Author Topic: A Long Journey  (Read 52845 times)


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #120 on: 16 August 2024, 18:14:24 »
19 July 2785
Cephei (Unclaimed)

 Fighters had identified the nearby wreckage as being from at least two Invader Jumpships. Additional wreckage even further away was identified as coming from at least four different Dropships. They had been so savaged that the exact types were not known. Everyone was on edge and the CAP was increased to an entire squadron at all times. Their Star Lord Jumpship was using the same method they used at Epsilon Indi in searching for derelicts, the powerful navigation telescope being trained on any moving object.

22 July 2785

 They had finally located an object orbiting the gas giant in the fifth orbit. It had been a fleeting sighting; something caught the light from the sun just right, but they could not get a firm lock on the sighting before it vanished. But they had a great picture of a shadow, definitely manmade though. Tug One was dispatched to investigate.

27 July 2785

 "Tally Ho, we have one, two, three, four Merchant Jumpships and they are in a nice, neat row. We have radar lock on quite a few more objects, six are quite large. Very large. Warship sized ma'am. Four neatly aligned but two much further away."

 "Roger, we have plotted a La Grange point less than a days travel from that planet. Continue the sweep and we will jump in closer to your location and assist." Commodore Patricia Mitchell ordered as she continued monitoring the radios.

 "One, Blue flight, we have a visual on target. Warbook identifies it as a New Syrtis Carrier, Federated Suns design but this one is wearing Taurian markings. Someone made a huge error at some point."

 Each Elephant Tug carried two Samurai Aerospace fighters in addition to two shuttle craft. The identification made Commodore Mitchell's heart beat faster as Site 222 slowly revealed itself in all its glory.

 "Uh One, Blue flight. You guys need to get out of here right the hell now!!!!! We have active power signatures on not one but two Caspar Drones. Their radars have gone active, power readings increasing!!" The last sentence was said almost in a scream, everyone could hear the near panic in the voice. Even Commodore Patricia Mitchell was near hyperventilation at the news. "Nav get to work on a new jump solution out of here. The moment Tug One is docked, make the jump!!"

 Though she had not actually been engaged with a Caspar Drone she and her people had seen their handiwork up close and personal. The voices around her all carried a hint of panic to them. "Everyone calm down, we do not leave our people behind. We are not at risk; we have a full charge and can jump before either Caspar gets in weapons range of us." Her own voice carried the same hint of panic in it.


  • Major General
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #121 on: 16 August 2024, 18:42:44 »
The Commodore is handling it quite well! :)


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #122 on: 16 August 2024, 19:46:35 »
She is handling it well until those two Caspers jump in beside them. These are the times that try men's souls and will also cause jump drives to experience emergency hot charges if they get away from them the first time.
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #123 on: 16 August 2024, 21:03:13 »
27 July 2785
Cephei (Unclaimed)

 It analyzed the reaction of the SLDF Elephant Dropship fleeing the area and heading for the Nadir Jump Point at 3g after taking aboard its fighters. They should have broadcast the proper code when it got close, but it did not do so. They had only powered up fully and activated radar when the fighters got too close in case they needed to maneuver to avoid a collision. The powerful AI could not make sense of the situation, it was down to just 100 tons of fuel and was hoping for a resupply which was way overdue. Its partner ship had even less fuel onboard. It gave the command to power down into extreme power conservation mode.

30 July 2785

 Tug One, Elephant Tug, had made the 5.69 day trip to the Nadir Jump Point in just under three days of hard thrust. Everyone on board had heavy bruising and a few had broken a few bones, but they were safely docked and not a minute later the Star Lord Jumpship jumped from the system.

21 August 2785
Mackolla (Federated Suns)

 The moment they had returned Commodore Patricia Mitchell made contact with her brother Lieutenant General Samuel Mitchell. "Might want to round up dad and Colin for this, we have a massive problem that I do not think we can handle. I am on my way down."

24 August 2785

 The small group all met up at her fathers house. She took the offered beer and chugged it without a breath and tossed the empty away before opening another. She literally dropped into the chair as she stared at her second beer like it had some magical property in it. After a few minutes of silence Lieutenant General Samuel Mitchell spoke.

 "Patty, what the hell is the matter?"

