Author Topic: Homebrew Semi-Narrative Campaign System  (Read 409 times)


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  • Posts: 23
Homebrew Semi-Narrative Campaign System
« on: 06 June 2024, 12:13:31 »
I was not entirely certain where to put this, but in the end it is more TW than Destiny.

I have finished the first draft of a campaign system I have been running and refining the past couple years.  The core idea is to greatly increase Destiny integration into TW sessions without bogging down the latter.  This can be done stats-only, light RP or with fully Destiny RP interludes between TW sessions as the group sees fit.  The focus is specifically on the Battle of Tukayyid where I eventually hope to have a 10-mission campaign for each Clan, but the system could be used for 4-6 player groups in other contexts, like a mercenary lance taking short to medium contracts.  I have already run Jade Falcon and Ghost Bear, with Nova Cat currently in progress.  Given much of this happened during the pandemic, I was running these via Tabletop Simulator, which colors some of the design decisions.  Any feedback is appreciated.


  • Recruit
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  • Posts: 23
Re: Homebrew Semi-Narrative Campaign System
« Reply #1 on: 06 June 2024, 13:50:37 »
As a quick TLDR:
* A priority-based character creation system adapted from the MechWarrior RPG second edition.
* STR determines how many hit points you get on the pilot damage track.
* WIL determines the consciousness check numbers on the pilot damage track.
* Many skills allow pre-session tests for tokens that can be spent for specific TW effects, encouraging players to invest in non-primary skills.
* Reduced Plot Point functionality for increased lethality (individual bits of the cut functionality can be restored via Traits).
* Simplified character damage over Destiny (basically just uses the TW pilot damage track).
* A middle ground logistics system for the players (between Destiny and TW).
* Expanded (Destiny) Elemental rules and integration.
* Adjusted mech quirks to fit the campaign.
* Adjusted and greatly expanded Trait list derived from Destiny standards, PSAs and homebrew ideas.

