As a quick TLDR:
* A priority-based character creation system adapted from the MechWarrior RPG second edition.
* STR determines how many hit points you get on the pilot damage track.
* WIL determines the consciousness check numbers on the pilot damage track.
* Many skills allow pre-session tests for tokens that can be spent for specific TW effects, encouraging players to invest in non-primary skills.
* Reduced Plot Point functionality for increased lethality (individual bits of the cut functionality can be restored via Traits).
* Simplified character damage over Destiny (basically just uses the TW pilot damage track).
* A middle ground logistics system for the players (between Destiny and TW).
* Expanded (Destiny) Elemental rules and integration.
* Adjusted mech quirks to fit the campaign.
* Adjusted and greatly expanded Trait list derived from Destiny standards, PSAs and homebrew ideas.