Author Topic: Kerensky Con Rumors.  (Read 10138 times)


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Kerensky Con Rumors.
« on: 17 March 2024, 21:27:01 »
I have no actual information about the authenticitiy of these but here are the rumored lists:
   Templar TLR1-0
   Falconer FLC-8R
   Thanatos 4S
   Thunderbolt 9NAIS
Davion II   
   Hellspawn 7D
   Gunsmith CH11-NG
   Legionnaire 2D
   Enforcer 5R
Kurita I:   
   Vemon 9K
   Avatar AV1-O
   Chimera 1S
   Panther 10K
Kurita II:   
   Akuma 2XC
   Shiro 1V
   Rokurokubi 4T
   Grand Dragon 10K
BS: Grenadier & Kanazuchi   
   Grenadier x4
   Kanazuchi x4
Wars of Reaving: (Q1)   
   Cephalus Prime
   Septicema E
   Satyr Protomech
   Basikisk Protomech
   Roc Protomech
   Boggart Protomech
   Sprite Protomech
   Hobgoblin (Painted)
Clan Wolf I: (Q1)   
   Orion IIC
   Glas Spider / Galahad
   Phantom Prime
   Ice Ferret D
Clan Wolf II: (Q1)   
   Wulfen prime
   Night Wolf
   Nova J
Celestials (Q2)   
BS: Black Wolf & Raiden   
   5x Black Wolf
   4x Fa Shih???
Clan Jade Falcon (Q2)   
21st centauri Lancers (Q2 B&N)   
   Shadow Cat ?
   Shockwave 2F
   Stalker 8S
   Jade Hawk
BS: Fortifications (Q3)   
   MG Nest x4
   Light Emplacement I x4
   Light Emplacement II x4
   Heavy Emplacement x4
House Steiner I (Q3)   
   Berserker A3
   Hollander F3
   Uziel 3S
   Axman 2N
House Steiner II (Q3)   
   Fafnir 5
   Thunder Fox L8
   Blitzkrieg (Premium)
Ares (Q4)   
   1x Ares tripod & Alternate parts.
Hell's Horses (Q4)   
   Adder A
   Doom Courser
   Hellbringer E
   Epona x2
BS: Clan Vehicles (Q4)   
   Donnar x2
   Joust medium tank x2
   Athena Combat Vehicle x2
   Mars Assault Vehicle x2
Wolf Empire (Q1)   
   Alpha Wolf
   Blood Reaper
   Stormwolf Prime
Alyina Mercantile League (Q1)   
   Ion Sparrow
   Jade Phoenix
   Summoner ?
BS: Gnome & Fenrir: (Q1)   
   4x Fenrir
   6x Gnome
Clan Sea Fox (Q2)   
   Mad Cat Mk II
   Regent A
   Hammerhead 2
Clan Ghost Bear (Q2)   
   Guillotine IIC
   Kodiak S
Raslhauge Dominion (Q2)   
   Karhu Prime
   Mastodon Prime
   Bear Cub
   Mongoose 86
BS Rogue Bear & Golem (Q2)   
   Rogue Bear x5
   Kage x5 ???
Bug Company Box:   
   4x Stingers
   4x Wasps
   4x Locusts
Fox Patrol:   
   Kit Fox


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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #1 on: 17 March 2024, 21:33:09 »
There are a couple of obvious errors in the Battlefeild support packs, but given that I don't know if the contents are correct or the name is I decided to leave them as-is from the photos.  Overall I'd be quite happy if this list were accurate, almost all the mechs I wanted in plastic that didn't have models are here (just missing theDragon II & Rime Otter from my personal list).  As much as I personally am not a fan of Protomechs it does kinda make sense to just do one pack of them and get it out of the way for folks that want them and not put them in general packs for those who dodn't.  Same story for the Celestials expect those i actually want.  Davion & kurita lists look ok.  I'd kind of perfer a Dragon II in the Ilclan era lance, but oh well.  The bug Company was listed as a "Company box idea" so not set in stone (If any of this is legit).


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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #2 on: 17 March 2024, 22:11:05 »
i saw screenshots being shared on FB.. one sec
these were posted by Dan Copeland on the Battletech International FB group:

the BA packs becoming battlefield support packs with two units worth was interesting, especially as they seem to be split between factions. not a bad approach to be honest, though not expected.
the fortifications pack will be interesting.
« Last Edit: 17 March 2024, 22:18:30 by glitterboy2098 »


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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #3 on: 17 March 2024, 22:37:41 »
2 Davion boxes, 2 Kurita boxes, 2 Stiener boxes, 3 Wolf boxes, a Fox Patrol box, 0 FWL nor CC combined.
Feels rough as a FWL player.

