Author Topic: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza  (Read 170787 times)

Dragon Cat

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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #960 on: 15 November 2023, 22:46:25 »
At least some of them fled to Marik and became part of the Clan Protectorate. They also have their own grievances with the Spirit Cats who they view as dangerous cultists.

There are snippets in the RecGuide about Nova Cat refugees (that are not Kisho) making their way over to the protectorate.   However, this is one of those things I sort of doubt we'll ever see any hard numbers about.

Kisho's Mech and we can sort of assume Kisho's group was moving core ward away from the Republic and the Protectorate.  I assume they spend at least some time hiding with the help of the O5Ps.  Now, with Yori firmly in control, they are probably going to need to flee combine space, if they haven't already.

Honestly I'd love it if Kishos group went out in a blaze of glory, they send the civilians and technical data to the Protectorate along with a message for the ilKhan

"Watch the Combine"

Then drop on New Samarkand and take out the Coordinator avenging the Nova Cats once and for all

I think a gesture and sacrifice like that would show exactly where the Cats stood to the ilKhan
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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #961 on: 15 November 2023, 23:05:48 »
In Alaric's mind, I'm sure the Cats showed him where they stood when they betrayed the Clans and moved in with the most xenophobic and repressive of the Successor States. He'd probably even say that the Cats got exactly what they deserved for doing so.

I'm also not sure I'd call a suicide run to take out Yori (where success is extremely unlikely) even close to avenging genocide.

"Watch the Combine" also seems kind of redundant, all things considered. He'd be an idiot if he wasn't already watching them (and everyone else).
« Last Edit: 15 November 2023, 23:07:24 by tassa_kay »
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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #962 on: 15 November 2023, 23:45:35 »
In Alaric's mind, I'm sure the Cats showed him where they stood when they betrayed the Clans and moved in with the most xenophobic and repressive of the Successor States. He'd probably even say that the Cats got exactly what they deserved for doing so.

I'm also not sure I'd call a suicide run to take out Yori (where success is extremely unlikely) even close to avenging genocide.

"Watch the Combine" also seems kind of redundant, all things considered. He'd be an idiot if he wasn't already watching them (and everyone else).

Alaric spoke "fondlyish" of the Cat in CoK.  The book maked it clear that their demise at the hands of the combine overshadows any betrayal to the of the ways of the Clans.


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #963 on: 16 November 2023, 01:34:04 »
Alaric is too much like his mother to not see the strategic necessity of maintaining the forms and formalities implied by being ilKhan of the ilClan, along with the implied "enemy of my enemy is my friend" nature of backing the Cats in the retrospect. Whether that equates to anything substantial remains to be seen, though he is too much like his father(s?) to not be spoiling for the chance to launch a glorious, noble crusade of one kind or another, current damage to the Wolf clan not withstanding. It makes for interesting speculation while I begrudgingly paint up a trinary of Spirit Cat 'Mechs for the sake of the future.

Really though, at some level I'd just love to see the Nova Cats have the chance to not be killed offscreen. I mean don't get me wrong, if Kisho wanted to pull an inverse-Scorpions and set up some kind of periphery realm north of the Ravens, I'd be thrilled. That said, if the Cats did an end-run back to the Homeworlds with the express purpose to sacrificing themselves to light the fuse on the great purging fires of Clan CloudStone AdderYote upon the Combine, I could live with that as well. What can I say? I'm a simple fellow at heart.
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The Once & Future WiseOldNovaCat

Tyler Jorgensson

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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #964 on: 16 November 2023, 16:46:13 »
Same: I hate factions/people/things being offscreen in general. I need fiction for it!

Yes you can say I’m OCD about having everything wrapped up with a neat little bow but I just want finality in a story: I want to know the end!

I’d also love to see a Nova Cat/Spirit Cat revenge force a la Alshain Avengers drop on Luthien. Would be entertaining for sure.

Jaim Magnus

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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #965 on: 18 November 2023, 10:17:35 »
Same: I hate factions/people/things being offscreen in general. I need fiction for it!

