I left one hand as armored gloves solely so it could carry an infantry weapon outside of whatever is on the AP Mount. Unlike the Clan's Aerie, this actually has a hardmounted Anti-Mech grade - however pathetic - weapon installed, a Firedrake Needler in the torso. That and rather than a very niche role cutting torch, it has a vibro-claw to not only rapidly rip into airlocks and bulkheads, but also usable if down on a planet in melee. Even with Space Adaptation equipment & bonus life support, it still has room for sachel charges w/ 10kg set aside as mission equipment.
Downsides? I just couldn't find room to max the armor, so it can only take a ML before the infantryman needs to rapidly rethink their role in life, or a MPL if you want to end his job hunting permanently.
Name comes from, beyond the obvious anti-ship term, one of the most well known early Victorian era gangs in the UK, whom were referred to as 'Scuttlers'.
Scuttler Space Adapted BattleArmor
Type: Scuttler
Manufacturer: Unknown
Primary Factory: Unknown
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Chassis Type: Biped
Weight Class: Light
Maximum Weight: 750 kg
Battle Value: 117
Swarm/Leg Attack/Mechanized/AP: Yes/Yes/Yes/No
Equipment Slots Mass
Chassis: 100 kg
Motive System:
Ground MP: 3 60 kg
Jump MP: 3 75 kg
Left Arm: Vibro-Claw 50 kg
Right Arm: Armored Gloves 0 kg
Armor: Stealth (Basic) 3 275 kg
Armor Value: 6 (Trooper)
Weapons and Equipment Location (Capacity) Mass
Space Operations Adaptation Body 1 100 kg
Anti Personnel Weapon Mount Left Arm 1 5 kg
Needler Body 1 50 kg
Extended Life Support Body 1 25 kg
Mission Equipment Storage (10 kg) Body 1 10 kg