For the following, there were a few where I wasn’t quite sure if a correction was warranted. I listed those corrections as “suggested.” Also, some corrections likely need sourcing. For those, the corrections refer to either the unit descriptions or Orders of Battle in the (fasa) House Davion sourcebook [HDSB], FM: Fed Suns [FM:FS], Historical: War of 3039 [HW39], 20 Year Update [20YU], or Objective Raids [ObjR]. Finally, I was not sure how unit composition differences prior to 3028 should be handled (some units list them, some do not), so I included the missing ones just in case.
(Also, it was a bunch, so I split it into two posts...)
p. 22:
--Under “Cadet/Subaltern” in the Davion Rank Structure box: change last sentence to “After the AFFC reforms, these ranks exist only in AFFS academy cadre forces.”
--Under dress uniform illustration, change AAFS to AFFS
p. 23:
--Under field uniform illustration, change AAFS to AFFS
--Above each set of ranks, add analogous titles from p. 22: “AFFC General Rank Insignia”, “AFFC Officer Rank Insignia”, “AFFC Enlisted Rank Insignia”
p. 25:
--Combat Command Briefs description, under “Force Composition:” Lacks TW equivalent of the AS Size ratings for determining average unit size within a formation (starting with, “Units comprising the formation must round down or up to the equivalent size for that weight….)
Suggestion: Clarify point values for L, M, H, A size classes to use in TW, and/or refer players to force building in TW, pp. 264-66
--same section: Infantry Regiment abbreviations never specified for (F,M,J) used in main command briefs
--Other Commands, Abbreviation Box:
----Change MI, from motorized to, “MI mechanized infantry”
----Add row for “JI jump infantry”
p. 26:
--1st Davion Gds unit box, under Special Rules, change “below” to “above”: “These units must follow the code as described above but may select…”
p. 27
--Sgt. Blaine Edwards description: change from K65 to K100: “His rare Von Luckner is a K100 variant.”
p. 28
--4th Davion Gds unit box: missing its infantry complement.
Suggestion [based on FM:FS]: add “5 Infantry regiments (F,M,M,M,J)”
p. 30
--Davion Assault Gds, first paragraph, Change second-to-last sentence to: “The artillery regiment, two battalions of Long Tom artillery and one of Arrow IV missile launchers, …”
p. 32
--Avalon Hussars (four intro paragraphs): change all instances of “(Crucis) Lancers” to “(Avalon) Hussars”
--Lt. Annabelle Yukon, statistics box: Valkyrie VLK-QA and related stats are copy-paste error.
Suggestion: Based on description, should likely be Cicada CDA-3M (Clan Invasion), with appropriate G/P and statistics.
p. 34
--33rd Avalon Hussars, unit paragraph, fourth sentence, change “fifth” to “fourth”: “The ‘Mech regiment’s fourth battalion is an all-assault ‘Mech…”
--41st Avalon Hussars unit box: Add asterisk to unit name with note at bottom: “* Destroyed 3050”
[Was destroyed by Clan Wolf on Planting, 3050; multiple sources, including Clan Wolf SB.]
--42nd Avalon Hussars unit box:
----Delete “* Destroyed 3052” note at bottom (survived through Clan Invasion era). Perhaps should be at bottom of 33rd Avalon unit box?
----Has copy-paste error for nickname and composition. [Per FM:FS]: Change “The Galloping Eleventh” nickname to “Sons of the Federation”, and change unit composition to: “H/BM/R(r), 2x AF/W, H/CV/R, M/CV/R, 2xL/CV/R, 2x CI/R, 3x MI/R, JI/R, -/BAB, AR/R”
p. 42
--Maj. Seth Karano stats box: add unique name to VLK-QD, should be “Valkyrie VLK-QD (Karano)* (Clan Invasion)”
--10th Deneb LC unit box, experience rating. [Per HDSB]: should technically be “Green/D (3025-29), Veteran/D (3029-)”
p. 43
--12th Deneb LC unit box, delete “RCT” from “Twelfth Deneb Light Cavalry” unit name
--15th Deneb LC unit box, was upgraded to RCT in 3027 [per FM:FS], should technically add, “AF/W (3027-), 2xCV/R (3027-), 2xCI/R (3027-)”
p. 46
--8th Syrtis Fusiliers, description title: add “RCT” to unit name
p. 46
--5th Syrtis Fusiliers, unit box:
----Add “RCT” to unit name
----[per HDSB, HW39, 20YU], experience rating should technically be, “Regular/C (3025-29), Green/C (3030-)”
--Painting the Fields Red scenario, intro paragraph, last sentence, change “Eighth” to “Sixth”: “The Sixth Syrtis Fusiliers, long the personal guard for the Hasek family,…”
p. 49
--2nd Ceti Hussars, unit box, experience rating should technically be [per HDSB, HW39, 20YU, ObjR, FM:FS], “Veteran/B (3025-303?, 3054-), Regular/B (303?-3054)”
p. 50
--Lt. Kenojuak Angiliro, unit box and description: pilot surname is “Angiliro” in unit box and “Angilirq” in description. Only one can be correct.
p. 53
--Anjin Muerto CrMM, unit box, experience rating should technically be [per HDSB, HW39, 20YU, ObjR, FM:FS], “Green/D (3025-303?), Regular/D (303?-)”
p. 55
--Malagrotta CrMM, unit box, should technically add asterisk to unit name and footnote below “* Formed 303?” [per HDSB, HW39, 20YU, ObjR, FM:FS]
p. 56
--Hauptman Dougal Cillianson, stats box, change pilot name from “Hauptman Dougal Cillianson” to “Captain Mariko Ogawa”
p. 57
--Kommandant Mort Buchanan, stats box, change pilot name from “Kommandant Mort Buchanan” to “Leftenant General Mary Tallman”
--Comstar inset, last paragraph: change 3057 to 3058, “…, and successfully invaded Terra in 3058, putting a possible enemy on the doorstep of the Federated Suns.”
p. 60
--Raman DMM, unit box: boldface “Special Rules:” and move entire Special Rules description to new line below
p. 61
--1st New Ivaarsen Chasseurs
----Description paragraph, delete “pxh-1” between second and third sentences
----Unit box, composition: aerospace wings should technically be [per FM:FS], “3 Aerospace Wings (3025-54), 2 Aerospace Wings (3054-)”
p. 62
--2nd Chisholm Raiders, unit box, composition, should technically have “(3039-)” after vehicle and infantry entries [per description and FM:FS]
--1st Chisholm Raiders, unit box, composition, should technically have infantry (as RCT) through 4SW [HDSB, FM:FS], would be “3xMI/R (Pre-3029)”
p. 64
--1st Kathil Uhlans, unit box, special rules: delete “for 1 FP” at end of sentence, “…, the First Kathil Uhlans may select up to one-third of their ‘Mechs from House Liao availability.”
p. 65
--1st Kestrel Grenadiers, unit box, composition: should technically add “(3038-)” after aerospace, vehicle, and infantry forces [per FM:FS]
--Captain Vijay Srinivasan: change rank from “Captain” to “Hauptman” in stats back and description (joined during post-4SW rebuild in description)
p. 69
--1st Kittery TB, unit box: change “M/BM/R” to “M/BM/B”
--3rd NAIS Cadre, unit box: change “M/BM/R” to “H/BM/R” [per HDSB]
--Point Barrow ATB, unit box: change “Borrow” to “Barrow”