summons simply because of the slightly ignominious circumstances, but every member of this council is naturally welcome to review the records.”

“And who slew the Khan?” someone called.

Before Aidan could answer, his daughter did. “The fatal shot was fired by Star Captain Joanna of the Gyrfalcon Guards,” Diana Pryde declared, cheerfully throwing the older warrior to the wolves. “I happened to be the next scheduled opponent so I stand as witness to the events.”

Evak Mattlov snorted. “Our saKhan’s old friend kills the senior Khan and his unnatural offspring testifies to it? This sounds suspicious, quiaff?”

Aidan snorted. “Have you met Star Captain Joanna? While she is a reliable officer, she would hardly call herself my friend. And the term is natural offspring, by the way. Strictly speaking, the Iron Wombs are ‘unnatural’ in the same way as any other technology.”

“Inferior then,” the Star Colonel spat. “It does not change the likelihood of conspiracy. Joanna was the one who helped to conspire to grant you your infamous second trial of position. Why would she be trusted as an adversary for Khan Crichell?”

“The Gyrfalcon Galaxy has been held back from the frontlines for the last few years,” Aidan explained reasonably. “Aside from recent expeditions to deal with ComStar enclaves, we have seen little action. Star Captain Joanna happened not to be part of any bid for those actions as some of the more recently graduated warriors bid aggressively for their chance at action.”

As he looked around, Aidan could see a few faces that betrayed obvious doubts… perhaps they were inclined to distrust him, or perhaps they knew Crichell well enough to know he would likely have not arranged a trial of position for himself that involved someone as ornery as Joanna.

Which he had not, of course. Aidan had switched the assignments at the last minute. Only Horse had known that they were facing the Khan, and the Khan had known only that he was facing omnimechs of the models he expected. “Would you like to review the data now?” he asked.

“Show us,” agreed Mattlov. The galaxy commander looked around the room (from her limited perspective of being in a holo tank two hundred light years away from Twycross). “It is better to settle all the doubters.”

“Very well. Loremaster?”

Kael Pershaw undoubtedly had his suspicions, but suspicions were not proof and he called up the data recovered from the black box of the Khan’s Turkina, as well as that of his first opponent.

The displays hung in the air, familiar to every mechwarrior present and at least easy for the non-mechwarriors to interpret. From Crichell’s perspective, he marched towards a Mad Dog, a Hellbringer and a Black Lanner. Joanna, for her part, was left watching the Turkina, easily twice her ‘mech’s size, stamp into the proving grounds. Aidan knew that most of those present would see the stiffness in the assault ‘mech’s movements and compare it to the fluidity being shown by the Mad Dog. Crichell was out of practice, and it showed.

Both cockpits received the same signal to begin the trial and Crichell’s hands didn’t move on the controls in the slightest, while Joanna’s brought the weapons to bear almost instantly. Her first shots were fired as the Mad Dog took its first steps to try to avoid return fire…

But there was no return fire. Her large lasers both hit home, below the cockpit and then raked upwards. On Crichell’s display, the damage reports were just beginning to appear on the displays when the beams breached the armor glass in front of the Khan. Telemetry from the cockpit itself cut out, but the displays showed the pilot’s medical data flicker crimson and then black.

Joanna didn’t stumble, but the sight of her target collapsing was enough that she ceased fire and a moment later, the trial was cut short. An emergency vehicle was racing into view when the footage ended.

There was an uncomfortable silence from the Clan Council. Anyone who was honest could tell that it had been an honest accident caused by a severe mismatch in the abilities of the combatants. Faced with a much larger and more dangerous ‘mech, for Joanna not to act immediately would have been foolish. And the Khan… had not performed as well.

“As loremaster, I have investigated the situation and there is no evidence of foul play. Khan Crichell’s ‘mech has been checked and there was no tampering. He simply underperformed,” Pershaw reported drily. “To return to the purpose of this meeting, our Clan is currently in need of a new Khan. Do I hear nominations?”

