BEFORE YOU POSTThis forum board is for members of the BattleTech forums to post technical comments, suggestions and use questions about the main website, this
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This board is not for posts pertaining to anything game-related or websites not listed above. Please post game-related questions in the appropriate forum board.
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MechWarrior Online or
MechWarrior Tactics. These websites have their own support apparatus.
SUPPORT BOARD POSTING FORMATWhen creating a post on this board we ask that you try and do the following:
If posting an error, please title the post "ERROR" followed by the error or approximation of the error in the post title.
Ex. ERROR - Weird Text Characters in Post
If posting a use or technical question, please title the post "TECHNICAL" followed by the use or technical question, or a approximation in the post title.
Ex. TECHNICAL - How to send a PM? or
TECHNICAL - Can I change my username?
If posting a suggestion, please title the post "SUGGESTION" followed by the suggestion or approximation of the suggestion in the post title.
Ex. SUGGESTION - Adding Facebook Likes
Correct titling of errors, user questions, and suggestions will help the forum's support staff answer your posts and keep track of new posts as they're posted. After posting, please be patient and allow the forum's support staff some time to answer any posts. Our
volunteer support staff has a limited number of qualified correction specialists, and we require time to track down and research posted errors, suggestions, and any potential fixes. Please be patient. Some fixes or improvements might be totally outside our control to implement.
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