Cool! Thank you for the example!
So now I have an issue, two, or three. Deciding whether to go with all new Society mechs in a Sept. or should I mix them with other mechs? Then, which faction? I am leaning towards complimenting my Clan Burrock forces or starting from scratch with a Coyote group.
Sitting here typing it out, I feel like I should go with my alreadybestablished Clan Burrock force and just create a pure Society Mech Sept. I can always mix and match from the Burrock force I have.
*Septicemia-D-Z @50pts Skirmisher/Skill3
Trey Alpha:
*Septicemia-E @60pts Skirmisher/Skill3
*Septicemia-A-Z @58pts Brawler/Skill4
*Septicemia-Prime@37pts Sniper/Skill4
Trey Beta:
*Osteon-Prime @75pts Juggernaut/Skill4
*Cephalus-D @34pts Striker/Skill3
*Sprite Ultraheavy Protomech x3 @60pts Missile Boat/Skill4
Total: 374pts