 "Sammy, how many ships and troops were lost in the invasion of Terra, not the campaign just the run from the jump point to Terra itself? Do you know?" Commodore Patricia Mitchell asked softly

 "Something like 200 warships, 30 or so transports and 18 or 19 Divisions. About 100,000 dead." Samuel replied

 "Yeah, I came in a week after you all made landfall but I saw the cost. I regret to inform you that Site 222 is guarded by two, I repeat two operational Caspar Drones. There is a bunch there that I want, but not worth all of us dying trying to take it away from those drones. I doubt they would break a sweat wiping us out. I have never heard of any Caspar Drone being deployed outside of the Terran Hegemony." Patricia Mitchell said

 The thought of facing more Caspar Drones caused a shudder to go thru Lieutenant General Samuel Mitchell, his Division had been lucky and lost no one to the Drones, but he knew too many that had died and sometimes worse, survived the encounter with one of the Drones. "Okay, that is a massive problem. I assume you have no way around this problem?"

 "NO SAMMY I DO NOT HAVE A WAY AROUND THIS PROBLEM!!!!" Patricia Mitchell yelled as she smashed her beer bottle against the wall in frustration. She started to get up and clean up the mess she made when a hand on her shoulder stopped her.

 "Easy my girl, that can wait. You might not have faced them in battle but you experienced the results of others facing them in battle. The aftermath is sometimes worse than the actual fighting." Colonel (Ret) Gerald Mitchell said softly to his daughter

 "It was horrible. We helped collect thousands of remains from the wreckage and I do not know how many bodies from the void. Being exposed to vacuum is not an easy way to die." Commodore Patricia Mitchell replied with tears running down her face. This caused her father to wrap his arms around her and he held her tight as she cried in his arms.

 Lieutenant General Samuel Mitchell gestured to his cousin Colin Blaine and Colonel Harper to move away to the front porch. Once there he said.

 "Colin, give me something to work with. Please tell me we have something to work with."

 "Sammy, I just do not know. Site 222 only listed a location and some alpha numeric code that I have no clue what it means." Colin Blaine replied


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #124 on: 16 August 2024, 22:14:27 »
They have time to figure out how to disarm the drones...
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #125 on: 16 August 2024, 22:54:54 »
Good move getting away. They may just be better off selling the info to Prince John and letting him try his luck.
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  • Master Sergeant
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #126 on: 17 August 2024, 05:39:45 »
First off, good job on explaining 2ndArc, but could part of this, not have happend a chapter earlier?
If only by her grinding admitting her crews can't do this?
Secondly, have they even finished with 8nventoring what all Kerensky loaded them with?
Would be quite a problem when you order stuff, you already have.

So the code is for the Caspars?

As for those Hegemony Companies, can they strike a deal deal with that planetary major?
As in, offer those companies a place Mackolla?
It is certain, that all the Houses will go after the Hegemony Planetary Assets, for all their companies & know-how.
See if you can get some satteliet companies made in their own system.
Falling that, offering a to act as a back-up side of all their data.
And if they can get the machinery to make stuff with, can they arrange a licencing deal in some form, so they can make said stuff, if only for their own use or perhaps for selling, but either for licencing cost or as a hired satteliet construction company of the owner of said patent, company?
A combination of all three, could be good, low/no cost licence cost for their own use, big/full licence cost if they produce for the open market and no cost, but getting paid, if they build stuff for the patent owner.
Best they start talking with those companies, now, while there is still time to do things in.

They will need quite a lot, both on the ground & space oriented fabrication machinery.
They need to be able to make everything, in time, they have two years left?
If this site 222 has the ability to maintain Lola III M5 Caspars...
Can it construct them?
Because a Explorer grav deck, lets you man them, like a civillian jumpship.

Here is hoping that one of the derlict warships, is a Newgrange.
If so, would it then be a M11?
Now would this Site 222 have any shipyard facilities?
Looks like they have to do a inventory, again, while they never finished the first one.

Can I hope on two more Vigilant class warships?
That could thus, let them upgrade them to their own version, before giving them SDS automation in order to reduce the crew needs, a bit, letting them man all three.


  • Major General
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #127 on: 17 August 2024, 07:33:14 »
That's some serious PTSD there... Patty needs a therapist!


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #128 on: 17 August 2024, 11:20:18 »
Bet the alphanumeric code is the password for the Caspars.  No other obvious reason for it.


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #129 on: 17 August 2024, 17:24:57 »
Those poor Caspar Drones....
Herb: "Well, now I guess we'll HAVE to print it. Sounds almost like the apocalypse I've been working for...."

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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #130 on: 17 August 2024, 18:27:36 »
I wonder if someone will be willing to try "hailing frequencies"?
"We're caught in the moon's gravitational pull, what do we do?!"

