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Off Topic / Re: My running days are over
« Last post by MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on Today at 10:32:33 »
Citation really starting to be needed here.
Ask the Writers / Re: Spotlight On: Fox Patrol
« Last post by Knightmare on Today at 10:30:31 »
You might see it sooner than you think...
You have underwater mines available.  Those can be used in place of depth charges when deployed at a certain depth by mine dispenser Units.  Weapon delivered mines sink to the bottom in BF.  See TO:AUE pg 179 and pg 89 of IO:BF.

I think he was talking more about how say artillery and cruise missiles arrive on the field. Heavy ordnance delivered into the theater from external sources. Mines are unfortunately kinda limited as well to either surface or bottom rather than being able to detonate at various 'depths.'
Off Topic / Re: My running days are over
« Last post by Zematus737 on Today at 10:20:54 »
The rashes are best dealth with tobacco ashes after a generous application of apple cider vinegar.  If your skin burns like holy hell on areas where the rashes occur after swimming, you have confirmed that I am right.  Any open wound will react to vinegar, but if the excretions are there prior to the formation of the rash after you swim the reaction will be the same over that smooth skin.  These are more helpful and natural than any more harsher prescriptions you might apply to your body.  But if you must use creams and ignore my advice, at least obtain a cream that is anti-fungal.  The rest will do nothing for you.  Your skin is compensating for for kidneys in filtering out toxins.  Take it easy on your adrenals and do short power lifting sessions if you are experiencing adrenal fatigue.  Your adrenals are practically part of your kidneys.  You stress out your adrenals too much and you overwork your kidneys as well.
Off Topic / Re: My running days are over
« Last post by Zematus737 on Today at 10:17:42 »
Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. I've got a swimming pool, but I've been having skin rashes when I swim, probably because of the chlorine. I live in the tropics, so algae build up is a lot if we don't chlorinate the pool daily. I'll probably do more walking for now.

The skin rashes from the chlorination is killing microbes overgrowth that is being excreted from your pours.  Take a black light and confirm the slight glow emanating from your pores.  This is exactly what happened to me when I first experienced my first symptoms after taking a dip in the pool at the gym after my workouts, followed by dietary issues and sensitivities, adrenal fatigue, heart arrhythmia, MCAS and a host of other things listed in that long list of symptoms list noted.  The wear MAY just be from impact over time.  But if it isn't! do seriously take my comment into consideration.  Certain fungi and molds become super charged and thrive by high radiation environments and this may be the cause of overgrowth of what is usually benign bacteria in our body. 
Lordy I love the original Transportation Tycoon.  My computer can't run the thing.
Forum Technical Support / Error messages from personal messages
« Last post by Wrangler on Today at 10:14:59 »
I got this when I sent a picture to fellow forum person.

Quote from: forum message
Too few arguments to function SMF_DB_MySQLi::quote(), 1 passed in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 893 and at least 2 expected
I watched that through a year or two ago. I really enjoyed the early episodes, but man, did it go way off the rails at the end. I maintain that what happened was that they finally succeeded in breaking Number Six, and the last couple episodes are just the lunatic ravings of his shattered mind.
Off Topic / Re: What are we Reading Now: Conan the Librarian
« Last post by Zematus737 on Today at 10:08:14 »
actually they are descendants of groups that ghenghis khan  displaced when he started his empire a lot of them initially came from central asia and their lines got pretty diluted by the time they reached europe around late 13th century

I have read that the Khans were actually descended from Scythian lords who were the originators of the feudal system.  It was the Persians who borrowed this to form satrapies.  And that the Persians themselves were considered to have homogenized to these systems being that they were neighbors and RELATIVES of the Scythian royal Aryan bloodlines.  See Beckwith's, The Scythian Empire.
For example, we already have LR and SR Torpedoes.  That could be expanded to Thunderbolts and Missile Artillery.  But, we could go a little further.

Underwater artillery in the form of Depth Charges.  These would be dropped from the surface by ships or aircraft.

You have underwater mines available.  Those can be used in place of depth charges when deployed at a certain depth by mine dispenser Units.  Weapon delivered mines sink to the bottom in BF.  See TO:AUE pg 179 and pg 89 of IO:BF.
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