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Yeah, I paid my shipping well before the cutoff, too.
Thang-ta quietly sobs in a corner.

Can't get worked up over single-squad carriers; given I build all my units physically, it'd break my bank!
Non-Canon Units / Re: McCulloch Highlanders Regiment
« Last post by Moriarty74 on Today at 22:18:02 »
I try to include a lawyer in every unit I create... :)

This is the first time in a Battletech fluff I've included a law firm.  I normally don't go this far down into it with Battletech but then I normally just stick to the unit itself and not add an entire planet to it as well.  I'll be adding some other major businesses and a couple pirate bands that are regulars for that part of the Periphery as well.  I've a few other ideas still in the rough stage but I'm open to any suggestions to add to the overall view of it as well.
Still nothing on my end, but a friend who backed at the Company level with no add-ons and got his address verification three weeks ago just got his stuff today.
I backed twice at company level and paid the shipping for both orders by May 17th so I should be in the first wave, not sure of what segment, and still nothing from anybody yet, Grrrrr
Fan Designs and Rules / Re: Renegade Legion Gravtanks
« Last post by Failure16 on Today at 21:54:57 »
A large part of the mass from the Slammers' blowers stems from their need to use iridium for armor.

The sensor suites, fire-control, tracking, and communications systems are considerably more advanced than what is available to the BTU.

They do not use blown-air skirts, for the record, but rigid-steel aprons and they are technically classified as ground-effect vehicles as opposed to pure hovercraft.

The combat cars are tank-sized, but the M2 tanks themselves are easily 2-3 times the size of a modern MBT. I shall not debate ground pressure and other minutia, but they are not the size of a tank as we viscerally understand the term.

The present game, indeed published by Pireme Publishing, is called The Crucible.

The key to converting Renegade Legion gravtanks to the BTU--or vice versa--is fundamentally figuring out how weapons affect armor. The Rosetta Stone is nuclear weapons, since that is the primary real-world commonality between the two milieus.

Movement is easy. They move like VTOLs but with the aerospace mechanic of turn radii-based-on-velocity. They have better handling abilities; they do not sideslip and can reach incredible velocities that must be handled with care by the crew. They can enter all the same terrain a BattleMech can, including submerging in water, and can reach aircraft-level altitudes (but not orbits, by themselves, on a normal planet).

Once the damage-mechanic is settled, everything else will fall into place. The aforementioned special equipment, like planar lasers for cutting paths through forests, special munitions, etc., as well as infantry and fire support, do not need much conversion at all (though their infantry is considerably deadlier than the BTU's jump-infantry.
Off Topic / Re: Naval Pictures X: Underway on Nuclear Power
« Last post by Colt Ward on Today at 21:53:33 »

On June 9, 1944, the USS Intrepid set sail from San Francisco, California, heavily loaded with vehicles, equipment, and various aircraft including SBD Dauntless, F6F Hellcats, C-45 Expeditors, PV-1 Venturas, and P-61 Black Widows.
Looking forward to this ForcePack for the Emperor and the Helios for my St. Ives Lancers.
The Periphery / Re: Jarnfolk troops/mercenaries
« Last post by Daryk on Today at 21:35:13 »
That was errata'd to 30 a while back (after some prodding, TPTB accepted that the Taurians exist!) :)
Second game, playtesting and showcasing the new terrain. It was a good game, more learning: heat, minimum range, charging.

Draconis Combine vs Lyran Commonwealth, 3025 era

Warhammer WHM-6K
Warhammer WHM-6K
Archer ARC-2R
Archer ARC-2R

Marauder MAD-3R
Marauder MAD-3R
Crusader CRD-3R
Highlander HGN-733P

So, full lance this time and heavy mechs. More firepower, lots of heat, a Jumping assault mech. All of the mechwarriors were Gunnery 4, Piloting 5 again.

The battlefield

Initial turns: Kurita moved up on the hill. The Archers went into the forest, and the Warhammers moved up by the area of rough terrain. Steiner mechs all ran forward, with the Crusader going to the left.

The Kurita Warhammers focused their PPCs on the Highlander, which took damage as moving up, but nothing serious. The Archers focused their fire on one of the Marauders.

The Lyran Crusader & Highlander battered one of the Warhammers, getting into the internal armor on the left torso early, causing the Warhammers to move back and the Kuritans to form up a wall or 'circle the wagon' if you will, as the Crusader was positioning to get behind the Draconis lines. The Marauders were putting the hurt on one of the Archers, but the Archer was able to soak up the damage.

This game, the mechs went into Woods terrain, which did give some help protection wise.