CI KS #1357; Merc KS #9798

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  • Major General
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #131 on: 17 August 2024, 18:44:02 »
I'm sure the Caspars have worse PTSD than Patty...


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #132 on: 17 August 2024, 20:12:13 »
I'm sure the Caspars have worse PTSD than Patty...

and for just five c-bills a day, you can help them, call the number blinking on your screen right now...
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Major General
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #133 on: 17 August 2024, 20:19:38 »
LOL!  She was ALMOST able to keep a straight face... :D


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #134 on: 19 August 2024, 22:51:09 »
29 August 2785
Mackolla (Federated Suns)

 "Patricia is still huddling in the spare bedroom. That doctor of yours suggested a shrink and possibly a chaplain, says she has some serious Traumatic Stress. He gave her some tranqs to help her sleep." Gerald Mitchell said

 "She gets all the time she needs to get better and all the help we can find. Pop, this is Major Paulina Flores, she is Patricia's executive officer, but also the commander of the Star Lord the took to Site 222. Tell her what you told us." Lieutenant General Samuel Mitchell said

 "There was wreckage at the Nadir Jump Point, it took a few days to locate something to work with and that was when the fighters tripped over the two Caspar's. We have a good fix on a stable La Grange point near where they are located, unless they have moved. Which was sort of weird, neither Caspar pursued Tug One, usually they would have run her down and blasted it to pieces. Now, none of us original members with Patricia have not had to face Caspar in battle, but we have seen the very horrible aftermath. We have crew on the Vigilant that have faced Caspar's and I have reports a few cases of near panic when the word spread. Most of your Dropship crews faced them at Terra and I am sure there are some panic attacks among them too. Those Caspar Drones are just ungodly good at what they do.

 Patricia went EVA during the Terra recovery and helped with body retrieval, quite a few times actually. Can't ask the crew to do what I am unwilling to do myself, was what she always said when she suited up. It finally caught up with her, and she needs some serious downtime. She never let me go EVA, said I was the only one she trusted with the Squadron if something went wrong. The Navy lost quite a few people to psych cases when it was all said and done. We were lucky and only two quit on us totally on psych. But I bet there are more like Patricia that buried it deep and pray it never comes back out.

 Now on the ride from the space port you said you think you have an authentication code for those Caspar's. If so, then this will be a piece of cake, if not, then it is going to get very exciting very quickly and very unpleasant. I assume that is what is on your mind in bringing me down here. If so, the answer is yes, I will take my ship back, but my crew is all volunteer, no way am I going to ask them to risk their lives poking a Caspar Drone. We will jump directly to the La Grange point but we do not make a move until I have hot loaded our drive from the reactors. Standard SLDF 48 hour hot load, my ship has enough room on it's jump count to handle a few more safely. Only then do we attempt to make contact with the Caspar Drones, we just have to pray that they do not come out to meet us before the hot load is done. But I at least want a chance of escaping certain death, nothing we can do if they are waiting on us. No Dropships, we use a shuttle for the contact.

 I pulled up everything we had on the Caspar protocols, which was not much, but there was always a chance we would trip over one, maybe not under the Rimjobs control after we were on our back here. Epsilon Indi was the last brief we had about possible stray Caspar, but also Terra itself. There was a so called master authentication code that was supposed to stand down the Caspar Drones if we tripped over one, if it was not under Rimjob control or had not lost it's mind making jumps. Both codes were identical, never noticed that before until I looked up the briefings again. I assumed they would be different codes for different systems so was kinda shocked when I compared the two on the way back. I brought one with me so mind if I see that code you have?" Major Paulina Flores said

 It took Colin Blaine a minute to find it and then passed it over and Paulina compared the numbers.


 "Same code, so I am going to say we are a go. This makes me more confident but not enough to risk any more lives than I have to. Same terms above but I think we might actually survive this." Major Paulina Flores said

 "Your pretty sure sounding Major, not sure I would be so sure about anything when I am about to possibly provoke a Caspar Drone, much less two of them." Colin Blaine replied

 "Told you, it was weird, neither pursued the Dropship. But then again, the Rimjobs never took over that location. Outside of the Periphery Uprising which did not have the Rimjobs actually participating in, they took over the Hegemony Caspar's, bet they didn't even know these were out here. Even if they did, as far as I know, they took those over purely by taking over the system Drone Control stations. Not by any authentication codes. We are still using SLDF transponder codes, maybe that bought us time. We didn't hang around to find out either. Now, as to what is out there, I can give you a real good idea on that too from analyzing the sensor recordings. It is a pretty exotic collection, what is usable, no clue, but it can all be salvaged. As for what we have identified well here we go.

