Author Topic: Force Manual: Kurita  (Read 1813 times)


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Force Manual: Kurita
« on: 31 October 2024, 22:44:10 »
This thread is for all issues and problems with Force Manual: Kurita.

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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #1 on: 31 October 2024, 22:49:28 »
LOCATION: Kungsarmé Rank Structure (Continued) side bar, page 29
THE ERROR: "...who commands a JumpShipor DropShip." Space missing between 'JumpShip' and 'or'
THE CORRECTION: Add space between the two "...who commands a JumpShip or DropShip."
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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #2 on: 01 November 2024, 07:24:33 »
Pg. 40 under heading Nineteenth Galedon Regulars: Second paragraph is a description of the Benjamin Regulars and appears like it should actually have begun on the next page.

Similarly on Pg. 59, the description of the Night Stalkers begins under "Other Arkab Legion Sub-Commands" instead of on the following page.

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« Last Edit: 07 November 2024, 12:07:51 by nckestrel »
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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #3 on: 01 November 2024, 07:30:00 »
Pg. 116

Under "Variants" the sentence reads "The z has been in productions for so long..."

Suggestion: Change "z" to "Wasp".

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« Last Edit: 07 November 2024, 12:07:21 by nckestrel »
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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #4 on: 01 November 2024, 14:41:19 »
pp 59-60
Issue: Text for "Other Arkab Legion Sub-Commands" is missing, with "Night Stalkers" text beginning in its place.
Correction: Add missing Arkab Legion text, move Night Stalker text to the following page (60). This will likely require removing the sepuku illustration to accommodate the shifted text.

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« Last Edit: 07 November 2024, 12:09:43 by nckestrel »
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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #5 on: 01 November 2024, 15:56:19 »
P. 79, Unit Composition retains the one-half rule from Combat Manual: Kurita rather that the more up-to-date one-third rule presented in [Force Manual: Davion].

P. 107, 109 list the Spider SDR-7M as being Common in rarity. P. 101 lists it as being Uncommon. All three instances are during the Early Clan Invasion.

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« Last Edit: 07 November 2024, 12:07:14 by nckestrel »
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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #6 on: 02 November 2024, 17:09:26 »
p32, Second Sword of Light
remove italics from Tactical Adjustments

p34, Eighth Sword of Light
remove italics from Tactical Adjustments

p37, Sho-sa Konami Maki
change "OTL-5M" to "OTL-5M (Maki)"

p40, Nineteenth Galdeon Regulars
move paragraph that begins "The Benjamin Regulars.." two pages to be under the Benjamin Regulars header.  Leave the text box beginning with "experience/equipment rating.." on this page.

Pg 42, third Benjamin regulars
remove italics from Tactical specialization (engineers)

p50, third alshain regulars
remove italics from Tactical specialization (engineers)

p52, First Genyosha
add * to equipment rating, "Elite/A" to "Elite/A*"
,Second Genyoha
add * to equipment rating, "Elite/A" to "Elite/A*"

p59, "Other Arkba Legion Sub-Commands"
the paragraph under this heading (starting with "The Night Stalkers.." should be pushed to the next page, p60, under the Night Stalker heading.  Note the Fourth Arkab Legion and Sixth Arkabn Legion boxes should remain under the Other Arkab Legion Sub-Commands header on p59, only the text paragraph between the header and the two Legion boxes should be pushed to next page.