This right here is why I wrote "It Ends in Fire".
BattleCorps - Righteous Fury, Sorrow of Eden, Lady of Steel, I Was Lost, Forsaken : Legacy - The Forgotten Places : Shrapnel - Scavenger's Blood : ELH Chronicles - View from the Ground : Shrapnel - It Ends in Fire, Picking the Bones


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #966 on: 18 November 2023, 12:31:10 »
This right here is why I wrote "It Ends in Fire".

For which we are deeply grateful for such a great story!
"But the nova cat paced steadily on,
Undisturbed by the petty battles...
its heart and mind devoted to
The Ways of Seeing, devoted to a more perfect life.”
-- The Remembrance (Nova Cat), 50.5.26-32.

Tyler Jorgensson

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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #967 on: 18 November 2023, 18:58:03 »

For which we are deeply grateful for such a great story!

Agreed! And why I wish my writing skills were better.

Jaim Magnus

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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #968 on: 18 November 2023, 19:13:08 »
Agreed! And why I wish my writing skills were better.

It's all about practice :)
And persistence.
And bleeding fingers ;)
BattleCorps - Righteous Fury, Sorrow of Eden, Lady of Steel, I Was Lost, Forsaken : Legacy - The Forgotten Places : Shrapnel - Scavenger's Blood : ELH Chronicles - View from the Ground : Shrapnel - It Ends in Fire, Picking the Bones

Spirit Cat Refugee

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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #969 on: 21 November 2023, 19:43:42 »
Kisho's group is still unaccounted for.
I dont think we ever got spelled out what happened to the Nova Cat enclaved in Republic space. I gather many of them were in the Kuritan path so I doubt any good news to come on that aspect.

In whichever TRO had the Bishop VTOL Transport, it said that the Nova Cat enclaves in Republic space conquered by the Combine were genocided. There was a Shitara Provisional Galaxy that had stayed out of the Civil War, and the Dracs were keeping them at arms length but also leaving them be, but then moved in to sterilize and murder all the Shitara Nova Cat civilians 'because'. The Shitara Galaxy got in the way and died defending them.
Clan Protectorate

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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #970 on: 21 November 2023, 21:33:53 »
In whichever TRO had the Bishop VTOL Transport, it said that the Nova Cat enclaves in Republic space conquered by the Combine were genocided. There was a Shitara Provisional Galaxy that had stayed out of the Civil War, and the Dracs were keeping them at arms length but also leaving them be, but then moved in to sterilize and murder all the Shitara Nova Cat civilians 'because'. The Shitara Galaxy got in the way and died defending them.

Combine is nothing if not thorough


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #971 on: 22 November 2023, 01:34:58 »
Combine is nothing if not thorough

The Combine is famous for leaving the job 90% done but still calling it finished. 
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Tyler Jorgensson

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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #972 on: 22 November 2023, 11:55:00 »
The Combine is famous for leaving the job 90% done but still calling it finished.

This lol. They TRY to be thorough (and to brutal extremes) but they never are fully. The Jaguar Warship Fleet is a GREAT example (on top of the Jaguars themselves of course). Basically the details go ‘meh we think we got them all, except these ones… and oh yeah we misplaced a couple that we tagged for salvage… oh those Blakist ships look familiar…’


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #973 on: 27 November 2023, 15:30:47 »
Enclaves of Nova Cats were not only on the planets captured by Kurita. If we delve into the sources on the Dark Age, we will find mention of such enclaves on worlds that went to the Bears, Wolves and Davions. And one of the enclaves of Spirit Cats generally on the border with FWL in 3137.


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #974 on: 28 November 2023, 09:24:34 »
If there are any enclaves not mentioned in the current books either the powers that be have forgotten about them or are they are planning something.

Personally, I think that it we won't see much of it.

The only thing I am not sure of is how the relationship with the spirit cats and what's going on ilClan will transpire. Alaric said so much suggest he will not tolerate Inner Sphere powers destroying a Clan.

It will depend on how he will view the Clan Protectorate and it's Nova Cat descendants. If you will recognize them as Clan and if not target for absorption or destruction by the Clans .