Evak Mattlov stood. “I nominate Angelina Mattlov, as our most experienced Galaxy Commander.”

Taman Malthus also took to his feet, the elemental having secured his own bloodname recently. “I nominate our current saKhan, Aidan Pryde, as he is most familiar with our Clan’s needs at this time.”

Aidan held up his hand. “I thank you for the nomination, Star Captain. However, I do not pursue further elevation at this time. I am content to support whoever is elected as their saKhan.”

That got several surprised looks from around the room. Ambition for advancement could generally be assumed among the Clans. Aidan would have been lying if he lacked it, but if he took the post now then suspicions that he had a hand in Crichell’s death would be inflamed. Besides, he thought that both the other likely candidates were of a like mind to him on the most important point: the time to take action before the Federated Commonwealth attacked them was running out.

Samantha Clees was nominated a moment later, the leader of the remaining frontline galaxy. While there was no requirement to only select from galaxy commanders, the need to have some high level command experience had sunk in and no further names were put forward.

“Jade Falcons!” Mattlov called out. “You know what I stand for. Crichell spoke of preparations but we have waited for too long. He spoke of taking Tharkad, but it has been years since he left Twycross! He desired the ilKhan’s throne, but he dreamed of being handed it when there was no other candidate. This is not how a Jade Falcon should think! We will take Tharkad, we will take Terra and we will be the ilClan. And we will start now, not at some ‘proper time’! The time is now because we say it is time!”

Cheers went up and Aidan saw Samantha Clees scowling. Not because she disagreed but because what did she say now without sounding as if she was copying her rival.

“Trothkin,” she declared. “These are the darkest days of the Clans. The Steel Vipers have been hammered down, the Nova Cats are lost in their visions. The Wolves and the Diamond Sharks have raised maelstroms of conflict where there should be unity. But among the Clans there is one light that can lead them all back to the proper path. That light is Clan Jade Falcon. We must lead them, we must show them the honor road. As the Great Father declared after Elizabeth Hazen purged mutineers from the Exodus Fleet: our shining moral character will be our shield!”

There were cheers at that, but the enthusiasm was building on Mattlov’s words, not building a counter-current. Pershaw called the vote and warrior after warrior named the Khan they wanted, the one who spoke of concrete actions not of high principles.

The image of Angelina Mattlov moved from the ranks of the bloodnamed to join Aidan on the stage. “My khan,” he acknowledged her ascension.

“SaKhan,” she replied, affirming in that word that she had no intention of trying to remove him in favor of one of her supporters. “We have much to do and little time. The Gyrfalcons ready to join us on the frontlines, quiaff?”

“More than ready.”

“Many details will need to be decided, but plan on escorting the supplies we need from Twycross to join me on Arc-Royal,” she ordered. “From there, we will launch our campaign for Tharkad!”
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #837 on: 12 May 2024, 00:22:18 »
Loveless Valley, Melissia
Clan Nova Cat Occupation Zone
3 October 3058

The Nova Cats had based themselves on a world whose name was almost the same as Victor’s mother. It felt right, because he was fighting as her champion today. Dozens of worlds and thousand of millions of Lyran citizens were depending on him.

Lives are the currency the Commonwealth pays for our mistakes, she had told him once. Spend them wisely.

Burning ‘mechs and tanks littered the river valley, and Victor knew that if only one in ten of those crewing them were dead then he would be lucky. Lives spent… and he had to make them count for something.

The Broad Run River was exactly what it sounded like: a wide, deep river that divided the valley in two. The Nova Cats had defined the circle of equals for the trial such that the Broad Run divided it in two - and that the major bridges were just beyond the edges, both up and downstream. Then they’d demolished every other bridge inside that circle.

More shots were slashing through the air above the river. The Clans’s weapons generally had more range than their Inner Sphere counterparts - and there was little cover on either side of the river.