p64, First Ghost
Add * to equipment rating, "Veteran/B" to "Veteran/B*"

p68, Ryuken-Nin
Add * to equipment rating, "Veteran/A" to "Veteran/A*"
Add /A* to experience rating, "Regular" to "Regular/A*"

p69, Ryuken-San, -Yon and -Roku
Add * to equipment rating, "Veteran/A" to "Veteran/A*"

p70, Ragnar Magnusson
change "Sword of Light (pre-3017), Rasalhague Regulars (3017-3026), Genyosha (3027+)" to "Third Drakøns" (italics for Drakøns)

p71, third drakøns
remove italics from tactical experts (physical)

p73, Freemen
remove italics from second freemen's esprit de corps and first freemen's foot cavalry
First Freemen: also change "Foot Cavalry" to "Focus (Foot Cavalry)"

p79, Unit Composition
change "one-half" to "one-third"

p83, Alternate Munitions
change Late Sucession Wars' change "LRM/SRM: Heat-seeking, Smoke, Tandem Charge" to "LRM/SRM: Heat-seeking, Smoke, Inferno"

p89, Hanssen Månsdottir
change "AS7-S" to "AS7-S (Hanssen)"

For CPLT-K2 (Kasigi) and Griffin GRD-1DS (Almstedt), replace the S/M/L, OV and A/S columns with
CPLT "3/3/2,0,6/5"
GRD "2/2/1,0,5/3"
Also, change "GRD-1DS" to "GRF-1DS"

p95, Battle Lancer, Late Clan Invasion
change MTR-5K from "U" to "C"

p97, Command Lance, Early Clan Invasion
change STG-5M from "U" to "C"

p101, Pursuit Lance, Early Clan Invasion
change SDR-7M from "U" to "C"

p103, Recon Lance, Early Clan Invasion
change STL-3L from "U" to "C"

p111, Berserker Lance, Early Clan Invasion
change HCT-5S from "CS" to "US"
change NGS-4S from "US" to "RS"

p112, Aerospace
add at end of first paragraph
"When building entire aerospace formations (a full flight or larger, as opposed to adding a detachment to an otherwise ground based force), the rarity rules are modified.
A Common unit has no limit and may be selected as many times as the player wishes for their force.
An Uncommon unit is limited to a flight (6 aerospace fighters) per company and no more than one flight (6 aerospace fighters) of the company may be Uncommon total.
A force may have a single pair of rare units in the company, total, and these rare units also count toward the Uncommon units limit."

p116, Wasp, Variants
Change "The z has been" to "The Wasp has been"
« Last Edit: 19 November 2024, 23:52:36 by nckestrel »
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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #7 on: 04 November 2024, 08:01:45 »
Page 37, Sho-sa Konami Maki

This pilot is listed as using the "Ostsol OTL-5M" during the Late Clan Invasion era.  I suspect that this should be the "Ostsol OTL-5M (Maki)", shown on page 89, due to the comments about "'Mech rebuilt from the inside".

Page 89, Lojtnant Hanssen Mansdottir

This pilot is listed as using the "Atlas AS7-S" during the Late Clan Invasion era.  I suspect that this should be the "AS7-S (Hanssen)", shown later on the same page.

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« Last Edit: 07 November 2024, 12:07:01 by nckestrel »


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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #8 on: 05 November 2024, 05:05:10 »
Page 89, New Unit Stats sidebar

Error: Some of the stats for both the Catapult CPLT-K2 (Kasigi) and Griffin GRD-1DS (Almstedt) are switched around.

Correction: The contents of the OV column for these two 'Mechs should be in the S/M/L column, the contents of the S/M/L column should be in the A/S column and the contents of the A/S column should be in the OV column.

Error: The unit described as Griffin GRD-1DS (Almstedt) has the wrong Alphanumeric designation.

Correction: It should be Griffin GRF-1DS (Almstedt)

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« Last Edit: 07 November 2024, 12:06:47 by nckestrel »


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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #9 on: 05 November 2024, 06:15:22 »
Excuse the multiple posts, but it seems better than repeatedly updating a single one.

Page 83, Alternate Munitions Sidebar

Error: Tandem Charge SRMs are listed both in Late Succession Wars and also in Late Clan Invasion.  Inferno SRMs are not listed at all.