We can only hope for the best.
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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #975 on: 28 November 2023, 18:05:44 »
Enclaves of Nova Cats were not only on the planets captured by Kurita. If we delve into the sources on the Dark Age, we will find mention of such enclaves on worlds that went to the Bears, Wolves and Davions. And one of the enclaves of Spirit Cats generally on the border with FWL in 3137.

I think it's an open question about how Clanny those former-Republic Nova Cat Enclaves still are. 

A Splinter of Hope has a Falcon-Republican, that read very much like a 3rd generation immigrant version of a culturally assimilated person of Clan decent. That sort of assimilation could have been that situation that Rosse was trying to avoid with the establishment of the Spirit Cats to be a purer form of Cat.  Rosse's Spirit Cats might be a reactionary movement against NovaCat-Repubic enclaves that had assimilated into the broader culture of the Republic.   The Spirit Cats could have easily pulled in all the remaining true Nova Cat Clanners living inside the Republic, leaving behind ethnic communities, not not Clan Style enclaves.

Spirit Cat Refugee

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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #976 on: 03 December 2023, 17:36:30 »
So upcoming lance packs that are Star-League centric will feature the Wendigo.

2nd Star League Assault pack: Daishi Prometheus, Emperor, Argus, Helios, coolant truck

3rd Star League Striker Pack: Lament, Jackalope, Kintaro, Hammerhead II, Havoc, J-27

3rd Star League Battle Pack: Savage Wolf, Wendigo, Excalibur, Peace Keeper, Savior Vehicle

Looks like Kisho Nova Cat will get a pilot card in that 3rd/4th pack.
Clan Protectorate


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #977 on: 05 December 2023, 10:04:43 »
For those who are looking for anything relatively CNC related... (Not exactly been common lately. :D)

If you haven't been following threads in the other parts of the forum, a playtest/preview of the Mechcommander's Handbook is up in the General forum. Included inside are a RAT and some Nova Cat standard formations for the Clan Invasion era (among others). To no great surprise, lots of Shadow Cats, Huntsman, Supernovas and other staples. Not sure why the Huntsman is being listed as a Heavy mech, mind you, unless this is commentary on how we view it for force building terms. Ignore the Huntsman being listed as Heavy. Error that's already been noted.

« Last Edit: 05 December 2023, 10:08:59 by Istal_Devalis »


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #978 on: 11 December 2023, 07:08:56 »
Do like seeing the non-Omni Supernova in front-line formations; nice to see the occasional Vision Quest as well; I like that the Turkina doesn't become a significant part of our touman 'til after the Smoke Jaguar is annihilated and we feast off its corpse...
We've a good selection of IIC 'mechs across the board; I am pleasantly surprised that the Vapor Eagle is as common as it is.
Kaldumeir Nova Cat, Abtakha Mechwarrior of Clan Nova Cat, late of the Draconis Combine.


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #979 on: 11 December 2023, 22:04:53 »
Can't lie, I'm a fan of Falcon-made 'Mechs in general, so I've always loved throwing a Turkina or two into my formations. You know, as a little present for myself. And my opponents.
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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #980 on: 22 February 2024, 21:43:15 »
Hey, not sure if this has been discussed before but I was just reading the Battle of Tukayyid book since I'm in a campaign where I'll be running Clan Nova Cat.

Anyway, something occurred to me.  Back when I was reading about the battle in the 90s, the description given said that the Nova Cats lost basically because they were too slow and cautious with heading toward their objectives.  Was the destruction of the Cat's Maw a retcon?
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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #981 on: 23 February 2024, 00:20:37 »
Hey, not sure if this has been discussed before but I was just reading the Battle of Tukayyid book since I'm in a campaign where I'll be running Clan Nova Cat.

Anyway, something occurred to me.  Back when I was reading about the battle in the 90s, the description given said that the Nova Cats lost basically because they were too slow and cautious with heading toward their objectives.  Was the destruction of the Cat's Maw a retcon?

I'm not 100% sure, but I don't see why both explanations can't be true.  Perhaps they were being overly cautious because they'd lost some 40% of their forces right out of the gate, and hoped to keep their remaining 'Mechs in fighting shape as long as possible.  Considering that the Cat's Maw apparently carried most of the Nova Cats' ammunition and logistical equipment, and that we know the Nova Cat front of the battle of Tukayyid inflicted the greatest ComGuard losses of the battle, a picture begins to emerge...

