p32, Second Sword of Light
remove italics from Tactical Adjustments
p34, Eighth Sword of Light
remove italics from Tactical Adjustments
p37, Sho-sa Konami Maki
change "OTL-5M" to "OTL-5M (Maki)"
p40, Nineteenth Galdeon Regulars
move paragraph that begins "The Benjamin Regulars.." two pages to be under the Benjamin Regulars header. Leave the text box beginning with "experience/equipment rating.." on this page.
Pg 42, third Benjamin regulars
remove italics from Tactical specialization (engineers)
p50, third alshain regulars
remove italics from Tactical specialization (engineers)
p52, First Genyosha
add * to equipment rating, "Elite/A" to "Elite/A*"
,Second Genyoha
add * to equipment rating, "Elite/A" to "Elite/A*"
p59, "Other Arkba Legion Sub-Commands"
the paragraph under this heading (starting with "The Night Stalkers.." should be pushed to the next page, p60, under the Night Stalker heading. Note the Fourth Arkab Legion and Sixth Arkabn Legion boxes should remain under the Other Arkab Legion Sub-Commands header on p59, only the text paragraph between the header and the two Legion boxes should be pushed to next page.
p64, First Ghost
Add * to equipment rating, "Veteran/B" to "Veteran/B*"
p68, Ryuken-Nin
Add * to equipment rating, "Veteran/A" to "Veteran/A*"
Add /A* to experience rating, "Regular" to "Regular/A*"
p69, Ryuken-San, -Yon and -Roku
Add * to equipment rating, "Veteran/A" to "Veteran/A*"
p70, Ragnar Magnusson
change "Sword of Light (pre-3017), Rasalhague Regulars (3017-3026), Genyosha (3027+)" to "Third Drakøns" (italics for Drakøns)
p71, third drakøns
remove italics from tactical experts (physical)
p73, Freemen
remove italics from second freemen's esprit de corps and first freemen's foot cavalry
First Freemen: also change "Foot Cavalry" to "Focus (Foot Cavalry)"
p79, Unit Composition
change "one-half" to "one-third"
p83, Alternate Munitions
change Late Sucession Wars' change "LRM/SRM: Heat-seeking, Smoke, Tandem Charge" to "LRM/SRM: Heat-seeking, Smoke, Inferno"
p89, Hanssen Månsdottir
change "AS7-S" to "AS7-S (Hanssen)"
For CPLT-K2 (Kasigi) and Griffin GRD-1DS (Almstedt), replace the S/M/L, OV and A/S columns with
CPLT "3/3/2,0,6/5"
GRD "2/2/1,0,5/3"
Also, change "GRD-1DS" to "GRF-1DS"
p95, Battle Lancer, Late Clan Invasion
change MTR-5K from "U" to "C"
p97, Command Lance, Early Clan Invasion
change STG-5M from "U" to "C"
p101, Pursuit Lance, Early Clan Invasion
change SDR-7M from "U" to "C"
p103, Recon Lance, Early Clan Invasion
change STL-3L from "U" to "C"
p111, Berserker Lance, Early Clan Invasion
change HCT-5S from "CS" to "US"
change NGS-4S from "US" to "RS"
p112, Aerospace
add at end of first paragraph
"When building entire aerospace formations (a full flight or larger, as opposed to adding a detachment to an otherwise ground based force), the rarity rules are modified.
A Common unit has no limit and may be selected as many times as the player wishes for their force.
An Uncommon unit is limited to a flight (6 aerospace fighters) per company and no more than one flight (6 aerospace fighters) of the company may be Uncommon total.
A force may have a single pair of rare units in the company, total, and these rare units also count toward the Uncommon units limit."
p116, Wasp, Variants
Change "The z has been" to "The Wasp has been"