Suggested Correction:  Replace the first instance of Tanem Charge in the Late Succession Wars era with Inferno

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« Last Edit: 07 November 2024, 12:06:38 by nckestrel »


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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #10 on: 05 November 2024, 11:00:46 »
Page 70, Lojtnant Ragnar Magnusson has a Jenner JR7-D in the Late Succession Wars era, and availability is Sword of Light (pre-3017), Rasalhague Regulars (3017-3026), Genyosha (3027+). These are errors because the character is canonically born in 3034, although the Jenner is plausible as a training mech.

The availability correction would be to Third Drak0ns.

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« Last Edit: 07 November 2024, 12:06:30 by nckestrel »


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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #11 on: 06 November 2024, 15:49:14 »
Pg. 72, Brazen Raid sidebar.

  • missing experience levels for attacker and defender.
  • scenario ends too late and can lead attached to playing a impossible game.

Suggested corrections:
  • add experience levels to attacker and defender like other scenarios
  • change last sentence under "victory conditions" to: The scenario automatically ends when 3 or more loot carrying units are destroyed."


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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #12 on: 06 November 2024, 18:49:23 »
 * VERSION: First printing
    * LOCATION: Pg 52 and 64-65
    * THE ERROR: Genyosha and Ryuken units do not have access to star league era mechs from rosebud.
    * THE CORRECTION: The Genyosha and Ryuken should have access to star league era mechs from rosebud.

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« Last Edit: 07 November 2024, 12:06:22 by nckestrel »


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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #13 on: 06 November 2024, 19:35:56 »
Pg 32, 34, 40, 42, 48, 50, 52, 56, 66, 68 (2 errors), 71, 72, 73 (2 errors)

Errors: all of the above pages have at least one sidebar with incorrectly italicized SCAs. Italicized SCAs are supposed to denote new SCAs introduced in FM: Kurita.

Pg 32, second sword of light: Tactical Adjustments
Pg 34, eighth sword of light: Tactical Adjustments
Pg 40, nineteenth galedon regulars: Regional Specialization (Bad News)
Pg 42, third Benjamin regulars: Tactical specialization (engineers)
Pg 48, twentieth rasalhauge regulars: environmental specialist (clear)
Pg 50, third alshan regulars: Tactical specialization (engineers)
Pg 52, first genyosha: tactical experts (combined fire)
Pg 56, second an ting legion: flankers
Pg 66, eighth ghost: Intelligence specialist
Pg 68, ryuken-ni: strategic command; Ryuken-go: shielding
Pg 71, third drakøns: tactical experts (physical)
Pg 72, third husars: regional specialization (Skandia province)
Pg 73, second freemen: esprit de corps; first freemen: foot cavalry
First Freemen: also change "Foot Cavalry" to "Focus (Foot Cavalry)"

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« Last Edit: 07 November 2024, 12:14:23 by nckestrel »


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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #14 on: 07 November 2024, 04:12:33 »
Page 103

Recon Lance, Early Clan Invasion, Alternate Units

The following line is shown
Sabaku Kaze 1 179 15 Scout C

Problem: None of the stats are correct for the combat vehicle Sabaku Kaze.  The only unit I could find with a BV of 179, is the Marten scout VTOL, although I don't think this would be considered common amongst the DCMS, as it is a Federated Suns vehicle.  The Sabaku Kaze itself already exists as a Late Succession Wars option for the Pursuit Lance, so it would be odd to have it also appear in an Early Clan Invasion options list.

Solution:  I'm not sure whether there was meant to be another unit here instead of the Sabaku Kaze, the line should just be removed or whether the stats should be changed to the correct ones (from p 100)
Sabaku Kaze 2 997 38 Striker U


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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #15 on: 09 November 2024, 14:50:55 »
pg. 27 Kurita Rank Structure (Cont.) sidebar

Error: "Sho-sa" should be in bold to match the rest of the ranks.

pg. 27 Kurita Rank Structure (Cont.) sidebar
Error: "Chu-sa: These officers serve on battalion staff, and are commonly Battalion Executive Officers."

