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Combat Vehicles / Re: Wisp UltraLight Tank
« Last post by maxcarrion on Today at 04:23:31 »
Yeah, a single small laser on an ICE chassis is a pretty shabby weapon choice.  For the same weight you can get an SRM2 +1T of ammo or 3MG and 1/2T of ammo. 

Personally I prefer SFE engines in ultralights, pushes the cost up to about 300k but you can get 3 medium lasers on a 12T chassis moving 6/9 which will overmatch wisps 3v1 without breaking a sweat
All vehicles in the desert used this kind of storage. It was mandated by the long ranges they had to travel. You needed gas. the LRDG did the same.
One does not accuse Mussolini's military of having competent vehicle designs...
That math looks good to me!

And I see the Italians put the gas (or water) where it could be shot... not something I'd want to drive! ;D
Fan Fiction / Re: A Long Journey
« Last post by Daryk on Today at 03:19:06 »
Site 222 is probably the safest storage for the nukes, honestly... :)
Off Topic / Re: Naval Pictures X: Underway on Nuclear Power
« Last post by Daryk on Today at 03:13:32 »
USS NAUTILUS is a museum ship; it can be done.  You just don't let people into those spaces.
Combat Vehicles / Re: BA Tube Artillery Truck (Ghosts of Obeedah)
« Last post by Daryk on Today at 03:11:22 »
Please do! :)
Yes, the Lorentz transformations from Special Relativity mean the mass of the exhaust goes up the closer to light speed it becomes.  And no, it's still not enough to make Strategic Thrust work, whether you're working with a WarShip, DropShip, or Small Craft.
Along these lines, the only way by clan custom to decide which Jade Falcons are the 'legitimate' is basically a trial over it.

Regarding if Alaric and Stephani Chistu will 'deal' with Jiyi's... I feel like Alaric will just declare they answer to Stephanie Chistu because she answers to Alaric. If Jiyi says nope, then it'll arcs towards violence, because Alaric is a guy who in June 3152 declared he owns the universe. Not really any room for compromise with the guy as he exists now.

But... unless Wolves power up like saiyans again, or Stephanie's Falcons do so, the Falcon factions aren't likely to meet each other directly any time soon.

Alaric's message is timewise quite hilarious considering it came right after the Empire's capital had been sacked and a sibko of his children was abducted. I doubt the Dragoons will send a few of those to the Hinterland Falcons but it would be funny nontheless.

Also, he can delcare the Terran Falcons the real Jade Falcons all he wants but the hard relaity is that there are at least two factions that claim to be Jade Falcons that don't answer (for now) to the IlClan. The main question will be if the "IlKhan's bodyguard" will even be allowed to travel back to their old territory to get access to their own genetic legacies. I reckon that will take some time unless we get a Deus ex Machima that says "The two Terran Clans were so smart they brought a full set of their genetic samples to Terra and kept them out of arms reach". After all the Wolves have the same issue but on the flip side have a vastly bigger gene pool left (surviving warriors) to start again
Danai comes to mind. She owns Yen-Lo-Wang, but now she pilots and owns a Black Knight

And for mercenaries you might argue that sometimes the unit commander is also the owner of several Mechs (or has legal ownership at the very least). Like in Gray Death Rising: Ronan Carlyle and his sister both have two Mechs in that book: Ronan first pilots a Gargoyle before switching to a revamped Marauder (his grandfather's that is) and his sister pilots a Hatchetman but at the end of the book has a Shadow Hawk. So you could argue they still own their first Mech but hand them to another trusted pilot without relinquishing ownership on paper
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