Tyler Jorgensson

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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #4 on: 17 March 2024, 22:46:50 »
2 Davion boxes, 2 Kurita boxes, 2 Stiener boxes, 3 Wolf boxes, a Fox Patrol box, 0 FWL nor CC combined.
Feels rough as a FWL player.

Agreed: one could argue the Periphery nations as well. Obviously this is a draft but missing two of the five Great Houses seems like just not a complete picture.

On the subject itself: I see some EXCELLENT packs there and if they’re true I’m going to be broke for the next three years. This is MAJOR news and AWESOME news…. Even if my Bears are Q2 2026 for an army of Plastic Karhu’s, Mastodon’s, Kontio’s, Bear Cub’s, and Mongoose (??? No Rime Otter?) I am ECSTATIC!

ProtoMechs, Celestials, Soceity, Clan Vehicles, more Battle Armor, newer IlClan era designs, older IS OmniMechs, faction specific flagship mechs…. IN PLASTIC!

Again I’m skeptical (and ignoring dates) but if accurate… like Christmas morning as a kid again.


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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #5 on: 17 March 2024, 23:11:59 »
I honestly don't see there being enough demand for a premium Blitz.
Warning: this post may contain sarcasm.

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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #6 on: 17 March 2024, 23:13:11 »
2 Davion boxes, 2 Kurita boxes, 2 Stiener boxes, 3 Wolf boxes, a Fox Patrol box, 0 FWL nor CC combined.
Feels rough as a FWL player.
Previously the faction packs were talked about as being loosely tied to the release of the Force Manuals for that faction, this likely means that the current order for the unannounced Force Manuals is House Steiner, Clans (Could be one book to cover the IS clans or could be 2), then Marik and Liao (Possibly followed by Comstar or Periphery if there is only 1 Clan Force Manual since we have been told that the current plan is 8 in total).

I honestly don't see there being enough demand for a premium Blitz.
The premium mini line is likely an ideal place to put low demand mechs, it gets them out in plastic while costing less to produce then in force packs while also giving Catalyst better control of the frequency of production.
« Last Edit: 17 March 2024, 23:16:48 by Aresneo »


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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #7 on: 17 March 2024, 23:15:32 »
As a Steiner fan, the idea of not being dead last among the Houses for once pleases me.  You know, since the books are typically released alphabetically.
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Formerly Wu

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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #8 on: 17 March 2024, 23:25:11 »
If accurate, it looks like TPTB don't have much interest in completing the remaining holes in the TRO 2750/3050 lineups in the medium term. That would irritate me as a completionist and grognard, but isn't terribly surprising. The newer eras deserve their time in the sun.

I do like the fortifications pack, however.
« Last Edit: 17 March 2024, 23:30:27 by Formerly Wu »


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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #9 on: 17 March 2024, 23:47:51 »
By my tracking The only designs in 3050 we don't have are the Falcon, Wolf Trap and Imp.  I could see wanting a Falcon, but I won't lose any sleep over the other two.  And given that there is a Current timeline I'm very glad we are going to be seeing mechs from then.


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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #10 on: 17 March 2024, 23:50:52 »
If accurate, it looks like TPTB don't have much interest in completing the remaining holes in the TRO 2750/3050 lineups in the medium term.

Annoying part is now the Kintaro has been spun off, we have six remaining TRO2750 'Mechs which would be perfect for another ComStar Level II. But alas maybe in 2028...


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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #11 on: 17 March 2024, 23:57:24 »
What name/role would a Level II made from a Thorn, Hermes, Hussar, Wyvern, Champion, and Bombardier have?
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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #12 on: 18 March 2024, 00:12:08 »
Fodder level II


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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #13 on: 18 March 2024, 00:16:26 »
What name/role would a Level II made from a Thorn, Hermes, Hussar, Wyvern, Champion, and Bombardier have?
Assuming the TRO entry variants it can qualify as a Security, Heavy Recon, Ranger, or Support Level II.