This contradicts HB: Kurita (pg 151) "Chu-sa usually command battalions, though they occasionally serve as regimental executive officers or regimental staff officers"
It also contradicts pg 19 of FM: DC that states the same thing.
FM: Updates also has has Chu-sas commanding battalions on page 116.
It also contradicts later in the product that has multiple Chu-sas commanding Battalions (pg. 40 "Chu-sa Sarah May McDaniels commands a battalion of Galedon regulars", pg 48 "Chu-sa Rafael Espinoz commands second Battalion.."

Fix: Return the wording to that of the Handbook or FM with Chu-sas commanding Battalions.

pg. 27 Kurita Rank Structure (Cont.) sidebar
Error: "Tai-sa: Battalions are commanded by a Tai-sa."

Like Chu-sa, this contradicts pretty much every source, as before, such as HB Kurita (p 151), FM:DC (p 19), FM: U (p. 116). It also contradicts 20 Year Update (p. 40) which lists Tai-sas as commanding regiments. It also contradicts itself later on "The tai-sas who command the regiments answer directly to the Coordinator. (p. 32 FoMa: Kurita) "Tai-sa Narimasa Asano commands the First Genyosha" (p. 52)

pg. 27 Kurita Rank Structure (Cont.) sidebar
Error: "Sho-Sho: Experienced officers serving as General's Aides, as regimental Executive Officers, or as members of the regimental staff."

Fix and bring back in line with all other sources (HB Kurita (p 151), FM:DC (p 19), FM: U (p. 116), FM: 3145 (p. 63) with them as Warlord's or General's Aide or regimental commander.

pg. 27 Kurita Rank Structure (Cont.) sidebar
Error: Tai-Sho: The highest rank in the DCMS, Tai-sho are the regimental commanders."

Fix and bring back in line with all other sources (HB Kurita (p 151), FM:DC (p 19), FM: U (p. 116), FM: 3145 (p. 63)), with them as "prefecture commands, or members of the High Command staff, though some senior regimental commands may also bear this rank." (p 151 HB: Kurita).


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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #16 on: 09 November 2024, 15:30:56 »
Page 103

Recon Lance, Early Clan Invasion, Alternate Units

The following line is shown
Sabaku Kaze 1 179 15 Scout C

Problem: None of the stats are correct for the combat vehicle Sabaku Kaze.  The only unit I could find with a BV of 179, is the Marten scout VTOL, although I don't think this would be considered common amongst the DCMS, as it is a Federated Suns vehicle.  The Sabaku Kaze itself already exists as a Late Succession Wars option for the Pursuit Lance, so it would be odd to have it also appear in an Early Clan Invasion options list.

Solution:  I'm not sure whether there was meant to be another unit here instead of the Sabaku Kaze, the line should just be removed or whether the stats should be changed to the correct ones (from p 100)
Sabaku Kaze 2 997 38 Striker U

That sabaku kaze is doing its best APC impression.

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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #17 on: 22 November 2024, 11:24:43 »
p92, Assault Lance, miniatures
add label "Early Clan Invasion Standard Kurita Assault Lance"

p94, Battle Lance, miniatures
add label "Late Succession Wars Standard Kurita Battle Lance"

p96, Command Lance, miniatures
add label "Late Succession Wars Special Kurita Command Lance"

p98, Fire Lance, miniatures
add label "Late Succession Wars Standard Kurita Fire Lance"

p100, Pursuit Lance, miniatures
add label "Late Succession Wars Alternate Kurita Pursuit Lance"

p102, Recon Lance, miniatures
add label "Late Succession Wars Alternate Kurita Recon Lance"

p104, Striker Lance, miniatures
add label "Late Succession Wars Alternate Kurita Striker Lance"

p106, Support Lance, miniatures
add label "Early Clan Invasion Standard Kurita Support Lance"

p108, Horde Lance, mininatures
add label "Late Succession Wars Kurita Horde Lance"