Victor had tried to counter that with the artillery battalions of the Tenth Lyran Guards and the First Avalon Hussars, which made fixed firing positions for the Nova Cats suicidal. Unfortunately it also revealed the guns locations to the Clanners, and while they didn’t artillery of their own, they did have an edge in aerospace numbers.

Covering artillery with anti-aircraft guns such as Partisan tanks, JagerMechs and Rifleman ‘mechs took those same long range weapons out of play along the river, which increased the Nova Cat’s advantage.

While he took some consolation that the Cats weren’t winning, Victor knew they weren’t losing either. Probing and skirmishes showed that they had mobile field bases near the back of the circle of equals - beyond easy reach of artillery. The one time recon fighters had located a base in range, they had been mostly gone before artillery got close enough to the river to engage it - and the air spotting had cost Raymond’s Armored Infantry almost an entire squadron of interceptors.

“All forces ready,” Galen reported. He was acting as liaison between Victor and the Lyran Guards, “Wish us luck.”

Victor ran his sensors across the far bank of the river. The Nova Cats knew that they were coming - they had the better part of an Assault Cluster massing and reports showed more trinaries streaming towards the river as fast as they could move. Which, for Clan ‘mechs, was very fast indeed.

“All units,” he ordered flatly. “Commence the assault.”

Maps from before the fall of Melissia to the Nova Cats had shown the best places for Victor’s only real option to get across, but he had to assume the Cats had access to the same maps. The better part of two hundred ‘mechs, including almost every medium and light ‘mech in all three commands, moved on Victor’s order, rushing to get into the river before they were cut to ribbons by fire from the Nova Cats.

Smoke rounds began to burst in the air above the water and Victor fought the urge to take his Warhammer forward to join other slower and heavier ‘mechs that were providing covering fire. He had to keep his eyes on the whole attack, not get overly focused on just one part.

Galen’s Hatchetman was among those rushing into the waters. It would be difficult to keep the myomers hot in the water, but while they were it would be able to move faster than Victor’s Warhammer. Kai’s Conjurer was near the front of the St Ives forces and it needed no advanced myomers to exceed even Galen’s speed.

Battlemechs were designed to manage amphibious operation - their cockpits were sealed and their reactors could keep them operating without the need for air. That didn’t make the attempt safe though - the ‘mechs would be slowed by the water, stumbling across an uneven surface they would barely be able to see, buffeted by the current… and any breach in their armor would let water in and cripple key components.

Already ‘mechs were falling out of line as hits from Nova Cat fire smashed through their relatively thin armor. A mech with an open torso had no business even trying to enter the river’s waters - their reactors would be wrecked. Leg hit’s were just about as bad.

“Fire for effect on the far side,” Victor ordered. The Nova Cat assault clusters were made up of heavy and assault machines that could survive multiple barrages, but even a near miss from an artillery shell could shake up their aim. They had been deploying a new heavy omnimech in both clusters, the Spirit Cat, and almost every configuration seemed suited to fight under these conditions: extended range lasers, long range missiles, extended range PPCs.

Shells began to fall across the rivers and the explosions illuminated more and more Nova Cat omnimechs arriving, elementals hopping off them to dig into whatever cover they could find or dig. Artillery shells would massacre the battle armor in the open, but the Clanners had learned to dig fox holes for their elementals.

The St Ives and FedCom ‘mechs were wading into the water now, slowed to a relative crawl but not yet under the surface where weapons would find it difficult be brought to bear on them - missiles would detonate against the water unless they were specialist torpedoes and direct fire weapons would be deflected and slowed.

A Hatchetman exploded into a fireball as LRM salvos homed in on it and ripped the upper half of the ‘mech to shreds. A Hippogriff died less spectacularly, falling face-first with a splash as energy weapons gutted its gyro. The mechwarrior would have to wait for rescue in their cockpit or swim for their life in the middle of the battle if that wasn’t feasible.

