So 90% of my BT stuff is stored now, but, I have 1 tote w/ some stuff in it, & as I was looking to see if TRO3085 might be in there, shocker of all shockers, I came across WD-SB!
So I pulled that out so I could peruse it & yep, found those Wolfhounds at Misery, and the note about possible tech clause violations.
I found a note on Sarna pointing out that Morgan/Dan were on Tharkad on 12/31/27 & IIRC Dan got the Hound as soon as he & Morgan arrived back w/ the Unit.
So I'm guessing that means the Wolfhound was in production VERY EARLY in 3028.
It also makes sense that there is a note that Dan got the prototype, so it was possibly ready for testing in late 3027. (Maybe even traveled w/ them as Cargo?)
But another interesting thing I found in the WD-SB, a 2nd reference to a "Name" for LRM/SRM Carriers.
They specifically call them "DAGGER", SRM Carriers and "YEOMAN", LRM Carriers.
The other reference from history is some "Rolling Thunder" LRM/SRM Carriers that were, IIRC, made from Aldis on Terra?
Anyway, interesting trivia there for an actual name &/or some sort of variant.
Final tidbit, that I had forgotten.
The Dragoons seem to field 5-Tank platoons. (A Star? Perhaps) hehe.
With a 16th Tank for the Company Commander.
Very interesting TO&E that I hadn't seen in decades.