What if: Clan Wolf and Clan Jade Falcon (After Battle of Terra in 3151) collaborate to produce a garrison / second line / Solahma Battlemech, that is cheap enough to produce in vast quantities, easily to pilot for Green Freebirth Warriors, and packs enough punch that enemies can't ignore?
I present: the Provost P-1
Provost P-1
Mass: 35 tons
Tech Base: Mixed
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: Dark Ages
Tech Rating/Era Availability: X/X-X-X-X
Production Year: 3169
Dry Cost: 2,964,960 C-Bills
Total Cost: 2,991,960 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,308
Chassis: Series P mod 1 Endo-Composite
Power Plant: CCI 140 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets: Pitban C
Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor: Cauldron Guard Lite Light Ferro-Fibrous
1 Type CWS "Kraken" (CL) ER PPC
1 Type IV Mod 1 (CL) SRM-4
Manufacturer: Cauldron Collective Industries
Primary Factory: Terra, New Earth, Thorin V, Alula Australis, Gienah
Communications System: CCI Model 104
Targeting and Tracking System: CCI Series XI
The Provost has the following Design Quirks: Extended Torso Twist, Hyper-Extending Actuators
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Internal Structure: Endo-Composite 58 points 3.00
Internal Locations: 1 LT, 2 RT, 2 LA, 2 RA
Engine: Fusion Engine 140 5.00
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 4 Standard
Jump Jet Locations: 2 CT, 1 LL, 1 RL 2.00
Heat Sinks: (IS) Double Heat Sink 11(22) 1.00
Heat Sink Locations: 3 LT, 3 RT
Gyro: Standard 2.00
Cockpit: Standard 3.00
Actuators: L: SH+UA+LA+H R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor: Light Ferro-Fibrous AV - 118 7.00
Armor Locations: 2 LT, 1 RT, 2 LA, 2 RA
Internal Armor
Structure Factor
Head 3 9
Center Torso 11 17
Center Torso (rear) 4
L/R Torso 8 12
L/R Torso (rear) 4
L/R Arm 6 12
L/R Leg 8 16
Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass
(CL) ER PPC RA 15 2 6.00
A.E.S. RA - 1 1.00
(CL) SRM-4 LA 3 1 1.00
A.E.S. LA - 1 1.00
A.E.S. RL - 1 1.00
A.E.S. LL - 1 1.00
@SRM-4 (25) LA - 1 1.00
Free Critical Slots: 3
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 4 Points: 13
4j 3 3 2 0 1 0 Structure: 1
Special Abilities: SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA
Do you think this would be well enough for green militias or provisional clusters to fight-off contemporary threats?