Author Topic: Destiny Battle Armor Q's  (Read 2712 times)


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Destiny Battle Armor Q's
« on: 10 September 2020, 22:37:20 »
The only example is the Elemental and I don't see any specific rules for battle armor conversion.

Any idea what the armor divisor is for converting BA to Destiny? The Elemental has 10 points in TW rules, and dividing by 2.5 gives 4 (large pips), which matches the stats given. (It's quite a leap given a sample size of one, but I'm going with that unless someone points out a rule I missed.)

Does wearing BA offer any bonus to melee damage? All I see is a set damage value for Battle Claws (+4) on p. 234. AToW p. 216 has damage modifiers for several variables (chassis type, weight, manipulators, and "other features"), and the bonuses for Elementals add up to +4 base damage, so that's most likely where I can look for converting other BA.

(edit: derp)
« Last Edit: 12 September 2020, 09:49:51 by Cache »


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Re: Destiny Battle Armor Q's
« Reply #1 on: 11 September 2020, 18:36:12 »
The conversion rules start on page 219. Divide by three, round up. Same as mechs, just then further subdivided into 6 pips.

Im not sure about the second element though. As far as I know, AToW is unconnected to Destiny and one is not used to inform the other. I'd work back from TW for damage conversion, as all the other conversion examples do.

As far as I can find, the physical augmentation of the armor doesn't impact Destiny, beyond being used in descriptions of what you can attempt in scenes (An Elemental carrying someone like a sack of potatos, or a heavy Gnome might flip over a car to use as makeshift cover, or Kool Aid Man through a wall). A little pondering has lad me to  the following values I feel work. Armored gloves do standard melee/martial arts damage (2F), basic manipulators would do either 2-3 regular damage (No strength bonus), Battle Claws as per the book do 4, heavy claws would do 5 (-1 at close. For being bulky and not designed for close quarters melee) and that the addition of a vibroclaw or other implement add a flat +1 (in addition to making the attack lethal) to whatever value. If you feel a very large BA would do more damage, just add a point or two to the values until something seems right.
« Last Edit: 11 September 2020, 23:55:37 by Lukas` »


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Re: Destiny Battle Armor Q's
« Reply #2 on: 12 September 2020, 10:46:49 »
The conversion rules start on page 219. Divide by three, round up. Same as mechs, just then further subdivided into 6 pips.
Thank you. Seems I skipped right past it.

Im not sure about the second element though. As far as I know, AToW is unconnected to Destiny and one is not used to inform the other.
I found that the damage value of the personal weapons I have looked up matches their respective base damage value in AToW. I haven't checked every one in the Warrior's Catalog, so I'm sure there may be exceptions.
« Last Edit: 12 September 2020, 10:52:41 by Cache »