p110, Order Lance, miniatures
add label "Late Succession Wars Kurita Order Lance"
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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #18 on: 22 November 2024, 11:28:07 »
p112, Aerospace
add at end of first paragraph
"When building entire aerospace formations (a full company or larger, as opposed to adding a detachment to an otherwise ground based force), the rarity rules are modified.
A Common unit has no limit and may be selected as many times as the player wishes for their company.
An Uncommon unit is limited to a flight (6 aerospace fighters) per company and no more than one flight (6 aerospace fighters) of the company may be Uncommon total.
A company may have a single pair of rare units in the company, total, and these rare units also count toward the Uncommon units limit."
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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #19 on: 22 November 2024, 16:57:42 »
p27, Kurita Rank Structure (Cont.)
italicize "Sho-sa"

replace the Chu-sa, Tai-sa, Sho-sho and Tai-sho text with (and italicize all the rank names)
"Chu-sa: A chu-sa may be a tai-sa’s executive officer, or may command a battalion (or aerospace wing) in a regiment sized force. The admiralty equivalent is sho-sa (commander), and is either a vessel’s executive officer, or the senior officer overseeing department heads.
Tai-sa: A tai-sa typically commands a regiment. The admiralty equivalent is captain of a JumpShip or DropShip.
Sho-sho: A sho-sho may command one or more regiments, or serve as aide to a warlord or general. The admiralty equivalent is cho-sho (commodore), and commands a flotilla of JumpShips and/or DropShips.
Tai-sho: A taisho is often a member of the High Command, and may be a prefecture commander or senior regimental commander."
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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #20 on: 23 November 2024, 22:21:12 »
p86, New Special Command Abilities
after Flexible Command add,
"Intelligence Specialists: The force must select one Intelligence Specialist per full company of units in the force. If using the Battlefield Intelligence rules (see AS:CE p. 154), the force can assign the MHQ5 special ability to these units. If not using Battlefield Intelligence rules, as long as an Intelligence Specialist remains on the board and is not destroyed, the force receives a +1 Initiative Modifier."
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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #21 on: 24 November 2024, 10:05:04 »
p103, Recon Lance, Alternate Units
replace Sabaku Kaze's BV, PV , Role and Rarity ("179, 15, Scout, C") with
"997, 38, Striker, U"
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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #22 on: 24 November 2024, 11:30:23 »
P111, Berserker Lance
Add new section,
"Free Rasalhague Republic ‘Mechs and Vehicles
The following additional units are available to Free Rasalhague Republic commands.

Late Succession Wars
Unit   Size   BV   PV   Role   Rarity
Commando COM-2D   25   541   17   Striker   I
Griffin GRF-1S   55   1,253   31   Skirmisher   U
Vindicator VND-1AA   45   966   23   Skirmisher   U
Axel Mk 1   65   931   28   Juggernaut   I
Axel Mk 2   65   902   26   Juggernaut   I
Patton   65   961   28   Brawler   C
Rommel   65   933   27   Juggernaut   C
SturmFeur   85   1,400   36   Missile Boat   U

Early Clan Invasion
Unit   Size   BV   PV   Role   Rarity
Archer ARC-5CS   70   1,609   44   Missile Boat   U
Archer ARC-5R   70   1,674   37   Missile Boat   C
Bombardier BMB-12D   65   1,480   39   Missile Boat   R
Centurion CN9-D   50   1,130   28   Skirmisher   U
Commando COM-5S   25   557   17   Striker   C
Hunchback HBK-5M   50   1,056   27   Juggernaut   U
Locust LCT-3S   20   483   20   Striker   C
Marauder MAD-5S   75   1,799   36   Sniper   U
Vulcan VT-5S   40   883   29   Striker   C
Wolfhound WLF-2   35   1,061   28   Striker   U
Zeus ZEU-9S   80   1,639   40   Sniper   C
Kestrel (SRM)   25   192   14   Scout   U

Late Clan Invasion
Unit   Size   BV   PV   Role   Rarity
Banshee BNC-5S   95   2,065   42   Sniper   U
Hunchback HBK-5N   50   1,041   28   Juggernaut   U
Starslayer STY-3C   50   1,508   35   Skirmisher   C
Warrior H-8   20   419   20   Striker   U
Rommel (Gauss)   65   1,178   30   Brawler   C"

P112, Aerospace
Add section,
"Free Rasalhague Republic Aerospace
The following additional aerospace units are available to Free Rasalhague Republic commands.