Lighter ‘mechs were taking even more of a beating - Valkyries, Wolfhounds and Commandos were torn apart before Victor’s eyes. A Hollander trying to give covering fire with its Gauss Rifle was torn in two as a Warhawk caught it with all four of its PPCs.

Victor’s hands were tight on his controls, his breathing heavy. But there was nothing he could do - not yet.

And it was working - for every ‘mech that was destroyed, another slipped into the temporary shelter of the Broad Run. Then two for every fallen. Three, four…

More mechs were engulfed in the water now than stood above it. It was cutting the firepower that could be aimed at the Nova Cats, but now the banks were clear and Victor called forwards the heavy tanks. With room to fire now that the ‘mechs were descending out of view, scores of Manticore, Bulldog and Brutus tanks were able to hammer away at the other side of the river.

Victor saw the distinctive silver-blue explosion of a ‘mech suffering a reactor containment failure on the far side of the Broad Run as the massed volleys of tank fire crashed out. Most of them were firing blindly through the smoke but as the Nova Cats bunched up to repel the coming assault, there were too many targets for shots not to hit some of them.

As the last cockpits vanished beneath the murky water, Victor snapped himself out of the near reverie. “Pull back,” he ordered the tank regiments and watched from the relative safety of being half a kilometer from the river as the heavy tracked vehicles crawled back out of range - leaving the burning wrecks of those the Nova Cats had switched fire to behind them.

There was a moment of eerie silence - the battle was not over but for now there was nothing either side could do.

Watching the river, the young kommandant-general prayed that the sappers he’d sent in the previous night were right and that there was no minefield. If there were, the silence would be broken soon by water spouting up and he’d have to cover a withdrawal under fire that would further gut his force.

Almost a full battalion of ‘mechs had been destroyed entering the Broad Run, and at least as many tanks covering them. Withdrawal would be far worse, too many ‘mechs having to expose their weaker rear armor as they climbed out of the river. And there would be more Nova Cats, it looked like half of Alpha Galaxy was there.

The surface of the water showed little sign of the metal titans that were marching across the riverbed. The occasional ripple, a trail of bubbles, sometimes traces of oil and coolant floating to the surface from damaged ‘mechs. Enough to guess at the progress being made but not enough to be certain.

Victor forced himself to take a wider view, listening to updates on units lost and the recovery of wounded soldiers and machines that had managed to leave the battlefield. Despite the momentary lull, he doubted the Nova Cats would let recovery teams move in unmolested, and while waiting would hardly cause more problems for the damaged tanks…

A Bulldog wreck exploded as fires reached its fuel tanks, giving a lie to that thought.

Soldiers might be in desperate need of medical attention out there, Victor thought grimly.

Looking back at the river, he magnified the view to the point he could see the trace signs of movement again. Infrared was worthless for looking at something under cold moving water, seismics were overwhelmed by the water and with so many ‘mechs and other hardware on either side of the river, magnetics were also useless. Which was some good, since it meant the Nova Cats would also be unable to see them.

One particularly large patch of bubbles caught Victor’s attention and he reduced the zoom to check how far the force had gone. His brow furrowed as he saw the result - that was still very close to the south bank.

Combing the river for more he saw more bubbles drift into view. Drift, not reach the surface. Carried by the current from further upstream.

A sudden dreadful thought crossed Victor’s mind and he turned his Warhammer to look further upstream. Bubbles, more of them. And they were well above the crossing point being used.

His eyes snapped across the river to look at the opposition there. Two Assault Clusters, half of Alpha Galaxy. But where were the other half, the two Nova Cat Guard Clusters? They had lighter, faster mechs. They should have arrived by now!

“Hussars!” Victor roared on the general channel. “All units, left face! Prepare to receive an amphibious assault!”