Assuming that both the Cat's Maw getting kamikaze'd happened, and that the Nova Cat loss was due to their caution, we have a scenario in which the Nova Cats lost most of Alpha Galaxy before they even set a paw on Tukayyid and were still capable of achieving their wargoals, if they had marshalled all their remaining forces in a blitzkrieg strike.  In that scenario, they would have had a good chance to take at least one, if not both, of their objectives.  This is a pretty significant look at A, just how poorly IS tech of the era compared to Clantech, and B, just how good Clan Nova Cat's Warriors and materiel are.  Or, if you really think like a Clanner, that they could've bid away a lot more of their force and stolen the honor of landing first from the Smoke Jaguars.
Kaldumeir Nova Cat, Abtakha Mechwarrior of Clan Nova Cat, late of the Draconis Combine.


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #982 on: 23 February 2024, 00:52:55 »
Or if they hadn't waited so long to deploy their air cover, the Cat's Maw wouldn't have been destroyed and they'd likely have achieved a win.
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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #983 on: 23 February 2024, 06:39:07 »
I mean, yeah, if you want to be sensible.  Add "don't have the entirety of your Keshik Galaxy in one dropship" to the mix.
Kaldumeir Nova Cat, Abtakha Mechwarrior of Clan Nova Cat, late of the Draconis Combine.


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #984 on: 23 February 2024, 10:21:42 »
Or if they hadn't waited so long to deploy their air cover, the Cat's Maw wouldn't have been destroyed and they'd likely have achieved a win.

The original Tukayyid book is also just notoriously inaccurate. For example, the Nova Cat senior Khan is listed as Benjamin Garr, who is later corrected to be a Galaxy Commander. Similar with Istal Devalis, who was a Star Colonel, but is incorrectly listed in the original Tukayyid as being elected as the new Khan after the battle of Tukayyid.

I think the story of Khan Leroux, the Cat's Maw, and the short story "Shadow of Death" in the anthology, all just make a better and more interesting story. As a narrative arc, it gives a more consistent explanation of why we lost, in spite of how well we fought.

"But the nova cat paced steadily on,
Undisturbed by the petty battles...
its heart and mind devoted to
The Ways of Seeing, devoted to a more perfect life.”
-- The Remembrance (Nova Cat), 50.5.26-32.


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #985 on: 23 February 2024, 10:24:22 »
Assuming that both the Cat's Maw getting kamikaze'd happened, and that the Nova Cat loss was due to their caution, we have a scenario in which the Nova Cats lost most of Alpha Galaxy before they even set a paw on Tukayyid and were still capable of achieving their wargoals, if they had marshalled all their remaining forces in a blitzkrieg strike.  In that scenario, they would have had a good chance to take at least one, if not both, of their objectives.  This is a pretty significant look at A, just how poorly IS tech of the era compared to Clantech, and B, just how good Clan Nova Cat's Warriors and materiel are.  Or, if you really think like a Clanner, that they could've bid away a lot more of their force and stolen the honor of landing first from the Smoke Jaguars.

Agreed. I think this is why the short story "Shadow of Death" is important. Basically, Khan Leroux and Oathmaster Winters did everything they could to make sure we wouldn't take our objectives, and even still, the Cats roared extremely close.
"But the nova cat paced steadily on,
Undisturbed by the petty battles...
its heart and mind devoted to
The Ways of Seeing, devoted to a more perfect life.”
-- The Remembrance (Nova Cat), 50.5.26-32.


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #986 on: 23 February 2024, 10:28:50 »
For those who are looking for anything relatively CNC related... (Not exactly been common lately. :D)

If you haven't been following threads in the other parts of the forum, a playtest/preview of the Mechcommander's Handbook is up in the General forum. Included inside are a RAT and some Nova Cat standard formations for the Clan Invasion era (among others). To no great surprise, lots of Shadow Cats, Huntsman, Supernovas and other staples. Not sure why the Huntsman is being listed as a Heavy mech, mind you, unless this is commentary on how we view it for force building terms. Ignore the Huntsman being listed as Heavy. Error that's already been noted.