Late Succession Wars
Unit   Size   BV   PV   Role   Rarity
Chippewa CHP-W5   90   1,520   37   Attack   C

Early Clan Invasion
Unit   Size   BV   PV   Role   Rarity
Seydlitz SYD-Z2A   20   806   28   Interceptor   C
Cheetah F-11   25   563   28   Interceptor   U
Sparrowhawk SPR-6D   30   729   31   Interceptor   C
Corsair CSR-V14   50   1,330   38   Dogfighter   C
Lucifer II LCF-R16KR   65   1,399   38   Dogfighter   C

Late Clan Invasion
Unit   Size   BV   PV   Role   Rarity
Seydlitz SYD-Z1   20   440   21   Interceptor   C"
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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #23 on: 27 November 2024, 21:30:50 »
For the following, there were some where something may not have been errata, so I marked those as “[potential].” For the corrections that need sourcing, they refer to unit descriptions/Orders of Battle for one of the following: (fasa) House Kurita sourcebook [HKSB], FM: Draconis Combine [FM:DC], Historical: War of 3039 [HW39], Historical: Brush Wars [HBW], 20 Year Update [20YU], or Objective Raids [ObjR].

p. 32:
--2nd Sword of Light, under Force Composition: change “add armor regiment” to "1 armor regiment"
p. 34:
--Basic Regimental Structure Box, Company Description: change “three lances/flights” to “three lances/two flights”  (so that it adds up to 12 units in both cases)
--Tai-i Shelly Webster Box: Change “Jenner JR7-D” to “Jenner JR7-D (Webster)
p. 35:
-- Basic Regimental Structure (Cont’d) Box, Regiment Description: change “An aerospace regiment contains three battalions (108 fighters).”  to “An aerospace regiment contains three wings (108 fighters).”
p. 41:
--2nd Galedon Regulars should technically be rated "Green/F” [training cadre, according to FM:DC]
--33nd Galedon Regulars , footnote #3, change to “Formed in 3042, Disbanded in 3052” [removed from rolls between 20YU and ObjR sourcebooks]
--42nd Galedon Regulars is missing its Equipment Rating and ‘Mech force size; should be “Veteran/D” and ‘Mech regiment should be “H/BM/R”. [based on FM:DC]
p. 41:
--[potential] 6th Benjamin Regulars should technically be rated “Green/C pre-3050, Regular/C” [according to HKSB and HW39]
--[potential] 11th Benjamin Regulars should technically be rated “Regular/D pre-3050, Green/D” [according to HKSB and HW39]
p. 47:
--Altenmarkt Militia (right box, force description) is missing its Equipment Rating; should be “Veteran/D” or “Veteran/F” [based on HBW].
p. 51:
--[potential] 8th, 11th, and 15th Alshain Avengers have Equipment Ratings listed as A, B, and B, respectively in FM:DC.
Fix: Change 8th to “Veteran/F, Veteran/A post-3052”; change 11th to “Green/F, Green/B post-3052”; Change 15th to  “Regular/F, Regular/B post-3052”;
p. 55
--Numbering and references for footnotes 4 and 5 are incorrect, based on FM:DC. Should be:
   Fn. 4 should reference 15th SZAC
   Duplicate Fn. 4 should be Fn. “5: Formed in 3058” [from 15th SZAC remnants, according to FM:DC]
p. 54-55
--[potential] most sources from HKSB through FM:DC refer to the Combat Command and its forces as the “Sun Zhang Academy Cadre(s),” not “Sun Zhang Training Cadre(s)”  [Training Cadre is a term Davey Fedrats typically use to describe the Dragon’s future cannon fodder…]
p. 56:
--[potential] 2nd An Ting Legion should technically be rated “Regular/C pre-3050, Veteran/C” [according to HKSB and HW39]
p. 60
--1st Night Stalkers, correct BM regiment composition to “L/BM/R(r)
p. 61
--2nd Shin Legion is missing its Equipment Rating; should be “Veteran/D” or “Veteran/F” based on HW39.
p. 63
--1st Proserpina Hussars, correct BM regiment composition to “M/BM/R(r)
p. 66
--[potential] 3rd Ghost Regiment should technically be rated “Regular/D, Veteran/D post-3052” [according to FM:DC]
--[potential] 6th Ghost Regiment should technically be rated “Regular/B, Veteran/B post-3052” [according to FM:DC]
--9th Ghost Regiment should technically have footnote citing “Disbanded in 3058” [based on Black Dragon novel]
p. 67
--16th Legion of Vega should technically have footnote citing “Formed in (3055-3058)” [formed as new unit sometime between ObjR and FM:DC]
p. 68
--[potential] Ryuken-go should technically be rated “Regular/A*, Veteran/A post-3052” [according to FM:DC]
p. 72
--3rd Hussars is missing its Equipment Rating; should be “Regular/A” or “Regular/B” based on FM:ComStar
p. 74
--[potential] 2nd and 3rd Kavalleri Experience Ratings appear switched; 2nd Kavelleri should be “Regular/C” and 3rd Kavalleri should be “Green/D” [based on FM:ComStar, 20YU, HBW]
p. 84
--Second column, third paragraph: change “so he plans to field one lance of four ’Mechs per lance,” to “so he plans to field two lances of four ’Mechs per lance,”
p. 85
--Force Record Sheet graphic: Mechanized Field Artillery units (fourth formation) should be 12 PV each (not 24 PV each) [to be consistent with text]
p. 88
--Second column, bottom paragraph: change “Fernandez’s family have dedicated themselves to the revival of neo-Japanese culture in the Combine” to “Fernandez’s family has dedicated itself to the revival of neo-Japanese culture in the Combine”

