I can see in the rules where it states that a character, during character creation, cannot exceed their phenotype maximum attributes, but after character creation what rules stop them from spending XP to advance beyond their phenotype maximums?
Page 51 says: "The maximum values for a character’s Attributes are defined by their phenotype (see the Phenotype Trait description, p. 121), unless the character also picks up the Exceptional Attribute Trait to increase a maximum by 1 point."
but as this is in the character creation section, it seems to be talking about character attributes during character creation.
Page 95 says: "Attributes, Traits and Skills all have a maximum limit under these rules, though these maximums can vary with the character’s Phenotype and Trait choices. If a character receives more XPs in any Attribute, Trait or Skill than that Attribute, Trait or Skill can support at its maximum level, the excess XPs may be recovered for use elsewhere if the player uses the Optimizing Leftover Points rule (see p. 97). The maximum Attribute score a character may receive is defined by the character’s Phenotype (see pp. 121-122). ... The maximum Skill level any character may have in A Time of War is 10."
While Skill levels are very clearly defined as having a maximum in the game, I can find no such definition for Attributes. This section, talking about Attributes specifically, is talking about character creation using the life modules system. Even the XP cost table on this page does not mention maximum limits, only the lower limit.
Page 121 says: "Each phenotype provides free modifiers to the character’s base Attributes, which are applied after the character has spent XP on these Attributes, but which may not exceed the listed Attribute maximums (shown in parentheses) for that phenotype."
but this seems to imply this sentence is attached to the bonuses to attributes and not exceeding the limit during character creation and not a game limit/maximum.
Page 333, however, says: "Attributes may be purchased at any time by spending 100 XP per Attribute Point. In order for a character to be eligible for this increase, he must have spent an appropriate amount of time practicing or training (see Training, p. 334). The gamemaster must concur that the method of practice, or training, as well as the length of time that the character has practiced or trained, is adequate. It is possible to improve every Attribute a character has, though advancing one Attribute type may be much more time-consuming and difficult than another."
which makes no mention of maximum attribute limits. In fact, under advancement, there are no mentions of limits except under Traits. The only reason one might assign limits to Skills is because it explicitly mentions a limit for the game, not just for character creation, back on page 95.
Have any official rulings or errata come out to clarify this issue?