Time for a mess of new technology!
Support PPC ('Mech-Mounted)Type: Energy
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (IS)
Available: 3093 CC/DC
Heat: 2
Damage: 2
Range: 2/5/10/15(20)
Other: Is too small to be combined with a Capacitor.
Tons: 1
Crits: 1
Proto Space: 1
Cost: 45,000
BV: 24
Liao and Kurita scientists both independently hit upon the idea of mounting the infantry-scaled Support PPC on larger units, like BattleMechs; the former as part of their search for usable ProtoMech weaponry, and the latter because they find PPCs so useful in general. Mating the weapon with the far larger capacity for power generation afforded by vehicles and 'Mechs allows it to fire indefinitely, without the need for power packs. This, along with the sturdier mounting point, also allows for a significant increase of the gun's effective range.
Addendum: The standard Support PPC is fairly rare, and generally only sees use where both heat capacity and weight are at an extreme premium.Support ER PPC (Battle Armor)Type: Direct Fire (Energy)
Tech Base: Both
Available: 3094 DC/3099 GBD
Damage: 2 (3 for Clan)
Range: x/4/8/12(16)
Mass (BA): 350kg (10 shots, 0.5kg/shot)
BA Slots: 2
Cost (unl): 19,000
BV: 19 IS/28 Clan
Scientists on New Samarkand sought to increase the range of the DCMS' battle armor designs. Since the Support PPC was a popular choice for a primary weapon, and since PPCs themselves were heavily in vogue among Kurita forces, a sizable quantity of C-bills were thrown at the problem. As it turned out, the solution was to slightly enlarge the weapon and boost the output. The resulting Support ER PPC compares to its progenitor much the same way as its 'Mech-scale equivalent does. However, it drains the gun's power pack incredibly quickly, allowing the infantryman only ten shots before having to reload.
The Ghost Bears captured a few crates of these weapons as
isorla during the start of their recent war against the Combine. Reverse-engineering them and improving their efficiency has allowed the Clan version, which debuted only a few months ago, to boast 50 percent greater damage per shot than their Inner Sphere equivalents.
Addendum: The Clan version has begun supplanting IS models in House territory, thanks to Sea Fox traders and adept reverse-engineering by the Combine and Capellans.Support ER PPC ('Mech-Mounted)Type: Energy
Tech Base: Both
Available: 3094 DC/3099 GBD
Heat: 3
Damage: 2 IS/3 Clan
Range: x/7/14/21(28)
Other: Is too small to be combined with a Capacitor.
Tons: 1
Crits: 1
Proto Space: 1
Cost: 67,000
BV: 30 IS/35 Clan
This is a larger version of the Support ER PPC, intended for use on 'Mechs, Protos and vehicles. It is functionally identical to the Battle Armor version, except with a longer range and no limits on the number of times it can be fired.
It should be noted that 'Mech-scale Support PPCs are too small to add external Capacitors to. Combine scientists learned this the hard way, after losing one team and a number of prototypes to explosions when they tried to overcharge the weapons.
Addendum: Like the Battle Armor version, the 'Mech-scale Support ER PPC is being supplanted by its Clantech equivalent, though many units haven't gotten replacements yet.(from another thread)
And on a side note, the MML-7 and MML-9 show that there's no real technical barrier to producing at least an SRM-8 and maybe even larger SRM launchers. So where are they? >:(
Ask and you shall receive. ;)
SRM/SRT 8 and 10 RacksType: Missile
Tech Base: Both
Available: 3086 LA/3087 CWX ('87/'90 SRTs)
8-rack 10-rack
Heat: 5 6
Damage: 2x missile 2x missile
Range: x/3/6/9(12) x/3/6/9(12)
Other: SRTs can only be used underwater, obviously.
Tons: 4T IS/2T Clan 5T IS/2.5T Clan
Crits: 3 IS/2 Clan 4 IS/3 Clan
Ammo/ton: 12 10
Cost (unl): 100,000 120,000
Ammo cost: 27,000 27,000
BV: 81 104
Ammo BV: 9 11
While up-rating missile launchers has been a technical possibility for centuries, there was effectively no point to doing so, as a pair of common SRM-4 launchers could fulfill the same role as a hypothetical SRM-8, while also being able to split their fire between multiple targets. Not to mention, using smaller racks allowed for redundancy in the event of internal damage.
The invention of Artemis IV Fire Control Systems changed that. In theory, one computer could improve the accuracy of one large missile rack, rather than using two computers and two separate racks -- effectively saving an extra ton for other equipment.
That said, the larger SRM (and SRT) rack projects weren't brought up again until the Jihad was over. Predictably, the main drivers behind this enlargement were at Defiance Industries, who wanted relatively lightweight big-punch weapons. The Wolves-in-Exile used Clan know-how to lighten the technology for their own use, and the Diamond Sharks -- now insisting on being called Clan Sea Fox once again -- have been spreading the technology.
Addendum: Larger racks of SRMs and torpedoes have only really caught on now that Artemis V sees some limited availability in the Inner Sphere. The weight and bulk of multiple fire-control systems would add up more quickly if launchers were still restricted to 6 missiles per volley.Larger Streak SRM RacksType: Missile
Tech Base: Both
Available: 3089 LA/3088 CWX
8-rack 10-rack
Heat: 5 6
Damage: 2x missile 2x missile
Range: x/3/6/9(12) IS
x/4/8/12(16) Clan
Tons: 6T IS/4T Clan 7.5T IS/5T Clan
Crits: 4 IS/3 Clan 5 IS/4 Clan
Ammo/ton: 12 10
Cost (unl): 150,000 180,000
Ammo cost: 54,000 54,000
BV: 122 IS/162 Clan 156 IS/208 Clan
Ammo BV: 14 IS/18 Clan 17 IS/22 Clan
A logical extrapolation of larger SRM racks was larger Streak SRM racks. The Wolves-in-Exile were the first to finish it, though the Lyran teams were only behind by a few months.
Addendum: By contrast, larger Streak racks seem to have gained a measure of infamy as the Horses and Falcons have expanded aggressively into Lyran and Republic territory. Some of the Clan invaders have made names for themselves by making effective use of these larger launchers.I also had an idea for a new IS engine in between Standard and Light. It would be 1/8 lighter than Standard, and add one crit in each side torso. Problem is, I can't think of a good name for it. :-\
Oh, also. Has anyone come up with stats for giant myomer crossbows/ballistae? Incredibly schizo-tech and not terribly effective, but that's the point, innit? ;)