p. 92-109: all errata for these pages are mostly suggestive, given they use the current public MUL as a guideline
--(all formations): Does it make sense for FedCom units to be available as Salvage (“S” designation) in the Late Clan Invasion Era? They essentially have a non-aggression pact 3051-3062
--(all formations): Should the ‘Mechs with a “*” designation in the LSW era be available (without the “*” designation in the corresponding ECI table? This is done in a couple cases, but not all.
--(some formations): some formations have no vehicles listed for the ECI and/or the LCI eras. Just pointing out in case this is not by design.
p. 92
--LSW table: Change “Crockett CRK-5003-2” to “Katana CRK-5003-2” (to be consistent with other references on pp. 95, 96)
--Highlander 733, LSW table: DC has direct access according to the MUL. Implies “RS” should be “R
--Zeus 6S, LSW table: DC has no access according to the MUL. Implies “R” should be “RS
p. 104
--Charger 1A9, LSW table: Should have “C” rather than “C*”” designation based on TRO3039 fluff (is also IntroTech variant not provided by ComStar)
p. 108
--LSW table: Should Panther 9ALAG have “U” designation (for all commands)? “U” designation cited as unique bonus to 1st ALAG in its box on p. 58
p. 109
--Locust 3M, ECI table: should be “U” not “US” based on DC MUL availability (presumably obtained via export)


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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #24 on: 27 November 2024, 22:14:55 »
Listed salvage markers were intentional

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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #25 on: 30 November 2024, 16:00:00 »
EDIT: Removed question and moved to errata discussion thread:
« Last Edit: 30 November 2024, 17:18:15 by Boateye »


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Re: Force Manual: Kurita
« Reply #26 on: 30 November 2024, 16:11:00 »
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