 1 New Syrtis Carrier
 1 Athena Cruiser
 2 Conestoga Transports
 4 Aquilla Transports
 5 Liberty Jumpships
 19 Merchant Jumpships
 6 Invader Jumpships
 2 Leviathan Jumpships
 3 Snowden Mining Stations

 That is just what our sensor sweeps picked up during the quick sweep, no visual eyes on, not close enough too most but the sensors and computers are pretty good about comparing the data and giving pretty accurate identification on those readings. All those I listed scored a 90% or above accuracy percentage. If Chief Kellog is right, and the SLDF cracked all those cores, then we are going to be working this site for years. Only the Merchant and Invader are currently in production, so my advice is to purchase a Merchant core and Invader core, like as quickly as you can, then we can remote jump it out to the site and get the ships back here, pull the core and repeat the process all of those are back here. Patricia briefed me in on her ideas before we went to Site 222 for our scouting mission, we grind the cracked cores up for transport for a recasting. If your really feeling lucky, you could try and get a core for the Liberty's from Blue Nose Clipperships, they are still in operation and might be able to cast you one, heck all they can say is no." Major Paulina Flores said

 "That is a bunch of money, we don't have finite amounts of money." Lieutenant General Mitchell replied

 "The it will just take much longer to accomplish the mission. It could be decades to complete the recovery operation. Go there, grind up a core, once we get a core grinder, haul it to a shipyard, have them cast a new jump core, then remote jump it back to Site 222, install it, jump the ship back to here. Your talking maybe two to three years to recover the very first ship, and then about 6-8 months for each ship of that type, so for the Merchant alone, your looking at about 14 or 15 years. That is to get them back here, not returned to service for sell, we cannot be in multiple places at the same time, so then they have to wait until we are done before that kind of work can start. My professional opinion is spend the money, get that first core out here quick as we can, we shave a couple of years off that timetable. 

 Sell another Monolith if you have to. They are nice ships, but we can always buy another one once we really get rolling with the recovery. If we have more trained shipyard workers, they could start repairing the Merchants as we get them back here while we do the recovery work out there. That New Syrtis Carrier is a Federated Suns ship anyway, how about asking the First Prince for a finders fee, that would be cheaper than building a replacement. Standard salvage fee is usually 10% of the value, this will require some serious work, so I would boost that to 25% of the value. Rough math, that is about 2.4 Billion right there. As proof, we even have some nice gun camera footage of the ship at anchor, so to speak, even with the hull number and name, FSS Chesterton. But I would be real careful in what I agree to or risk losing that entire site." Major Paulina Flores said


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #135 on: 19 August 2024, 23:53:32 »
Don't sell the bear skin, before shooting it.
Get that site checked out, first.
Planning things out, is fine, don't overdo it.

Three Snowdens, nice.
The mining ability is good, but it's metal processing ability is very nice.

I do wonder what else is stored at this site.
Two Caspars, mean it was a very secure site, you don't park that near a mothball site.
Is there a M9?
What for facility might there be there?
And could those ships actually still be intact?
Check that cartier it's flight deck, who knows what is stored there.
Maybe former TC factories, like a certain TC mech.
I know one thing, something funny is going on there.
Are we dealing with a SDS factory site?

If the cores are scrap, are those warcores still intact enough, to use for those Merchants?
Just grind them down to size, thus removing the bad spots.

Now, I hope they are saving all IFF ID data of the ships they are selling, that way, they can put a newly bought replacement of the same type, back into SLDF colors.


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #136 on: 20 August 2024, 08:51:56 »
Definitely want to start recruiting local talent to begin training them in EVA work so that they can learn salvage and repair on the fly. Nice progression of the story
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #137 on: 20 August 2024, 15:01:54 »
Why are they all there is bigger question.   Why is both the FSS Chesterton and the MCS Kossandra Centrella was alleged to have been destroyed during the Periphery Uprising, but......Chesterton's fate was never explained other than captured.  It wasn't listed as one active ships prior to the Uprising.   Was SLDF hiding assets?
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #138 on: 20 August 2024, 17:19:09 »
There are a lot of ships in this cache....more than enough to support a reign of Terror if they fell into unsavory hands. Still the idea of putting caspers out here is kinda over the top in my view.  But I love you stories so please forge on kind sir.


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #139 on: 20 August 2024, 18:49:49 »
The Taurians didn't even repaint the Chesterton?