If he was wrong, he was going to look like an utter idiot, but if he was right… Victor kicked his Warhammer into motion, mind agog with visions of the assault force scrambling up the north bank and finding their backs exposed to Clan ‘mechs in the shallows on the southern side of the river.

He switched to the command channel as ‘mechs began to move. “Colonel Raymond, we haven’t seen any of the Nova Cat Guards - I believe they are trying their own amphibious crossing.”

The St Ives officer didn’t hesitate. “We haven’t seen them either. What are your orders?”

Relieved that he was getting cooperation even without Kai’s presence, Victor didn’t hesitate. “I need you to cover the right flank. I’m chopping your armor back to you, if they are pincering us then you’ll need every bit of firepower.”

“We’re on it, your highness.”

“Kommandant-General Steiner-Davion,” a call came down the command net. “I see the Hussars on the move, which is not the plan.”

Victor bit back a retort. “We have a developing threat to the left flank. Inform Frankenheimer that Colonel Raymond’s heavy tanks are being detached to cover the right in case the same is happening there.”

“What sort of threat? I see nothing,” the other Kommandant-General protested. Milstein had replaced Kelly Devers at the head of the Tenth after she was tapped for command of an operational area. Galen said the man had done well during the push on Inarcs, but unfortunately his date of rank made him senior to Victor, even though the prince was the one in command of this mission.

White breakers marked where the heads of ‘mechs were about to break surface out in the river, right where Victor would have wanted to be if he was the one planning to catch the assault force in this trap.

“Frankenheimer,” he snapped, cutting off Milstein’s words, “Did you hear me on the tanks?”

Hauptmann-General Thaddeus Frankenheimer was a steadier man, perhaps because the armor branch had less potential for advancement than mechwarriors did. Victor made a mental note to nominate the officer to command of the Tenth anyway if Milstein had to be replaced. “I heard. I assume you want the heavy tanks as a reserve once we have numbers.”


“Any change to the hover cav?” Four regiments were waiting to cross the river as soon as the mechs reached the north bank - a mix of hover tanks and infantry in hover transports that would be a tremendous force multiplier on the open terrain, but that would be dreadfully vulnerable on their own.

Victor hesitated briefly and then gritted his teeth, feeling the Warhammer’s PPCs charge their capacitors as he brought the triggers to the midpoint. “No change.” It was a roll of the dice.

“The Tenth is under my command,” Milstein protested. “Your highness, the chain of command…”

The first Nova Cat ‘mech surfaced, a Nova that raised its forearms above the water to rake lasers across an approaching Avalon Hussars Centurion. The alpha strike would have baked the Nova under normal circumstances but the flowing water greatly enhanced its cooling - even if the water was bubbling and boiling downstream of it.

The Centurion pilot had flung up his ‘mech’s left arm to shield itself, but that was far from enough against that sort of firepower - the arm disintegrated and the medium ‘mech fell to the ground, chest clawed open.

“Milstein, that chain says that you’re under mine,” Victor snarled and drew a bead on the Nova. “So stop undermining it.” Then he closed his fingers around the triggers and discharged both PPCs into the omnimech.

One bolt crashed into the water just short of the Nova Cat, if it did any damage then Victor saw no sign. The other ripped the mech’s side open though and water flooded in. Unbalanced by the loss of armor and the influx of water, the Nova went over sideways, vanishing in a spray of water and a trail of coolant from ruptured heatsinks.

More Nova Cats were emerging though and they had taken advantage of the cooling effects of the river to load their ‘mechs with payloads of energy weapons that would be suicidal under normal circumstances. The Hussars plunged into a firestorm, their own weapons firing frantically back at the new arrivals.

The Avalon Hussars weren’t a particularly heavy unit which meant that they’d contributed disproportionately to the assault force. That made Matti and Rudi’s Thunderbolts among the lightest ‘mechs present -  but it also left less than thirty of them under attack by what seemed to be at least a full cluster.

