Author Topic: Weapon Heat Sinks Single and Double(IS/Clan Tech)  (Read 387 times)


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Weapon Heat Sinks Single and Double(IS/Clan Tech)
« on: 24 July 2024, 08:17:20 »
Lore: In the year 3130, a group of scientists came up with a new sub-type of single and doulbe heatsinks that attached directly to the weapons they were on. the Initial Results showed that these heatsinks reduced heat down by 10 to 20 percent, in some cases like class 2 and 5 autocannons down to a minmum of zero heat generated. however they took up as much space and weight as the heatsinks types they were derrived from. Damaging or destroying the heat sink however in comparison to the legends of the laser insulator did not shut the attached weapon down, but the weapon would lose certain benifits from the heatsink. For example a damaged double weapon heatsink would only reduced heat generated by 50% of it's original heat reducing capacity. This Technology would not be re-classed as advanced tech until 3152.
Code: [Select]
Single Weapon Heat Sink:
Heat reduction: 1(Minimum of 0 heat generated)
Tonnage: 1 ton
Crits/Vehicle Slots: 1
Cost(C-bills): 3,000
BV(2.0): See Single Heat Sink

Construction Rules:
A Single Weapon Heat Sink Takes up a single additional critical slot and weighs one ton per a attached heatsink to a weapon.

These heatsinks maybe mounted on any weapon type. but may only mount one per a weapon.

A Single Weapon Heatsink loses all of it's benifits if it's critically hit. The Weapon equipped may function normally but no benifit from a weapon heat sink's effects if the heatsink's destroyed.

A Single weapon heat sink has the same Battle Value as a normal single heat sink and costs 3,000 C-bills per a heatsink.

Gameplay Rules:

A Single weapon heatsink recduces a weapons heat generation down by one point to a minimum of zero heat.

the weapons heat generation returns to normal if the Single weapon heatsink is destroyed by a critical hit. Otherwise the weapon will continue to function normally.

Double Weapon Heeat Sink
Heat reduction: 2(Minimum of 0 heat generated, 1 heat reduction when taken a single crit.)
Tonnage: 1 ton
Crits/Vehicle Slots: 3
Cost(C-bills): 6,000
BV(2.0): See Double Heat Sink

Construction Rules:
A Double Weapon Heat Sink Takes up a Three additional critical slots and weighs one ton per a attached heatsink to a weapon.

These heatsinks maybe mounted on any weapon type but only one maybe mounted per a weapon.

A Double Weapon Heatsink loses all of it's benifits if it's critically hit twice. a Singel critical hit reduces the double weapon heatsink's effects by one point of heat reduction. The Weapon equipped may function normally but no benifit from a weapon heat sink's effects if the heatsink's destroyed.

A Double weapon heat sink has the same Battle Value as a normal Double heat sink and costs 6,000 C-bills per a heatsink.

Gameplay Rules:

A Double weapon heatsink recduces a weapons heat generation down by two points to a minimum of zero heat.

the weapons heat generation returns to normal if the Double weapon heatsink is destroyed by two critical hits. Otherwise the weapon will continue to function normally.

Meta: as you can see I was loosely inspired by the Laser Insulator here. I made it IS and Clan as an alternative to mounting additional heatsinks onto a Unit. I know it maybe borderline munchkin at the moment but that don't meant numbers and rules can be tweaked. I also wanted something to use in tandem with normal heatsink types so this is my shot in the dark so to speak.


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Re: Weapon Heat Sinks Single and Double(IS/Clan Tech)
« Reply #1 on: 25 July 2024, 03:36:02 »
Have you read the "Rerouting Heat Sink Coolant" rules in TO:AR (page 103)?


  • Major
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Re: Weapon Heat Sinks Single and Double(IS/Clan Tech)
« Reply #2 on: 27 July 2024, 06:52:36 »
If lasers can have laser insulators, I don't know why ballistic cannons can't have cooling jackets. I can also see the 1 ton weight but the number of crits seems really high. I'd keep them at 1 crit each and allow them to stack.

And of course, we have the Improved Cooling Jacket quirk as a high tech option.