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #140 on: 20 August 2024, 20:00:45 »
The Taurians didn't even repaint the Chesterton?

Home Depot refused to mix the right colors.
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Taron Storm

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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #141 on: 20 August 2024, 20:02:54 »
or they were too busy sniffing the fumes  :evil:


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #142 on: 21 August 2024, 03:16:40 »
What's so wrong with having the two warships there?  The Taurians captured a number of Davion Warships including a handful of New Styris Carriers.  So it goes to show they would be in an old cache such as this. The AFFS wouldn't want them back because of the shame attached to their capture. Hence they got dumped here and forgotten.


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #143 on: 21 August 2024, 04:59:58 »
I hope that if they do need to order new stuff, they concentrate on fabrication & licences.
They have the specs of a Newgrange it's machinery?
See if they can get it all.

They really should have let the Space Cousin, make her own want list of gear and he should have told Kerensky, she might want her own list of stuff.
, in order to get her on board.

If they can get licence right and so on...
Perhaps they should reach out to other former SLDF commands, that went Mercenary.
Creating a homebase for them all, with the fabrication gear needed to resupply them all in the future, with new gear.

Heh, I think one thing that might potentially be stored at site 222, a datacore with Taurian Know-How.
Add to this, potential SDS fabrication systems and maybe even stealth systems..,
This site is outside the Hegemony, a outdated mothball fleet does not need two Caspars to guard it.
Two or three Bastions with SDS drone fighters, woukd have been enough,
So more is going on, here.
It also ain't a main hidden SLDF fleetyard-base, either.
My bet, somekinda research base.
Maybe power armor research, maybe mechs & tanks, maybe ASF's, maybe even full on warships.
Perhaps this is the site the SLS Mannassas was modified, for one.
If so, then certain gear might be there.
But it could also be a M-11 Da Vinci SDS Drone, which would make a escort of two Caspars, quite logical.
And it's more drone like nature, might actually mean it might have a full Prometheus, by only a very select group having access to them, who are all, vetted to hell & back.

Say, how far away are they, from Shady Palms?

Krester's Ship Construction might potentially, be a good company to seek out in setting up a satteliet company in their neck of the sphere.
Same for the producer of the Potemkin.
« Last Edit: 21 August 2024, 05:08:35 by vianca »


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #144 on: 21 August 2024, 09:21:00 »
There are a lot of ships in this cache....more than enough to support a reign of Terror if they fell into unsavory hands. Still the idea of putting caspers out here is kinda over the top in my view.  But I love you stories so please forge on kind sir.
It's certainly going be interesting once things become clear.

Both Warships were commissioned during major time period of the Star League, the carrier captured during the Reunification War in 2500s and the Athena was lost in 2750-2760s allegedly, both ships had a unreported fate / disappearance to begin with.    Other JumpShips are old as hell, which makes even MORE interesting.   

However this is 2ndAcr's version of canon, so we'll soon discover what really happened maybe and why it's two fully armed and operational Caspars defended the system.   

Like the system was Bermuda triangle , but I suspect Star League spy military intelligence hand in this one, which escaped Repubicans' notice.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #145 on: 21 August 2024, 10:20:30 »
It's certainly going be interesting once things become clear.

Both Warships were commissioned during major time period of the Star League, the carrier captured during the Reunification War in 2500s and the Athena was lost in 2750-2760s allegedly, both ships had a unreported fate / disappearance to begin with.    Other JumpShips are old as hell, which makes even MORE interesting.   

However this is 2ndAcr's version of canon, so we'll soon discover what really happened maybe and why it's two fully armed and operational Caspars defended the system.   

Like the system was Bermuda triangle , but I suspect Star League spy military intelligence hand in this one, which escaped Repubicans' notice.

Trillions of people, and billions of them in the Star League's various civil services.  JUST the Star League's, never mind the Houses, territorial states...

BILLIONS of civil servants.  an entity the size and scope of the Star League would, by natural inclination, have so many secrets from itself that no single mind or database could encompass them all.

nevermind organizing, monitoring, or maintaining it all.  I could see Simon, or even Jocasta, assuming the right eras, or even Johnny Cameron could have decided on Tuesday that they needed to station Caspars at Mothball sites, and wednesday forgetting about it and leaving the project half completed or almost totally incomplete.

I could also see someone lower, interpreting a memo, then being corrected halfway through, without it ever reaching the First Lord's (or Regent's) desk, with no follow through to move or redeploy the materials that got there early  or even on time.