Both sides had as many weapons blazing every turn as much output as we could, which caused all of the Mechs to heat up. Really, before we were not paying so much attention to the heat scale but did this game. Except for the Highlander, the rest of the mechs ended up having to take a turn to cool down. No one had any ammunition explosions, but one of the Marauders shut down on the Lyran side. Numerous mechs would be shutting down and restarting during this game.

The forward-most Warhammer was taking a lot of damage; the Crusader was rolling well with its LRMs, and also the Medium Lasers and SRMs were connecting in the medium-long range bracket. The Highlander went on the offensive. The Warhammer was really hurting; the left torso (if I remember right, this side did not hold any ammo) was destroyed and the Center torso already suffering a weak internal torso, so the Warhammer tried to move back on the backside of the mountain range. However, the Highlander was able to jump up, and both medium lasers damaged the Center torso again. Finally, the SRM hit the center once more and destroyed the Warhammer. First casualty of the game! This also put the Highlander behind, and above, the Kuritans.

The Archers focused fire on one of the Marauders, which was suffering damage, but the other was untouched. The Marauders were within the minimum range of the Archers, and the Archers had the Highlander above them, behind their backs. So, the Kuritans decided to get physical, with both Archers successfully charging the Marauders. One Marauder fell over, getting flipped around.

The gully in front of the mountains would become a mosh pit. Now I see why that term is used sometimes describing battletech! The Archers and Marauders were kicking each other and shooting their Medium Lasers. Really, no one was hurting anyone, and the Archers tried to back up again to start shooting.The Highlander saw the opportunity to do a Death from Above onto the closest Archer. But the Highlander missed and fell!

The fallen Highlander bolstered the Kuritans, who got too cocky, as one Archer decided to charge the fallen Highlander, exposing its back to one of the Marauders. The Marauder's cannonade pierced the rear left torso and detonated the Archer's ammo, destroying a second Kurita mech!

The Crusader and Warhammer had been brawling with their weapons, and the Warhammer was able to run behind the Crusader, which shutdown to overheating. Once the Crusader restarted, it ran towards its comrades.

The other Archer, seeing the destruction of his brother, ran across the road to try to get distance to fire its weapons.

The photo shows what I forgot, a lot of the Lyran mechs kept shutting down, as they were using every opportunity to fire off as many of their weapons as possible. The Warhammer used shutdown Lyrans to its advantage to run farther into the town, trying to take pot shots at the Highlander, which at this time was badly damaged. The Highlander had a leg destroyed, but managed to upright itself, and kept Jumping every turn closer to the Warhammer. Hop hop?

The Marauder was able to finish off the other Archer, destroying one side of its torso which contained ammunition. This made the game 3v1, but all of the Lyran mechs were running very hot, and all damaged. The Warhammer had a turn or two to run away and cool off. Unfortunately, the Warhammer was not connecting shots, and was heating up. A few hits could have destroyed any of the crippled Lyran mechs. But, the Warhammer shut down, and the Kuritans were defeated.

After Battle Report: It was a good game; the Crusader was really deadly, and the Highlander was able to follow up, working well in a team. The Marauders and Archers got to close to each other and were fluffing their attacks, kicking, pushing, charging and shooting with medium lasers. I can see why an AC/20 or some Mechs with Weapons like the Hatchetman can be useful for the up close / zoning.

Also, all of the mechs this game were not very fast, and we learned how to manage heat, what to shoot, what can hit at ranges etc. The Double Archers were pretty ineffective really, but a funny thing, the opening shots of the game were indirect fire from the backside of the mountain, connecting to a Marauder, who had a Warhammer spotting. The Marauders closed in too easily for the Archers, who did not have backup.

The Lyran Commonwealth took the field.

And here are some photos of other models prepared; infantry, tanks, Drones. The infantry have a loitering ammunition launcher. The vehicles are architectural models. I have more (cars, trucks etc) which can be used as props for the games.

Anyone remember Spaceman spiff? I used to follow his stuff back in the day. Seen some cool builds and models on this forum as well. I like the modeling aspect of the hobby as well. There is a tactical missile launcher as well from Reaper CAV which scales well, and some artillery and battlefield objectives. Drones are 3d prints & GHQ Predators. Infantry are Pendraken 10mm. I tried to do the 3d printed infantry, but they are so brittle and break when I pick them up. A little out of scale but not that much, and nice pewter free metal from what I can tell. The other infantry-infiltrator style suit guys are GZG 6mm.

Thang-ta quietly sobs in a corner.

If only we could get multiples of the coolant truck; that looks like a damned fine Aliens-esque heavy APC, no?
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