
Do any of the designs need a fix-up?

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Author Topic: Finishing off the PPC options for IS 3155  (Read 405 times)


  • Corporal
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Finishing off the PPC options for IS 3155
« on: 19 May 2024, 14:54:42 »
LERPPC Range 0/7/14/23, damage 5, 8 heat, 2 crit, 3 tons, cost 225,000
HERPPC Range 0/7/14/23, damage 15, 23 heat, 4 crit, 10 tons cost 375,000
LSNPPC Range 0/9/13/15, damage 5/4/3, 5 heat, 2 crit, 2.5 tons, cost 225,000
HSNPPC Range 0/9/13/15, damage 15/12/8, 15 heat, 3 crit, 8.5 tons, cost 375,000

If they seem good as is then great, but if they need tweaking please, if you could, suggest the changes and why. Thank you. Probably the most likely to need a bump in my mind is the LSNPPC shrinking to only need 1 crit instead of 2...

Hazard Pay

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Re: Finishing off the PPC options for IS 3155
« Reply #1 on: 19 May 2024, 15:05:27 »
All of these have been done before, myself included for the Snubs, but the LERPPC may need some Min Range (a 2(?)) as it's otherwise too good.

HSNPPC needs to be 9t, simply because I don't like weapons weighing with a hanging half-ton.

They're otherwise ideal.


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Re: Finishing off the PPC options for IS 3155
« Reply #3 on: 20 May 2024, 21:03:34 »
Adding a minimum range to the Light ERPPC wouldn’t make any sense though. And it already produces more heat than it does damage...


  • Corporal
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Re: Finishing off the PPC options for IS 3155
« Reply #4 on: 27 May 2024, 21:13:19 »
Also the ER modification explicitly solves the whole issue with the system behind the minimum range, lorewise, so it wouldn't make sense in universe either!

Col Toda

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Re: Finishing off the PPC options for IS 3155
« Reply #5 on: 28 May 2024, 03:52:14 »
Access to Clan ER PPC so close to 3078 makes this thread  mostly moot.
 3095ish  mixed tech becomes Advanced
 Before 3145 it becomes Tournament legal.

Clan ER PPC is made by some Inner Sphere Manufacturers  . Inner Sphere  mech factories are putting out mech with a couple Clan weapons right out of the factory. 
« Last Edit: 28 May 2024, 14:44:54 by Col Toda »