It's the sheer scale of things involved here.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #146 on: 21 August 2024, 10:29:13 »
Yep, a bureaucracy of that size will have a lot of small and not-so-small things hidden/forgotten even from the highest clearance. It is the nature of such a beast.


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #147 on: 21 August 2024, 13:36:11 »
I wonder if there is any programmer/AI specialist still left with them. 'Course if someone mentioned CASPARs I might be ducking my head too ... "look, dude. You're the best we have left at possibly dealing with this even if you're only and E4/E5".
"We're caught in the moon's gravitational pull, what do we do?!"

CI KS #1357; Merc KS #9798

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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #148 on: 21 August 2024, 20:44:17 »
31 August 2785
Mackolla (Federated Suns)

 After Major Paulina Flores and Lieutenant General Samuel Mitchell had taken a shuttle back to her Jumpship for the trip back to Site 222, Gerald Mitchell and Colin Blaine started work on figuring out how to speed up the future recovery efforts of Site 222 plus repairing ships as they were brought back to Mackolla itself for future sell or use. The money he had already spent for recruiting experienced workers had generated quite a large response from the resumes sent back to him. So many that neither he nor Colin could ever hope to keep up, so he had hired a small staff of eight people to help handle the near non stop flow of resumes. They had been given very specific skill sets to look for and he got a report daily on how many offer letters had been sent out and how many were being accepted.

 Today they were updating the skill sets to include experienced shipyard workers to man the Olympus Recharge Station. While Colin handled the staff and reviewed some resumes, Gerald Mitchell was in his small office at home staring at a small cork board that held a diagram he had drawn up listing the growing business'. It irritated him some that Governor Nelson had his hands in so many pies locally that he was bound to get kickbacks on everything they did. He leaned forward and made some notes before leaning back again, not enough money to avoid it right now, he thought.

16 September 2785
Cephei (Unclaimed)

 SLS Bucking Horse, Star Lord Jumpship, materialized at the La Grange point and immediately began hot loading the ships core. With a minimum crew of volunteers it was hard work for the engineers as they had to constantly monitor the core and all systems during the charging process. No one really spoke as everyone went about their tasks, even the bridge crew were silent but all eyes kept a constant watch over the ships sensors, most silently praying that their sensors would not detect a thing.

 It had detected the incoming emergence wave at the nearby La Grange point, it noted the same SLDF IFF system as before only this time, instead of remaining passive, it powered up it's transit drive and decided to go have a look see. It lit off all it's active sensors to assist in navigating the dust ring.

 The activation of the Caspar's radar was easily detected by the sensors onboard SLS Bucking Horse and everyone onboard soon knew that the Caspar was awake and sensors showed bearing changes so it was maneuvering. Major Paulina Flores and Lieutenant General Samuel Mitchell exchanged looks as she said "Well, not what we wanted, the pucker factor is now real."

17 September 2785

 No one dared catch any sleep as they watched the sensor plot until the lone Caspar Drone was firmly on their own radar screens. It approached at a leisurely pace, just over 1G of thrust until it began a deceleration burn that brought it to a halt just inside it's own weapons range. SLS Bucking Horse's communication system confirmed a laser communication lock established from the Caspar Drone and a message appeared.

 Caspar 101A to ship broadcasting SLDF IFF SLS Bucking Horse. Authentication Code required.......Caspar 101A to ship broadcasting SLDF IFF SLS Bucking Horse. Authentication Code required........Caspar 101A to ship broadcasting SLDF IFF SLS Bucking Horse. Authentication Code required

 Major Paulina Flores stepped to the communication board and typed in SL19375FYGP4857-BDMK and then hit send. Everyone held their breath.

 Authentication Code accepted........status of replenishment?

 Major Paulina Flores smiled as she typed, state current status.

 Mission capable.....extreme low fuel....ammunition replenishment needed......minor armor damage......power feed fault to forward firing station. Shuttle Bay ready to receive repair crews.

 She looked at Lieutenant General Samuel Mitchell, "Would you like to board death itself?"

 "Honestly, no. I am not that comfortable in zero g as it is, I prefer good old gravity and firm ground under my feet. Better with 100 tons of tank with me."

 "Well, that is 680,000 tons of total bad ass sitting right there. I never got my warship command, always wanted one. Just sexy as hell." Major Paulina Mitchell replied

 "You go have fun, when your done, can you make sure we can leave safely and return to start our work out here?" Lieutenant General Mitchell said


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Posts: 11268
Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #149 on: 21 August 2024, 21:38:17 »
Paulina's gonna git her a new Dawg...
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."