Outnumbered, they would be torn to shreds if nothing happened to change that.

One part of Victor was looking for options as another focused on tracking a broad-shouldered Spirit Cat emerging from the river and bringing its weapons to bear. Neither of Victor’s PPCs was fully charged but he fired them anyway and added the Streak SRMs above his Warhammer’s right shoulder. Both particle beams bit into the heavy omnimech’s armor without penetrating.and then the six missiles spiraled in to add more damage.

Only slightly staggered, the Spirit Cat’s mechwarrior used the flow of water against his ‘mech’s back to keep from falling over and got his arms aimed at Victor before firing.

The prince braced himself for the impacts but a blocky shape stepped into the path of the shots. Rudi’s Thunderbolt was outlined briefly by the hits before falling over backwards. For a moment, Victor feared the worst but then he heard the mechwarrior cursing.

Firing one PPC into the Spirit Cat, Victor left the other to charge and sprayed his secondary weapons into elementals climbing up the bank.

“Artillery incoming!” Juniper screamed and her Rifleman dropped to one knee, turning to raise its guns.

Shots from the Spirit Cat hit Victor this time despite Matti’s best attempts to disengage from a Shadow Cat and an Ice Ferret that had forced their way up onto the bank, water steaming off them as they fired ferociously.

Spreading the Warhammer’s feet and lowering its center of gravity let Victor keep his balance even as armor across the front of the heavy ‘mech peeled away under that barrage - if Clovis Holstein hadn’t reinforced the protection he would have been left bare as both PPCs and no less than three large lasers struck home.

Victor had time to fire the charged PPC back -

And then the world seemed to end. Explosions wreathed the battlefield, engulfing both sides as artillery hammered down indiscriminately.

Victor’s head slammed hard against the side of the cockpit.

He had a brief impression of Juni screaming defiance as her Rifleman poured fire upwards.

White and brown water burst up from the river as brief balls of fire tore through Victor’s own forces.

A Zeus disintegrated as something bright and fast plowed through the thick armor to detonate inside it.

A Shadow Cat flew through the sky, propelled not by its own jump jets but by the explosive forces that had torn open its cockpit.

Red and black and the silver-blue of a reactor failing -

Victor realized he was over on his back, the Warhammer fallen to the ground. Working the controls frantically, he rolled it over onto its side and tried to use the arm to lift himself upright. This failed and he only realized why when he saw the damage display: the left arm had been severed above the elbow.

The scream of hundreds of engines at a high pitch alerted him to a new change and as he rolled the Warhammer again, seeing new flares on the data display as his armor was eroded by small impacts, he checked the tactical display.

The hover cavalry were pouring across the river, which had to mean that Galen and Kai were going up the north bank.

Using the one good arm, Victor propelled his ‘mech up and onto its feet. Other AFFC mechs were doing likewise, blackened and battered to the point they were barely recognizable.

In the river, the wreckage of Nova Cat ‘mechs lay below the roiling water. Far more intact, but whatever artillery had struck them had only needed to breach armor and knock them down. The Broad Run had done the rest.

“Your highness, pull back!” Milstein cried out. “The enemy artillery is still firing!”

Turning, Victor saw a company of the Lyran Guards moving forward in a line. They were a single uniform design: Swaybacks purchased the Free Worlds League. Milstein had been proud to receive them as replacement for earlier losses, but the techs had been less confident that the pods would remain water-tight so they had been held back from the assault. Now all of them were advancing, weapons raised and aimed at the sky over the river.

“Artillery?” Victor shook his head. Enemy artillery? But the Nova Cats had none… or rather, they had used none. “Hussars!” he yelled, “Withdraw!”

The Nova Cats were crippled and the last thing he needed was to spend more lives unnecessarily.

Less than twenty ‘mechs followed him back towards the Swayback line. As they did so, the omnimechs opened fire, raking the sky with everything at their disposal. Turning, Victor saw twenty bright flares of light arching towards them - seemingly slowly but then faster and faster as they closed. Arrow IV artillery, he realized, and pushed the Warhammer as fast as it would run.