Formerly Wu

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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #14 on: 18 March 2024, 00:19:35 »
By my tracking The only designs in 3050 we don't have are the Falcon, Wolf Trap and Imp.  I could see wanting a Falcon, but I won't lose any sleep over the other two.  And given that there is a Current timeline I'm very glad we are going to be seeing mechs from then.
There's also the Hornet. Another 'Mech that doesn't exactly light the world on fire, but it's more the principle.


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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #15 on: 18 March 2024, 00:21:34 »
What name/role would a Level II made from a Thorn, Hermes, Hussar, Wyvern, Champion, and Bombardier have?

I don't have my copy of CO handy, but the roles for the 'Mechs are (assuming either the Star League or Clan Invasion era units): Thorn THE-N (Striker)/THE-N1 (Sniper); Hermes HER-1S (Scout)/HER-4S (Striker); Hussar HSR-200-D (Scout)/HSR-400-D (Scout); Wyvern WVE-5N/WVE-9N (Brawler); Champion CHP-1N/CHP-1N2/CHP-3N/CHP-3P (Skimisher); & Bombardier BMB-12D (Missile Boat).

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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #16 on: 18 March 2024, 00:21:50 »
I've decided that this list can't be real.

There's no Archers or Timber Wolfs, and only one Marauder.
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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #17 on: 18 March 2024, 00:32:43 »
My poor Arano Forcepack!  😭

Annoying part is now the Kintaro has been spun off, we have six remaining TRO2750 'Mechs which would be perfect for another ComStar Level II. But alas maybe in 2028...


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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #18 on: 18 March 2024, 00:41:38 »
Cautiously optimistic..

That's quite a pipeline.

I do wonder however why the Dark Age poster child Tundra Wolf is not included.


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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #19 on: 18 March 2024, 00:48:44 »
 What makes me a little nervous is that the Wars of Reaving one...I will need to buy 5 of those to have a point of each Protomech...and I don't think I will need that many Septicemia and Osteons..
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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #20 on: 18 March 2024, 01:22:40 »
I sure hope that's wrong. The Thunder Fox instead of a Barghest? What is this nonsense?

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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #21 on: 18 March 2024, 02:23:16 »
What makes me a little nervous is that the Wars of Reaving one...I will need to buy 5 of those to have a point of each Protomech...and I don't think I will need that many Septicemia and Osteons..
I need Uns of those ProtoMechs, so I need to buy 3 of those packs.  :wink:

And I am also interested in:
Word of Blake Celestials Level II

And some individuals ones I would likely need to trade for.

« Last Edit: 30 March 2024, 19:37:19 by Maingunnery »
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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #22 on: 18 March 2024, 02:32:09 »
One that gets me is no generic merc listings - My combat manual mercs is missing, I want a replacement.


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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #23 on: 18 March 2024, 04:49:27 »
What name/role would a Level II made from a Thorn, Hermes, Hussar, Wyvern, Champion, and Bombardier have?

You have some fast/mobile LRM platforms in there, with some fast/very fast direct fire and light support units.

It’s actually not a bad little Level II.

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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #24 on: 18 March 2024, 05:59:04 »
Really happy to see the Field Manual mechs in plastic. Happier to see the Hollander. Happiest to see all that battle armor.

The protomechs intrigue me. Given better aesthetics, I could see myself fielding a few stars, but I would want them to be uniform.

Surprised to see the Clan vehicles, but I’d likely scoop those up.

The fortifications pack would be an instant buy.

Happy for the folks who want plastic Celestials, as I know there are more than a few of you here.

Even accepting that we are solidly in the ilClan era, I’m surprised to see the Horses, RasDom, and Wolf/Falcon remnants getting packs before the League and the Capellans, but I have to assume that most of this is not set in stone.
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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #25 on: 18 March 2024, 06:10:35 »
Lets hope its true, some good stuff in the list.
Walking the fine line between sarcasm and being a smart-ass


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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #26 on: 18 March 2024, 08:06:52 »
I have to assume that anything 2+ years out is notional and very much subject to change.


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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #27 on: 18 March 2024, 08:17:42 »
Lets hope its true, some good stuff in the list.

My earlier joke aside, this passes my sniff test. I'd say it's a genuine but tentative plan. The further out, the more tentative.
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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #28 on: 18 March 2024, 09:00:52 »
Well I'm pretty hyped for this because i wrote the pilot cards for that second Davion lance...
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Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
« Reply #29 on: 18 March 2024, 09:03:58 »
Ray Arrastia “Adrian Gideon”: Always. As an aside, anyone that thinks that list is written in stone, I’m very sorry. Things change as often as weekly.
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