This is a nice plug! I really like the work that's being done on the MechCommander's Handbook and I'm really glad they are sticking with keeping the Cats.

I love that they even included the Vision Quest, which I am pretty sure no other Clan fields that particular Mech.
"But the nova cat paced steadily on,
Undisturbed by the petty battles...
its heart and mind devoted to
The Ways of Seeing, devoted to a more perfect life.”
-- The Remembrance (Nova Cat), 50.5.26-32.


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #987 on: 28 February 2024, 03:00:15 »
I love that they even included the Vision Quest, which I am pretty sure no other Clan fields that particular Mech.

I think the Snow Ravens field(ed) some...the Vision Quest 2 was a joint production between them and the Nova Cats, and it shows up in their list on the MUL.  Also the first Khan's Vision Quest survived as a museum piece until the Kuritan coup that killed the Nova Cats, where it went out piloted by our last Khan.  Gigachad 'Mech energy.
Kaldumeir Nova Cat, Abtakha Mechwarrior of Clan Nova Cat, late of the Draconis Combine.


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #988 on: 28 February 2024, 10:02:53 »
I think the Snow Ravens field(ed) some...the Vision Quest 2 was a joint production between them and the Nova Cats, and it shows up in their list on the MUL.  Also the first Khan's Vision Quest survived as a museum piece until the Kuritan coup that killed the Nova Cats, where it went out piloted by our last Khan.  Gigachad 'Mech energy.
I think you're a right, although I am pretty sure they got the Vision Quest from us and then we retooled it together. According to the MUL it seems to have been out of the Snow Raven touman by the time of the Invasion/end of the Political Century.

I was just re-reading some of the character description of Khan Drummond from Land of Dreams yesterday, and I would like to think his spirit was with Khan Nostra as the nukes detonated on her formation, as Alan wrote in his story: shaking "its arm at the sky."
"But the nova cat paced steadily on,
Undisturbed by the petty battles...
its heart and mind devoted to
The Ways of Seeing, devoted to a more perfect life.”
-- The Remembrance (Nova Cat), 50.5.26-32.


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #989 on: 13 March 2024, 09:35:38 »
So I got my hands on the Battle of Tukayyid short story anthology, how do you all feel about the reveal about Khan Lereox and that essentially the entire Clan Nova Cat campaign was sabotaged by him?
I've been rethinking @Spirit Cat Refugee's post for a while now. And I feel bad that I didn't give it a better response, because it deserves one. I reread "Shadow of Death", the Nova Cat short story from the Battle of Tukayyid Anthology, for the umpteenth time. I think the story is probably one of the most defining stories of our Clan, and I'm not sure how to interpret it. So I guess I would love to hear from @Spirit Cat Refugee (and others), what do _you_ take the story to mean?

Here are some of my thoughts: Khan Leroux wasn't alone in planning this, Oathmaster Winters, the entire Nova Cat high-command, several Bloodnames warriors. It was basically a conspiracy to dramatically alter the course of the Nova Cat future by having us fail our objectives (which it seems like we could have taken), and further propel the Clans overall loss at Tukayyid. This loss ensured that our Clan would abandon the old Clan ways, rejoin the Star League (as we were meant to), and adapt.

For me the biggest lingering question is, how far did that future extend? Obviously multiple individuals participated in this Vision, all seeing some variation of the same thing (no matter how painful, and it was clearly painful). Did this Vision extend just to our joining the Second Star League? After? Up to the jihad and Dark Age? Up to the ilClan era? Does it include the creation of the Mystic Caste? The Spirit Cats? Part of me really wants to believe so, because if it was just the immediate aftermath of Tukayyid and the Great Refusal, it feels like too heavy a burden and too much of a loss.
« Last Edit: 13 March 2024, 09:38:14 by cmerwin »
"But the nova cat paced steadily on,
Undisturbed by the petty battles...
its heart and mind devoted to
The Ways of Seeing, devoted to a more perfect life.”
-- The Remembrance (Nova Cat), 50.5.26-32.