The improvised anti-missile fire caught only one of the artillery missiles in the sky and explosions carpeted the river bank again, smashing craters into the earth and pummeling at the fallen wrecks. The upright shape of a Rifleman, frozen in the position, came apart. With a start of shock, Victor realized that it was Juniper’s ‘mech.

“Rudi?” he asked, half-choking on the name. “Matti?”

There was no reply at first and then a “Aye, suir,” came across the lance channel.

Turning, Victor saw a Thunderbolt stripped of both arms, the sides where they had been mounted shaved away to the point there could be little left of the ‘mech but reactor, gyro, cockpit and legs. The glass of the cockpit was cracked and broken. “Matti?”

The Thunderbolt bobbed slightly and he recognized the sound through the speakers as a sob.


“Nae, suir,” she managed.

“This had better be worth it,” Victor grated. Looking across the river, a mass of ‘mechs in the colors of three regiments was swarming up at the Nova Cat’s Assault Clusters. More fire marked that Raymond’s Armored Infantry were facing the same flanking actions downriver - though at least they seemed not to be dealing with artillery.

“Your highness,” Milstein called, his Battlemaster coming into view behind the Swaybacks.

“I hear you,” he replied, forcing himself to be civil. For all his bluster and fluster, the other Kommandant-General had brought his ‘mechs in to aid the Hussars.

“I have a Star Colonel Nostra on the comms,” the officer said hastily. “He wishes to speak to you.”

Victor wondered if it was the same man as the commander on Incukalns. Certainly the cluster was one of those on the other bank. “On the diplomatic channel.” Getting confirmation, he switched to the designated frequency. “Star Colonel, this is Kommandant-General Victor Steiner-Davion.”

“We meet again,” Thaddeus Nostra observed. An explosion marked that he was under fire.

“We do,” Victor agreed, fighting down a surge of anger. “Why are you contacting me?”

“I find myself in command of our forces,” the Star Colonel reported. “And my position is no longer tenable. I offer my surrender.”

“You are in command? What of your Khans?”

“Khan Leroux was killed in action yesterday,” Nostra advised. “And Khan Carns is not responding, we believe him dead or incapacitated in the river.”

Victor closed his eyes. “Many warriors on both sides share that.”

“Your battle is won,” the Nova Cat said more urgently. “Please, let us end this so we may both recover our dead and wounded?”

“...yes,” the prince said quietly. “I accept your surrender.” He switched to a general broadcast. “All forces, this is Steiner-Davion. Ceasefire! I repeat, ceasefire! Clan Nova Cat has yielded, do not fire unless fired upon.”

“A great victory,” Milstein said in the quiet that followed.

“‘Nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won’,” Victor quoted from one of the generals he had studied during his year at NAIS. “We have a great deal to do, let us be about it.”
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #838 on: 12 May 2024, 03:15:29 »
Crichell got out-intrigued by Aidan, a novel experience for him and a terminal one to boot. Now the Falcons stand poised for the grand assault on Tharkad, not knowing that they passed their window of opportunity. It's going to be brutal and it will most likely fail, with plenty of blame to be passed around, but at least some can be levied at unlamentably deceased Crichell, he dallied too long, wasting the precious opportunity.

Speaking of brutal, the experience of Melissia battle will stay with Victor for a long time, well chosen battlefield and what was at stake, forced him into assault into the teeth of the enemy defence that he would normally have avoided. And it's quite likely that he will be home right in time for Falcon invasion.

Shoot first, laugh later.

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Reply #839 on: 12 May 2024, 04:13:50 »
Hell of an update.  Maybe I shouldn’t have read the second half before bed.  It did do an excellent job of reminding one that even war in the Battletech universe is an awful, bloody affair best avoided.
"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"

